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' *********************************************************************** ' Author : Elektro ' Created : 01-12-2014 ' Modified : 01-12-2014 ' *********************************************************************** ' <copyright file="FormBorderManager.vb" company="Elektro Studios"> ' Copyright (c) Elektro Studios. All rights reserved. ' </copyright> ' *********************************************************************** #Region " Usage Examples " 'Public Class Form1 ' ' Disable resizing on all border edges. ' Private FormBorders As New FormBorderManager(Me) With ' { ' .Edges = New FormBorderManager.FormEdges With ' { ' .Top = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .Left = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .Right = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .Bottom = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .TopLeft = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .TopRight = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .BottomLeft = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar, ' .BottomRight = FormBorderManager.WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar ' } ' } ' Private Shadows Sub Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' ' Disables the moving on all border edges. ' FormBorders.SetAllEdgesToNonMoveable() ' End Sub 'End Class #End Region #Region " Imports " Imports System.ComponentModel #End Region #Region " FormBorderManager " ''' <summary> ''' Class FormBorderManager. ''' Manages each Form border to indicate their Hit-Region. ''' </summary> <Description("Manages each Form border to indicate their Hit-Region")> Public Class FormBorderManager : Inherits NativeWindow : Implements IDisposable #Region " Members " #Region " Miscellaneous " ''' <summary> ''' The form to manage their borders. ''' </summary> Private WithEvents form As Form = Nothing #End Region #Region " Properties " ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the edges. ''' </summary> ''' <value>The Form edges.</value> Public Property Edges As New FormEdges ''' <summary> ''' The Edges of the Form. ''' </summary> Partial Public NotInheritable Class FormEdges ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Top form border. ''' </summary> Public Property Top As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.TopSizeableBorder ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Left form border. ''' </summary> Public Property Left As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.LeftSizeableBorder ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Right form border. ''' </summary> Public Property Right As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.RightSizeableBorder ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Bottom form border. ''' </summary> Public Property Bottom As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomSizeableBorder ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Top-Left form border. ''' </summary> Public Property TopLeft As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.TopLeftSizeableCorner ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Top-Right form border. ''' </summary> Public Property TopRight As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.TopRightSizeableCorner ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Bottom-Left form border. ''' </summary> Public Property BottomLeft As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomLeftSizeableCorner ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets the Hit-Region of the Bottom-Right form border. ''' </summary> Public Property BottomRight As WindowHitTestRegions = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomRightSizeableCorner End Class #End Region #Region " Enumerations " ''' <summary> ''' Known Windows Message Identifiers. ''' </summary> <Description("Messages to process in WndProc")> Private Enum KnownMessages As Integer ''' <summary> ''' Sent to a window in order to determine what part of the window corresponds to a particular screen coordinate. ''' This can happen, for example, when the cursor moves, when a mouse button is pressed or released, ''' or in response to a call to a function such as WindowFromPoint. ''' If the mouse is not captured, the message is sent to the window beneath the cursor. ''' Otherwise, the message is sent to the window that has captured the mouse. ''' <paramref name="WParam" /> ''' This parameter is not used. ''' <paramref name="LParam" /> ''' The low-order word specifies the x-coordinate of the cursor. ''' The coordinate is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. ''' The high-order word specifies the y-coordinate of the cursor. ''' The coordinate is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. ''' </summary> WM_NCHITTEST = &H84 End Enum ''' <summary> ''' Indicates the position of the cursor hot spot. ''' Options available when a form is tested for mose positions with 'WM_NCHITTEST' message. ''' </summary> <Description("Return value of the 'WM_NCHITTEST' message")> Public Enum WindowHitTestRegions ''' <summary> ''' HTERROR: On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows. ''' (same as HTNOWHERE, except that the DefWindowProc function produces a system beep to indicate an error). ''' </summary> [Error] = -2 ''' <summary> ''' HTTRANSPARENT: In a window currently covered by another window in the same thread. ''' (the message will be sent to underlying windows in the same thread ''' until one of them returns a code that is not HTTRANSPARENT). ''' </summary> TransparentOrCovered = -1 ''' <summary> ''' HTNOWHERE: On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows. ''' </summary> NoWhere = 0 ''' <summary> ''' HTCLIENT: In a client area. ''' </summary> ClientArea = 1 ''' <summary> ''' HTCAPTION: In a title bar. ''' </summary> TitleBar = 2 ''' <summary> ''' HTSYSMENU: In a window menu or in a Close button in a child window. ''' </summary> SystemMenu = 3 ''' <summary> ''' HTGROWBOX: In a size box (same as HTSIZE). ''' </summary> GrowBox = 4 ''' <summary> ''' HTMENU: In a menu. ''' </summary> Menu = 5 ''' <summary> ''' HTHSCROLL: In a horizontal scroll bar. ''' </summary> HorizontalScrollBar = 6 ''' <summary> ''' HTVSCROLL: In the vertical scroll bar. ''' </summary> VerticalScrollBar = 7 ''' <summary> ''' HTMINBUTTON: In a Minimize button. ''' </summary> MinimizeButton = 8 ''' <summary> ''' HTMAXBUTTON: In a Maximize button. ''' </summary> MaximizeButton = 9 ''' <summary> ''' HTLEFT: In the left border of a resizable window. ''' (the user can click the mouse to resize the window horizontally). ''' </summary> LeftSizeableBorder = 10 ''' <summary> ''' HTRIGHT: In the right border of a resizable window. ''' (the user can click the mouse to resize the window horizontally). ''' </summary> RightSizeableBorder = 11 ''' <summary> ''' HTTOP: In the upper-horizontal border of a window. ''' </summary> TopSizeableBorder = 12 ''' <summary> ''' HTTOPLEFT: In the upper-left corner of a window border. ''' </summary> TopLeftSizeableCorner = 13 ''' <summary> ''' HTTOPRIGHT: In the upper-right corner of a window border. ''' </summary> TopRightSizeableCorner = 14 ''' <summary> ''' HTBOTTOM: In the lower-horizontal border of a resizable window. ''' (the user can click the mouse to resize the window vertically). ''' </summary> BottomSizeableBorder = 15 ''' <summary> ''' HTBOTTOMLEFT: In the lower-left corner of a border of a resizable window. ''' (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). ''' </summary> BottomLeftSizeableCorner = 16 ''' <summary> ''' HTBOTTOMRIGHT: In the lower-right corner of a border of a resizable window. ''' (the user can click the mouse to resize the window diagonally). ''' </summary> BottomRightSizeableCorner = 17 ''' <summary> ''' HTBORDER: In the border of a window that does not have a sizing border. ''' </summary> NonSizableBorder = 18 ' ''' <summary> ' ''' HTOBJECT: Not implemented. ' ''' </summary> ' [Object] = 19 ''' <summary> ''' HTCLOSE: In a Close button. ''' </summary> CloseButton = 20 ''' <summary> ''' HTHELP: In a Help button. ''' </summary> HelpButton = 21 ''' <summary> ''' HTSIZE: In a size box (same as HTGROWBOX). ''' (Same as GrowBox). ''' </summary> SizeBox = GrowBox ''' <summary> ''' HTREDUCE: In a Minimize button. ''' (Same as MinimizeButton). ''' </summary> ReduceButton = MinimizeButton ''' <summary> ''' HTZOOM: In a Maximize button. ''' (Same as MaximizeButton). ''' </summary> ZoomButton = MaximizeButton End Enum #End Region #End Region #Region " Constructor " ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FormBorderManager"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="form">The form to assign.</param> Public Sub New(ByVal form As Form) ' Assign the Formulary. Me.form = form ' Assign the form handle. Me.SetFormHandle() End Sub #End Region #Region " Event Handlers " ''' <summary> ''' Assign the handle of the target form to this NativeWindow, ''' necessary to override WndProc. ''' </summary> Private Sub SetFormHandle() _ Handles Form.HandleCreated, Form.Load, Form.Shown Try If Not MyBase.Handle.Equals(Me.form.Handle) Then MyBase.AssignHandle(Me.form.Handle) End If Catch ' ex As InvalidOperationException End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Releases the Handle. ''' </summary> Private Sub OnHandleDestroyed() _ Handles Form.HandleDestroyed MyBase.ReleaseHandle() End Sub #End Region #Region " WndProc " ''' <summary> ''' Invokes the default window procedure associated with this window to process messages for this Window. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="m"> ''' A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Message" /> that is associated with the current Windows message. ''' </param> Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message) MyBase.WndProc(m) Select Case m.Msg Case KnownMessages.WM_NCHITTEST Select Case CType(m.Result, WindowHitTestRegions) Case WindowHitTestRegions.TopSizeableBorder ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Top border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.Top) Case WindowHitTestRegions.LeftSizeableBorder ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Left border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.Left) Case WindowHitTestRegions.RightSizeableBorder ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Right border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.Right) Case WindowHitTestRegions.BottomSizeableBorder ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Bottom border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.Bottom) Case WindowHitTestRegions.TopLeftSizeableCorner ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Top-Left border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.TopLeft) Case WindowHitTestRegions.TopRightSizeableCorner ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Top-Right border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.TopRight) Case WindowHitTestRegions.BottomLeftSizeableCorner ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Bottom-Left border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.BottomLeft) Case WindowHitTestRegions.BottomRightSizeableCorner ' The mouse hotspot is pointing to Bottom-Right border. m.Result = New IntPtr(Edges.BottomRight) End Select End Select End Sub #End Region #Region " Public Methods " ''' <summary> ''' Disables the resizing on all border edges. ''' </summary> Public Sub SetAllEdgesToNonResizable() DisposedCheck() Me.Edges.Top = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.Left = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.Right = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.Bottom = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.TopLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.TopRight = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.BottomLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar Me.Edges.BottomRight = WindowHitTestRegions.TitleBar End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Enables the resizing on all border edges. ''' </summary> Public Sub SetAllEdgesToResizable() DisposedCheck() Me.Edges.Top = WindowHitTestRegions.TopSizeableBorder Me.Edges.Left = WindowHitTestRegions.LeftSizeableBorder Me.Edges.Right = WindowHitTestRegions.RightSizeableBorder Me.Edges.Bottom = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomSizeableBorder Me.Edges.TopLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.TopLeftSizeableCorner Me.Edges.TopRight = WindowHitTestRegions.TopRightSizeableCorner Me.Edges.BottomLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomLeftSizeableCorner Me.Edges.BottomRight = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomRightSizeableCorner End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Enabled the moving on all border edges. ''' </summary> Public Sub SetAllEdgesToMoveable() DisposedCheck() Me.Edges.Top = WindowHitTestRegions.TopSizeableBorder Me.Edges.Left = WindowHitTestRegions.LeftSizeableBorder Me.Edges.Right = WindowHitTestRegions.RightSizeableBorder Me.Edges.Bottom = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomSizeableBorder Me.Edges.TopLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.TopLeftSizeableCorner Me.Edges.TopRight = WindowHitTestRegions.TopRightSizeableCorner Me.Edges.BottomLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomLeftSizeableCorner Me.Edges.BottomRight = WindowHitTestRegions.BottomRightSizeableCorner End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Disables the moving on all border edges. ''' </summary> Public Sub SetAllEdgesToNonMoveable() DisposedCheck() Me.Edges.Top = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.Left = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.Right = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.Bottom = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.TopLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.TopRight = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.BottomLeft = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere Me.Edges.BottomRight = WindowHitTestRegions.NoWhere End Sub #End Region #Region " Hidden methods " ' These methods and properties are purposely hidden from Intellisense just to look better without unneeded methods. ' NOTE: The methods can be re-enabled at any-time if needed. ''' <summary> ''' Assigns the handle. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub AssignHandle() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Creates the handle. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub CreateHandle() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Creates the object reference. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub CreateObjRef() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Definitions the WND proc. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub DefWndProc() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Destroys the window and its handle. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub DestroyHandle() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Equalses this instance. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub Equals() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets the hash code. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub GetHashCode() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets the lifetime service. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub GetLifetimeService() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Initializes the lifetime service. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub InitializeLifetimeService() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Releases the handle associated with this window. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Sub ReleaseHandle() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets the handle for this window. ''' </summary> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> Public Shadows Property Handle() #End Region #Region " IDisposable " ''' <summary> ''' To detect redundant calls when disposing. ''' </summary> Private IsDisposed As Boolean = False ''' <summary> ''' Prevent calls to methods after disposing. ''' </summary> ''' <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException"></exception> Private Sub DisposedCheck() If Me.IsDisposed Then Throw New ObjectDisposedException(Me.GetType().FullName) End If End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. ''' </summary> Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose Dispose(True) GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="IsDisposing"> ''' <c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; ''' <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources. ''' </param> Protected Sub Dispose(IsDisposing As Boolean) If Not Me.IsDisposed Then If IsDisposing Then Me.form = Nothing MyBase.ReleaseHandle() MyBase.DestroyHandle() End If End If Me.IsDisposed = True End Sub #End Region End Class #End Region
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Una Helper Class con utilidades variadas relacionadas con los colores: ' *********************************************************************** ' Author : Elektro ' Created : 01-13-2014 ' Modified : 01-13-2014 ' *********************************************************************** ' -------------- ' Public Methods ' -------------- ' ' Screen.GetPixelColor ' Screen.GetPixelBrush ' Screen.GetPixelPen ' ' ColorConvert.ColorToBrush ' ColorConvert.ColorToPen ' ColorConvert.BrushToColor ' ColorConvert.PentoColor ' ' StringConvert.ColorToString ' StringConvert.BrushToString ' StringConvert.PenToString ' StringConvert.StringToColor ' StringConvert.StringToBrush ' StringConvert.StringToPen ' StringConvert.StringToString ' ' RandomGenerators.ARGB ' RandomGenerators.RGB ' RandomGenerators.QB ' RandomGenerators.ConsoleColor ' RandomGenerators.Brush ' RandomGenerators.Pen
La Class no cabe en un post, aquí la pueden ver ~> de uso: ' Gets the color of the pixel at the 50,100 coordinates: Dim c As Color = ColorTools.Screen.GetPixelColor(50, 100) ' Generates a random Brush Dim br As SolidBrush = ColorTools.RandomGenerators.Brush ' Converts a SolidBrush to a Color: Dim c As Color = ColorTools.ColorConvert.BrushToColor(New SolidBrush(Color.Red)) ' Converts an HTML Color-String to a Color: PictureBox1.BackColor = ColorTools.StringConvert.StringToColor("#FF00FFFF", ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.HTML, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.None) ' Converts an Hex Color-String to a Color: MsgBox(ColorTools.StringConvert.StringToColor("0x003399", ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.Hexadecimal, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.None)) ' Converts a Byte Color-String with VisyalStudio's property grid syntax to a Color: MsgBox(ColorTools.StringConvert.StringToColor("255; 255; 255; 255", ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.Byte, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.VisualStudioPropertyGrid). Name) ' Converts a HEX Color-String with VB.NET syntax to a Color: MsgBox(ColorTools.StringConvert.StringToColor("Color.FromArgb(&HFF, &H5F, &HEC, &H12)", ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.Hexadecimal, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.VBNET). ToString) ' Converts an HTML Color-String with C# Syntax to a Brush: Dim br As Brush = ColorTools.StringConvert.StringToBrush("ColorTranslator.FromHtml(""#F71608"");", ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.HTML, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.VBNET) ' Converts a Color-String to other Color-String: MsgBox(ColorTools.StringConvert.StringToString("ColorTranslator.FromHtml(""#AF0CCAFE"");", ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.HTML, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.CSharp, ColorTools.StringConvert.ValueFormat.Byte, ColorTools.StringConvert.StringSyntax.None, True))
« Última modificación: 13 Enero 2014, 18:02 pm por Eleкtro »
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A mi no me deja descargar, ¿me podrias facilitar un enlace por MP? Muy buen aporte!! Muchas gracias!!
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Una forma muy, muy sencilla de implementar una evaluación Trial del programa, usando la librería CryptoLicensing. NOTA: El tipo de protección y checkeos, ya sea una evaluación trial, un límite de máquinas o un límite de usos, o una comprobación hardware-id ...todo se genera desde la aplicación de CryptoLicensing y queda registrado en la propiedad "LicenseCode"... mi ayudante está pensado para una evaluación muy sencilla y básica sin posibilidad de validar, es decir, no está pensado para evaluar licencias válidas ...sinó más bien para restringir la aplicación a un máximo de usos y/o duración de ejecución y/o dias, todavía no he indagado mucho en el modo de uso de la librería. ' CryptoLicense Helper ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Usage Examples: ' Dim MyLicense As New Licenser #Region " Imports " Imports LogicNP.CryptoLicensing Imports System.Windows.Forms #End Region ''' <summary> ''' Manages the license of this Application. ''' </summary> Public Class Licenser #Region " Members " ''' <summary> ''' The license object. ''' </summary> Public WithEvents License As CryptoLicense = New CryptoLicense() With { .ValidationKey = "AMAAMACSde6/zo6beBTzxAC5D9qrf6OyReAJwGB30gMr5ViI1/+ZXRzwt7M+KnraMKNkaREDAAEAAQ==", .LicenseCode = "FgCAABguQrc4Es8BAQETTsmKhj/OGCuTbJzExXb9GO7sx3yR6wQIGynJ76g7DyxOU0zgSZ82lYtuIa8r9m8=" } ''' <summary> ''' The license message to display on a MessageBox. ''' </summary> Private LicenseMessage As String = String.Empty #End Region #Region " Constructor " ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Licenser"/> class. ''' </summary> Public Sub New() Select Case License.Status Case LicenseStatus.Valid OnValid() Case LicenseStatus.InValid OnInvalid() Case LicenseStatus.Expired OnExpired() Case LicenseStatus.UsageDaysExceeded OnUsageDaysExceeded() Case LicenseStatus.ExecutionsExceeded OnExecutionsExceeded() End Select End Sub #End Region #Region " Methods " ''' <summary> ''' Called when license status is valid. ''' </summary> Private Sub OnValid() If License.RemainingUsageDays <> Short.MaxValue Then LicenseMessage = String.Format("{0} days remaining.", CStr(License.RemainingUsageDays)) ShowLicenseMessage(False) End If End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Called when license status is invalid. ''' </summary> Private Sub OnInvalid() LicenseMessage = "Invalid License." ShowLicenseMessage(True) Terminate() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Called when license status expired. ''' </summary> Private Sub OnExpired() LicenseMessage = String.Format("License has expired on {0}.", CStr(License.DateExpires)) ShowLicenseMessage(True) Terminate() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Called when license status usage days exceeded. ''' </summary> Private Sub OnUsageDaysExceeded() LicenseMessage = String.Format("This software is limited to 7 days, this is the {0} day.", CStr(License.CurrentUsageDays)) ShowLicenseMessage(True) Terminate() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Called when license status executions exceeded. ''' </summary> Private Sub OnExecutionsExceeded() LicenseMessage = String.Format("This software is limited to 5 executions, this is the {0} execution.", CStr(License.CurrentExecutions)) ShowLicenseMessage(True) Terminate() End Sub #End Region #Region " Miscellaneous Methods " ''' <summary> ''' Shows the license message on a MessageBox. ''' </summary> Private Sub ShowLicenseMessage(Optional ByVal ShowBuyComment As Boolean = False) LicenseMessage = String.Format("{0}{1}", LicenseMessage, If(ShowBuyComment, Environment.NewLine & "Please buy this software.", Nothing)) MessageBox.Show(LicenseMessage, "License Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Terminates the application. ''' </summary> Private Sub Terminate() Application.Exit() ' Terminate the application. End Sub #End Region #Region " Event Handlers " ''' <summary> ''' Handles the RunTimeExceeded event of the License. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub License_RunTimeExceeded(ByVal sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _ Handles License.RunTimeExceeded LicenseMessage = "Maximum usage time exceeded." ShowLicenseMessage(True) Terminate() End Sub #End Region End Class
« Última modificación: 15 Enero 2014, 22:42 pm por Eleкtro »
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Determina si el ratón está dentro del rango de pixels de un Control. ' Mouse Is Over Control? ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Usage Examples: ' MsgBox(MouseIsOverControl(PictureBox1)) ' ''' <summary> ''' Determinates whether the mouse pointer is over a pixel range of a specified control. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Control">The control.</param> ''' <returns> ''' <c>true</c> if mouse is inside the pixel range, <c>false</c> otherwise. ''' </returns> Private Function MouseIsOverControl(ByVal [Control] As Control) As Boolean Return [Control].ClientRectangle.Contains([Control].PointToClient(MousePosition)) End Function
Crea un Bitmap y lo rellena con un color específico. ' Create Solid Bitmap ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Usage Examples: ' PictureBox1.BackgroundImage = CreateSolidBitmap(New Size(16, 16), Color.Red) ' ''' <summary> ''' Creates a bitmap filled with a solid color. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="FillColor">Color to fill the Bitmap.</param> ''' <returns>A Bitmap filled with the specified color.</returns> Private Function CreateSolidBitmap(ByVal [Size] As Size, ByVal FillColor As Color) As Bitmap ' Create a bitmap. Dim bmp As New Bitmap([Size].Width, [Size].Height) ' Create a graphics object. Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) ' Create a brush using the specified color. Using br As New SolidBrush(FillColor) ' Fill the graphics object with the brush. g.FillRectangle(br, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height) End Using ' br End Using ' g Return bmp End Function
Crea una serie de ToolStripItems en tiempo de ejecución. ' Create ToolStripItems at execution-time. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ''' <summary> ''' Handles the MouseEnter event of the ToolStripMenuItem control. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem1_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _ Handles ToolStripMenuItem1.MouseEnter ' Cast the Sender object. Dim MenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(sender, ToolStripMenuItem) ' Remove previous Item handlers. For Each Item As ToolStripItem In MenuItem.DropDown.Items RemoveHandler Item.Click, AddressOf DropDownItems_Click Next Item ' Clear previous items. MenuItem.DropDown.Items.Clear() ' Set the DropDown Backcolor. MenuItem.DropDown.BackColor = MenuItem.BackColor ' Create new items. For X As Integer = 0 To 5 ' Add the Item and set the Text, Image, and OnClick event handler. Dim Item As ToolStripItem = MenuItem.DropDown.Items.Add([Enum].Parse(GetType(ConsoleColor), X).ToString, New Bitmap(1, 1), AddressOf DropDownItems_Click) ' Set other item properties. With Item .Tag = X End With Next X End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Handles the Click event of the DropDownItems. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub DropDownItems_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) MsgBox(String.Format("Item clicked: {0} | {1}", CStr(sender.Tag), CStr(sender.Text))) End Sub
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Unos Snippets que he escrito para algunos de los controles de usuario de DotNetBar. Ejemplo de como crear y mostrar un Ballon. ' DotNetBar [Ballon] Example to create a new Ballon. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ''' <summary> ''' The DotNetBar Ballon object. ''' </summary> Private WithEvents BallonTip As Balloon = Nothing ''' <summary> ''' Handles the MouseEnter event of the TextBox1 control. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub TextBox1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles TextBox1.MouseEnter BallonTip = New Balloon() ' Set the properties to customize the Ballon. With BallonTip .Owner = Me .Style = eBallonStyle.Balloon .AutoCloseTimeOut = 5 ' In seconds. .BorderColor = Color.YellowGreen .BackColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80) .BackColor2 = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40) .BackColorGradientAngle = 90 .CaptionIcon = Nothing .CaptionImage = Nothing .CaptionText = "I'm a BallonTip" .CaptionFont = .Owner.Font .CaptionColor = Color.YellowGreen .Text = "I'm the BallonTip text" .ForeColor = Color.WhiteSmoke .AutoResize() ' Autoresize the Ballon, after setting the text. .Show(sender, False) ' Show it. End With End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Handles the MouseLeave event of the TextBox1 control. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub DisposeBallon(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _ Handles TextBox1.MouseLeave If BallonTip IsNot Nothing AndAlso BallonTip.Visible Then BallonTip.Dispose() End If End Sub
Muestra un SuperTooltipInfo en unas coordenadas específicas. ' DotNetBar [SuperTooltipInfo] Show SuperTooltipInfo at MousePosition ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ' 2. Add a 'SuperToolTip' control in the Designer. ' ' Usage Examples: ' ShowSuperTooltipInfo(SuperTooltip1, ' "I'm the Header", "I'm the Body", , "I'm the Footer", , ' eTooltipColor.Blue, MousePosition, 2, False) ' ''' <summary> ''' Shows a SuperTooltipInfo on the specified location. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="SuperToolTip">Indicates the SuperTooltip control.</param> ''' <param name="HeaderText">Indicates the header text.</param> ''' <param name="BodyText">Indicates the body text.</param> ''' <param name="BodyImage">Indicates the body image.</param> ''' <param name="FooterText">Indicates the footer text.</param> ''' <param name="FooterImage">Indicates the footer image.</param> ''' <param name="BackColor">Indicates the Tooltip background color.</param> ''' <param name="Location">Indicates the location where to show the Tooltip.</param> ''' <param name="Duration">Indicates the Tooltip duration.</param> ''' <param name="PositionBelowControl">If set to <c>true</c> the tooltip is shown below the control.</param> Private Sub ShowSuperTooltip(ByVal SuperToolTip As SuperTooltip, Optional ByVal HeaderText As String = "", Optional ByVal BodyText As String = "", Optional ByVal BodyImage As Image = Nothing, Optional ByVal FooterText As String = "", Optional ByVal FooterImage As Image = Nothing, Optional ByVal BackColor As eTooltipColor = eTooltipColor.System, Optional ByVal Location As Point = Nothing, Optional ByVal Duration As Integer = 2, Optional ByVal PositionBelowControl As Boolean = False) ' Save the current SuperToolTip contorl properties to restore them at end. Dim CurrentProp_IgnoreFormActiveState As Boolean = SuperToolTip.IgnoreFormActiveState Dim CurrentProp_PositionBelowControl As Boolean = SuperToolTip.PositionBelowControl ' Create an invisible Form. Dim TooltipForm As New Form With TooltipForm .Size = New Size(0, 0) .Opacity = 0 .Location = Location ' Move the Form to the specified location. End With ' Create a SuperTooltipInfo. Dim MySuperTooltip As New SuperTooltipInfo() With MySuperTooltip .HeaderText = HeaderText .BodyText = BodyText .BodyImage = BodyImage .FooterText = FooterText .FooterImage = FooterImage .Color = BackColor End With ' Set the Supertooltip properties. With SuperToolTip .IgnoreFormActiveState = True ' Ignore the form state to display the tooltip. .PositionBelowControl = PositionBelowControl .TooltipDuration = Duration .SetSuperTooltip(TooltipForm, MySuperTooltip) ' Assign the SuperTooltip to the invisible form. .ShowTooltip(TooltipForm) ' Show the SuperTooltipInfo on the form. End With ' Restore the SuperTooltip properties. With SuperToolTip .IgnoreFormActiveState = CurrentProp_IgnoreFormActiveState .PositionBelowControl = CurrentProp_PositionBelowControl End With ' Dispose the invisible Form. TooltipForm.Dispose() End Sub
Ejemplo de como añadir soporte para mover un SideBar usando la rueda del ratón. ' DotNetBar [SideBar] Scroll SideBar using MouseWheel. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Reference 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ' 2. Add a 'SideBar' control (with panel and buttons inside). ''' <summary> ''' Handles the MouseMove event of the SideBar1 control. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub SideBar1_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) _ Handles SideBar1.MouseMove SideBar1.Focus() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Handles the MouseWheel event of the SideBar control. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> ''' <param name="e">The <see cref="MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> Private Sub SideBar1_MouseWheel(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) _ Handles SideBar1.MouseWheel Dim TopItemIndex As Integer = sender.ExpandedPanel.TopItemIndex Dim ItemCount As Integer = sender.ExpandedPanel.SubItems.Count Select Case e.Delta Case Is < 0 If TopItemIndex < ItemCount - 1 Then TopItemIndex += 1 End If Case Else If TopItemIndex > 0 Then TopItemIndex -= 1 End If End Select End Sub
Ejemplo de como crear y o eliminar tabs de un SuperTabControl en tiempo de ejecución. ' DotNetBar [Ballon] Example to create a new Ballon. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ' 2. Add a 'SuperTabControl' control. Private Sub Test(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Shown ' Create a new Tab. Dim tab As SuperTabItem = SuperTabControl1.CreateTab("New Tab") ' Create a new Tab-Panel. Dim tabpanel As SuperTabControlPanel = DirectCast(tab.AttachedControl, SuperTabControlPanel) ' Create a random control. Dim wbr As New WebBrowser() With {.Dock = DockStyle.Fill} wbr.Navigate("") 'Add the control to the Tab-Panel. tabpanel.Controls.Add(wbr) ' Remove the Tab. ' SuperTabControl1.Tabs.Remove(tab) ' And remember to dispose the Tab-Panel and the added Controls. ' tabpanel.Dispose() ' wbr.Dispose() End Sub
Ejemplo de como crear una Bar en tiempo de ejecución. ' DotNetBar [DotNetBarManager] Example to create a new Bar at execution-time. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ' 2. Add a 'DotNetBarManager' control. Private Sub Test(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Shown Dim bar As Bar Dim menu As ButtonItem Dim submenu As ButtonItem bar = New Bar("My Menu Bar") bar.ColorScheme.DockSiteBackColor = Color.YellowGreen bar.ColorScheme.DockSiteBackColor2 = Color.YellowGreen bar.ColorScheme.MenuBarBackground = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80) bar.ColorScheme.MenuBarBackground2 = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40) bar.ColorScheme.MenuSide = Color.Silver bar.ColorScheme.MenuSide2 = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80) bar.ColorScheme.ItemText = Color.Black bar.ColorScheme.ItemBackground = Color.Silver bar.ColorScheme.ItemBackground2 = Color.Silver bar.ColorScheme.ItemHotText = Color.Black bar.ColorScheme.ItemHotBackground = Color.YellowGreen bar.ColorScheme.ItemHotBackground2 = Color.YellowGreen bar.MenuBar = True bar.Stretch = True DotNetBarManager1.UseGlobalColorScheme = False DotNetBarManager1.Bars.Add(bar) bar.DockSide = eDockSide.Top menu = New ButtonItem("bFile", "&File") bar.Items.Add(menu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bOpen", "&Open") menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bClose", "&Close") menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bExit", "&Exit") submenu.BeginGroup = True menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) menu = New ButtonItem("bEdit", "&Edit") bar.Items.Add(menu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bCut", "&Cut") menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bCopy", "&Copy") menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bPaste", "&Paste") menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) submenu = New ButtonItem("bClear", "&Clear") submenu.BeginGroup = True menu.SubItems.Add(submenu) bar.RecalcLayout() End Sub
Ejemplo de como crear y asignar un SuperTooltipInfo ' DotNetBar [SuperTooltipInfo] Example to create a new SuperTooltipInfo. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ' 2. Add a 'SuperToolTip' control in the Designer. ' SuperTooltipInfo type describes Super-Tooltip Dim superTooltip As New SuperTooltipInfo() With superTooltip .HeaderText = "Header text" .BodyText = "Body text with <strong>text-markup</strong> support. Header and footer support text-markup too." .FooterText = "My footer text" End With ' Assign tooltip to a control or DotNetBar component SuperTooltip1.SetSuperTooltip(TextBox1, superTooltip) ' To remove tooltip from a control or component use ' SuperTooltip1.SetSuperTooltip(TextBox1, Nothing)
Ejemplo de como crear y mostrar un ContextMenu. ' DotNetBar [ContextMenuBar] Create a new ContextMenu. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. Private Sub Test() Handles MyBase.Shown ' Create context menu item that is assigned to controls or items Dim ContextMenu As New ButtonItem("myContextMenuItemName") ' Create a Context MenuItem Dim MenuItem As New ButtonItem("MenuItemName1") MenuItem.Text = "Context MenuItem 1" AddHandler MenuItem.Click, AddressOf MenuItemClick ' Add item to Context Menu ContextMenu.SubItems.Add(MenuItem) ' Create second Context MenuItem MenuItem = New ButtonItem("MenuItemName2", "Context MenuItem 2") AddHandler MenuItem.Click, AddressOf MenuItemClick ' Add item to Context Menu ContextMenu.SubItems.Add(MenuItem) ' Add Context Menu to Context MenuBar ContextMenuBar1.Items.Add(ContextMenu) ' Assign context menu to text-box ContextMenuBar1.SetContextMenuEx(TextBox1, ContextMenu) End Sub
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Otro snippet para los controles de DotNetBar, para el 'KeyboardControl' en concreto. Ejemplo de como crear una un Layout personalizado del teclado. ' DotNetBar [KeyboardControl] Example to create a Keyboard Layout at execution-time. ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to 'DevComponents.DotNetBar.dll'. ' 2. Add a 'KeyboardControl' control. Private Sub Test(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Shown ' Set the new Keyboard Layout KeyboardControl1.Keyboard = CreateDefaultKeyboard() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Creates the default keyboard. ''' </summary> ''' <returns>Keyboard.</returns> Public Shared Function CreateDefaultKeyboard() As Keyboard Dim keyboard As New Keyboard ' Actually there are 4 layout objects, ' but for code simplicity this variable is reused for creating each of them. Dim kc As LinearKeyboardLayout '#Region "Normal style configuration (no modifier keys pressed)" kc = New LinearKeyboardLayout() keyboard.Layouts.Add(kc) kc.AddKey("q") kc.AddKey("w") kc.AddKey("e") kc.AddKey("r") kc.AddKey("t") kc.AddKey("y") kc.AddKey("u") kc.AddKey("i") kc.AddKey("o") kc.AddKey("p") kc.AddKey("Backspace", info:="{BACKSPACE}", width:=21) kc.AddLine() kc.AddSpace(4) kc.AddKey("a") kc.AddKey("s") kc.AddKey("d") kc.AddKey("f") kc.AddKey("g") kc.AddKey("h") kc.AddKey("j") kc.AddKey("k") kc.AddKey("l") kc.AddKey("'") kc.AddKey("Enter", info:="{ENTER}", width:=17) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=1) kc.AddKey("z") kc.AddKey("x") kc.AddKey("c") kc.AddKey("v") kc.AddKey("b") kc.AddKey("n") kc.AddKey("m") kc.AddKey(",") kc.AddKey(".") kc.AddKey("?") kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=1) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Ctrl", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=2) kc.AddKey("&123", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=3) kc.AddKey(":-)", info:=":-{)}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) 'kc.AddKey("Alt", info: "%", style: KeyStyle.Dark); kc.AddKey(" ", width:=76) kc.AddKey("<", info:="{LEFT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddKey(">", info:="{RIGHT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) '#End Region '#Region "Shift modifier pressed" kc = New LinearKeyboardLayout() keyboard.Layouts.Add(kc) kc.AddKey("Q", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("W", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("E", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("R", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("T", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Y", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("U", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("I", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("O", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("P", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Backspace", info:="{BACKSPACE}", width:=21) kc.AddLine() kc.AddSpace(4) kc.AddKey("A", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("S", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("D", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("F", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("G", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("H", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("J", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("K", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("L", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("""", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Enter", info:="{ENTER}", width:=17) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Pressed, layout:=0, layoutEx:=4) kc.AddKey("Z", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("X", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("C", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("V", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("B", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("N", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("M", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(";", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(":", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("!", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Pressed, layout:=0, layoutEx:=4) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Ctrl", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=2) kc.AddKey("&123", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=3) kc.AddKey(":-)", info:=":-{)}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(" ", width:=76, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("<", info:="+{LEFT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(">", info:="+{RIGHT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) '#End Region '#Region "Ctrl modifier pressed" kc = New LinearKeyboardLayout() keyboard.Layouts.Add(kc) kc.AddKey("q", info:="^q", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("w", info:="^w", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("e", info:="^e", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("r", info:="^r", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("t", info:="^t", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("y", info:="^y", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("u", info:="^u", hint:="Underline", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("i", info:="^i", hint:="Italic", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("o", info:="^o", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("p", info:="^p", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Backspace", info:="^{BACKSPACE}", width:=21, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddLine() kc.AddSpace(4) kc.AddKey("a", info:="^a", hint:="Select all", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("s", info:="^s", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("d", info:="^d", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("f", info:="^f", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("g", info:="^g", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("h", info:="^h", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("j", info:="^j", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("k", info:="^k", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("l", info:="^l", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("'", info:="^'", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Enter", info:="^{ENTER}", width:=17, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", layout:=1) kc.AddKey("z", info:="^z", hint:="Undo", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("x", info:="^x", hint:="Cut", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("c", info:="^c", hint:="Copy", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("v", info:="^v", hint:="Paste", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("b", info:="^b", hint:="Bold", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("n", info:="^n", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("m", info:="^m", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(",", info:="^,", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(".", info:="^.", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("?", info:="^?", layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", layout:=1) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Ctrl", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Pressed, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("&123", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=3) kc.AddKey(":-)", info:="^:-{)}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(" ", info:="^ ", width:=76, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("<", info:="^{LEFT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(">", info:="^{RIGHT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) '#End Region '#Region "Symbols and numbers (&123) modifier pressed" kc = New LinearKeyboardLayout() keyboard.Layouts.Add(kc) kc.AddKey("!") kc.AddKey("@") kc.AddKey("#") kc.AddKey("$") kc.AddKey("½") kc.AddKey("-") kc.AddKey("+", info:="{+}") kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("1", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddKey("2", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddKey("3", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("Bcks", info:="{BACKSPACE}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddLine() ' second line kc.AddKey(";") kc.AddKey(":") kc.AddKey("""") kc.AddKey("%", info:="{%}") kc.AddKey("&") kc.AddKey("/") kc.AddKey("*") kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("4", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddKey("5", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddKey("6", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("Enter", info:="{ENTER}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddLine() ' third line kc.AddKey("(", info:="{(}") kc.AddKey(")", info:="{)}") kc.AddKey("[", info:="{[}") kc.AddKey("]", info:="{]}") kc.AddKey("_") kc.AddKey("\") kc.AddKey("=") kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("7", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddKey("8", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddKey("9", style:=KeyStyle.Light) kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("Tab", info:="{TAB}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddLine() ' forth line kc.AddKey("...", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey("&123", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Pressed, layout:=KeyboardLayout.PreviousLayout) kc.AddKey(":-)", info:=":-{)}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddKey("<", info:="{LEFT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddKey(">", info:="{RIGHT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddKey("Space", info:="^ ", width:=21) kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddKey("0", style:=KeyStyle.Light, width:=21) kc.AddKey(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator, style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddSpace(5) kc.AddLine() '#End Region '#Region "Shift modifier toggled" kc = New LinearKeyboardLayout() keyboard.Layouts.Add(kc) kc.AddKey("Q") kc.AddKey("W") kc.AddKey("E") kc.AddKey("R") kc.AddKey("T") kc.AddKey("Y") kc.AddKey("U") kc.AddKey("I") kc.AddKey("O") kc.AddKey("P") kc.AddKey("Backspace", info:="{BACKSPACE}", width:=21) kc.AddLine() kc.AddSpace(4) kc.AddKey("A") kc.AddKey("S") kc.AddKey("D") kc.AddKey("F") kc.AddKey("G") kc.AddKey("H") kc.AddKey("J") kc.AddKey("K") kc.AddKey("L") kc.AddKey("'") kc.AddKey("Enter", info:="{ENTER}", width:=17) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Toggled, layout:=0) kc.AddKey("Z") kc.AddKey("X") kc.AddKey("C") kc.AddKey("V") kc.AddKey("B") kc.AddKey("N") kc.AddKey("M") kc.AddKey(",") kc.AddKey(".") kc.AddKey("?") kc.AddKey("Shift", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Toggled, layout:=0) kc.AddLine() kc.AddKey("Ctrl", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=2) kc.AddKey("&123", info:="", style:=KeyStyle.Dark, layout:=3) kc.AddKey(":-)", info:=":-{)}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddKey(" ", width:=76) kc.AddKey("<", info:="+{LEFT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) kc.AddKey(">", info:="+{RIGHT}", style:=KeyStyle.Dark) '#End Region Return keyboard End Function
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RecycleBin Manager (Versión mejorada ...y acabada)Un ayudante para obtener información sobre la papelera de reciclaje principal o el resto de papeleras así como de los elementos eliminados, además de realizar otras operaciones como eliminar permanentemente o deshacer la eliminación (invocando verbos). Aquí pueden ver el código ~>Índice de miembros públicos: ' ---------- ' Properties ' ---------- ' ' MainBin.Files ' MainBin.Folders ' MainBin.Items ' MainBin.ItemsCount ' MainBin.LastDeletedFile ' MainBin.LastDeletedFolder ' MainBin.LastDeletedItem ' MainBin.Size ' ------- ' Methods ' ------- ' ' MainBin.Empty() ' MainBin.RefreshIcon() ' ' Tools.Empty() ' Tools.GetSize() ' Tools.GetDeletedFiles() ' Tools.GetDeletedFolders() ' Tools.GetDeletedItems() ' Tools.GetItemsCount() ' Tools.GetLastDeletedFile() ' Tools.GetLastDeletedFolder() ' Tools.GetLastDeletedItem() ' Tools.DeleteItem ' Tools.UndeleteItem ' Tools.InvokeItemVerb
Ejemplos de uso: 1. ' Empties all the Recycle Bins. RecycleBinManager.MainBin.Empty() ' Empties the Recycle Bin of the "E" drive. RecycleBinManager.Tools.Empty("E", RecycleBinManager.Tools.RecycleBinFlags.DontShowConfirmation) ' Updates the Main Recycle Bin icon. RecycleBinManager.MainBin.RefreshIcon() ' Gets the accumulated size (in bytes) of the Main Recycle Bin. Dim RecycledSize As Long = RecycleBinManager.MainBin.Size ' Gets the accumulated size (in bytes) of the Recycle Bin on "E" drive. Dim RecycledSizeE As Long = RecycleBinManager.Tools.GetSize("E") ' Gets the total deleted items count of the Main recycle bin. Dim RecycledItemsCount As Long = RecycleBinManager.MainBin.ItemsCount ' Gets the total deleted items count of the Recycle Bin on "E" drive. Dim RecycledItemsCountE As Long = RecycleBinManager.Tools.GetDeletedItems("E").Count ' Get all the deleted items inside the Main Recycle Bin. Dim RecycledItems As ShellObject() = RecycleBinManager.MainBin.Items ' Get all the deleted files inside the Main Recycle Bin. Dim RecycledFiles As ShellFile () = RecycleBinManager. MainBin. Files ' Get all the deleted folders inside the Main Recycle Bin. Dim RecycledFolders As ShellFolder () = RecycleBinManager. MainBin. Folders ' Get all the deleted items inside the Recycle Bin on "E" drive. Dim RecycledItemsE As ShellObject() = RecycleBinManager.Tools.GetDeletedItems("E") ' Get all the deleted files inside the Recycle Bin on "E" drive. Dim RecycledFilesE As ShellFile() = RecycleBinManager.Tools.GetDeletedFiles("E") ' Get all the deleted folders inside the Recycle Bin on "E" drive. Dim RecycledFoldersE As ShellFolder() = RecycleBinManager.Tools.GetDeletedFolders("E") ' Gets the Last deleted Item inside the Main Recycle Bin. MsgBox(RecycleBinManager.MainBin.LastDeletedItem.Name) ' Gets the Last deleted Item inside the Recycle Bin on "E" drive MsgBox(RecycleBinManager.Tools.GetLastDeletedItem("E").Name) ' Undeletes an item. RecycleBinManager.Tools.UndeleteItem(RecycleBinManager.MainBin.LastDeletedItem) ' Permanently deletes an item. RecycleBinManager.Tools.DeleteItem(RecycleBinManager.MainBin.LastDeletedItem) ' Invokes an Item-Verb RecycleBinManager.Tools.InvokeItemVerb(RecycleBinManager.MainBin.LastDeletedItem, "properties")
2. Private Sub Test() Handles MyBase.Shown Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder ' Get all the deleted items inside all the Recycle Bins. Dim RecycledItems As ShellObject() = RecycleBinManager.MainBin.Items ' Loop through the deleted Items (Ordered by las deleted). For Each Item As ShellFile In (From itm In RecycledItems Order By itm.Properties.GetProperty("System.Recycle.DateDeleted").ValueAsObject Descending) ' Append the property bags information. sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Full Name....: {0}", Item.Name)) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Item Name....: {0}", Item.Properties.System.ItemNameDisplay.Value)) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Deleted From.: {0}", Item.Properties.GetProperty("System.Recycle.DeletedFrom").ValueAsObject)) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Item Type....: {0}", Item.Properties.System.ItemTypeText.Value)) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Item Size....: {0}", CStr(Item.Properties.System.Size.Value))) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Attributes...: {0}", [Enum].Parse(GetType(IO.FileAttributes), Item.Properties.System.FileAttributes.Value).ToString)) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Date Deleted.: {0}", Item.Properties.GetProperty("System.Recycle.DateDeleted").ValueAsObject)) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Date Modified: {0}", CStr(Item.Properties.System.DateModified.Value))) sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Date Created.: {0}", CStr(Item.Properties.System.DateCreated.Value))) MsgBox(sb.ToString) sb.Clear() Next Item End Sub
« Última modificación: 19 Enero 2014, 06:22 am por Eleкtro »
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Dado una colección de números, devuelve todos los números que no están dentro de un rango especificado. ' Get Numbers Not In Range. ' ( By Elektro ) ' ' Usage Examples: ' ' MsgBox(String.Join(", ", GetNumbersNotInRange({1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, 0, 10).ToArray)) ' Result: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ' ''' <summary> ''' Given a numeric collection, gets all the numbers which are not in a specified range. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="NumbersInRange">Indicates the numbers collection which are in range.</param> ''' <param name="MinRange">Indicates the minimum range.</param> ''' <param name="MaxRange">Indicates the maximum range.</param> ''' <returns>System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Int32).</returns> Private Function GetNumbersNotInRange(ByVal NumbersInRange As IEnumerable(Of Integer), ByVal MinRange As Integer, ByVal MaxRange As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer) Return From Number As Integer In Enumerable.Range(MinRange, MaxRange + 1) Where Not NumbersInRange.Contains(Number) End Function
« Última modificación: 19 Enero 2014, 17:12 pm por Eleкtro »
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