Tiene las siguientes opciones :
- Animacion marquesina en los labels de izquierda a derecha y viceversa
- Animacion marquesina en los labels de arriba hacia abajo y viceversa
- Volver transparentes los formularios
- Volver transparente la consola del programa
- Varios efectos en la ventana de los formularios
El codigo :
// Unit : DH Form Effects // Version : 0.3 // (C) Doddy Hackman 2016 unit DH_Form_Effects; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Registry; type T_DH_Form_Effects = class private public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp(Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; segundos: integer); procedure Effect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight(Label2: TLabel; opcion: string; segundos: integer); procedure Effect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight(Form1: TForm; opcion: string; segundos: integer); function Window_Effect(Form: HWND; opcion: string; velocidad: integer): bool; function Window_Transparent(Form: TForm; level: integer): bool; procedure Effect_Load_Another_Form(Form1_Load: TForm; Form2_Load: TForm; option: string; autosize: integer; space: integer; seconds: integer); function desktop_composition_control(option: string): bool; function Effect_Glass_in_Console(): bool; end; type TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_DownUp = Class(TTimer) public procedure OnWork(Sender: TObject); end; TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight = Class(TTimer) public procedure OnWork(Sender: TObject); end; TTimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight = Class(TTimer) public procedure OnWork(Sender: TObject); end; var Timer_Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp: TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_DownUp; PanelToMove1: TPanel; LabelToMove1: TLabel; var TimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight: TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight; LabelToMove2: TLabel; Option_Marquee_Label_LeftRight: string; var TimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight : TTimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight; FormCaptionToMove: TForm; Option_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight: string; implementation constructor T_DH_Form_Effects.Create; begin inherited Create; // end; destructor T_DH_Form_Effects.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; // Timers procedure TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_DownUp.OnWork(Sender: TObject); begin LabelToMove1.Top := LabelToMove1.Top - 10; if LabelToMove1.Top + LabelToMove1.Height < 0 then begin LabelToMove1.Top := PanelToMove1.Height; end; end; procedure TTimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight.OnWork(Sender: TObject); var code: string; opcion: string; begin code := FormCaptionToMove.Caption; opcion := Option_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight; if opcion = 'left' then begin FormCaptionToMove.Caption := Copy(code, 2, Length(code) - 1) + Copy(code, 1, 1); end else if (opcion = 'right') then begin FormCaptionToMove.Caption := Copy(code, Length(code) - 1, 1) + Copy(code, 1, Length(code) - 1); end else begin FormCaptionToMove.Caption := Copy(code, 2, Length(code) - 1) + Copy(code, 1, 1); end; end; procedure TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight.OnWork(Sender: TObject); // Based on : http://delphi.about.com/od/vclusing/a/marquee.htm // Thanks to Zarko Gajic var code: string; opcion: string; begin code := LabelToMove2.Caption; opcion := Option_Marquee_Label_LeftRight; if opcion = 'left' then begin LabelToMove2.Caption := Copy(code, 2, Length(code) - 1) + Copy(code, 1, 1); end else if (opcion = 'right') then begin LabelToMove2.Caption := Copy(code, Length(code) - 1, 1) + Copy(code, 1, Length(code) - 1); end else begin LabelToMove2.Caption := Copy(code, 2, Length(code) - 1) + Copy(code, 1, 1); end; end; // // Functions procedure T_DH_Form_Effects.Effect_Load_Another_Form(Form1_Load: TForm; Form2_Load: TForm; option: string; autosize: integer; space: integer; seconds: integer); var width: integer; Height: integer; i: integer; begin if (autosize = 1) then begin width := Form2_Load.width; Height := Form1_Load.Height; end else begin width := Form2_Load.width; Height := Form2_Load.Height; end; if (option = 'effect1') then begin Form2_Load.width := 1; Form2_Load.Height := Form1_Load.Height; Form2_Load.Left := space + Form1_Load.Left + Form1_Load.width; Form2_Load.Top := Form1_Load.Top; Form2_Load.Show; for i := 1 to width do begin if (Form2_Load.width = width) then begin break; end else begin Form2_Load.width := i + seconds; Form2_Load.Update; end; end; end else if (option = 'effect2') then begin Form2_Load.Hide; Form2_Load.Height := Height; Form2_Load.Left := Form1_Load.Left + width; Form2_Load.Top := Form1_Load.Top; Form2_Load.Left := space + Form1_Load.Left + Form1_Load.width; Window_Effect(Form2_Load.Handle, 'effect1', seconds); Form2_Load.Show; end else begin Form2_Load.width := 1; Form2_Load.Height := Form1_Load.Height; Form2_Load.Left := space + Form1_Load.Left + Form1_Load.width; Form2_Load.Top := Form1_Load.Top; Form2_Load.Show; for i := 1 to width do begin if (Form2_Load.width = width) then begin break; end else begin Form2_Load.width := i + seconds; Form2_Load.Update; end; end; end; end; procedure T_DH_Form_Effects.Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp(Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; segundos: integer); begin // To hide panel : BevelOuter = bvNone PanelToMove1 := Panel1; LabelToMove1 := Label1; Timer_Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp := TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_DownUp.Create(nil); Timer_Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp.Interval := segundos * 1000; Timer_Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp.OnTimer := Timer_Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp.OnWork; Timer_Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp.Enabled := True; end; procedure T_DH_Form_Effects.Effect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight(Form1: TForm; opcion: string; segundos: integer); begin if (opcion = 'left') then begin FormCaptionToMove := Form1; FormCaptionToMove.Caption := FormCaptionToMove.Caption + ' '; end else if (opcion = 'right') then begin FormCaptionToMove := Form1; FormCaptionToMove.Caption := FormCaptionToMove.Caption + ' '; end else begin FormCaptionToMove := Form1; FormCaptionToMove.Caption := FormCaptionToMove.Caption + ' '; end; Option_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight := opcion; TimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight := TTimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight.Create(nil); TimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight.Interval := segundos * 1000; TimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight.OnTimer := TimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight.OnWork; TimerEffect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight.Enabled := True; end; procedure T_DH_Form_Effects.Effect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight(Label2: TLabel; opcion: string; segundos: integer); begin if (opcion = 'left') then begin LabelToMove2 := Label2; LabelToMove2.Caption := LabelToMove2.Caption + ' '; end else if (opcion = 'right') then begin LabelToMove2 := Label2; LabelToMove2.Caption := LabelToMove2.Caption + ' '; end else begin LabelToMove2 := Label2; LabelToMove2.Caption := LabelToMove2.Caption + ' '; end; Option_Marquee_Label_LeftRight := opcion; TimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight := TTimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight.Create(nil); TimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight.Interval := segundos * 1000; TimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight.OnTimer := TimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight.OnWork; TimerEffect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight.Enabled := True; end; function T_DH_Form_Effects.Window_Effect(Form: HWND; opcion: string; velocidad: integer): bool; begin try begin if (opcion = 'slide') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_SLIDE); end else if (opcion = 'blend') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_BLEND); end else if (opcion = 'hide') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_HIDE); end else if (opcion = 'center') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_CENTER); end else if (opcion = 'effect1') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_HOR_POSITIVE); end else if (opcion = 'effect2') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_HOR_NEGATIVE); end else if (opcion = 'effect3') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_VER_POSITIVE); end else if (opcion = 'effect4') then begin AnimateWindow(Form, velocidad, AW_VER_NEGATIVE); end else begin Result := False; end; Result := True; end; except begin Result := False; end; end; end; function T_DH_Form_Effects.Window_Transparent(Form: TForm; level: integer): bool; begin // Effect in Desktop Dark // Level : 240 // Level : 235 // Level : 230 // Effect in Desktop White // Level : 220 try begin Form.AlphaBlend := True; Form.AlphaBlendValue := level; Form.Visible := True; Result := True; end; except begin Result := False; end; end; end; function T_DH_Form_Effects.desktop_composition_control(option: string): bool; var Registry: TRegistry; begin if not(option = '') then begin try begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Registry.OpenKey('Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM', True); if (option = 'on') then begin Registry.WriteString('CompositionPolicy', '0'); end; if (option = 'off') then begin Registry.WriteString('CompositionPolicy', '1'); end; Registry.Free; Result := True; end; except begin Result := False; end; end; end else begin Result := False; end; end; // Function for Effect Glass in Console // Credits : Based on http://www.delphibasics.info/home/delphibasicssnippets/glasseffectinadelphiconsoleapplication // Thanks to Rodrigo Ruz // Note : You need enable desktop composition to use this function , else use the function // desktop_composition_control() to enable type DWM_BLURBEHIND = record controls: DWORD; check: bool; color_now: HRGN; max_now: bool; end; procedure DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(HWND: HWND; const pBlurBehind: DWM_BLURBEHIND); safecall; external 'dwmapi.dll' name 'DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow'; function GetConsoleWindow: HWND; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'GetConsoleWindow'; function check_console: Boolean; var Handle: THandle; begin Handle := GetStdHandle(Std_Output_Handle); Win32Check(Handle <> Invalid_Handle_Value); if (Handle <> 0) then begin Result := True; end else begin Result := False; end; end; procedure Effect_Glass(Handle: HWND; active: Boolean; rgn: HRGN = 0; max: Boolean = False; control: Cardinal = 1); var effect: DWM_BLURBEHIND; begin effect.controls := control; effect.check := active; effect.color_now := rgn; effect.max_now := max; DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(Handle, effect); end; function T_DH_Form_Effects.Effect_Glass_in_Console(): bool; begin if (check_console) then begin try begin Effect_Glass(GetConsoleWindow(), True); Result := True; end; except begin // end; end; end else begin Result := False; end; end; // end. // The End ?
Ejemplos de uso :
procedure TForm1.Form_EffectsClick(Sender: TObject); var effects_manager: T_DH_Form_Effects; begin effects_manager := T_DH_Form_Effects.Create(); effects_manager.window_transparent(Form1, 240); effects_manager.window_effect(Form1.Handle,'center',100); effects_manager.Effect_Marquee_Label_DownUp(Panel1, Label1, 1); effects_manager.Effect_Marquee_Label_LeftRight(Label2, 'left', 1); Effect_Marquee_Form_Caption_LeftRight(Form1, 'right', 1); Effect_Load_Another_Form(Form1, About, 'effect2', 1, 5, 300); Effect_Load_Another_Form(Form1, About, 'effect1', 1,10,200); effects_manager.Free; end;
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