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· Detectar la codificación de un archivo de texto (Para quien no entienda de BOM's y codificaciones, no existe una manera 100% fiable de detectar la codificación y puede dar falsos positivos) #Region " Detect Text Encoding " ' [ Detect Text Encoding Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Detect_Text_Encoding("C:\ANSI File.txt").ToString) ' Result: System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding ' MsgBox(Detect_Text_Encoding("C:\UTF8 File.txt").ToString) ' Result: System.Text.UTF8Encoding Public Function Detect_Text_Encoding(TextFile As String) As System.Text.Encoding Dim Bytes () As Byte = IO. File. ReadAllBytes(TextFile ) Dim detectedEncoding As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing For Each info As System.Text.EncodingInfo In System.Text.Encoding.GetEncodings() Dim currentEncoding As System.Text.Encoding = info.GetEncoding() Dim preamble() As Byte = currentEncoding.GetPreamble() Dim match As Boolean = True If (preamble.Length > 0) And (preamble.Length <= Bytes.Length) Then For i As Integer = 0 To preamble.Length - 1 If preamble(i) <> Bytes(i) Then match = False Exit For End If Next i Else match = False End If If match Then detectedEncoding = currentEncoding Exit For End If Next info If detectedEncoding Is Nothing Then Return System.Text.Encoding.Default Else Return detectedEncoding End If End Function #End Region
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Permitir la escritura de 1 solo caracter en un textbox y deshabilitar el menú contextual, tiene algunas diferencias de la propiedad "MaxLength", no pega el primer caracter de una palabra del clipboards si la longitud de la palabra es de 1 caracter (es un code un poco "custom", util para especificar delimitadores de texto de un solo caracter, o cosas parecidas) #Region " [TextBox] Allow only 1 Character " ' By Elektro H@cker ' TextBox [Enter] Private Sub TextBox_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) ' Handles TextBox1.MouseEnter ' Allign the character in the TextBox space ' If Not TextBox_Separator.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center Then TextBox_Separator.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center Then ' Disable Copy/Paste contextmenu by creating a new one If sender.ContextMenuStrip Is Nothing Then sender.ContextMenuStrip = New ContextMenuStrip End Sub ' TextBox [KeyPress] Private Sub TextBox_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) ' Handles TextBox1.KeyPress Select Case sender.TextLength Case 0 ' TextLength = 0 Select Case e.KeyChar Case Chr(22) ' CTRL+V is pressed ' If Clipboard contains 0 or 1 character then paste the character. e.Handled = IIf(Clipboard.GetText.Length <= 1, False, True) Case Else ' Other key is pressed e.Handled = False ' Print the character. End Select ' e.KeyChar when TextLength = 0 Case 1 ' TextLength = 1 Select Case e.KeyChar Case Convert.ToChar(Keys.Back) ' Backspace is pressed e.Handled = False ' Delete the character Case Chr(22) ' CTRL+V is pressed Select Case sender.SelectionLength Case 1 ' If 1 character is selected ' If Clipboard contains 0 or 1 character then paste the character. e.Handled = IIf(Clipboard.GetText.Length <= 1, False, True) Case Else ' If any text is selected e.Handled = True ' Don't paste the characters. End Select Case Else ' Other key is pressed ' If any text is selected then don't print the character. e.Handled = IIf(sender.SelectionLength = 1, False, True) End Select ' e.KeyChar when TextLength = 1 End Select ' TextLength End Sub ' TextBox [TextChanged] Private Sub TextBox_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) ' Handles TextBox1.TextChanged ' // If NOT Text is empty then Save the character: ' ' If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender.text) _ ' Then My.Settings.User_Character = Convert.ToChar(sender.text) End Sub ' TextBox [Leave] Private Sub TextBox_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) ' Handles TextBox1.Leave ' // If Text is empty then restore the last saved character: ' ' If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender.text) _ ' Then sender.text = My.Settings.User_Character End Sub #End Region
« Última modificación: 29 Septiembre 2013, 18:41 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Listar por el método Burbuja un Array de String o una Lista de String: #Region " BubbleSort Array " ' BubbleSort Array ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim MyArray As String() = {"10", "333", "2", "45"} ' For Each item In BubbleSort_Array(myarray) : MsgBox(item) : Next ' Result: {"2", "10", "45", "333"} Private Function BubbleSort_Array(list As String()) As String() Return list.Select(Function(s) New With { _ Key .OrgStr = s, _ Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _ s, "(\d+)|(\D+)", _ Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft(list.Select(Function(y) y.Length).Max, _ If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _ }).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).Select(Function(x) x.OrgStr).ToArray End Function #End Region
#Region " BubbleSort IEnumerable(Of String) " ' BubbleSort IEnumerable(Of String) ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim MyIEnumerable As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"10", "333", "2", "45"} ' For Each item In BubbleSort_IEnumerable(MyIEnumerable) : MsgBox(item) : Next ' Result: {"2", "10", "45", "333"} Private Function BubbleSort_IEnumerable(list As IEnumerable(Of String)) As IEnumerable(Of String) Return list.Select(Function(s) New With { _ Key .OrgStr = s, _ Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _ s, "(\d+)|(\D+)", _ Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft(list.Select(Function(y) y.Length).Max, _ If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _ }).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).Select(Function(x) x.OrgStr) End Function #End Region
#Region " BubbleSort List(Of String) " ' BubbleSort List(Of String) ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim MyList As New List(Of String) From {"10", "333", "2", "45"} ' For Each item In BubbleSort_List(MyList) : MsgBox(item) : Next ' Result: {"2", "10", "45", "333"} Private Function BubbleSort_List(list As List(Of String)) As List(Of String) Return list.Select(Function(s) New With { _ Key .OrgStr = s, _ Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _ s, "(\d+)|(\D+)", _ Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft(list.Select(Function(x) x.Length).Max, _ If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _ }).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).Select(Function(x) x.OrgStr).ToList End Function #End Region
Listar por el método Burbuja una Lista de DirectoryInfo o de FileInfo especificando la propiedad que se evaluará (por el momento solo funciona con propiedades "TopLevel"): #Region " BubbleSort List(Of DirectoryInfo) " ' BubbleSort List(Of DirectoryInfo) ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim Folders As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo) = IO.Directory.GetDirectories("C:\Windows", "*").Select(Function(p) New IO.DirectoryInfo(p)).ToList() ' ' For Each folder In Bubble_Sort_List_DirectoryInfo(Folders, Function() New IO.DirectoryInfo("").Name) ' MsgBox(folder.Name) ' Next Private Shared Function Bubble_Sort_List_DirectoryInfo(list As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo), _ exp As Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of Object))) _ As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo) Dim member As Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression = _ If(TypeOf exp.Body Is Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression, _ DirectCast(DirectCast(exp.Body, Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression).Operand, Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression), _ DirectCast(exp.Body, Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression)) Return list.Select(Function(s) New With { _ Key .OrgStr = s, _ Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _ s.Name, "(\d+)|(\D+)", _ Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft( _ list. Select(Function(folder) DirectCast (DirectCast (member. Member, System. Reflection. PropertyInfo) _ . GetValue(folder, Nothing), Object). ToString. Length). Max(), _ If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _ }).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).Select(Function(x) x.OrgStr).ToList End Function #End Region
#Region " BubbleSort List(Of FileInfo) " ' BubbleSort List(Of FileInfo) ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim Files As List(Of IO.FileInfo) = IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\Windows", "*").Select(Function(p) New IO.FileInfo(p)).ToList() ' ' For Each file In Bubble_Sort_List_FileInfo(Files, Function() New IO.FileInfo("").Name) ' MsgBox(file.Name) ' Next Private Shared Function Bubble_Sort_List_FileInfo(list As List(Of IO.FileInfo), _ exp As Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of Object))) _ As List(Of IO.FileInfo) Dim member As Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression = _ If(TypeOf exp.Body Is Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression, _ DirectCast(DirectCast(exp.Body, Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression).Operand, Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression), _ DirectCast(exp.Body, Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression)) Return list.Select(Function(s) New With { _ Key .OrgStr = s, _ Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( _ s.Name, "(\d+)|(\D+)", _ Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft( _ list. Select(Function(file) DirectCast (DirectCast (member. Member, System. Reflection. PropertyInfo) _ . GetValue(file, Nothing), Object). ToString. Length). Max(), _ If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _ }).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).Select(Function(x) x.OrgStr).ToList End Function #End Region
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Varias maneras de Activar/Desactivar una serie de contorles: #Region " Disable Controls " ' [ Disable Controls ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' Disable_Controls(Button1) ' Disable_Controls({Button1, Button2}) ' Disable_Controls(Of Button)(GroupBox1, False) ' Disable_Controls(Of Button)(GroupBox1.Controls, False) ' Disable Control(Control) Private Sub Disable_Control(ByVal [control] As Control) [control].Enabled = If([control].Enabled, False, True) End Sub ' Disable Controls({Control}) Private Sub Disable_Controls(ByVal Controls() As Control) For Each [control] As Control In Controls [control].Enabled = If([control].Enabled, False, True) Next End Sub ' Disable Controls(Of Type)(Control) Public Sub Disable_Controls(Of T As Control)(ByVal Container As Control) For Each [control] As T In Container.Controls.OfType(Of T).Where(Function(ctrl) ctrl.Enabled) [control].Enabled = False Next End Sub ' Disable Controls(Of Type)(ControlCollection) Public Sub Disable_Controls (Of T As Control )(ByVal Collection As ControlCollection ) For Each [control ] As T In Collection. OfType(Of T ). Where(Function(ctrl ) ctrl. Enabled) [control].Enabled = False Next End Sub #End Region
#Region " Enable Controls " ' [ Enable Controls ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' Enable_Control(Button1) ' Enable_Controls({Button1, Button2}) ' Enable_Controls(Of Button)(GroupBox1, False) ' Enable_Controls(Of Button)(GroupBox1.Controls, False) ' Enable Control(Control) Private Sub Enable_Control(ByVal [control] As Control) [control].Enabled = If(Not [control].Enabled, True, False) End Sub ' Enable Controls({Control}) Private Sub Enable_Controls(ByVal Controls() As Control) For Each [control] As Control In Controls [control].Enabled = If(Not [control].Enabled, True, False) Next End Sub ' Enable Controls(Of Type)(Control) Public Sub Enable_Controls(Of T As Control)(ByVal Container As Control) For Each [control] As T In Container.Controls.OfType(Of T).Where(Function(ctrl) Not ctrl.Enabled) [control].Enabled = True Next End Sub ' Enable Controls(Of Type)(ControlCollection) Public Sub Enable_Controls (Of T As Control )(ByVal Collection As ControlCollection ) For Each [control ] As T In Collection. OfType(Of T ). Where(Function(ctrl ) Not ctrl. Enabled) [control].Enabled = True Next End Sub #End Region
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Una Class para manejar la aplicación mp3gain. Sirve para aplicar una ganancia NO destructiva a archivos MP3. Código mejorado. #Region " mp3gain Helper " ' [ mp3gain Helper ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' ' Instructions: ' ' 1. Add the "mp3gain.exe" into the project. ' ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(mp3gain.Is_Avaliable) ' Checks if mp3gain executable is avaliable. ' ' MsgBox(mp3gain.File_Has_MP3Gain_Tag("File.mp3")) ' Checks if file contains mp3gain APE tag ' ' mp3gain.Set_Gain("File.mp3", 95) ' Set the db Gain of file to 95 db (In a scale of "0/100" db) ' mp3gain.Set_Gain("File.mp3", 95, True) ' Set the db Gain of file to -95 db and preserve the datetime of file. ' ' mp3gain.Apply_Gain("File.mp3", +5) ' Apply a change of +5 db in the curent gain of file. ' mp3gain.Apply_Gain("File.mp3", -5) ' Apply a change of -5 db in the curent gain of file. ' ' mp3gain.Apply_Channel_Gain("File.mp3", mp3gain.Channels.Left, +10) ' Apply a change of +10 db in the curent Left channel gain of file. ' mp3gain.Apply_Channel_Gain("File.mp3", mp3gain.Channels.Right, -10) ' Apply a change of -10 db in the curent Right channel gain of file. ' ' mp3gain.Undo_Gain("File.mp3") ' Undo all MP3Gain db changes made in file. ' ' ' ------ ' EVENTS ' ------ ' Public WithEvents mp3gain As New mp3gain ' ' Sub mp3gain_Progress(Progress As Integer, e As EventArgs) Handles mp3gain.PercentDone ' ProgressBar1.Maximum = 100 ' ProgressBar1.Value = Progress ' End Sub ' ' Sub mp3gain_Exited(Message As String, e As EventArgs) Handles mp3gain.Exited ' ProgressBar1.Value = 0 ' MessageBox.Show(Message) ' End Sub Public Class mp3gain #Region " CommandLine parametter legend " ' MP3Gain Parametter Legend: ' ' /c - Ignore clipping warning when applying gain. ' /d - Set global gain. ' /e - Skip Album analysis, even if multiple files listed. ' /g - apply gain ' /p - Preserve original file timestamp. ' /r - apply Track gain automatically (all files set to equal loudness) ' /t - Writes modified data to temp file, then deletes original instead of modifying bytes in original file. ' /u - Undo changes made (based on stored tag info). ' /s c - Check stored tag info. #End Region #Region " Variables " ' <summary> ' Gets or sets the mp3gain.exe executable path. ' </summary> Public Shared mp3gain_Location As String = "c:\mp3gain.exe" ' Stores the MP3Gain process ErrorOutput. Private Shared ErrorOutput As String = String.Empty ' Stores the MP3Gain process StandardOutput. Private Shared StandardOutput As String = String.Empty ' Is not needed ' Sets a Flag to know if file has MP3Gain APE tag. Private Shared HasTag As Boolean = False #End Region #Region " Enumerations " Enum Channels As Short Left = 0 ' /l 0 Right = 1 ' /l 1 End Enum #End Region #Region " Events " ' <summary> ' Event raised when process progress changes. ' </summary> Public Shared Event PercentDone As EventHandler(Of PercentDoneEventArgs) Public Class PercentDoneEventArgs : Inherits EventArgs Public Property Progress As Integer End Class ' <summary> ' Event raised when MP3Gain process has exited. ' </summary> Public Shared Event Exited As EventHandler(Of ExitedEventArgs) Public Class ExitedEventArgs : Inherits EventArgs Public Property Message As String End Class #End Region #Region " Processes Info " Private Shared Process_TagCheck As New Process() With { _ .StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo With { _ .CreateNoWindow = True, _ .UseShellExecute = False, _ .RedirectStandardError = False, _ .RedirectStandardOutput = True _ }} Private Shared Process_For_Tag As New Process() With { _ .StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo With { _ .CreateNoWindow = True, _ .UseShellExecute = False, _ .RedirectStandardError = False, _ .RedirectStandardOutput = True _ }} Private Shared Process_For_NonTag As New Process() With { _ .StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo With { _ .CreateNoWindow = True, _ .UseShellExecute = False, _ .RedirectStandardError = True, _ .RedirectStandardOutput = True _ }} #End Region #Region " Miscellaneous functions " ' <summary> ' Checks if mp3gain.exe process is avaliable. ' </summary> Public Shared Function Is_Avaliable() As Boolean Return IO. File. Exists(mp3gain_Location ) End Function ' Checks if a file exist. Private Shared Sub CheckFileExists (ByVal File As String) ' Throw New Exception("File doesn't exist: " & File) MessageBox. Show("File doesn't exist: " & File, "MP3Gain", MessageBoxButtons. OK, MessageBoxIcon. Error) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " Gain Procedures " ' <summary> ' Checks if mp3gain APE tag exists in file. ' </summary> Public Shared Function File_Has_MP3Gain_Tag(ByVal MP3_File As String) As Boolean CheckFileExists(MP3_File) Process_TagCheck.StartInfo.FileName = mp3gain_Location Process_TagCheck.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("/s c ""{0}""", MP3_File) Process_TagCheck.Start() Process_TagCheck.WaitForExit() Return Process_TagCheck.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd.Trim.Split(Environment.NewLine).Count - 1 ' Process_TagCheck.Close() End Function ' <summary> ' Set global db Gain in file. ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Set_Gain(ByVal MP3_File As String, _ ByVal Gain As Integer, _ Optional ByVal Preserve_Datestamp As Boolean = True) Run_MP3Gain(MP3_File, String.Format("/c /e /r /t {1} /d {2} ""{0}""", _ MP3_File, _ If(Preserve_Datestamp, "/p", ""), _ If(Gain < 0, Gain + 89.0, Gain - 89.0))) End Sub ' <summary> ' Apply db Gain change in file. ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Apply_Gain(ByVal MP3_File As String, _ ByVal Gain As Integer, _ Optional ByVal Preserve_Datestamp As Boolean = True) Run_MP3Gain(MP3_File, String.Format("/c /e /r /t {1} /g {2} ""{0}""", _ MP3_File, _ If(Preserve_Datestamp, "/p", ""), _ Gain)) End Sub ' <summary> ' Apply db Gain change of desired channel in file. ' Only works for Stereo MP3 files. ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Apply_Channel_Gain(ByVal MP3_File As String, _ ByVal Channel As Channels, _ ByVal Gain As Integer, _ Optional ByVal Preserve_Datestamp As Boolean = True) Run_MP3Gain(MP3_File, String.Format("/c /e /r /l {2} {3} ""{0}""", _ MP3_File, _ If(Preserve_Datestamp, "/p", ""), _ If(Channel = Channels.Left, 0, 1), _ Gain)) End Sub ' <summary> ' Undo all MP3Gain db changes made in file (based on stored tag info). ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Undo_Gain(ByVal MP3_File As String, _ Optional ByVal Preserve_Datestamp As Boolean = True) Run_MP3Gain(MP3_File, String.Format("/c /t {1} /u ""{0}""", _ MP3_File, _ If(Preserve_Datestamp, "/p", ""))) End Sub #End Region #Region " Run MP3Gain Procedures " Private Shared Sub Run_MP3Gain(ByVal MP3_File As String, ByVal Parametters As String) CheckFileExists(MP3_File) HasTag = File_Has_MP3Gain_Tag(MP3_File) Process_For_Tag.StartInfo.FileName = mp3gain_Location Process_For_Tag.StartInfo.Arguments = Parametters Process_For_NonTag.StartInfo.FileName = mp3gain_Location Process_For_NonTag.StartInfo.Arguments = Parametters If HasTag Then Run_MP3Gain_For_Tag() Else Run_MP3Gain_For_NonTag() End If End Sub Private Shared Sub Run_MP3Gain_For_Tag() Process_For_Tag.Start() Process_For_Tag.WaitForExit() RaiseEvent Exited(Process_For_Tag.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd.Trim.Split(Environment.NewLine).LastOrDefault, Nothing) StandardOutput = Nothing ' Process_For_Tag.Close() End Sub Private Shared Sub Run_MP3Gain_For_NonTag() Process_For_NonTag.Start() While Not Process_For_NonTag.HasExited Try ErrorOutput = Process_For_NonTag.StandardError.ReadLine.Trim.Split("%").First If CInt(ErrorOutput) < 101 Then RaiseEvent PercentDone(ErrorOutput, Nothing) End If Catch : End Try End While StandardOutput = Process_For_NonTag.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd.Trim.Split(Environment.NewLine).Last RaiseEvent Exited(StandardOutput, Nothing) ErrorOutput = Nothing StandardOutput = Nothing ' Process_For_Tag.Close() End Sub #End Region End Class #End Region
« Última modificación: 11 Octubre 2013, 18:26 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Un ayudante para manejar la librería TabLig Sharp: librería sirve para editar los metadatos de archivos de música, entre otros formatos como imágenes png, etc... Mi Class está pensada para usarse con archivos MP3. #Region " TagLib Sharp Helper " ' [ TagLib Sharp Helper ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to "taglib-sharp.dll" into the project. ' ' ' Examples: ' ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.FileIsCorrupt("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: True or False ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.FileIsWriteable("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: True or False ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.Get_Title("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.Get_Artist("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.Get_Album("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.Get_Genre("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.Get_Year("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(TagLibSharp.Get_Basic_TagInfo("C:\File.mp3")) ' TagLibSharp.RemoveTag("C:\File.mp3", TagLib.TagTypes.Id3v1 Or TagLib.TagTypes.Id3v2) ' Removes ID3v1 + ID3v2 Tags ' TagLibSharp.Set_Tag_Fields("C:\Test.mp3", Sub(x) x.Tag.Title = "Title Test"}) ' TagLibSharp.Set_Tag_Fields("C:\Test.mp3", {Sub(x) x.Tag.Title = "Title Test", Sub(x) x.Tag.Performers = {"Artist Test"}}) Public Class TagLibSharp ''' <summary> ''' Stores the Taglib object. ''' </summary> Private Shared TagFile As TagLib. File = Nothing ''' <summary> ''' Checks if file is possibly corrupted. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function FileIsCorrupt (ByVal File As String) As Boolean Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). PossiblyCorrupt Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return True Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks if file can be written. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function FileIsWriteable (ByVal File As String) As Boolean Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). Writeable Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return True Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Get TagTypes of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Tags (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). TagTypes. ToString Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Remove a entire Tag from file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub RemoveTag (ByVal File As String, ByVal TagTypes As TagLib. TagTypes) Try Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Exit Sub End Try Try If Not TagFile.PossiblyCorrupt _ AndAlso TagFile.Writeable Then TagFile.RemoveTags(TagTypes) TagFile.Save() End If Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Title tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Title (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). Tag. Title Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Artist tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Artist (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). Tag. Performers(0) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Album tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Album (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). Tag. Album Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Genre tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Genre (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). Tag. Genres(0) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Year tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Year (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return TagLib. File. Create(File). Tag. Year Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the basic tag fields of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Basic_TagInfo (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return String.Format("Title: {1}{0}Artist: {2}{0}Album: {3}{0}Genre: {4}{0}Year: {5}", Environment.NewLine, _ TagFile.Tag.Title, _ TagFile.Tag.Performers(0), _ TagFile.Tag.Album, _ TagFile.Tag.Genres(0), _ TagFile.Tag.Year) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Sets a Tag field. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_Fields (ByVal File As String, _ ByVal FieldSetter As Action (Of TagLib. File)) Try Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Exit Sub End Try Try If Not TagFile.PossiblyCorrupt _ AndAlso TagFile.Writeable Then FieldSetter(TagFile) TagFile.Save() End If Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Sets multiple Tag fields. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_Fields (ByVal File As String, _ ByVal FieldSetter () As Action (Of TagLib. File)) Try Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Exit Sub End Try Try If Not TagFile.PossiblyCorrupt _ AndAlso TagFile.Writeable Then For Each Field In FieldSetter Field(TagFile) Next TagFile.Save() End If Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Finally If TagFile IsNot Nothing Then TagFile.Dispose() End Try End Sub End Class #End Region
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Un ayudante de la librería UltraId3Lib: diferencia entre esta librería y TagLib Sharp es que UltraID3Lib trabaja sólamente metadatos de tipo ID3v1 e ID3v2 (y las variantes de ID3v2, y los Covers) Esta librería está optimizada para trabajar archivos MP3, de hecho sólamente trabaja archivos mp3, además hice un pequeño test de velocidad y estos fueron los resultados: TagLib Sharp UltraId3Lib Tiempo transcurrido para eliminar los tags ID3v1 + ID3v2 de 1.000 archivos mp3 (5,2 GB) 05:40 minutos 03:10 minutos Ahora... si tuviera que elegir entre la lógica interna que usa cada librería, lo cierto es que no sabría por cual decidirme, por eso hice un ayudante para las dos librerías xD. EDITO: He extendido la Class para manejar las carátulas de los mp3.EDITO: He vuelto ha extender la Class para exprimir un poco más la librería.#Region " UltraID3Lib " ' [ UltraID3Lib Helper ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' ' Instructions: ' 1. Add a reference to "UltraID3Lib.dll" into the project. ' ' ' Examples: ' ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.FileIsCorrupt("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: True or False ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.ID3v1_Exist("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: True or False ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.ID3v2_Exist("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: True or False ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.IsVBR("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: True or False ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Metadata_Errors("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Metadata_Warnings("C:\File.mp3")) ' ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_ID3_Tags("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Title("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Artist("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Album("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Genre("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Year("C:\File.mp3")) ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Basic_Tag_Fields("C:\File.mp3")) ' ' UltraID3Lib.Remove_ID3v1_Tag("C:\File.mp3") ' Removes ID3v1 Tag ' UltraID3Lib.Remove_ID3v2_Tag("C:\File.mp3") ' Removes ID3v2 Tag ' UltraID3Lib.Remove_ID3v1_ID3v2_Tags("C:\File.mp3") ' Removes ID3v1 + ID3v2 Tags ' ' UltraID3Lib.Set_Tag_Field("C:\File.mp3", Sub(x) x.ID3v2Tag.Title = "Title Test") ' UltraID3Lib.Set_Tag_Fields("C:\File.mp3", {Sub(x) x.ID3v2Tag.Title = "Title Test", Sub(x) x.ID3v2Tag.Artist = "Artist Test"}) ' ' UltraID3Lib.Set_Main_Cover("C:\File.mp3", "C:\Image.jpg") ' UltraID3Lib.Add_Cover("C:\File.mp3", "C:\Image.jpg") ' UltraID3Lib.Delete_Covers("C:\File.mp3") ' PictureBox1.BackgroundImage = UltraID3Lib.Get_Main_Cover("C:\File.mp3") ' ' For Each Genre As String In UltraID3Lib.Get_Generic_ID3_Genres() : MsgBox(Genre) : Next ' ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Bitrate("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: 320 ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Duration("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: 00:00:00:000 ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Frequency("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: 44100 ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Channels("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: JointStereo ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Layer("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: MPEGLayer3 ' MsgBox(UltraID3Lib.Get_Filesize("C:\File.mp3")) ' Result: 6533677 Imports HundredMilesSoftware.UltraID3Lib Public Class UltraID3Lib ''' <summary> ''' Stores the UltraID3Lib object. ''' </summary> Private Shared [UltraID3] As New UltraID3 ' ''' <summary> ' ''' Stores the Picture things. ' ''' </summary> ' Private Shared CurrentPictureFrame As ID3v2PictureFrame ' Not used in this Class ' Private Shared PictureTypes As ArrayList ' Not used in this Class ' Private Shared PictureFrames As ID3FrameCollection ' Not used in this Class ' Private Shared PictureIndex As Integer ' Not used in this Class ''' <summary> ''' Checks if file is possibly corrupt. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function FileIsCorrupt (ByVal File As String) As Boolean Try Return Convert.ToBoolean( _ [UltraID3].GetExceptions(ID3ExceptionLevels.Error).Length _ + [UltraID3].GetExceptions(ID3ExceptionLevels.Warning).Length) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks for errors inside file metadata. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Metadata_Errors (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _ [UltraID3].GetExceptions(ID3ExceptionLevels.Error) _ .Select(Function(ex) ex.Message)) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks for warnings inside file metadata. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Metadata_Warnings (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, _ [UltraID3].GetExceptions(ID3ExceptionLevels.Warning) _ .Select(Function(ex) ex.Message)) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks if ID3v1 exists in file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function ID3v1_Exist (ByVal File As String) As Boolean Try Return [UltraID3].ID3v1Tag.ExistsInFile Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks if ID3v2 exists in file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function ID3v2_Exist (ByVal File As String) As Boolean Try Return [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.ExistsInFile Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets ID3 TagTypes of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_ID3_Tags (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return String.Format("{0}{1}", _ If([UltraID3].ID3v1Tag.ExistsInFile, "ID3v1, ", ""), _ If([UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.ExistsInFile, " ID3v2", "")).Trim Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Removes entire ID3v1 Tag from file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Remove_ID3v1_Tag (ByVal File As String) Try [UltraID3].ID3v1Tag.Clear() [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Removes entire ID3v2 Tag from file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Remove_ID3v2_Tag (ByVal File As String) Try [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Clear() [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Removes entire ID3v1 + ID3v2 Tags from file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Remove_ID3v1_ID3v2_Tags (ByVal File As String) Try [UltraID3].ID3v1Tag.Clear() [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Clear() [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Title tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Title (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].Title Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Artist tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Artist (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].Artist Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Album tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Album (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].Album Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Genre tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Genre (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].Genre Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Year tag field of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Year (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].Year Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the basic tag fields of file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Basic_Tag_Fields (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return String.Format("Title: {1}{0}Artist: {2}{0}Album: {3}{0}Genre: {4}{0}Year: {5}", Environment.NewLine, _ [UltraID3].Title, _ [UltraID3].Artist, _ [UltraID3].Album, _ [UltraID3].Genre, _ [UltraID3].Year) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) Return String.Empty End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Sets a Tag field. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_Field (ByVal File As String, _ ByVal FieldSetter As Action(Of UltraID3)) Try FieldSetter([UltraID3]) [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Sets multiple Tag fields. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_Fields (ByVal File As String, _ ByVal FieldSetter() As Action(Of UltraID3)) Try For Each Field As Action(Of UltraID3) In FieldSetter Field([UltraID3]) Next [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Sets Main Picture Cover. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Set_Main_Cover (ByVal File As String, _ ByVal Picture As String) Try [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.Add( _ New ID3v23PictureFrame(New Bitmap(Picture), PictureTypes.CoverFront, String.Empty, TextEncodingTypes.Unicode)) [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Adds a Picture Cover. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Add_Cover (ByVal File As String, _ ByVal Picture As String) Try [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.Add( _ New ID3v23PictureFrame(New Bitmap(Picture), PictureTypes.Other, String.Empty, TextEncodingTypes.Unicode)) [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Deletes all Picture Covers. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Delete_Covers (ByVal File As String) Try [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.Remove( _ [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrames(MultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.ID3v22Picture)) [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.Remove( _ [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrames(MultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.ID3v23Picture)) [UltraID3].Write() Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Gets Main Picture Cover. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Main_Cover (ByVal File As String) As Bitmap Try If [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrame(MultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.ID3v23Picture, False) IsNot Nothing Then Return DirectCast( _ [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrame(MultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.ID3v23Picture, False), _ ID3v2PictureFrame).Picture End If If [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrame(MultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.ID3v22Picture, False) IsNot Nothing Then Return DirectCast( _ [UltraID3].ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrame(MultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.ID3v22Picture, False), _ ID3v2PictureFrame).Picture End If Return Nothing Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the generic ID3 genre names. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Generic_ID3_Genres() As String() Return UltraID3.GenreInfos.Cast(Of GenreInfo).Select(Function(Genre) Genre.Name).ToArray End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Audio Bitrate. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Bitrate (ByVal File As String) As Short Try Return [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Bitrate Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Audio Duration. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Duration (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}:{3:000}", _ [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Duration.Hours, _ [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Duration.Minutes, _ [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Duration.Seconds, _ [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Duration.Milliseconds) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Audio Frequency. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Frequency (ByVal File As String) As Integer Try Return [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Frequency Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Audio MPEG Layer. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Layer (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Layer.ToString Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the Audio Channel mode. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Channels (ByVal File As String) As String Try Return [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.Mode.ToString Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Gets the File Size. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function Get_Filesize (ByVal File As String) As Long Try Return [UltraID3].Size Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks if VBR header is present in file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function IsVBR (ByVal File As String) As Boolean Try Return [UltraID3].FirstMPEGFrameInfo.VBRInfo.WasFound Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function End Class #End Region
« Última modificación: 6 Octubre 2013, 03:16 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Un custom MessageBox que se puede alinear en el centro del formulario y además se puede personalizar la fuente de texto usada. Modo de empleo: Using New CustomMessageBox(Me, New Font(New FontFamily("Lucida Console"), Font.SizeInPoints, FontStyle.Bold)) MessageBox.Show("Test Text", "Test Title", MessageBoxButtons.OK) End Using
Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Text Imports System.Windows.Forms Class CustomMessageBox : Implements IDisposable Private mTries As Integer = 0 Private mOwner As Form Private mFont As Font ' P/Invoke declarations Private Const WM_SETFONT As Integer = &H30 Private Const WM_GETFONT As Integer = &H31 Private Delegate Function EnumThreadWndProc(hWnd As IntPtr, lp As IntPtr) As Boolean <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Private Shared Function EnumThreadWindows(tid As Integer, callback As EnumThreadWndProc, lp As IntPtr) As Boolean End Function <DllImport("kernel32.dll")> _ Private Shared Function GetCurrentThreadId() As Integer End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Private Shared Function GetClassName(hWnd As IntPtr, buffer As StringBuilder, buflen As Integer) As Integer End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Private Shared Function GetDlgItem(hWnd As IntPtr, item As Integer) As IntPtr End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Private Shared Function SendMessage(hWnd As IntPtr, msg As Integer, wp As IntPtr, lp As IntPtr) As IntPtr End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Shared Function GetWindowRect(hWnd As IntPtr, ByRef rc As RECT) As Boolean End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Shared Function MoveWindow(hWnd As IntPtr, x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, repaint As Boolean) As Boolean End Function Structure RECT Public Left As Integer Public Top As Integer Public Right As Integer Public Bottom As Integer End Structure Public Sub New(owner As Form, Optional Custom_Font As Font = Nothing) mOwner = owner mFont = Custom_Font owner.BeginInvoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf findDialog)) End Sub Private Sub findDialog() ' Enumerate windows to find the message box If mTries < 0 Then Return End If Dim callback As New EnumThreadWndProc(AddressOf checkWindow) If EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadId(), callback, IntPtr.Zero) Then If System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(mTries) < 10 Then mOwner.BeginInvoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf findDialog)) End If End If End Sub Private Function checkWindow(hWnd As IntPtr, lp As IntPtr) As Boolean ' Checks if <hWnd> is a dialog Dim sb As New StringBuilder(260) GetClassName(hWnd, sb, sb.Capacity) If sb.ToString() <> "#32770" Then Return True ' Got it, get the STATIC control that displays the text Dim hText As IntPtr = GetDlgItem(hWnd, &HFFFF) Dim frmRect As New Rectangle(mOwner.Location, mOwner.Size) Dim dlgRect As RECT GetWindowRect(hWnd, dlgRect) MoveWindow(hWnd, frmRect.Left + (frmRect.Width - dlgRect.Right + dlgRect.Left) \ 2, frmRect.Top + (frmRect.Height - dlgRect.Bottom + dlgRect.Top) \ 2, dlgRect.Right - dlgRect.Left, dlgRect.Bottom - dlgRect.Top, True) If hText <> IntPtr.Zero Then If mFont Is Nothing Then ' Get the current font mFont = Font.FromHfont(SendMessage(hText, WM_GETFONT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) End If SendMessage(hText, WM_SETFONT, mFont.ToHfont(), New IntPtr(1)) End If ' Done Return False End Function Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose mTries = -1 mOwner = Nothing If mFont IsNot Nothing Then mFont.Dispose() End Sub End Class
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Un ayudante para manejar la aplicación dBpoweramp Music Converter, es el mejor conversor archivos de música a cualquier formato. agregué lo necesario para convertir a MP3, WAV, y WMA, se puede extender para agregar todos los demás codecs, pero es muy tedioso... Tambiñen le agregué un par de eventos para capturar el progreso de conversión y mensajes de errores, el modo de empleo está explicado en los primeros comentarios. PD: También existe una librería llamada dMcscriptinglib.dll, pero los autores de dbPowerAmp me dijeron que no es posible capturar el progreso de una conversión usando la librería, por ese motivo uso el executable CLI. EDITO: Corregido un bug en las Enumeraciones del SampleRate de los Codecs, y he simplificado parte del código. #Region " CoreConverter Helper " ' [ CoreConverter Helper ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' ' Instructions: ' ' 1. Add the "CoreConverter.exe" into the project, ' together with the dbPoweramp Effects and Codec folders. ' ' Examples : ' ' ------------------- ' CONVERT FILE TO MP3 ' ------------------- ' CoreConverter.Convert_To_MP3("C:\Input.wav", "C:\Output.mp3", _ ' CoreConverter.Lame_Bitrate.kbps_320, _ ' CoreConverter.Lame_Bitrate_Mode.cbr, _ ' CoreConverter.Lame_Profile.SLOW, _ ' CoreConverter.Lame_Quality.Q0_Maximum, _ ' CoreConverter.Lame_Khz.Same_As_Source, _ ', _ ' { _ ' CoreConverter.DSP_Effects.Delete_Output_File_on_Error, _ ' CoreConverter.DSP_Effects.Recycle_Source_File_After_Conversion _ ' }, _ ' False, _ ' CoreConverter.Priority.normal) ' ' ------------------- ' CONVERT FILE TO WAV ' ------------------- ' CoreConverter.Convert_To_WAV_Uncompressed("C:\Input.mp3", "C:\Output.wav", _ ' CoreConverter.WAV_Uncompressed_Bitrate.Same_As_Source, _ ' CoreConverter.WAV_Uncompressed_Khz.Same_As_Source, _ ' CoreConverter.WAV_Uncompressed_Channels.Same_As_Source, , False) ' ' ------------------- ' CONVERT FILE TO WMA ' ------------------- ' CoreConverter.Convert_To_WMA("C:\Input.mp3", "C:\Output.wma", _ ' CoreConverter.WMA_9_2_BitRates.Kbps_128, _ ' CoreConverter.WMA_9_2_Khz.Khz_44100, _ ' CoreConverter.WMA_9_2_Channels.stereo, , False) ' ' ------ ' EVENTS ' ------ ' Public WithEvents Converter As New CoreConverter() ' ' Sub Converter_Progress(Progress As Integer, e As EventArgs) Handles Converter.PercentDone ' ProgressBar1.Maximum = 59 ' ProgressBar1.Step = 1 ' ProgressBar1.PerformStep() ' End Sub ' ' Sub Converter_Message(Message As String, e As EventArgs) Handles Converter.Exited ' ProgressBar1.Value = 0 ' MessageBox.Show(Message) ' End Sub Public Class CoreConverter : Implements IDisposable #Region " Variables " ' <summary> ' Gets or sets CoreConverter.exe executable path. ' </summary> Public Shared CoreConverter_Location As String = ".\CoreConverter.exe" ' Stores the CoreConverter process progress Private Shared CurrentProgress As Integer = 0 ' Stores the CoreConverter process StandarOutput Private Shared StandardOutput As String = String.Empty ' Stores the CoreConverter process ErrorOutput Private Shared ErrorOutput As String = String.Empty ' Stores the next output character Private Shared OutputCharacter As Char = Nothing ' Stores the DSP Effects formatted string Private Shared Effects As String = String.Empty #End Region #Region " Events " ' <summary> ' Event raised when conversion progress changes. ' </summary> Public Shared Event PercentDone As EventHandler(Of PercentDoneEventArgs) Public Class PercentDoneEventArgs : Inherits EventArgs Public Property Progress As Integer End Class ' <summary> ' Event raised when CoreConverter process has exited. ' </summary> Public Shared Event Exited As EventHandler(Of ExitedEventArgs) Public Class ExitedEventArgs : Inherits EventArgs Public Property Message As String End Class #End Region #Region " Process Info " ' CoreConverter Process Information. Private Shared CoreConverter As New Process() With { _ .StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo With { _ .CreateNoWindow = True, _ .UseShellExecute = False, _ .RedirectStandardError = True, _ .RedirectStandardOutput = True, _ .StandardErrorEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, _ .StandardOutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode}} #End Region #Region " CoreConverter Enumerations " ' Priority level of CoreConverter.exe Enum Priority idle low normal high End Enum ' DSP Effects Public Enum DSP_Effects Delete_Output_File_on_Error ' Delete failed conversion (not deletes source file). Delete_Source_File_After_Conversion ' Delete source file after conversion. Recycle_Source_File_After_Conversion ' Send source file to recycle bin after conversion. Karaoke_Remove_Voice ' Remove voice from file. Karaoke_Remove_Instrument ' Remove instruments from file. Reverse ' Reverse complete audio file. Write_Silence ' Write silence at start of file. End Enum #End Region #Region " Codec Enumerations " #Region " MP3 Lame " Enum Lame_Bitrate kbps_8 = 8 kbps_16 = 16 kbps_24 = 24 kbps_32 = 32 kbps_40 = 40 kbps_48 = 48 kbps_56 = 56 kbps_64 = 64 kbps_80 = 80 kbps_96 = 96 kbps_112 = 112 kbps_128 = 128 kbps_144 = 144 kbps_160 = 160 kbps_192 = 192 kbps_224 = 224 kbps_256 = 256 kbps_320 = 320 End Enum Enum Lame_Bitrate_Mode cbr abr End Enum Enum Lame_Profile NORMAL FAST SLOW End Enum Enum Lame_Quality Q0_Maximum = 0 Q1 = 1 Q2 = 2 Q3 = 3 Q4 = 4 Q5 = 5 Q6 = 6 Q7 = 7 Q8 = 8 Q9_Minimum = 9 End Enum Enum Lame_Khz Same_As_Source khz_8000 = 8000 khz_11025 = 11025 khz_12000 = 12000 khz_16000 = 16000 khz_22050 = 22050 khz_24000 = 24000 khz_32000 = 32000 khz_44100 = 44100 khz_48000 = 48000 End Enum Enum Lame_Channels auto mono stereo joint_stereo forced_joint_stereo forced_stereo dual_channels End Enum #End Region #Region " WAV Uncompressed " Enum WAV_Uncompressed_Bitrate Same_As_Source bits_8 = 8 bits_16 = 16 bits_24 = 24 bits_32 = 32 End Enum Enum WAV_Uncompressed_Khz Same_As_Source khz_8000 = 8000 khz_11025 = 11025 khz_12000 = 12000 khz_16000 = 16000 khz_22050 = 22050 khz_24000 = 24000 khz_32000 = 32000 khz_44100 = 44100 khz_48000 = 48000 khz_96000 = 96000 khz_192000 = 192000 End Enum Enum WAV_Uncompressed_Channels Same_As_Source Channels_1_Mono = 1 Channels_2_Stereo = 2 Channels_3 = 3 Channels_4_Quadraphonic = 4 Channels_5_Surround = 5 Channels_6_Surround_DVD = 6 Channels_7 = 7 Channels_8_Theater = 8 End Enum #End Region #Region " WMA 9.2 " Enum WMA_9_2_BitRates Kbps_12 = 12 Kbps_16 = 16 Kbps_20 = 20 Kbps_22 = 22 Kbps_24 = 24 Kbps_32 = 32 Kbps_40 = 40 Kbps_48 = 48 Kbps_64 = 64 Kbps_80 = 80 Kbps_96 = 96 Kbps_128 = 128 Kbps_160 = 160 Kbps_192 = 192 Kbps_256 = 256 Kbps_320 = 320 End Enum Enum WMA_9_2_Khz Khz_8000 = 8 Khz_16000 = 16 Khz_22050 = 22 Khz_32000 = 32 Khz_44100 = 44 Khz_48000 = 48 End Enum Enum WMA_9_2_Channels mono stereo End Enum #End Region #End Region #Region " Codec Procedures " #Region " MP3 Lame " ' <summary> ' Converts a file to MP3 using Lame codec. ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Convert_To_MP3(ByVal In_File As String, _ ByVal Out_File As String, _ ByVal Bitrate As Lame_Bitrate, _ ByVal Bitrate_Mode As Lame_Bitrate_Mode, _ ByVal Encoding_Profile As Lame_Profile, _ ByVal Quality As Lame_Quality, _ ByVal Khz As Lame_Khz, _ ByVal Channels As Lame_Channels, _ Optional ByVal DSP_Effects() As DSP_Effects = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal Update_Tag As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal Priority As Priority = Priority.normal, _ Optional ByVal Processor As Short = 1) Get_Effects(DSP_Effects) Set_Main_Parametters("mp3 (Lame)", In_File, Out_File, If(Not Update_Tag, "-noidtag", ""), Effects, Priority.ToString, Processor.ToString) CoreConverter.StartInfo.Arguments &= _ String.Format("-b {0} --{1} -encoding=""{2}"" -freq=""{3}"" -channels=""{4}"" --noreplaygain --extracli=""-q {5}""", _ CInt(Bitrate), _ Bitrate_Mode.ToString, _ Encoding_Profile.ToString, _ If(Khz = Lame_Khz.Same_As_Source, "", CInt(Khz)), _ If(Channels =, "", Channels), _ CInt(Quality)) Run_CoreConverter() End Sub #End Region #Region " WAV Uncompressed " ' <summary> ' Converts a file to WAV ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Convert_To_WAV_Uncompressed(ByVal In_File As String, _ ByVal Out_File As String, _ ByVal Bitrate As WAV_Uncompressed_Bitrate, _ ByVal Khz As WAV_Uncompressed_Khz, _ ByVal Channels As WAV_Uncompressed_Channels, _ Optional ByVal DSP_Effects() As DSP_Effects = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal Update_Tag As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal Priority As Priority = Priority.normal, _ Optional ByVal Processor As Short = 1) Get_Effects(DSP_Effects) Set_Main_Parametters("Wave", In_File, Out_File, If(Not Update_Tag, "-noidtag", ""), Effects, Priority.ToString, Processor.ToString) CoreConverter.StartInfo.Arguments &= _ String.Format("-compression=""PCM"" -bits=""{0}"" -freq=""{1}"" -channels=""{2}""", _ If(Bitrate = WAV_Uncompressed_Bitrate.Same_As_Source, "", CInt(Bitrate)), _ If(Khz = WAV_Uncompressed_Khz.Same_As_Source, "", CInt(Khz)), _ If(Channels = WAV_Uncompressed_Channels.Same_As_Source, "", CInt(Channels))) Run_CoreConverter() End Sub #End Region #Region " WMA 9.2 " ' <summary> ' Converts a file to WMA 9.2 ' </summary> Public Shared Sub Convert_To_WMA(ByVal In_File As String, _ ByVal Out_File As String, _ ByVal Bitrate As WMA_9_2_BitRates, _ ByVal Khz As WMA_9_2_Khz, _ ByVal Channels As WMA_9_2_Channels, _ Optional ByVal DSP_Effects() As DSP_Effects = Nothing, _ Optional ByVal Update_Tag As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal Priority As Priority = Priority.normal, _ Optional ByVal Processor As Short = 1) Get_Effects(DSP_Effects) Set_Main_Parametters("Windows Media Audio 10", In_File, Out_File, If(Not Update_Tag, "-noidtag", ""), Effects, Priority.ToString, Processor.ToString) CoreConverter.StartInfo.Arguments &= _ String.Format("-codec=""Windows Media Audio 9.2"" -settings=""{0} kbps, {1} kHz, {2} CBR""", CInt(Bitrate), _ CInt(Khz), _ Channels.ToString) Run_CoreConverter() End Sub #End Region #End Region #Region " Run Converter Procedure " Private Shared Sub Run_CoreConverter() CoreConverter.StartInfo.FileName = CoreConverter_Location CoreConverter.Start() While Not CoreConverter.HasExited OutputCharacter = ChrW(CoreConverter.StandardOutput.Read) If OutputCharacter = "*" Then CurrentProgress += 1 ' Maximum value is 59, so a ProgressBar Maximum property value would be 59. RaiseEvent PercentDone(CurrentProgress, Nothing) End If If CurrentProgress = 59 Then ' I store the last line(s) 'cause it has interesting information: ' Example message: Conversion completed in 30 seconds x44 realtime encoding StandardOutput = CoreConverter.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd.Trim End If End While ' Stores the Error Message (If any) ErrorOutput = CoreConverter.StandardError.ReadToEnd Select Case CoreConverter.ExitCode Case 0 : RaiseEvent Exited(StandardOutput, Nothing) ' Return StandardOutput Case Else : RaiseEvent Exited(ErrorOutput, Nothing) ' Return ErrordOutput End Select CurrentProgress = Nothing OutputCharacter = Nothing StandardOutput = Nothing ErrorOutput = Nothing Effects = Nothing CoreConverter.Close() End Sub #End Region #Region " Miscellaneous functions " ' <summary> ' Checks if CoreConverter process is avaliable. ' </summary> Public Shared Function Is_Avaliable() As Boolean Return IO. File. Exists(CoreConverter_Location ) End Function ' Set the constant parametters of CoreConverter process Private Shared Sub Set_Main_Parametters(ByVal Codec_Name As String, _ ByVal In_File As String, _ ByVal Out_File As String, _ ByVal Update_Tag As String, _ ByVal Effects As String, _ ByVal Priority As String, _ ByVal Processor As String) CoreConverter.StartInfo.Arguments = _ String.Format("-infile=""{0}"" -outfile=""{1}"" -convert_to=""{2}"" {3} {4} -priority=""{5}"" -processor=""{6}"" ", _ In_File, Out_File, Codec_Name, Update_Tag, Effects, Priority, Processor) End Sub ' Returns all joined DSP Effects formatted string Private Shared Function Get_Effects(ByVal DSP_Effects() As DSP_Effects) As String If DSP_Effects Is Nothing Then Return Nothing For Effect As Integer = 0 To DSP_Effects.Length - 1 Effects &= String.Format(" -dspeffect{0}={1}", _ Effect + 1, _ Format_DSP_Effect(DSP_Effects(Effect).ToString)) Next Effect Return Effects End Function ' Returns a DSP Effect formatted string Private Shared Function Format_DSP_Effect(ByVal Effect As String) Select Case Effect Case "Reverse" : Return """Reverse""" Case "Delete_Output_File_on_Error" : Return """Delete Destination File on Error=""" Case "Recycle_Source_File_After_Conversion" : Return """Delete Source File=-recycle""" Case "Delete_Source_File_After_Conversion" : Return """Delete Source File=""" Case "Karaoke_Remove_Voice" : Return """Karaoke (Voice_ Instrument Removal)=""" Case "Karaoke_Remove_Instrument" : Return """Karaoke (Voice_ Instrument Removal)=-i""" Case "Write_Silence" : Return """Write Silence=-lengthms={qt}2000{qt}""" ' 2 seconds Case Else : Return String.Empty End Select End Function #End Region #Region " Dispose Objects " Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose ' CoreConverter_Location = Nothing ' Do not change if want to preserve a custom location. OutputCharacter = Nothing StandardOutput = Nothing ErrorOutput = Nothing CurrentProgress = Nothing Effects = Nothing CoreConverter.Close() GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub #End Region End Class #End Region
« Última modificación: 11 Octubre 2013, 16:52 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Mensajes: 9.895
Este snippet comprueba si un nombre de archivo contiene caracteres que no estén en la tabla ASCII (sin contar la tabla ASCII extendida) Un ejemplo de uso sería, el que yo le doy: yo dejo el PC descargando miles de archivos de música diariamente, muchos de los nombres de archivos descargados contienen caracteres rusos y otras mierd@s que luego me toca renombrar de forma manual porque no se pueden leer estos nomrbes de archivos por otros programas que uso. PD: No contiene todos los caracteres de la tabla ASCII normal, recordemos que Windows no permite escribir ciertos caracteres ASCII en los nombres de archivo, asi que no es necesario añadir dichos caracteres la función, además le añadí el caracter "Ñ", y los caracteres de la tabla ASCII extendida yo los considero caracteres extraños, quizás el nombre de la función debería ser: "Filename Has Strange Characters? "  . #Region " Filename Has Non ASCII Characters "
' [ Filename Has Non ASCII Characters Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(Filename_Has_Non_ASCII_Characters("ABC├│")) ' Result: True ' MsgBox(Filename_Has_Non_ASCII_Characters("ABCDE")) ' Result: False
Private Function Filename_Has_Non_ASCII_Characters(ByVal [String] As String) As Boolean
Dim Valid_Characters As String = ( _ "abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz" & _ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ" & _ "áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙçÇ" & _ "@#~€!·$%&()=!'ºª+-_.,;{}[]" & _ ":\" & _ "0123456789" & _ " " _ )
Return Not [String].ToCharArray() _ .All(Function(character) Valid_Characters.Contains(character))
' Valid_Characters = Nothing
End Function
#End Region
« Última modificación: 12 Octubre 2013, 01:15 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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