Tema: Librería de Snippets para VB.NET !! (Compartan aquí sus snippets) (Leído 541,122 veces)
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Una Class para manipular el archivo Hosts: #Region " Hosts Helper " Public Class Hosts_Helper ' [ Hosts Helper ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples: ' ' MsgBox(Hosts_Helper.HOSTS_Exists) ' Hosts_Helper.Add("", "") ' Hosts_Helper.Block("") ' MsgBox(Hosts_Helper.IsAdded("")) ' MsgBox(Hosts_Helper.IsBlocked("")) ' Hosts_Helper.Remove("") ' Hosts_Helper.Clean_Hosts_File() Shared ReadOnly HOSTS As String = _ IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "Drivers\etc\hosts") ''' <summary> ''' Adds a new Block mapping into the Hosts file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Block(ByVal URL As String) Dim Entry As String = String.Format("::1 {0}", URL) If HOSTS_Exists() AndAlso IsBlocked(URL) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("""{0}"" is already blocked.", URL)) Exit Sub ElseIf HOSTS_Exists() AndAlso IsAdded(URL) Then Remove(URL) End If Try IO. File. AppendAllText(HOSTS, (Environment. NewLine & Entry ), System. Text. Encoding. Default) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Adds a new mapping into Hosts file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Add(ByVal URL As String, ByVal IP_Address As String) Dim Entry As String = String.Format("{0} {1}", IP_Address, URL) If HOSTS_Exists() AndAlso (IsAdded(URL) OrElse IsBlocked(URL)) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("""{0}"" is already mapped.", URL)) Exit Sub ElseIf Not Validate_IP(IP_Address) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("""{0}"" is not a valid IP adress.", IP_Address)) Exit Sub End If Try IO. File. AppendAllText(HOSTS, (Environment. NewLine & Entry ), System. Text. Encoding. Default) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Removes a blocked or an added URL from the Hosts file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Remove(ByVal URL As String) If Not HOSTS_Exists() Then Throw New Exception("HOSTS File does not exists.") Exit Sub ElseIf HOSTS_Exists() And Not (IsAdded(URL) OrElse IsBlocked(URL)) Then Throw New Exception(String.Format("""{0}"" is not added yet.", URL)) Exit Sub End If Try Dim Content As String = _ System. Text. RegularExpressions. Regex. Replace(IO. File. ReadAllText(HOSTS ). ToLower, _ String.Format("(\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,3}}|::1)(\s+|\t+){0}", URL.ToLower), String.Empty) IO. File. WriteAllText(HOSTS, Content, System. Text. Encoding. Default) Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Checks if an URL is already added into the Hosts file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function IsAdded(ByVal URL As String) As Boolean Return If(Not HOSTS_Exists(), False, _ System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( _ System. Text. RegularExpressions. Regex. Replace(IO. File. ReadAllText(HOSTS ). ToLower, "\s+|\t+", ";"), _ String.Format(";[^\#]?\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,3}};{0}", URL.ToLower))) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks if an URL is already blocked into the Hosts file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function IsBlocked(ByVal URL As String) As Boolean Return If(Not HOSTS_Exists(), False, _ System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( _ System. Text. RegularExpressions. Regex. Replace(IO. File. ReadAllText(HOSTS ). ToLower, "\s+|\t+", String. Empty), _ String.Format("[^\#](|::1){0}", URL.ToLower))) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Checks if the Hosts file exists. ''' </summary> Public Shared Function HOSTS_Exists() As Boolean Return IO. File. Exists(HOSTS ) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Cleans all the mappings inside the Hosts file. ''' </summary> Public Shared Sub Clean_Hosts_File() Try IO. File. WriteAllText(HOSTS, String. Empty) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub ' Validates an IP adress. Private Shared Function Validate_IP(ByVal IP_Address As String) As Boolean Dim IP As System.Net.IPAddress = Nothing Return System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(IP_Address, IP) End Function End Class #End Region
« Última modificación: 10 Agosto 2013, 23:16 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Obtener la diferencia (personalizada) entre dos fechas: #Region " Date Difference " ' Date Difference ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(DateDifference(DateTime.Parse("01/03/2013"), DateTime.Parse("10/04/2013"))) ' Result: 1 Months, 1 Weeks, 2 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes and 0 Seconds ' MsgBox(DateDifference(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2013 14:00:00"), DateTime.Parse("02/01/2013 15:00:30"))) ' Result: 0 Months, 0 Weeks, 1 Days, 1 Hours, 0 Minutes and 30 Seconds Private Function DateDifference(ByVal Date1 As DateTime, ByVal Date2 As DateTime) As String Dim MonthDiff As String, WeekDiff As String, _ DayDiff As String, HourDiff As String, _ MinuteDiff As String, SecondDiff As String MonthDiff = Convert.ToString(DateDiff("M", Date1, Date2)) WeekDiff = Convert.ToString(DateDiff("d", Date1.AddMonths(DateDiff("M", Date1, Date2)), Date2) \ 7) DayDiff = Convert.ToString(DateDiff("d", Date1.AddMonths(DateDiff("M", Date1, Date2)), Date2) - (WeekDiff * 7)) HourDiff = Convert.ToString(DateDiff("h", Date1.AddHours(DateDiff("h", Date1, Date2)), Date2) - (Date1.Hour - Date2.Hour)) MinuteDiff = Convert.ToString(DateDiff("n", Date1.AddMinutes(DateDiff("n", Date1, Date2)), Date2) - (Date1.Minute - Date2.Minute)) SecondDiff = Convert.ToString(DateDiff("s", Date1.AddSeconds(DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2)), Date2) - (Date1.Second - Date2.Second)) Return String.Format("{0} Months, {1} Weeks, {2} Days, {3} Hours, {4} Minutes and {5} Seconds", _ MonthDiff, WeekDiff, DayDiff, HourDiff, MinuteDiff, SecondDiff) End Function #End RegionCorregido: #Region " Date Difference " ' Date Difference ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(DateDifference(DateTime.Parse("01/03/2013"), DateTime.Parse("10/04/2013"))) ' Result: 1 Months, 1 Weeks, 2 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes and 0 Seconds ' MsgBox(DateDifference(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2013 14:00:00"), DateTime.Parse("02/01/2013 15:00:30"))) ' Result: 0 Months, 0 Weeks, 1 Days, 1 Hours, 0 Minutes and 30 Seconds Private Function DateDifference(ByVal Date1 As DateTime, ByVal Date2 As DateTime) As String Dim Time As TimeSpan Dim MonthDiff As Integer, WeekDiff As Integer Do Until Date1 > Date2 Date1 = Date1.AddMonths(1) MonthDiff += 1 Loop MonthDiff -= 1 Date1 = Date1.AddMonths(-1) Time = (Date2 - Date1) WeekDiff = (Time.Days \ 7) Time = (Time - TimeSpan.FromDays(WeekDiff * 7)) Return String.Format("{0} Months, {1} Weeks, {2} Days, {3} Hours, {4} Minutes and {5} Seconds", _ MonthDiff, WeekDiff, Time.Days, Time.Hours, Time.Minutes, Time.Seconds) End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 16 Agosto 2013, 02:14 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Unos tips que he codeado sobre el manejo de una lista de Tuplas, de una lista de FIleInfo, y sobre la utilización de algunas extensiones de LINQ: PD: Es muy bueno aprender todos estos métodos para dejar en el olvido a los FOR. List(Of Tuple) ' Create the list: Dim TupleList As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, Boolean, Integer)) ' From {Tuple.Create("Hello world", True, 1)} ' Add an Item: TupleList.Add(Tuple.Create("Elektro", False, 0)) TupleList.Add(Tuple.Create("H@cker", True, 1)) ' Order the TupleList by a Tuple item: TupleList = TupleList.OrderBy(Function(Tuple) Tuple.Item3).ToList ' Sort the TupleList by a Tuple item: TupleList.Sort( _ Function(Comparer_A As Tuple(Of String, Boolean, Integer), _ Comparer_B As Tuple(Of String, Boolean, Integer)) _ Comparer_A.Item3.CompareTo(Comparer_B.Item3)) ' Filter the list by items equals as "True" in their Tuple second item: TupleList = TupleList.Where(Function(Tuple) Tuple.Item2 = True).ToList ' Display a Tuple item from a list item: MsgBox(TupleList.Item(0).Item2) ' Looping the list: For Each Item As Tuple(Of String, Boolean, Integer) In TupleList MsgBox(Item.Item1) Next
List(Of FileInfo) ' Create the list: Dim Files As List (Of IO. FileInfo) = IO. Directory. GetFiles("C:\", "*") _ .Select(Function(ToFileInfo) New IO.FileInfo(ToFileInfo)).ToList ' Add an Item: Files. Add(New IO. FileInfo("C:\Windows\Notepad.exe")) ' Order the list by a file property: ' Sort the list by a file property: Function(Comparer_A As IO.FileInfo, Comparer_B As IO.FileInfo) _ Comparer_A.Extension.CompareTo(Comparer_B.Extension)) ' Filter the list by files containing "note" word in their filename: ' Display a file property from a list item: MsgBox(Files. Item(0). FullName) ' Looping the list: Next
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Convierte una fecha a formato de fecha Unix #Region " DateTime To Unix " ' [ DateTime To Unix Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(DateTime_To_Unix(DateTime.Parse("01/01/2013 12:00:00"))) ' Result: 1357041600 Public Function DateTime_To_Unix(ByVal DateTime As DateTime) As Long Return DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, #1/1/1970#, DateTime) End Function #End Region
Convierte formato de fecha Unix a Fecha normal. #Region " Unix To DateTime " ' [ Unix To DateTime Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Unix_To_DateTime(1357041600)) ' Result: 01/01/2013 12:00:00 Public Function Unix_To_DateTime(ByVal UnixTime As Long) As DateTime Return DateAdd(DateInterval.Second, UnixTime, #1/1/1970#) End Function #End Region
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Una función para convertir entre tasas de transferencia de telecomunicaciones y tasas de transferencia de datos, es decir, entre Bp/s y B/s. PD: En este snippet @IkillNukes me ha ayudado con los cálculos matemáticos de las enumeraciones, que me daban ciertos problemas. #Region " Telecommunication Bitrate To DataStorage Bitrate " ' [ Base64 To String Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker & IKillNukes ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Telecommunication_Bitrate_To_DataStorage_Bitrate(365, _ ' Telecommunications_Bitrates.Kilobips, _ ' DataStorage_Bitrates.Kilobytes)) ' Result: 45 ' ' MsgBox(Telecommunication_Bitrate_To_DataStorage_Bitrate(365, _ ' Telecommunications_Bitrates.Kilobips, _ ' DataStorage_Bitrates.Kilobytes)) ' Result: 45,625 Private Enum Telecommunications_Bitrates As Long Bips = 1 ' bit/s Kilobips = 1000 ' bit/s Megabips = 1000000 ' bit/s Gigabips = 1000000000 ' bit/s Terabips = 1000000000000 ' bit/s End Enum Private Enum DataStorage_Bitrates As Long Bytes = 8 ' bits Kilobytes = 8000 ' bits Megabytes = 8000000 ' bits Gigabytes = 8000000000 ' bits Terabytes = 8000000000000 ' bits End Enum Private Function Telecommunication_Bitrate_To_DataStorage_Bitrate( _ ByVal BitRate As Single, _ ByVal Telecommunications_Bitrates As Telecommunications_Bitrates, _ ByVal DataStorage_Bitrates As DataStorage_Bitrates, _ Optional ByVal Rounded As Boolean = True ) As Single Return IIf(Rounded, _ (BitRate * Telecommunications_Bitrates) \ DataStorage_Bitrates, _ (BitRate * Telecommunications_Bitrates) / DataStorage_Bitrates) End Function #End Region
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Una función para abreviar cantidades de dinero al estilo americano. PD: He preguntado a gente americana como son las abreviaturas para cifras más grandes de un Trillón pero al parecer no existen abreviaturas Standards, así que me las he inventado un poco basándome en el nombre de las cantidades. Corregido la ubicación del caracter del dolar, parece ser que se pone a la izquierda de la cantidad, no a la derecha. #Region " Money Abbreviation " ' [ Money Abbreviation Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Money_Abbreviation(1000)) ' Result: 1 K ' MsgBox(Money_Abbreviation(1000000)) ' Result: 1 M ' MsgBox(Money_Abbreviation(1500000, False)) ' Result: 1,5 M Private Function Money_Abbreviation(ByVal Quantity As Object, _ Optional ByVal Rounded As Boolean = True) As String Dim Abbreviation As String = String.Empty Select Case Quantity.GetType() Case GetType(Int16), GetType(Int32), GetType(Int64) Quantity = FormatNumber(Quantity, TriState.False) Case Else Quantity = FormatNumber(Quantity, , TriState.False) End Select Select Case Quantity.ToString.Count(Function(character As Char) character = Convert.ToChar(".")) Case 0 : Return String.Format("${0}", Quantity) Case 1 : Abbreviation = "k" Case 2 : Abbreviation = "M" Case 3 : Abbreviation = "B" Case 4 : Abbreviation = "Tr." Case 5 : Abbreviation = "Quad." Case 6 : Abbreviation = "Quint." Case 7 : Abbreviation = "Sext." Case 8 : Abbreviation = "Sept." Case Else Return String.Format("${0}", Quantity) End Select Return IIf(Rounded, _ String.Format("{0} {1}", StrReverse(StrReverse(Quantity).Substring(StrReverse(Quantity).LastIndexOf(".") + 1)), Abbreviation), _ String.Format("{0} {1}", StrReverse(StrReverse(Quantity).Substring(StrReverse(Quantity).LastIndexOf(".") - 1)), Abbreviation)) End Function #End Region
Contar la cantidad de coincidencias de un caracter dentro de un string. #Region " Count Character " ' [ Count Character Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(Count_Character("Elektro", "e")) ' Result: 1 ' MsgBox(Count_Character("Elektro", "e", True)) ' Result: 2 Public Function Count_Character(ByVal str As String, ByVal character As Char, _ Optional ByVal IgnoreCase As Boolean = False) As Integer Return IIf(IgnoreCase, _ str.ToLower.Count(Function(c As Char) c = Convert.ToChar(character.ToString.ToLower)), _ str.Count(Function(c As Char) c = character)) End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 17 Agosto 2013, 21:55 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Este código devuelve la cantidad de coincidencias de un String en los valores de un Array: #Region " Count Array Matches " ' [ Count Array Matches ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(Count_Array_Matches({"a", "b", "c", "d", "d", "d"}, "d")) ' Result: 3 Private Function Count_Array_Matches (ByVal Collection As String(), _ ByVal Match As String, ByVal _ IgnoreCase As Boolean) As Integer Return IIf(IgnoreCase, _ Collection. Where(Function(str) str. ToLower = Match. ToLower). Count, _ Collection. Where(Function(str) str = Match ). Count) End Function #End Region
Este código elimina los valores únicos de un array: #Region " Delete Array Unique Names " ' [ Delete Array Unique Names ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Dim MyArray as String() = Delete_Unique_Values_In_Array({"a", "b", "c", "d", "d", "d"}) ' Result: {"d", "d", "d"} Private Function Delete_Unique_Values_In_Array (ByVal Collection As String()) As String() .Where(Function(x) x.Count() > 1) _ .SelectMany(Function(x) x) _ .ToArray() End Function #End Region
PD: No está muy optimizado pero para Arrays pequeños no se aprecia nada el performance.
« Última modificación: 8 Septiembre 2013, 01:46 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Mensajes: 9.891
Contar las líneas en blanco o valores vacios de un array usando LINQ: MsgBox(RichTextBox1.Lines.Where(Function(Line) String.IsNullOrEmpty(Line)).Count) MsgBox({"a", "", "", "b"}.Where(Function(value) String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)).Count)
EDITO:Unas funciones genéricas muy cortas: #Region " Count Blank Lines " ' [ Count Blank Lines ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Count_Blank_Lines(RichTextBox1.Lines)) ' MsgBox(Count_Blank_Lines({"A", "", "", "B"})) ' Result: 2 Private Function Count_Blank_Lines(ByVal str As String()) As Integer Return str.Where(Function(X) String.IsNullOrEmpty(X)).Count End Function #End Region
#Region " Count Non Blank Lines " ' [ Count non blank lines ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Count_Non_Blank_Lines(RichTextBox1.Lines)) ' MsgBox(Count_Non_Blank_Lines({"A", "", "", "B"})) ' Result: 2 Private Function Count_Non_Blank_Lines(ByVal str As String()) As Integer Return str.Where(Function(X) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(X)).Count End Function #End Region
#Region " Get non blank lines " ' [ Get non blank lines ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, Get_Non_Blank_Lines(RichTextBox1.Lines))) ' MsgBox(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, Get_Non_Blank_Lines({"A", "", "", "B"}))) ' Result: {"A", "B"} Private Function Get_Non_Blank_Lines(ByVal str As String()) As String() Return str.Where(Function(X) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(X)).ToArray End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 9 Septiembre 2013, 15:27 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Mensajes: 9.891
Contar todas las agrupaciones en un string: PD: Para quien no sepa, una agrupación empieza con el caracter "(" y acaba con el ")" Dim stack As New Stack(Of Char) 'Dim input As String = ")((()))(" Dim input As String = "(Hello) ) ( (World)?" Dim opened As Integer = 0 Dim closed As Integer = 0 For Each ch As Char In input If ch = "(" Then stack.Push("#") ElseIf ch = ")" Then If stack.Count = 0 Then opened += 1 Else closed += 1 stack.Pop() End If End If Next ch opened = opened + stack.Count Console.WriteLine("Opened:{0} Closed:{1}", opened, closed) MsgBox(String.Format("Opened:{0} Closed:{1}", opened, closed))
EDITO:Lo he modificado un poco para usarlo a mis necesidades: Private ReadOnly Property TotalAgrupations As Dictionary(Of String, Integer) Get Return Count_Agrupations_In_String(TextBox_RegEx.Text) End Get End Property ' MsgBox(TotalAgrupations("Opened")) ' MsgBox(TotalAgrupations("Closed")) Private Function Count_Agrupations_In_String (ByVal str As String) As Dictionary(Of String, Integer) Dim stack As New Stack(Of Char) Dim opened As Integer = 0 Dim closed As Integer = 0 For Each ch As Char In str If ch = "(" Then stack.Push("#") ElseIf ch = ")" Then If stack.Count = 0 Then opened += 1 Else closed += 1 stack.Pop() End If End If Next ch Return New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) From { _ {"Opened", opened + stack.Count}, _ {"Closed", closed} _ } End Function
Los siguientes códigos he testeado su velocidad de ejecución usando métodos distintos con LINQ, RegEx y For, ha ganado For y con mucha diferencia de ms así que aquí tienen:Reemplaza (o elimina) todos los caracteres que indiquemos en un string #Region " Replace All Characters " ' [ Replace All Characters Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Replace_All_Characters("Hello World!", {"e"c, "o"c}, "+")) ' Result: H+ll+ W+rld! Public Function Replace_All_Characters(ByVal str As String, _ ByVal chars As Char(), _ replaceWith As Char) As String For Each c As Char In chars str = str.Replace(c, replaceWith) Next Return str End Function #End Region
Reemplazar todos los caracteres en un string, menos los caracteres que indiquemos. #Region " Replace All Characters Except " ' [ Replace All Characters Except Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Replace_All_Characters("Hello World!", "eo", ".")) ' Result: ".e..o..o...." Public Function Replace_All_Characters_Except(ByVal str As String, _ ByVal chars As String, _ replaceWith As Char) As String Dim temp_str As String = String.Empty For Each c As Char In str If Not chars.Contains(c) Then temp_str &= c Else temp_str &= replaceWith End If Next c Return temp_str End Function #End Region
Eliminar todos los caracteres en un string, menos los caracteres que indiquemos. El snippet de arriba se puede usar para esta misma función, pero traducido a milisegundos este código es más rápido.#Region " Remove All Characters Except " ' [ Remove All Characters Except Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Remove_All_Characters_Except("Hello World!", "eo".ToCharArray)) ' Result: "eoo" Public Function Remove_All_Characters_Except(ByVal str As String, _ ByVal chars As Char()) As String Dim temp_str As String = String.Empty For Each c As Char In str For Each cc As Char In chars If c = cc Then temp_str &= cc Next cc Next c Return temp_str End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 9 Septiembre 2013, 20:26 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Mensajes: 9.891
Hice un código improvisado en Batch para crear un listado con colores RGB aleatorios (todo lo aleatorio que cabe usando Batch) para luego copiarlo diréctamente en la IDE. Esto lo hice por la misma razón que suelo hacer con todo este tipo de snippets, para ahorrarme el trabajo manual repetitivo xD, aunque habría quedado más bonito en otro lenguaje. No necesito generar esta lista en tiempo de ejecución así que perdonarme por no postear una versiónd el code traducida a VB. REM By Elektro H@cker TITLE Random Color.FromArgb () Generator for .NET ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: set /A random1 & set /A random2 & set /A random3 Echo+ >"Color.FromArgb.txt" :loop1 Call set /a "random1= %%RANDOM:~0,3%%" :loop2 Call set /a "random2= %%RANDOM:~0,3%%" :loop3 Call set /a "random3= %%RANDOM:~0,3%%" :Append Echo Color.FromArgb (%RANDOM1%, %RANDOM2%, %RANDOM3%) Echo { %index%, Color.FromArgb (%RANDOM1%, %RANDOM2%, %RANDOM3%)}, _ >>"Color.FromArgb.txt"
El output es algo así: CMD: Color.FromArgb(248, 51, 134) Color.FromArgb(119, 23, 233) Color.FromArgb(120, 81, 71) Color.FromArgb(54, 209, 179) Color.FromArgb(115, 219, 46) Color.FromArgb(146, 229, 130) Color.FromArgb(254, 87, 184) Color.FromArgb(117, 50, 23) Color.FromArgb(47, 203, 46) Color.FromArgb(75, 226, 13) Color.FromArgb(192, 40, 49) Color.FromArgb(49, 214, 63) Color.FromArgb(149, 105, 65) Color.FromArgb(130, 133, 166) Color.FromArgb(45, 185, 214) Color.FromArgb(41, 196, 20) Color.FromArgb(230, 23, 193) Color.FromArgb(146, 21, 5) Color.FromArgb(40, 92, 52) Color.FromArgb(151, 93, 22) Color.FromArgb(124, 236, 78) Color.FromArgb(55, 226, 50) Color.FromArgb(30, 139, 76) Color.FromArgb(67, 50, 69) Archivo de texto: {0, Color.FromArgb(44, 222, 32)}, _ {1, Color.FromArgb(23, 17, 75)}, _ {2, Color.FromArgb(6, 97, 1)}, _ {3, Color.FromArgb(39, 138, 57)}, _ {4, Color.FromArgb(67, 158, 13)}, _ {5, Color.FromArgb(76, 31, 26)}, _ {6, Color.FromArgb(142, 104, 118)}, _ {7, Color.FromArgb(29, 217, 91)}, _ {8, Color.FromArgb(229, 176, 216)}, _ {9, Color.FromArgb(133, 73, 45)}, _ {10, Color.FromArgb(151, 47, 21)}, _ {11, Color.FromArgb(32, 31, 205)}, _ {12, Color.FromArgb(126, 173, 80)}, _ {13, Color.FromArgb(240, 179, 146)}, _ {14, Color.FromArgb(11, 197, 205)}, _ {15, Color.FromArgb(37, 206, 129)}, _ {16, Color.FromArgb(253, 214, 137)}, _ {17, Color.FromArgb(89, 119, 31)}, _ {18, Color.FromArgb(2, 103, 255)}, _ {19, Color.FromArgb(91, 166, 196)}, _ {20, Color.FromArgb(79, 90, 82)}, _ {21, Color.FromArgb(154, 249, 78)}, _ {22, Color.FromArgb(93, 125, 5)}, _ {23, Color.FromArgb(192, 119, 17)}, _ {24, Color.FromArgb(60, 250, 236)}, _ {25, Color.FromArgb(196, 97, 99)}, _
« Última modificación: 11 Septiembre 2013, 01:00 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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