Tema: Librería de Snippets para VB.NET !! (Compartan aquí sus snippets) (Leído 540,737 veces)
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Un AppActivate más sencillo de usar que el default, se puede usar especificando el nombre del proceso. PD: Sirve para activar (darle Focus) a un proceso externo. #Region " App Activate " ' [ App Activate ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' App_Activate("cmd") ' App_Activate("cmd.exe") ' If App_Activate("cmd") Then... Private Function App_Activate(ByVal ProcessName As String) As Boolean If ProcessName.ToLower.EndsWith(".exe") Then ProcessName = ProcessName.Substring(0, ProcessName.Length - 4) Dim ProcessArray = Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcessName) If ProcessArray.Length = 0 Then Return False Else AppActivate(ProcessArray(0).Id) Return True End If End Function #End Region
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Una Class para controlar WinAmp:én está disponible compilada en un dll: Funciona en las versiones 5.X Ejemplos de uso (Aparte de los oficiales): #Region " Examples " ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' INSTRUCTIONS: ' ' 1. Add a reference for "WACC.DLL" Public Class Form1 Dim Winamp As WACC.clsWACC = New WACC.clsWACC Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' // Bind the WinAmp process to the variable object Winamp.Bind() ' // Get WinAmp process PID ' Winamp.ProcessID() ' // Close WinAmp ' Winamp.CloseWinamp() ' // Restart WinAmp ' Winamp.RestartWinamp() ' // Open new instance of WinAmp ' Winamp.OpenNewInstance() ' // Play playback ' Winamp.Playback.Play() ' // Pause playback ' Winamp.Playback.PauseUnpause() ' // Stop playback ' Winamp.Playback.Stop() ' // Junp to previous track ' Winamp.Playlist.JumpToPreviousTrack() ' // Junp to next track ' Winamp.Playlist.JumpToNextTrack() ' // Rewind 5 seconds of the current song ' Winamp.Playback.Rewind5s() ' // Forward 5 seconds of the current song ' Winamp.Playback.Forward5s() ' // Get Track Length ' Winamp.Playback.GetTrackLength * 1000 '(ms) ' // Set Track Position ' Winamp.Playback.TrackPosition = 60000 ' (ms) ' // Get WinAmp state ' MsgBox(Winamp.Playback.PlaybackState().ToString) ' If Winamp.Playback.PlaybackState = clsWACC.cPlayback.Playback_State.Playing Then : End If ' // Set volume ' Winamp.AudioControls.Volume = Math.Round(50 / (100 / 255)) ' // Volume up ' Winamp.AudioControls.VolumeUp() ' // Volume down ' Winamp.AudioControls.VolumeDown() ' // Get current track BitRate ' MsgBox(Winamp.Playback.Bitrate.ToString & " kbps") ' // Get current track SampleRate ' MsgBox(Winamp.Playback.SampleRate.ToString & " kHz") ' // Get current track channels ' MsgBox(Winamp.Playback.Channels.ToString & " channels") ' // Clear playlist ' Winamp.Playlist.Clear() ' // Remove missing files in playlist ' Winamp.Playlist.RemoveMissingFiles() ' // Enable/Disable Shuffle ' Winamp.Playback.ShuffleEnabled = True ' // Enable/Disable Repeat ' Winamp.Playback.RepeatEnabled = True ' // Set WinAmp OnTop ' Winamp.Options.AlwaysOnTop = True End Sub End Class #End Region
« Última modificación: 1 Julio 2013, 09:06 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Mensajes: 9.891
He extendido y mejorado la función para buscar texto en la colección de Items de un listview: PD: la versión antigua la pueden encontrar aquí:;msg1865639#msg1865639#Region " [ListView] Find ListView Text "
' [ListView] Find ListView Text Function ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test")) ' MsgBox(Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test", 2, True, True)) ' If Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test") Then...
Private Function Find_ListView_Text(ByVal ListView As ListView, _ ByVal SearchString As String, _ Optional ByVal ColumnIndex As Int32 = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal MatchFullText As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal IgnoreCase As Boolean = True) As Boolean
Dim ListViewColumnIndex As Int32 = ListView.Columns.Count - 1
Select Case ColumnIndex
Case Is < 0, Is > ListViewColumnIndex ' ColumnIndex is out of range
Throw New Exception("ColumnIndex is out of range. " & vbNewLine & _ "ColumnIndex Argument: " & ColumnIndex & vbNewLine & _ "ColumnIndex ListView: " & ListViewColumnIndex)
Case Nothing ' ColumnIndex is nothing
If MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, All columns, IgnoreCase For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items For X As Int32 = 0 To ListViewColumnIndex If Item.SubItems(X).Text.ToLower = SearchString.ToLower Then Return True Next Next ElseIf MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, All columns, CaseSensitive For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items For X As Int32 = 0 To ListViewColumnIndex If Item.SubItems(X).Text = SearchString Then Return True Next Next ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, All columns, IgnoreCase If ListView1.FindItemWithText(SearchString) IsNot Nothing Then _ Return True _ Else Return False ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, All columns, CaseSensitive For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items For X As Int32 = 0 To ListViewColumnIndex If Item.SubItems(X).Text.Contains(SearchString) Then Return True Next Next End If
Case Else ' ColumnIndex is other else
If MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, ColumnIndex, IgnoreCase For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.ToLower = SearchString.ToLower Then Return True Next ElseIf MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, ColumnIndex, CaseSensitive For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text = SearchString Then Return True Next ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, ColumnIndex, IgnoreCase For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.ToLower.Contains(SearchString.ToLower) Then Return True Next ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, ColumnIndex, CaseSensitive For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.Contains(SearchString) Then Return True Next End If
End Select
Return False
End Function
#End RegionEDITO:Vuelto a mejorar: (El anterior no medía la cantidad de subitems de cada item, por ejemplo en un listview con 3 columnas, un item con dos subitems y otro item con 3 subitems entonces daba error porque el primer item no tenia un tercer subitem) #Region " [ListView] Find ListView Text " ' [ListView] Find ListView Text Function ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test")) ' MsgBox(Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test", 2, True, True)) ' If Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test") Then... Private Function Find_ListView_Text(ByVal ListView As ListView, _ ByVal SearchString As String, _ Optional ByVal ColumnIndex As Int32 = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal MatchFullText As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal IgnoreCase As Boolean = True) As Boolean Select Case ColumnIndex Case Is < 0, Is > ListView.Columns.Count - 1 ' ColumnIndex is out of range Throw New Exception("ColumnIndex is out of range. " & vbNewLine & _ "ColumnIndex Argument: " & ColumnIndex & vbNewLine & _ "ColumnIndex ListView: " & ListView.Columns.Count - 1) Case Nothing ' ColumnIndex is nothing If MatchFullText Then ' Match full text in all columns For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items For X As Int32 = 0 To Item.SubItems.Count - 1 If String.Compare(Item.SubItems(X).Text, SearchString, IgnoreCase) = 0 Then Return True End If Next Next ElseIf Not MatchFullText Then ' Match part of text in all columns Select Case IgnoreCase Case True ' IgnoreCase If ListView1.FindItemWithText(SearchString) IsNot Nothing Then Return True End If Case False ' CaseSensitive For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items For X As Int32 = 0 To Item.SubItems.Count - 1 If Item.SubItems(X).Text.Contains(SearchString) Then Return True Next Next End Select End If Case Else ' ColumnIndex is other else If MatchFullText Then ' Match full text in ColumnIndex For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items If String.Compare(Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text, SearchString, IgnoreCase) = 0 Then Return True End If Next ElseIf Not MatchFullText Then ' Match part of text in ColumnIndex For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items Select Case IgnoreCase Case True ' IgnoreCase If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.ToLower.Contains(SearchString.ToLower) Then Return True End If Case False ' CaseSensitive If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.Contains(SearchString) Then Return True End If End Select Next End If End Select Return False ' Any matches End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 2 Julio 2013, 08:40 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Mensajes: 1.583
"Jack of all trades, master of none." - Zenthion
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⏩ Interesados hablad por Discord.
Mensajes: 9.891
Ahora si va. No quiero desvirtuar mucho el tema, pero por curiosidad cual era el fallo?
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Mensajes: 1.583
"Jack of all trades, master of none." - Zenthion
No quiero desvirtuar mucho el tema, pero por curiosidad cual era el fallo?
Que el archivo no se descargaba, no lo hablamos ayer? xD
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⏩ Interesados hablad por Discord.
Mensajes: 9.891
Que el archivo no se descargaba, no lo hablamos ayer? xD
claro, quiero decir que ¿Como lo arreglaste? que correcciones habia que hacerle? xD
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Mensajes: 1.583
"Jack of all trades, master of none." - Zenthion
Pues llevababas tu razón con los Ifs... A parte: If File. Exists(patha ) Then End If
Esto si lo pongo al final, lo va a borrar y no va a leer nada. Si lo ponemos al principio, lo borra y lo vuelve a descargar.
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⏩ Interesados hablad por Discord.
Mensajes: 9.891
Format Time Formatea un número de milisegundos. #Region " Format Time " ' [ Format Time Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(Format_Time(61500, TimeFormat.M_S_MS)) ' Result: "01:01:500" ' MsgBox(Format_Time(65000, TimeFormat.M_S)) ' Result: "01:05" ' TimeFormat [ENUM] Public Enum TimeFormat D_H_M_S_MS D_H_M_S D_H_M D_H D H_M_S_MS H_M_S H_M H M_S_MS M_S M S_MS S End Enum ' Format Time [FUNC] Private Function Format_Time(ByVal MilliSeconds As Int64, ByVal TimeFormat As TimeFormat) As String Dim Time As New TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * MilliSeconds) Select Case TimeFormat Case TimeFormat.D_H_M_S_MS Return Time.ToString("dd\:hh\:mm\:ss\:fff") Case TimeFormat.D_H_M_S Return Time.ToString("dd\:hh\:mm\:ss") Case TimeFormat.D_H_M Return Time.ToString("dd\:hh\:mm") Case TimeFormat.D_H Return Time.ToString("dd\:hh") Case TimeFormat.D Return Time.ToString("dd") Case TimeFormat.H_M_S_MS Return Time.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss\:fff") Case TimeFormat.H_M_S Return Time.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss") Case TimeFormat.H_M Return Time.ToString("hh\:mm") Case TimeFormat.H Return Time.ToString("hh") Case TimeFormat.M_S_MS Return Time.ToString("mm\:ss\:fff") Case TimeFormat.M_S Return Time.ToString("mm\:ss") Case TimeFormat.M Return Time.ToString("mm") Case TimeFormat.S_MS Return Time.ToString("ss\:fff") Case TimeFormat.S Return Time.ToString("ss") Case Else Return Nothing End Select End Function #End Region
Cuando creo un listview suelo añadir un índice numérico en la primera columna, para mantener un orden, bueno pues este snippet sirve para reindexar esa columna por ejemplo cuando eliminamos un item del listview. #Region " ReIndex ListView " ' [ ReIndex ListView ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ReIndex_ListView(ListView1) ' ReIndex ListView [SUB] Private Sub ReIndex_ListView(ByVal ListView As ListView, Optional ByVal Column As Int32 = 0) Dim Index As Int32 = 0 For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items Index += 1 Item.SubItems(Column).Text = Index Next End Sub #End Region
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Mensajes: 9.891
Actualizada la colección de snippets con un total de 400 Snippets......Casi nada!!-> la primera página de este hilo tienen un índice de todos los snippets que contiene el pack. Saludos!
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