Tema: Librería de Snippets para VB.NET !! (Compartan aquí sus snippets) (Leído 543,580 veces)
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No importa la versión de Visual Studio En realidad si que importa. Cada nueva versión de Visual Studio añade modificaciones mejoradas en el empleo de sintaxis de C#/VB.NET. Dichas mejores evidentemente son incompatibles en versiones anteriores de Visual Studio. Por ejemplo en VB.NET 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) se pueden especificar strings multi linea lieterales, mientras que en las versioens anteriores de VB.NET, no. VB.NET 14.0: Dim json = "{ 'Name': 'Bad Boys', 'ReleaseDate': '1995-4-7T00:00:00', 'Genres': ['Action','Comedy'] }"
El codigo de arriba daria error de compilación en versiones anteriores de VB.NET/VS. Habría que hacerlo más o menos así: Dim json = "{" & Environment.NewLine & " 'Name': 'Bad Boys'," & Environment.NewLine & " 'ReleaseDate': '1995-4-7T00:00:00'," & Environment.NewLine & " 'Genres': ['Action','Comedy']" & Environment.NewLine & "}"
Los snippets que compartí en este hilo fueron desarrollados bajo VS2013, y algunos en VS2015. PD: Como ya dije, C# también tiene sus mejoras. ¡Saludos!
« Última modificación: 14 Marzo 2017, 21:35 pm por Eleкtro »
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Hace mucho tiempo que no publico nada aquí... Vamos allá: ¿Cómo validar el número de una tarjeta de crédito?Para ello podemos implementar el algoritmo Luhn. ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Uses the Luhn algorithm to determines whether the specified credit card number is valid. ''' <para></para> ''' Please de aware that not all valid credit cards can be verified with the Luhn algorithm because ''' it not covers all range of card numbers, however the Luhn algorithm does work for many, if not most, major credit cards. ''' <para></para> ''' The Luhn algorithm is simply used to prevent transpositional errors, ''' it is useful as a sanity check prior to submitting card numbers to a payment gateway, ''' but not suitable to absolutely validate whether a number is a valid card number. ''' <para></para> ''' The only way to absolutely verify a credit card number is to validate it via a payment gateway. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' Luhn algorithm: <see href=""/> ''' <para></para> ''' Microsoft's Luhn algorithm implementation: <see href=""/> ''' <para></para> ''' Credits to: <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim visaNumber As String = "4012888888881881" ''' Dim isValid As Boolean = ValidateCreditCardNumber(visaNumber) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="cardNumber"> ''' The credit card number. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' <see langword="True"/> if the specified card number is a valid card number; otherwise, <see langword="False"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function ValidateCreditCardNumber(ByVal cardNumber As String) As Boolean cardNumber = cardNumber.Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "").Trim() ' FIRST STEP: Double each digit starting from the right Dim doubledDigits As Integer() = New Integer(cardNumber.Length / 2 - 1) {} Dim k As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = cardNumber.Length - 2 To 0 Step -2 Dim digit As Integer If Not Integer.TryParse(cardNumber(i), digit) Then Return False End If doubledDigits(k) = digit * 2 k += 1 Next i ' SECOND STEP: Add up separate digits Dim total As Integer = 0 For Each i As Integer In doubledDigits Dim number As String = i.ToString() For j As Integer = 0 To (number.Length - 1) total += Integer.Parse(number(j).ToString()) Next j Next i ' THIRD STEP: Add up other digits Dim total2 As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = cardNumber.Length - 1 To 0 Step -2 Dim digit As Integer = Integer.Parse(cardNumber(i).ToString()) total2 += digit Next i ' FOURTH STEP: Total Dim final As Integer = (total + total2) Return (final Mod 10 = 0) ' Well formed will divide evenly by 10. End Function
Modo de empleo: ' Dim visaNumber As String = "4012888888881881" Dim isValid As Boolean = ValidateCreditCardNumber(visaNumber)
Aquí les dejo unos números de tarjetas de crédito para testear: ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Contains a collection of credit card numbers for testing purposes. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' For Each card As KeyValuePair(Of String, String()) In CreditCardsTestNumbers ''' For Each cardnumber As String In card.Value ''' Dim isValidNumber As Boolean = ValidateCreditCardNumber(cardnumber) ''' Console.WriteLine("Card type: '{0}'; Number: '{1}'; Is Valid?: {2}", card.Key, cardnumber, isValidNumber) ''' Next cardnumber ''' Next card ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared ReadOnly CreditCardsTestNumbers As New Dictionary(Of String, String())(StringComparison. OrdinalIgnoreCase) From { {"American Express", {"378282246310005", "371449635398431"}}, {"American Express Corporate", {"378734493671000"}}, {"Australian BankCard", {"5610591081018250"}}, {"Dankort (PBS)", {"5019717010103742", "76009244561"}}, {"Diners Club", {"30569309025904", "38520000023237"}}, {"Discover", {"6011111111111117", "6011000990139424"}}, {"JCB", {"3530111333300000", "3566002020360505"}}, {"Mastercard", {"5555555555554444", "5105105105105100"}}, {"Switch/Solo (Paymentech)", {"6331101999990016"}}, {"VISA", {"4111111111111111", "4012888888881881", "4222222222222"}} }
¿Cómo auto-eliminar el executable de nuestra aplicación?Para ello podemos escribir las instrucciones de eliminación en un archivo.bat externo, e iniciarlo. ¿Por qué Batch?, bueno, en un principio podriamos pensar en una solución usando puro código .NET por ejemplo compilando un código fuente en tiempo de ejecución para generar un executable de .NET temporal con las instrucciones de terminación del proceso y de eliminación del archivo, pero al hacer esto nos estaríamos metiendo en un círculo vicioso ya que el executable externo no se podría eliminar a si mismo, por ende, esta es una de las pocas ocasiones en las que Batch sirve para salvarnos de un apuro. ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Deletes the self application executable file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Sub DeleteSelfApplication() DeleteSelfApplication(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Deletes the self application executable file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="delay"> ''' A delay interval to wait (asynchronously) before proceeding to automatic deletion. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Async Sub DeleteSelfApplication(ByVal delay As TimeSpan) If (delay.TotalMilliseconds > 0.0R) Then Dim t As New Task(Sub() Thread.Sleep(delay)) t.Start() Await t End If Dim script As String = <a> @Echo OFF Set "exeName=%~nx1" Set "exePath=%~f1" :KillProcessAndDeleteExe (TaskKill.exe /F /IM "%exeName%")1>NUL 2>&1 If NOT Exist "%exePath%" (GoTo :SelfDelete) (DEL /Q /F "%exePath%") || (GoTo :KillProcessAndDeleteExe) :SelfDelete (DEL /Q /F "%~f0") </a>.Value Dim tmpFile As New FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath, Path.GetTempFileName)) tmpFile.MoveTo(Path.Combine(tmpFile.DirectoryName, tmpFile.Name & ".cmd")) tmpFile.Refresh() File. WriteAllText(tmpFile. FullName, script, Encoding. Default) Using p As New Process() With p.StartInfo .FileName = tmpFile.FullName .Arguments = String.Format(" ""{0}"" ", Application.ExecutablePath) .WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden .CreateNoWindow = True End With p.Start() p.WaitForExit(0) End Using Environment.Exit(0) End Sub
Modo de empleo: ' Auto destruir el executable al instante: DeleteSelfApplication() ' Auto destruir el executable de forma asincrónica con un tiempo de espera de 5 segundos: DeleteSelfApplication(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
El contenido del archivo.bat generado sería el siguiente: :KillProcessAndDeleteExe (TaskKill.exe /F /IM " %exeName%" )1 >NUL 2 >&1 (DEL /Q /F " %exePath%" ) || (GoTo : KillProcessAndDeleteExe) :SelfDelete
...Lo primero que hará el script será entrar en un búcle infinito donde se intentará matar el proceso, y una vez conseguido se dispondrá a eliminar el archivo, y por último eliminarse a sí mismo. ¿Cómo guardar y restaurar el estado expandido/colapsado de los nodos de un TreeView?Pongámonos en situación, imaginemos que tenemos un control de tipo TreeView en el que tenemos que crear y destruir algunos de sus nodos o todos ellos de forma dinámica, y al hacerlo perderiamos el estado expandido/colapsado de cada nodo al refrescar la lista de nodos. U otra situación distinta, en la que simplemente quisieramos guardar el estado del TreeView al cerrar la aplicación, para cargar ese estado en el próximo inicio de la aplicación. Bien, pues para solucionar ese tipo de problema primero crearíamos la siguiente función que nos devolverá una lista con todos los nodos y sus nodos hijos de un TreeView: ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets all the parent nodes and all its child nodes in the source <see cref="TreeView"/>. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim nodeList As List(Of TreeNode) = Me.TreeView1.GetAllNodesAndChildnodes() ''' ''' For Each node As TreeNode In nodeList ''' ' ... ''' Next node ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="sender"> ''' The source <see cref="TreeView"/>. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' A <see cref="List(Of TreeNode)"/> containing all the parent nodes and all its child nodes. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetAllNodesAndChildnodes(ByVal sender As TreeView) As List(Of TreeNode) Dim nodes As New List(Of TreeNode) Dim stack As New Stack(Of TreeNode) ' Bang all the top nodes into the queue. For Each top As TreeNode In sender.Nodes stack.Push(top) Next While (stack.Count > 0) Dim node As TreeNode = stack.Pop() If (node IsNot Nothing) Then ' Add the node to the list of nodes. nodes.Add(node) If (node.Nodes IsNot Nothing) And (node.Nodes.Count > 0) Then ' Enqueue the child nodes. For Each child As TreeNode In node.Nodes stack.Push(child) Next child End If End If End While stack.Clear() stack = Nothing Return nodes End Function
Ahora solo tenemos que crear una función para iterar los nodos obtenidos y así crear un "estado de guardado" (o save state), el cual consistitía en un diccionario que contendrá el código hash identificador de cada nodo, y un valor boolean indicando si el nodo está expandido o colapsado. ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Saves the state of the source <see cref="TreeView"/> into a <see cref="Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean)"/> ''' containing the hash code of each node and its expansion state. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim saveState As Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean) = Me.TreeView1.SaveTreeState() ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="sender"> ''' The source <see cref="TreeView"/>. ''' </param> ''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' A <see cref="Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean)"/> containing the hash code of each node and its expansion state. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function SaveTreeState (ByVal sender As TreeView ) As Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean) Dim nodeList As List(Of TreeNode) = GetAllNodesAndChildnodes(sender) Dim nodeStates As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean)() For Each node As TreeNode In nodeList nodeStates.Add(node.GetHashCode(), node.IsExpanded) Next Return nodeStates End Function
Y por último la función para restaurar un estado de guardado: ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Restores a state of the source <see cref="TreeView"/> previously saved using the <see cref="SaveTreeState"/> function. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim saveState As Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean) ''' ''' Private Sub Button_SaveTreeState(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_SaveTreeState.Click ''' saveState = Me.TreeView1.SaveTreeState() ''' End Sub ''' ''' Private Sub Button_RestoreTreeState(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_RestoreTreeState.Click ''' Me.TreeView1.RestoreTreeState(saveState) ''' End Sub ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="sender"> ''' The source <see cref="TreeView"/>. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="saveState"> ''' A <see cref="Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean)"/> containing the hash code of each node and its expansion state. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Sub RestoreTreeState (ByVal sender As TreeView, ByVal saveState As Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean)) Dim nodeList As List(Of TreeNode) = GetAllNodesAndChildnodes(sender) For Each node As TreeNode In nodeList Dim hash As Integer = node.GetHashCode() If saveState.ContainsKey(hash) Then If saveState(hash) Then node.Expand() Else node.Collapse() End If End If Next End Sub
Todas estas funcionalidades y muchísimas más las podrán encontrar en mi Framework de pago ElektroKit.
« Última modificación: 1 Abril 2017, 18:06 pm por Eleкtro »
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¿Cómo determinar cual es la versión más reciente instalada de .NET Framework en la máquina actual?.Aquí les dejo el código fuente completo: ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Determines which is the most recent version of the .NET Framework runtimes installed on the current machine. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim frameworkVersion As Version = GetMostRecentInstalledFrameworkVersion() ''' Console.WriteLine(frameworkVersion.ToString()) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' Credits to Microsoft: <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting .NET Framework <see cref="Version"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Private Shared Function GetMostRecentInstalledFrameworkVersion() As Version ' .NET 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1 Using ndpKey As RegistryKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32). OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\", writable:=False) If (ndpKey IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (ndpKey.GetValue("Release") IsNot Nothing) Then Dim releaseVersion As Integer = CInt(ndpKey.GetValue("Release")) Select Case releaseVersion Case >= 394254 Return New Version(4, 6, 1) Case >= 393295 Return New Version(4, 6) Case >= 379893 Return New Version(4, 5, 2) Case >= 378675 Return New Version(4, 5, 1) Case >= 378389 Return New Version(4, 5) End Select End If End Using ' .NET 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 Using ndpKey As RegistryKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, ""). OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\", writable:=False) For Each versionKeyName As String In ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames().OrderByDescending(Function(x As String) x) If versionKeyName.ToLower().StartsWith("v") Then Return New Version(versionKeyName.ToLower().TrimStart("v"c)) End If Next versionKeyName End Using Return New Version() End Function
Personálmente recomiendo decorar esta funcionalidad mediante una propiedad de sólo lectura, tal que así: ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets a value that determines which is the most recent version of the .NET Framework runtimes installed ''' on the current machine. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' A value that determines which is the most recent version of the .NET Framework runtimes installed ''' on the current machine. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared ReadOnly Property MostRecentInstalledFrameworkVersion As Version <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return GetMostRecentInstalledFrameworkVersion() End Get End Property
Modo de empleo: Dim frameworkVersion As Version = GetMostRecentInstalledFrameworkVersion() Console.WriteLine(frameworkVersion.ToString())
Notas: Faltaría implementar la versión de .NET 4.6.2. Aparte de eso no he podio testear en profundidad el resultado obtenido en un equipo que tenga instalado .NET 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 o 4.0, si encuentran algún error diganmelo. Códigos de error Win32.Esto que voy a compartir a continuación es una enumeración con todos los errores Win32 de la API de Windows, en total son +13.000 lineas de código, así que os dejo un enlace externo: El propósito de gigantesca enumeración es proveer una manera sencilla, directa y eficiente de determinar que error nos devuelve en ocasiones una función de la API de Windows y cual es el significado de dicho código de error. No confundir un código de error Win32 con un código de error H_RESULT, esto último define muchos errores Win32 pero con otros valores. Recordad que la librería de clases de .NET Framework expone algunos miembros muy útiles para la evaluación de errores de funciones no administradas, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error() y Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR() así como el tipo excepción System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception que podemos invocar para informarle de un error Win32 específico al usuario. ¿Cómo prevenir el Flickering de un control Win32?.Uno de los mayores problemas estéticos y también de lo más común al trabajar con los controles de la tecnología WindowsForms es el Flickering. El Flicker consiste en un desagradable parpadeo de la imagen en donde la imagen desaparece por un breve tiempo lapso de tiempo hasta que vuelve a aparecer, como un parpadeo. Es un problema visual que afecta a la estética del control, y suele producirse muy a menudo cuando el control necesita realizar operaciones de dibujo muy expensivas, o cuando estamos trabajando con transparencias. Una descripción más detallada del flickering:¿Cómo se soluciona el Flickering?, pues lamentablemente no se puede solucionar completamente, pero si que podemos llegar a reducir el Flickering considerablemente y en el mejor de los casos hasta llegar a dejar de percibirlo del todo y poder decir que ya no hay Flickering en el control, ¿pero cómo se hace?, pues una solución cotidiana sería con un bufer doble de memoria, o double buffering. Cuando el double buffering está activado, todas las operaciones de dibujado del control son renderizadas primero a un bufer de memoria en vez de ser renderizadas directamente a la superficie de dibujado en la pantalla. Cuando todas las operaciones de dibujado han sido completadas, el bufer de memoria es copiado directamente a la superficie de dibujado asociada a él. Para tratar de solventar los problemas de Flickering cuando estamos desarrollando un control de usuario, he desarrollado una interfáz con nombre IBufferedControl, la cual implementariamos en nuestro control: ' *********************************************************************** ' Author : Elektro ' Modified : 20-March-2017 ' *********************************************************************** #Region " Public Members Summary " #Region " Properties " ' CreateParams As CreateParams ' DoubleBuffered As Boolean ' PreventFlickering As Boolean #End Region #End Region #Region " Option Statements " Option Strict On Option Explicit On Option Infer Off #End Region #Region " Imports " Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Windows.Forms #End Region #Region " IBufferedControl " Namespace Types ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Provides simple double buffering (anti flickering) functionality for a Windows Forms <see cref="Control"/>, ''' such for example a <see cref="TextBox"/>. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Interface IBufferedControl ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The creation parameters. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Browsable(False)> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> ReadOnly Property CreateParams As CreateParams ' Implementation Exmple: ' ' Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams As CreateParams Implements IBufferedControl.CreateParams ' Get ' If (Me.preventFlickeringB) Then ' Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams ' cp.ExStyle = (cp.ExStyle Or CInt(WindowStylesEx.Composited)) ' Return cp ' Else ' Return MyBase.CreateParams ' End If ' End Get ' End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer ''' to reduce or prevent flicker. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' <see langword="True"/> if the surface of the control should be drawn using double buffering; ''' otherwise, <see langword="False"/>. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Browsable(True)> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)> <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> <Localizable(True)> <Category("Behavior")> <Description("Indicates whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker.")> <DefaultValue(GetType(Boolean), "True")> Property DoubleBuffered As Boolean ' Implementation Exmple: ' ' Public Overridable Shadows Property DoubleBuffered As Boolean Implements IBufferedControl.DoubleBuffered ' Get ' Return MyBase.DoubleBuffered ' End Get ' Set(ByVal value As Boolean) ' Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, value) ' MyBase.DoubleBuffered = value ' End Set ' End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. ''' <para></para> ''' If <see langword="True"/>, this will avoid any flickering effect on the control, however, ''' it will also have a negative impact by slowing down the responsiveness of the control about to 30% slower. ''' <para></para> ''' This negative impact doesn't affect to the performance of the application itself, ''' just to the performance of this control. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' A value that indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Browsable(True)> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)> <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> <Localizable(True)> <Category("Behavior")> <Description("Indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. If True, this will avoid any flickering effect on the control, however, it will also have a negative impact by slowing down the responsiveness of the control about to 30% slower.")> <DefaultValue(GetType(Boolean), "False")> Property PreventFlickering As Boolean ' Implementation Exmple: ' ' Public Overridable Property PreventFlickering As Boolean Implements IBufferedControl.PreventFlickering ' Get ' Return Me.preventFlickeringB ' End Get ' Set(ByVal value As Boolean) ' Me.preventFlickeringB = value ' End Set ' End Property ' ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ''' <summary> ' ''' ( Backing Field ) ' ''' A value that indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. ' ''' </summary> ' ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Private preventFlickeringB As Boolean End Interface End Namespace #End Region
Un ejemplo de implementación: <DisplayName("MyControl")> <Description("A extended control.")> <DesignTimeVisible(True)> <DesignerCategory("UserControl")> <ToolboxBitmap(GetType(UserControl))> <ToolboxItemFilter("System.Windows.Forms", ToolboxItemFilterType.Require)> <PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> Public Class MyControl : Inherits UserControl : Implements IBufferedControl ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. ''' <para></para> ''' The information returned by the <see cref="CreateParams"/> property is used to pass information about the ''' initial state and appearance of this control, at the time an instance of this class is being created. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The creation parameters. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Browsable(False)> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> <Description("The required creation parameters when the control handle is created.")> Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams As CreateParams Implements IBufferedControl.CreateParams Get If (Me.preventFlickeringB) Then Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams cp.ExStyle = (cp.ExStyle Or CInt(WindowStylesEx.Composited)) Return cp Else Return MyBase.CreateParams End If End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer ''' to reduce or prevent flicker. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' <see langword="True"/> if the surface of the control should be drawn using double buffering; ''' otherwise, <see langword="False"/>. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Browsable(True)> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)> <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> <Localizable(True)> <Category("Behavior")> <Description("Indicates whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker.")> <DefaultValue(GetType(Boolean), "False")> Public Overridable Shadows Property DoubleBuffered As Boolean Implements IBufferedControl.DoubleBuffered Get Return MyBase.DoubleBuffered End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, value) MyBase.DoubleBuffered = value End Set End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. ''' <para></para> ''' If <see langword="True"/>, this will avoid any flickering effect on the control, however, ''' it will also have a negative impact by slowing down the responsiveness of the control about to 30% slower. ''' <para></para> ''' This negative impact doesn't affect to the performance of the application itself, ''' just to the performance of this control. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' A value that indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Browsable(True)> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)> <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> <Localizable(False)> <Category("Behavior")> <Description("Indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. If True, this will avoid any flickering effect on the control, however, it will also have a negative impact by slowing down the responsiveness of the control about to 30% slower.")> <DefaultValue(GetType(Boolean), "False")> Public Overridable Property PreventFlickering As Boolean Implements IBufferedControl.PreventFlickering Get Return Me.preventFlickeringB End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) Me.preventFlickeringB = value End Set End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' ( Backing Field ) ''' A value that indicates whether the control should avoid unwanted flickering effects. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private preventFlickeringB As Boolean Public Sub New() MyBase.SuspendLayout() ' MyBase.DoubleBuffered = True ' Me.preventFlickeringB = True MyBase.ResumeLayout(performLayout:=False) End Sub End Class
¿Cómo calcular la distancia (de 2 dimensiones) entre dos puntos?.''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Calculates the distance between two points in two dimensions in the coordinate system. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' Pythagorean theorem: <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim distance As Double = CalculateDistance2D(New PointF(1, 1), New PointF(2, 2)) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="pointA"> ''' The first point. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="pointB"> ''' The second point. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting distance. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function CalculateDistance2D(ByVal pointA As PointF, ByVal pointB As PointF) As Double ' Pythagoras theorem: c^2 = a^2 + b^2 ' thus c = square root(a^2 + b^2) Dim a As Double = (pointB.X - pointA.X) Dim b As Double = (pointB.Y - pointA.Y) Return Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b) End Function
¿Cómo subscribirnos a eventos del sistema?.Microsoft Windows expone una infraestructura llamada WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) mediante la que provee una serie de classes que podemos utilizar para subscribbirnos a eventos del sistema o dicho coloquiálmente "monitorizar eventos", como por ejemplo cambios de hardware, cambios de aplicaciones instaladas o desinstaladas, cambios en el nivel de batería de un portatil, cambios en el registro de Windows, y un largo etcétera. La lista de classes podemos encontrarla en MSDN: varios tipos de classes, un tipo de classes serían representativas, es decir para representar información de consultas realizadas a WMI, y otro tipo serían las classes de eventos. Una class de evento la utilizariamos para subscribirnos al tipo de evento que provee. Para subscribirnos a una clase de evento, la librería de clases de .NET Framework espone la clase ManagementEventWatcher. Yo he desarrollado la siguiente class que hereda de la class ManagementEventWatcher, con la intención de añadir algunos constructores específicos para facilitar todavía más su uso y abstraer en mayor medida el nivel de complejidad. ' *********************************************************************** ' Author : Elektro ' Modified : 21-March-2017 ' *********************************************************************** #Region " Public Members Summary " #Region " Constructors " ' New(String) ' New(String, Single) ' New(String, Timespan) ' New(String, String, Single) ' New(String, String, Timespan) ' New(String, String, String(), UInteger) ' New(String, String, String(), Timespan) ' New(SelectQuery) ' New(SelectQuery, Single) ' New(SelectQuery, Timespan) ' New(SelectQuery, UInteger) #End Region #Region " Events " ' EventArrived As EventArrivedEventHandler #End Region #Region " Methods " ' Start() ' Stop() ' Dispose() #End Region #End Region #Region " Option Statements " Option Strict On Option Explicit On Option Infer Off #End Region #Region " Imports " Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Management #End Region #Region " WMI Event Watcher " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' A WMI event monitor that notifies about event arrivals for the subscribed event class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DesignerCategory("code")> <ImmutableObject(False)> Public Class WMIEventWatcher : Inherits ManagementEventWatcher #Region " Constructors " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class from being created. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerNonUserCode> Private Sub New() End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String) Me.New(eventClassName, condition:=String.Empty, withinInterval:=1.0F) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="withinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, that WMI will check for changes that occur to instances of the events of the ''' specified class in the <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String, ByVal withinInterval As Single) Me.New(eventClassName, condition:=String.Empty, withinInterval:=withinInterval) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="withinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, that WMI will check for changes that occur to instances of the events of the ''' specified class in the <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String, ByVal withinInterval As TimeSpan) Me.New(eventClassName, condition:=String.Empty, withinInterval:=withinInterval) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="condition"> ''' The condition to be applied to events of the specified class in the ''' <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="withinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, that WMI will check for changes that occur to instances of the events of the ''' specified class in the <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String, ByVal condition As String, ByVal withinInterval As Single) Me.New(eventClassName, condition, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(withinInterval)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="condition"> ''' The condition to be applied to events of the specified class in the ''' <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="withinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, that WMI will check for changes that occur to instances of the events of the ''' specified class in the <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String, ByVal condition As String, ByVal withinInterval As TimeSpan) MyBase.Query = New WqlEventQuery(eventClassName:=eventClassName, condition:=condition, withinInterval:=withinInterval) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="condition"> ''' The condition to be applied to events of the specified class in the ''' <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="groupByPropertyList"> ''' The properties in the event class by which the events should be grouped. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="groupWithinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, of the specified interval at which WMI sends one aggregate event, ''' rather than many events. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String, ByVal condition As String, ByVal groupByPropertyList As String(), ByVal groupWithinInterval As UInteger) Me.New(eventClassName, condition, groupByPropertyList, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(groupWithinInterval)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="eventClassName"> ''' The name of the WMI event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="condition"> ''' The condition to be applied to events of the specified class in the ''' <paramref name="eventClassName"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="groupByPropertyList"> ''' The properties in the event class by which the events should be grouped. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="groupWithinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, of the specified interval at which WMI sends one aggregate event, ''' rather than many events. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal eventClassName As String, ByVal condition As String, ByVal groupByPropertyList As String(), ByVal groupWithinInterval As TimeSpan) MyBase.Query = New WqlEventQuery(eventClassName:=eventClassName, condition:=condition, groupWithinInterval:=groupWithinInterval, groupByPropertyList:=groupByPropertyList) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="query"> ''' The WMI select query of the event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal query As SelectQuery) Me.New(query.ClassName, condition:=query.Condition, withinInterval:=1.0F) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="query"> ''' The WMI select query of the event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="withinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, that WMI will check for changes that occur to instances of the events of the ''' specified class in the <paramref name="query"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal query As SelectQuery, ByVal withinInterval As Single) Me.New(query.ClassName, condition:=query.Condition, withinInterval:=TimeSpan.FromSeconds(withinInterval)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="query"> ''' The WMI select query of the event class to subscribe for. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="withinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, that WMI will check for changes that occur to instances of the events of the ''' specified class in the <paramref name="query"/> parameter. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal query As SelectQuery, ByVal withinInterval As TimeSpan) Me.New(query.ClassName, condition:=query.Condition, withinInterval:=withinInterval) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WMIEventWatcher"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="query"> ''' The WMI select query of the event class to subscribe for and its selected properties. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="groupWithinInterval"> ''' The interval, in seconds, of the specified interval at which WMI sends one aggregate event, ''' rather than many events. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal query As SelectQuery, ByVal groupWithinInterval As UInteger) Dim strArray As String() = New String(query.SelectedProperties.Count - 1) {} query.SelectedProperties.CopyTo(strArray, 0) MyBase.Query = New WqlEventQuery(eventClassName:=query.ClassName, condition:=query.Condition, groupWithinInterval:=TimeSpan.FromSeconds(groupWithinInterval), groupByPropertyList:=strArray) End Sub #End Region End Class #End Region
Ejemplo de uso para subscribirnos a la class Win32_VolumeChangeEvent, la cual nos informa de cambios de volumen, del montaje y desmontaje de particiones del sistema: Public NotInheritable Class Form1 : Inherits Form Private WithEvents eventWatcher As New WMIEventWatcher("Win32_VolumeChangeEvent", withinInterval:=0.5F) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.eventWatcher.Scope = New ManagementScope("root\CIMV2", New ConnectionOptions() With {.EnablePrivileges = True}) Me.eventWatcher.Start() End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing Me.eventWatcher.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub EventWatcher_EventArrived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArrivedEventArgs) _ Handles eventWatcher.EventArrived Dim driveName As String = CStr(e.NewEvent.Properties("DriveName").Value) Dim eventType As Integer = CInt(e.NewEvent.Properties("EventType").Value) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Drive Name: {0}", driveName)) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Event Type: {0}", eventType)) End Sub End Class
Ejemplo de uso para subscribirnos a la class Win32_LogicalDisk, mediante la cual con el uso de una condición en la consulta de WMI, nos reportará cambios de inserción y eyección en dispositivos de CD-ROM: Public Class Form1 : Inherits Form Private WithEvents eventWatcher As New WMIEventWatcher( "__InstanceModificationEvent", condition:="TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_LogicalDisk' and TargetInstance.DriveType = 5", withinInterval:=0.5F ) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.eventWatcher.Scope = New ManagementScope("root\CIMV2", New ConnectionOptions() With {.EnablePrivileges = True}) Me.eventWatcher.Start() End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing Me.eventWatcher.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub EventWatcher_EventArrived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArrivedEventArgs) Handles eventWatcher.EventArrived Using mo As ManagementBaseObject = DirectCast(pd.Value, ManagementBaseObject) Dim name As String = Convert.ToString(mo.Properties("Name").Value) string label = Convert.ToString(mo.Properties("VolumeName").Value); Dim di As DriveInfo = (From item In DriveInfo.GetDrives() Where String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Name) ).Single() If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(di.VolumeLabel) Then Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CD has been inserted in drive {0}.", di.Name)) Else Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CD has been ejected from drive {0}.", di.Name)) End If End Using End Sub End Class
Nota: No he podido testear el ejemplo del dispositivo CD-ROM. Todas estas funcionalidades y muchísimas más las podrán encontrar en mi Framework de pago ElektroKit.
« Última modificación: 1 Abril 2017, 18:07 pm por Eleкtro »
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¿Cómo manipular imágenes GIF animadas?La librería de clases de .NET Framework no expone ningún tipo para representar de forma específica una imagen GIF. Tenemos el tipo Bitmap, Icon, e Image para representar de forma global cualquier tipo de imagen (incluyendo un GIF). Pero... ¿y si queremos representar de forma específica una imagen GIF con todos sus frames?, pues esta clase que he desarrollado sería un buen comienzo para llevarlo a cabo: ' *********************************************************************** ' Author : Elektro ' Modified : 02-April-2017 ' *********************************************************************** #Region " Public Members Summary " #Region " Constructors " ' New(String) ' New(FileInfo) ' New(Image) #End Region #Region " Properties " ' Image As Image ' FrameCount As Integer ' Frames(Integer) As Bitmap ' ActiveFrame As Bitmap ' ActiveFrameIndex As Integer ' EndOfFrames As Boolean #End Region #Region " Functions " ' NextFrame() As Bitmap ' GetFrames() As List(Of Bitmap) #End Region #End Region #Region " Option Statements " Option Strict On Option Explicit On Option Infer Off #End Region #Region " Imports " Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Drawing.Imaging Imports System.IO #End Region #Region " GIF " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Represents a GIF image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Class GIF #Region " Properties " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the GIF image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The GIF image. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public ReadOnly Property Image As Image ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the frame count of the GIF image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The frame count of the GIF image. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public ReadOnly Property FrameCount As Integer ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the frame at the specified index. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The frame index. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Frames(ByVal index As Integer) As Bitmap <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Get Using img As Image = DirectCast(Me.Image.Clone(), Image) img.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, index) Return New Bitmap(img) ' Deep copy of the frame (only the frame). End Using End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the active frame. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The active frame. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Overridable ReadOnly Property ActiveFrame As Bitmap <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Get Return New Bitmap(Me.Image) ' Deep copy of the frame (only the frame). End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the index in the frame count of the current active frame. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The index in the frame count of the current active frame. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Property ActiveFrameIndex As Integer <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return Me.activeFrameIndexB End Get <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Set(ByVal value As Integer) If (value <> Me.activeFrameIndexB) Then Me.Image.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, value) Me.activeFrameIndexB = value Me.eof = (value = Me.FrameCount) End If End Set End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' ( Backing Field ) ''' The index in the frame count of the current active frame. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private activeFrameIndexB As Integer ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets a value indicating whether the frame count is at EOF, ''' this means there is no more frames to advance in the GIF image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' <see langword="True"/> if there is no more frames to advance in the GIF image; otherwise, <see langword="False"/>. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public ReadOnly Property EndOfFrames As Boolean <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return Me.eof End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' ( Backing Field ) ''' A value indicating whether the frame count is at EOF, ''' this means there is no more frames to advance in the GIF image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private eof As Boolean #End Region #Region " Constructors " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class from being created. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerNonUserCode> Private Sub New() End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="filepath"> ''' The filepath. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal filepath As String) Me.New(Image.FromFile(filepath)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="file"> ''' The image file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal file As FileInfo ) Me. New(Image. FromFile(file. FullName)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIF"/> class. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="img"> ''' The image. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Sub New(ByVal img As Image) Me.Image = img Me.FrameCount = Me.Image.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Time) End Sub #End Region #Region " Public Methods " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Advances one position in the frame count and returns the next frame. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The next frame. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Overridable Function NextFrame() As Bitmap If (Me.eof) Then Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException() Else Dim frame As Bitmap = Me.Frames(Me.activeFrameIndexB) Me.activeFrameIndexB += 1 Me.eof = (Me.activeFrameIndexB >= Me.FrameCount) Return frame End If End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets a <see cref="List(Of Bitmap)"/> containing all the frames in the image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' A <see cref="List(Of Bitmap)"/> containing all the frames in the image. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Overridable Function GetFrames() As List(Of Bitmap) Using img As Image = DirectCast(Me.Image.Clone(), Image) Return GetFramesFromImage(img) End Using End Function #End Region #Region " Private Methods " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets a <see cref="List(Of Bitmap)"/> containing all the frames in the source GIF image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="img"> ''' The source <see cref="Image"/>. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting percentage difference value between the two specified images. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Shared Function GetFramesFromImage(ByVal img As Image) As List(Of Bitmap) Dim imgs As New List(Of Bitmap) Dim frameCount As Integer = img.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Time) For i As Integer = 0 To (frameCount - 1) img.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Time, i) imgs.Add(New Bitmap(img)) ' Deep copy of the frame (only the frame). Next Return imgs End Function #End Region End Class #End Region
Ejemplos de uso: Dim pcb As PictureBox = Me.PictureBox1 Dim gif As New GIF("C:\File.gif") Do Until gif.EndOfFrames ' Iterate frames until the end of frame count. ' Free previous Bitmap object. If (pcb.Image IsNot Nothing) Then pcb.Image.Dispose() pcb.Image = Nothing End If pcb.Image = gif.NextFrame() Thread.Sleep(60) ' Simulate a FPS thingy. Application.DoEvents() If (gif.EndOfFrames) Then ' Set active frame to 0 for infinite loop: gif.ActiveFrameIndex = 0 End If Loop
Nótese que el método GIF.GetFrames() devuelve una colección de Bitmaps con todos los frames de la imagen GIF. Las posibilidades son infinitas con esta colección, podemos añadir, editar o eliminar frames para crear un nuevo GIF, o simplemente mostrar la secuencia de frames... ¡Saludos!
« Última modificación: 2 Abril 2017, 22:40 pm por Eleкtro »
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Mensajes: 9.891
Determinar si dos colores son similares ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Determines whether two colors are similar. ''' <para></para> ''' It compares the RGB channel differences to match inside the range of the specified tolerance values. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="color1"> ''' The first color to compare. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="color2"> ''' The second color to compare. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="toleranceR"> ''' The tolerance of the Red color channel. ''' From 0 to 255. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="toleranceG"> ''' The tolerance of the Green color channel. ''' From 0 to 255. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="toleranceB"> ''' The tolerance of the Blue color channel. ''' From 0 to 255. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' <see langword="True"/> if the colors are similar, ''' this means the RGB differences matches inside the range of the specified tolerance value, ''' <see langword="False"/> otherwise. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function IsColorSimilar(ByVal color1 As Color, ByVal color2 As Color, ByVal toleranceR As Byte, ByVal toleranceG As Byte, ByVal toleranceB As Byte) As Boolean Return Math.Abs(CInt(color1.R) - color2.R) <= toleranceR AndAlso Math.Abs(CInt(color1.G) - color2.G) <= toleranceG AndAlso Math.Abs(CInt(color1.B) - color2.B) <= toleranceB End Function
Modo de empleo: Dim areSimilar As Boolean = IsColorSimilar(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 1), toleranceR:=0, toleranceG:=0, toleranceB:=1) ' Result: True
''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Determines whether two colors are similar. ''' <para></para> ''' It compares the RGB channel difference to match inside the range of the specified tolerance value. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="color1"> ''' The first color to compare. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="color2"> ''' The second color to compare. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="tolerance"> ''' The global tolerance of the RGB color channels. ''' From 0 to 255. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' <see langword="True"/> if the colors are similar, ''' this means the RGB differences matches inside the range of the specified tolerance value, ''' <see langword="False"/> otherwise. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function IsColorSimilar(ByVal color1 As Color, ByVal color2 As Color, ByVal tolerance As Byte) As Boolean Return (Math.Abs(CInt(color1.R) - color2.R) + Math.Abs(CInt(color1.G) - color2.G) + Math.Abs(CInt(color1.B) - color2.B)) <= tolerance End Function
Modo de empleo : Dim result1 As Boolean = IsColorSimilar(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 1), tolerance:=1) ' Result: True ' Logic: Blue channel difference = 1, which is equal than the specified tolerance value. Dim result2 As Boolean = IsColorSimilar(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(0, 1, 1), tolerance:=1) ' Result: False ' Logic: Red channel + Blue channel differences = 2, which is a bigger value than the specified tolerance value.
Voltear una imagen''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Specifies a flip type operation to perform for an image. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Enum FlipType As Integer ''' <summary> ''' Horizontal flip. ''' </summary> Horizontal = 1 ''' <summary> ''' Vertical flip. ''' </summary> Vertical = 2 ''' <summary> ''' Both a horizontal and vertical flip. ''' </summary> Both = 3 End Enum public module ImageExtensions ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Flips an <see cref="Image"/>. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="sender"> ''' The source <see cref="Image"/>. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="fliptype"> ''' The flip type operation to perform. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="Image"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Extension> <DebuggerStepThrough> <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)> Public Function Flip(ByVal sender As Image, ByVal fliptype As FlipType) As Image Dim flippedImage As New Bitmap(sender.Width, sender.Height, sender.PixelFormat) Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(flippedImage) Dim m As Matrix = Nothing Select Case fliptype Case FlipType.Horizontal m = New Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) m.Translate(flippedImage.Width, 0, MatrixOrder.Append) Case FlipType.Vertical m = New Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0) m.Translate(0, flippedImage.Height, MatrixOrder.Append) Case FlipType.Both m = New Matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0) m.Translate(flippedImage.Width, flippedImage.Height, MatrixOrder.Append) End Select ' Draw g.Transform = m g.DrawImage(sender, 0, 0) 'clean up m.Dispose() End Using Return flippedImage End Function end module
Modo de empleo: dim img as image = image.fromfile("C:\file.png") dim flipped as image= imf.Flip(FlipType.Vertical)
Cifrado XOR''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Encrypts or decrypts a string using XOR algorithm. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="text"> ''' The text to encrypt. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="key"> ''' The key to use for encryption of decryption. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The encrypted string. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function XorEncryptOrDecrypt(ByVal text As String, ByVal key As Integer) As String Dim sb As New StringBuilder(text.Length, text.Length) For Each c As Char In text ' Get the ASCII value of the character. Dim charValue As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(c) ' XOR the value. charValue = (charValue Xor key) ' Convert back to string. sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(charValue)) Next Return sb.ToString() End Function
Modo de empleo: Dim str As String = "Hello World" Dim encrypted As String = XorEncryptOrDecrypt(str, 1) ' Result: "Idmmn!Vnsme" Dim decrypted As String = XorEncryptOrDecrypt(encrypted, 1) ' Result: "Hello World"
Obtener un array con los bytes del archivo de la aplicación actual''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the bytes of the local file that points to the running assembly. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' A <see cref="Byte()"/> array containing the bytes of the local file that points to the running assembly. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared ReadOnly Property SelfBytes As Byte() <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Using fs As FileStream = File. OpenRead(System. Windows. Forms. Application. ExecutablePath) Dim exeBytes As Byte() = New Byte(CInt(fs.Length - 1)) {} fs.Read(exeBytes, 0, exeBytes.Length) Return exeBytes End Using End Get End Property
Modo de empleo: Dim selfBytes As Byte() = SelfBytes()
Obtener recursos embedidos en un ensamblado .NETPartial Public NotInheritable Class ResourceUtil ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets an embedded resource in the specified <see cref="Assembly"/>. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="ass"> ''' The <see cref="Assembly"/> to look for the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' A <see cref="Byte()"/> array containing the bytes of the embedded resource. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetEmbeddedResource(ByVal name As String, ByVal ass As Assembly) As Byte() name = ResourceUtil.FormatResourceName(name, ass) Using resx As Stream = ass.GetManifestResourceStream(name) If (resx Is Nothing) Then Throw New Exception("Resource not found in the specified .NET assembly.") Else Dim content As Byte() = New Byte(CInt(resx.Length - 1)) {} resx.Read(content, 0, content.Length) Return content End If End Using End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets an embedded resource in the calling assembly. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' A <see cref="Byte()"/> array containing the bytes of the embedded resource. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetEmbeddedResource(ByVal name As String) As Byte() Return ResourceUtil.GetEmbeddedResource(name, Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets an embedded resource of type <see cref="String"/> in the specified <see cref="Assembly"/>. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="ass"> ''' The <see cref="Assembly"/> to look for the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The embedded resource as <see cref="String"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetEmbeddedResourceAsString(ByVal name As String, ByVal ass As Assembly, Optional ByVal enc As Encoding = Nothing) As String If (enc Is Nothing) Then enc = Encoding.Default End If name = ResourceUtil.FormatResourceName(name, ass) Using resx As Stream = ass.GetManifestResourceStream(name) If (resx Is Nothing) Then Throw New Exception("Resource not found in the specified .NET assembly.") Else Using reader As New StreamReader(resx, enc) Return reader.ReadToEnd() End Using End If End Using End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets an embedded resource of type <see cref="String"/> in the calling assembly. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The embedded resource as <see cref="String"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetEmbeddedResourceAsString(ByVal name As String, Optional ByVal enc As Encoding = Nothing) As String Return ResourceUtil.GetEmbeddedResourceAsString(name, Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), enc) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets an embedded resource of type <see cref="Image"/> in the specified <see cref="Assembly"/>. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="ass"> ''' The <see cref="Assembly"/> to look for the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The embedded resource as <see cref="Image"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetEmbeddedResourceAsImage(ByVal name As String, ByVal ass As Assembly) As Image name = ResourceUtil.FormatResourceName(name, ass) Using resx As Stream = ass.GetManifestResourceStream(name) If (resx Is Nothing) Then Throw New Exception("Resource not found in the specified .NET assembly.") Else Using ms As New MemoryStream() resx.CopyTo(ms) Return Image.FromStream(ms) End Using End If End Using End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets an embedded resource of type <see cref="Image"/> in the calling assembly. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The embedded resource as <see cref="Image"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetEmbeddedResourceAsImage(ByVal name As String) As Image Return ResourceUtil.GetEmbeddedResourceAsImage(name, Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Formats a resource name. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="name"> ''' The name of the resource. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="ass"> ''' The assembly that contains the resource. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting formatted resource name. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Shared Function FormatResourceName(ByVal name As String, ByVal ass As Assembly) As String Return String.Format("{0}.{1}", ass.GetName().Name, name.Replace(" ", "_"). Replace("\", "."). Replace("/", ".")) End Function End Class
Ejemplo de uso para la aplicación actual: Dim data As Byte() = GetEmbeddedResource("file.txt") Dim dataAsString As String = Encoding.Default.GetString(data) Dim str As String = GetEmbeddedResourceAsString("file.txt", Encoding.Default) Dim img As Image = GetEmbeddedResourceAsImage("file.png")
Ejemplo de uso con un ensamblado específico: Dim data As Byte() = GetEmbeddedResource("file.txt", Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) Dim dataAsString As String = Encoding.Default.GetString(data) Dim str As String = GetEmbeddedResourceAsString("file.txt", Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), Encoding.Default) Dim img As Image = GetEmbeddedResourceAsImage("file.png", Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())
Todas estas funcionalidades y muchísimas más las podrán encontrar en mi Framework ElektroKit.
« Última modificación: 7 Abril 2017, 06:26 am por Eleкtro »
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Pausar la ejecución de la consola hasta que se pulse cierta tecla...''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Pause the console execution Indefinitely until any key is pressed. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub Pause() Console.ReadKey(intercept:=True) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Pause the console execution Indefinitely until the specified key is pressed. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="key"> ''' The key to wait for. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub Pause(ByVal key As Keys) Dim keyInfo As ConsoleKeyInfo Do Until (keyInfo.Key = key) keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept:=True) Loop End Sub
Modo de empleo: Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...") Pause() Environment.Exit(0)
Dim key As Keys = Keys.Enter Dim keyName As String = [Enum].GetName(GetType(Keys), key) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Press '{0}' key to continue...", keyName)) Pause(key) Console.WriteLine("Well done.")
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Un puñado de funciones para extender las posibilidades de la función built-in System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName()Modo de empleo:Dim tmpFile1 As FileInfo = GetTempFile() Dim tmpFile2 As FileInfo = GetTempFile("txt") Dim tmpFile3 As FileInfo = GetTempFile(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) Dim tmpFile4 As FileInfo = GetTempFile(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, "txt") Dim tmpFile5 As FileInfo = GetTempFile(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\")) Dim tmpFile6 As FileInfo = GetTempFile(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\"), "txt") Dim tmpFile7 As FileInfo = GetTempFile("C:\Folder\", "txt")
Dim tmpFilePath1 As String = GetTempFileName() Dim tmpFilePath2 As String = GetTempFileName("txt") Dim tmpFilePath3 As String = GetTempFileName(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) Dim tmpFilePath4 As String = GetTempFileName(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, "txt") Dim tmpFilePath5 As String = GetTempFileName(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\")) Dim tmpFilePath6 As String = GetTempFileName(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\"), "txt") Dim tmpFilePath7 As String = GetTempFileName("C:\Folder\", "txt")
Código fuente:''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the system's default temporary folder ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile() ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile() As FileInfo Return New FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="folder"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile (ByVal folder As SpecialFolder ) As FileInfo Return GetTempFile (Environment. GetFolderPath(folder), "tmp") End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\")) ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="dir"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile(ByVal dir As DirectoryInfo) As FileInfo Return GetTempFile(dir.FullName, "tmp") End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the system's default temporary folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile("txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile(ByVal extension As String) As FileInfo Return GetTempFile(Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), extension) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, "txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="folder"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile (ByVal folder As SpecialFolder, ByVal extension As String) As FileInfo Return GetTempFile (Environment. GetFolderPath(folder), extension ) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\"), "txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="dir"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile(ByVal dir As DirectoryInfo, ByVal extension As String) As FileInfo Return GetTempFile(dir.FullName, extension) End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = GetTempFile("C:\Folder\", "txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile.FullName) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="dirPath"> ''' The full path of the folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting <see cref="FileInfo"/>. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' dirPath or extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFile(ByVal dirPath As String, ByVal extension As String) As FileInfo If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dirPath) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("dirPath") ElseIf String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extension) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("extension") Else Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(dirPath) If Not (dir.Exists) Then Try dir.Create() Catch ex As Exception Throw Return Nothing End Try End If Dim tmpFile As FileInfo = Nothing Dim newFilePath As String Dim defaultFolderPath As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) Dim defaultFileExtension As String = "tmp" Do If (tmpFile IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (tmpFile.Exists) Then tmpFile.Delete() End If tmpFile = New FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()) If Not (dir.FullName.Equals(defaultFolderPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then newFilePath = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, tmpFile.Name) Else newFilePath = tmpFile.FullName End If If Not (extension.Equals(defaultFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then newFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(newFilePath, extension) End If Loop Until (newFilePath. Equals(tmpFile. FullName, StringComparison. OrdinalIgnoreCase)) OrElse Not File. Exists(newFilePath ) tmpFile.MoveTo(newFilePath) tmpFile.Refresh() Return tmpFile End If End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the system's default temporary folder ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName() ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName() As String Return Path.GetTempFileName() End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="folder"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName (ByVal folder As SpecialFolder ) As String Return GetTempFile (Environment. GetFolderPath(folder), "tmp"). FullName End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\")) ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="dir"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName(ByVal dir As DirectoryInfo) As String Return GetTempFile(dir.FullName, "tmp").FullName End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the system's default temporary folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName("txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName(ByVal extension As String) As String Return GetTempFile(Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), extension).FullName End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, "txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="folder"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName (ByVal folder As SpecialFolder, ByVal extension As String) As String Return GetTempFile (Environment. GetFolderPath(folder), extension ). FullName End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName(New DirectoryInfo("C:\Folder\"), "txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="dir"> ''' The folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName(ByVal dir As DirectoryInfo, ByVal extension As String) As String Return GetTempFile(dir.FullName, extension).FullName End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on the specified folder with the specified file extension ''' and returns the file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim tmpFile As String = GetTempFileName("C:\Folder\", "txt") ''' Console.WriteLine(tmpFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="dirPath"> ''' The full path of the folder where to create the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ''' <param name="extension"> ''' The file extension to assign to the temporary file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The full path of the temporary file. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' dirPath or extension ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Function GetTempFileName(ByVal dirPath As String, ByVal extension As String) As String Return GetTempFile(dirPath, extension).FullName End Function
« Última modificación: 29 Abril 2017, 20:13 pm por Eleкtro »
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Método Application.DoEvents() perfeccionadoMuchos programadores de VB.NET a veces se encuentran en un escenario de programación en el que deben realizar una operación asincrónica, pero en lugar de implementar el modo correcto de programación asincrónica suelen llamar al método Application.DoEvents() con la intención de esperar a que dicha operación asincrónica termine y evitar el bloqueo en el hilo de la interfáz gráfica. Esto se suele hacer decorando la llamada a dicho método usando un búcle, por ejemplo: Do While (condición) Application.DoEvents() Loop
Sin embargo, hacer llamadas consecutivas a dicho método en un tiempo de intervalo demasiado corto (como en el búcle de arriba) causará un exceso muy importante de consumo de recursos en el equipo, puesto que basicamente lo que hace el método Application.DoEvents() es recibir, procesar, y despachar todos los mensajes pendientes en la cola, y no lo hace de forma selectiva, así que se procesan todos los mensajes de entrada/input, de dibujado/paint, los eventos, y etc, una y otra vez. El método Application.DoEvents() tiene un propósito muy distinto del que realmente se le suele dar, y hay muchas formas de evitar tener que usar dicho método, pero no entraremos en esos temas ahora. Lo que explicaré será como poder mejorar el rendimiento y la responsabilidad de nuestra aplicación en un 90% al usar el método Application.DoEvents() cuando se le pretenda dar el uso que se ha explicado al principio. Puesto que el método Application.DoEvents() se suele utilizar para aumentar la respuesta de la UI en una iteración intensiva, lo más apropiado para aumentar el rendimiento sería comprobar si existen mensajes de entrada (teclado o ratón) en la cola de mensajes del hilo de la UI antes de llamar a Application.DoEvents(). Y para ello existe una función Win32 a la que podemos recurrir presicamente para obtener un valor que nos diga si hay mensajes que se deban procesar o no los hay. La función se llama GetInputState, y en fin, todo esto que acabo de explicar quedaría implementado así: ''' <summary> ''' Determines whether there are mouse-button or keyboard messages in the calling thread's message queue. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' <returns> ''' If the queue contains one or more new mouse-button or keyboard messages, the return value is <see langword="True"/>. ''' <para></para> ''' If there are no new mouse-button or keyboard messages in the queue, the return value is <see langword="False"/>. ''' </returns> <SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity> <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=False)> Private Shared Function GetInputState() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean End Function ''' <summary> ''' Processes all Windows messages currently in the message queue of the application. ''' <para></para> ''' This method greatly boosts the performance of any application in difference to <see cref="Application.DoEvents()"/> method. ''' <para></para> ''' When calling <see cref="Application.DoEvents()"/> to make the UI responsive, it generally decreases application performance; ''' <para></para> ''' however, using this method, we make sure there is at least one input event (keyboard or mouse) that needs to be processed before internally calling <see cref="Application.DoEvents()"/>. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub DoEvents() If GetInputState() Then Global.System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() End If End Sub
Modo de empleo: Do While True DoEvents() Loop
« Última modificación: 6 Mayo 2017, 14:08 pm por Eleкtro »
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¿Cómo obtener la clave de producto instalada en Windows, o instalar un archivo de licencia, o una clave de producto de Windows, y como desinstalar la clave o eliminarla del registro de Windows?.He desarrollado la siguiente clase para poder efectuar algunas operacioens básicas de licencia y activación en Windows, como instalar un archivo de licencia, obtener la clave de producto instalada en Windows, instalar una nueva clave de producto de Windows, desinstalarla o eliminarla del registro de Windows (tal como hace la herramienta slmgr.vbs /cpky de Microsoft). Lo he probado en Windows 10 x64, sin problemas. En teoría debería funcionar desde Windows 7 para adelante, y versiones Windows Server desde la 2008 R2 para adelante. Todo el código fuente está documentado y además los miembros incluyen ejemplos de uso documentados, no creo que haga falta explicar mucho más. ' *********************************************************************** ' Author : Elektro ' Modified : 01-June-2017 ' *********************************************************************** #Region " Public Members Summary " #Region " Properties " ' ProductId As String ' ProductKey As String #End Region #Region " Methods " ' InstallLicense(String) ' InstallLicense(FileInfo) ' InstallProductKey(String) ' UninstallProductKey() ' RemoveProductKeyFromRegistry() ' RefreshLicenseStatus() #End Region #End Region #Region " Option Statements " Option Strict On Option Explicit On Option Infer Off #End Region #Region " Imports " Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.IO Imports System.Management Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' Imports Elektro.Core.Types #End Region #Region " Licensing Util " ' Namespace Tools.Shell ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Contains Windows licensing related utilities. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public NotInheritable Class Licensing ' : Inherits AestheticObject #Region " Constructors " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="Licensing"/> class from being created. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerNonUserCode> Private Sub New() End Sub #End Region #Region " Properties " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Windows product identifier of the current operating system. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim productId As String = ProductId() ''' Console.WriteLine(productId) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The Windows product identifier. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared ReadOnly Property ProductId As String <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return Licensing.GetWindowsProductId() End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Windows product key of the current operating system. ''' <para></para> ''' Note that the value could be <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' Credits to: <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim productKey As String = ProductKey() ''' Console.WriteLine(productKey) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' The Windows product key, or <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared ReadOnly Property ProductKey As String <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return Licensing.GetWindowsProductKey() End Get End Property #End Region #Region " Public Methods " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Installs a Windows license on the current operating system. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim licFilepath As String = "C:\License.lic" ''' InstallLicense(licFilepath) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="licFilepath"> ''' The license file path. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub InstallLicense(ByVal licFilepath As String) Licensing.InstallLicense(New FileInfo(licFilepath)) End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Installs a Windows license on the current operating system. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim licFile As New FileInfo("C:\License.lic") ''' InstallLicense(licFile) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="licFile"> ''' The license file. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="PlatformNotSupportedException"> ''' Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature. ''' </exception> ''' ''' <exception cref="FileNotFoundException"> ''' License file not found. ''' </exception> ''' ''' <exception cref="Exception"> ''' The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid. ''' or ''' Unknown error occurred during the license installation attempt. ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub InstallLicense(ByVal licFile As FileInfo) If Not (IsWin7OrGreater) Then Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature.") End If If Not licFile.Exists Then Throw New FileNotFoundException("License file not found.", licFile.FullName) End If Dim licData As String = File. ReadAllText(licFile. FullName) Using query As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService") For Each product As ManagementObject In query.Get() Dim result As UInteger Try result = CUInt(product.InvokeMethod("InstallLicense", {licData})) Catch ex As COMException When (ex.HResult = -1073418209) Throw New Exception("The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid.", ex) Catch ex As COMException Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ex.HResult) Catch ex As Exception Throw End Try If (result <> 0UI) Then Throw New Exception("Unknown error occurred during the license installation attempt.") End If Next product End Using End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Installs a Windows product key on the current operating system. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' Dim productKey As String = "YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7" ''' InstallProductKey(productKey) ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <param name="productKey"> ''' The product key. ''' </param> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="PlatformNotSupportedException"> ''' Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature. ''' </exception> ''' ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> ''' productKey ''' </exception> ''' ''' <exception cref="Exception"> ''' The Software Licensing Service determined that the product key is invalid. ''' or ''' Unknown error occurred during the product key installation attempt. ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub InstallProductKey(ByVal productKey As String) If Not (IsWin7OrGreater) Then Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature.") End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productKey) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("productKey") End If Using query As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService") For Each product As ManagementObject In query.Get() Dim result As UInteger Try result = CUInt(product.InvokeMethod("InstallProductKey", {productKey})) ' Installing a product key could change Windows licensing state. ' Since the service determines if it can shut down and when is the next start time ' based on the licensing state we should reconsume the licenses here. product.InvokeMethod("RefreshLicenseStatus", Nothing) Catch ex As COMException When (ex.HResult = -1073418160) Throw New Exception("The Software Licensing Service determined that the product key is invalid.", ex) Catch ex As COMException Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ex.HResult) Catch ex As Exception Throw End Try If (result <> 0UI) Then Throw New Exception("Unknown error occurred during the product key installation attempt.") End If Next product End Using End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Uninstall the Windows product key of the current operating system. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="PlatformNotSupportedException"> ''' Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature. ''' </exception> ''' ''' <exception cref="Exception"> ''' Unknown error occurred during the product key uninstallation attempt. ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub UninstallProductKey() If Not (IsWin7OrGreater) Then Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature.") End If Using query As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct") For Each product As ManagementObject In query.Get() Dim result As UInteger Try result = CUInt(product.InvokeMethod("UninstallProductKey", Nothing)) ' Uninstalling a product key could change Windows licensing state. ' Since the service determines if it can shut down and when is the next start time ' based on the licensing state we should reconsume the licenses here. product.InvokeMethod("RefreshLicenseStatus", Nothing) Catch ex As COMException Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ex.HResult) Catch ex As Exception Throw End Try If (result <> 0UI) Then Throw New Exception("Unknown error occurred during the product key removal attempt.") End If Next product End Using End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Removes the Windows product key from registry (to prevent unauthorized diffusion) ''' of the current operating system. ''' <para></para> ''' It does not uninstall the product key. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="PlatformNotSupportedException"> ''' Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature. ''' </exception> ''' ''' <exception cref="Exception"> ''' Unknown error occurred during the product key removal attempt. ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub RemoveProductKeyFromRegistry() If Not (IsWin7OrGreater) Then Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature.") End If Using query As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService") For Each product As ManagementObject In query.Get() Dim result As UInteger Try result = CUInt(product.InvokeMethod("ClearProductKeyFromRegistry", Nothing)) Catch ex As COMException Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ex.HResult) Catch ex As Exception Throw End Try If (result <> 0UI) Then Throw New Exception("Unknown error occurred during the product key removal attempt.") End If Next product End Using End Sub ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Updates the licensing status of the machine so that applications have access to current licensing information. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <exception cref="PlatformNotSupportedException"> ''' Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature. ''' </exception> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepThrough> Public Shared Sub RefreshLicenseStatus() If Not (IsWin7OrGreater) Then Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("Windows 7 or newer is required to use this feature.") End If Using query As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Version FROM SoftwareLicensingService") For Each product As ManagementObject In query.Get() product.InvokeMethod("RefreshLicenseStatus", Nothing) Next product End Using End Sub #End Region #Region " Private Members " ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets a value that determines whether the current operating system is <c>Windows 7</c>, or greater. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' If Not IsWin7OrGreater Then ''' Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("This application cannot run under the current Windows version.") ''' End If ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' A value that determines whether the current operating system is <c>Windows 7</c>, or greater. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Shared ReadOnly Property IsWin7OrGreater() As Boolean <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return (Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32NT) AndAlso (Environment.OSVersion.Version.CompareTo(New Version(6, 1)) >= 0) End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets a value that determines whether the current operating system is <c>Windows 8</c>, or greater. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <example> This is a code example. ''' <code> ''' If Not IsWin8OrGreater Then ''' Throw New PlatformNotSupportedException("This application cannot run under the current Windows version.") ''' End If ''' </code> ''' </example> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <value> ''' A value that determines whether the current operating system is <c>Windows 8</c>, or greater. ''' </value> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Shared ReadOnly Property IsWin8OrGreater() As Boolean <DebuggerStepThrough> Get Return (Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32NT) AndAlso (Environment.OSVersion.Version.CompareTo(New Version(6, 2)) >= 0) End Get End Property ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Windows product key. ''' <para></para> ''' Note that the return value could be <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The Windows product key, or <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Private Shared Function GetWindowsProductId() As String Dim result As String = Nothing Using query As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT SerialNumber FROM Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each product As ManagementObject In query.Get() result = CStr(product.Properties("SerialNumber").Value) Next product End Using Return result End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Windows product key. ''' <para></para> ''' Note that the return value could be <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' Credits to: <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The Windows product key, or <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Private Shared Function GetWindowsProductKey() As String Dim regKey As RegistryKey Dim regValue As Byte() Dim productKey As String If Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem Then regKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64) Else regKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32) End If Using regKey regValue = DirectCast(regKey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"). GetValue("DigitalProductId", New Byte() {}, RegistryValueOptions.None), Byte()) End Using productKey = Licensing.DecodeProductKey(regValue) Return productKey End Function ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Decode and return the Windows Product Key that is encoded in the specified Windows Product Identifier. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <remarks> ''' Credits to: <see href=""/> ''' </remarks> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The Windows product key, or <see langword="Nothing"/> in case of the product key was ''' completely removed from the Windows Registry (eg. using tools like <c>slmgr.vbs /cpky</c>). ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <DebuggerStepperBoundary> Private Shared Function DecodeProductKey(ByVal windowsProductId As Byte()) As String If (IsWin8OrGreater) Then ' Decode key from Windows 8 to Windows 10 Dim key As String = String.Empty Dim keyOffset As Integer = 52 Dim isWin8 As Byte = CByte((windowsProductId(66) \ 6) And 1) windowsProductId(66) = CByte((windowsProductId(66) And &HF7) Or (isWin8 And 2) * 4) Dim digits As String = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" Dim last As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = 24 To 0 Step -1 Dim current As Integer = 0 For j As Integer = 14 To 0 Step -1 current = current * 256 current = windowsProductId(j + keyOffset) + current windowsProductId(j + keyOffset) = CByte(current \ 24) current = current Mod 24 last = current Next key = digits(current) + key Next If (key = "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB") Then Return Nothing End If Dim keypart1 As String = key.Substring(1, last) Dim keypart2 As String = key.Substring(last + 1, key.Length - (last + 1)) key = keypart1 & "N" & keypart2 For i As Integer = 5 To (key.Length - 1) Step 6 key = key.Insert(i, "-") Next i Return key Else ' Decode key from Windows XP to Windows 7 Dim keyStartIndex As Integer = 52 Dim keyEndIndex As Integer = keyStartIndex + 15 Dim decodeLength As Integer = 29 Dim decodeStringLength As Integer = 15 Dim decodedChars As Char() = New Char(decodeLength - 1) {} Dim hexPid As New ArrayList() Dim digits As Char() = { "B"c, "C"c, "D"c, "F"c, "G"c, "H"c, "J"c, "K"c, "M"c, "P"c, "Q"c, "R"c, "T"c, "V"c, "W"c, "X"c, "Y"c, "2"c, "3"c, "4"c, "6"c, "7"c, "8"c, "9"c } For i As Integer = keyStartIndex To keyEndIndex hexPid.Add(windowsProductId(i)) Next i For i As Integer = (decodeLength - 1) To 0 Step -1 ' Every sixth char is a separator. If (i + 1) Mod 6 = 0 Then decodedChars(i) = "-"c Else ' Do the actual decoding. Dim digitMapIndex As Integer = 0 For j As Integer = (decodeStringLength - 1) To 0 Step -1 Dim byteValue As Integer = (digitMapIndex << 8) Or CByte(hexPid(j)) hexPid(j) = CByte(byteValue \ 24) digitMapIndex = byteValue Mod 24 decodedChars(i) = digits(digitMapIndex) Next End If Next i Return New String(decodedChars) End If End Function #End Region End Class ' End Namespace #End Region
« Última modificación: 1 Junio 2017, 18:17 pm por Eleкtro »
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¿Cómo bloquear la ejecución del administrador de tareas de Windows?Este código lo he desarrollado para darle solución al siguiente problema: bloquear la ejecución del administrador de tareas de Windows (taskmgr.exe) Además de eso, el código también bloquea la ejecución del hijack/sustituto del admiinstrador de tareas... suponiendo que el usuario haya definido tal hijack en el registro de Windows, claro está. La metodología que he usado es la más sencilla (y por ende también la más eludible): abrir el stream del archivo para mantenerlo en uso y prohibir la compartición del archivo. De esta manera, y mientras tengamos abierto el stream en nuestra aplicación, evitaremos una ejecución a demanda del administrador de tareas, incluyendo el intento de ejecución desde el diálogo de Logon de Windows. Por supuesto el efecto no es permanente, tan solo perdurará hasta que nuestra aplicación finalice su ejecución o hasta que por el motivo que sea decidamos liberar el stream manualmente. He usado esta metodología basicamente por que la intención de esto no es el desarrollo de malware (y para ser sincero no he querido complicarme más la vida puesto que el diseño de Malware y la ing. inversa no es mi fuerte), sino una simple utilidad a la que darle un uso ético, como por ejemplo podría ser poner impedimentos para intentar evitar que el usuario pueda matar nuestro proceso mientras estamos realizando una operación crítica e irreversible que podria dañar el sistema operativo si se detiene de forma anómala. ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Prevents any attempt for the current user from reading and running the 'taskmgr.exe' file ''' and any defined hijack in the system (if any) ''' <para></para> ''' Note that the file blocking is not permanent. ''' <para></para> ''' This function will return a <see cref="FileStream"/> Array that contains the 'taskmgr.exe' file stream(s) ''' opened with <see cref="FileAccess.Read"/> access and <see cref="FileShare.None"/> sharing. ''' <para></para> ''' So in order to unblock the access to the file(s), just dispose the opened stream(s) or terminate the calling aplication. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' A <see cref="FileStream"/> Array that contains the 'taskmgr.exe' file stream(s) ''' opened with <see cref="FileAccess.Read"/> access and <see cref="FileShare.None"/> sharing. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function BlockWindowsTaskManager() As FileStream() ' Build a list with the legit tskmgr.exe file(s). Dim tkmgrFiles As New List(Of FileInfo) From { ' C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe New FileInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "taskmgr.exe")) } If (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) AndAlso (Environment.Is64BitProcess) Then ' C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskmgr.exe tkmgrFiles.Add(New FileInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.SystemX86), "taskmgr.exe"))) End If ' Add to the list the taskmgr.exe hijacked file, if any. Dim hijackValue As String = GetTaskManagerHijack() If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hijackValue) Then tkmgrFiles.Add(New FileInfo(hijackValue)) End If ' Build a list where to add the open file streams. Dim tkmgrStreams As New List(Of FileStream) tkmgrFiles.ForEach( Sub(ByVal file As FileInfo ) ' Ensure that any instance of the taskmgr processes are running; otherwise, we must terminate them. Dim processName As String = Path. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file. Name) For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName(processName) Using p Try If Not (p.HasExited) Then p.Kill() ' Wait a reasonable time interval if stuck/hanged process. p.WaitForExit(CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds)) End If Catch ex As Exception ' Failed to terminate the process ' Since we can still block an open file (if it was open with read sharing) but ' we can't terminate the current running/unblocked instance, ' so we conclude the overall operation failed and rollback previous blocks then finish here. tkmgrStreams.ForEach(Sub(sr As Stream) sr.Dispose()) Throw End Try End Using ' p Next p Dim fs As FileStream Try fs = file. Open(FileMode. Open, FileAccess. Read, FileShare. None) tkmgrStreams.Add(fs) ' Catch ex As IOException When (ex.HResult = -2147024864) ' File its being used by this or another process. ' This exception can occur if calling this function twice without disposing the returned stream(s) before the second call. Catch ex As Exception ' File can't be opened for whatever reason. ' Since we can't open/block all the required files, ' we conclude the overall operation failed and rollback previous blocks then finish here. tkmgrStreams.ForEach(Sub(sr As Stream) sr.Dispose()) Throw End Try End If End Sub) Return tkmgrStreams.ToArray() End Function
+ ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Determines whether the legit 'taskmgr.exe' file has a hijack defined in the Windows registry, ''' then returns the registry value that points to the hijack file path. ''' </summary> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <returns> ''' The resulting hijack registry value, ''' or <see langword="Nothing"/> (null) if a 'taskmgr.exe' hijack doesn't exist. ''' </returns> ''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Shared Function GetTaskManagerHijack() As String Dim hijackSubkey As String = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe" Using regKey As RegistryKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Default) Return DirectCast(regKey.OpenSubKey(hijackSubkey, RegistryRights.ReadKey)?. GetValue("Debugger", Nothing, RegistryValueOptions.None), String) End Using End Function
Ejemplo de uso: Dim tskmgrFiles As FileStream() = BlockWindowsTaskManager() For Each fs As FileStream In tskmgrFiles ' fs.Close() ' Call this to unblock file access. Next fs
Resultado de ejecución en mi equipo de 64-Bits con Windows 10 instalado donde tengo asignado un hijack para correr el administrador de tareas de Windows 7 en lugar del de Windows 10: C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskmgr.exe C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr7.exe Hasta donde yo he probado, funciona. Nótese que para optimizar los resultados el executable que llame a la función BlockWindowsTaskManager() debe ser de la misma arquitectura que el sistema operativo donde éste sea ejecutado, pues si Windows es de 64-Bit y nuestro executable es de 32, entonces Windows automáticamente hará redirección WOW64, o dicho de otra forma si estamos en Win64 y llamamos a la función BlockWindowsTaskManager() desde un WinExe32 entonces tan solo podremos bloquear 1 taskmgr.exe de los 2 taskmgr.exe legítimos en Windows x64. Y lo mismo sucederá con el hijack puesto que un executable de 32 bits no puede acceder al visor de registro de 64 bits.Saludos!
« Última modificación: 3 Junio 2017, 04:24 am por Eleкtro »
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