Bueno si se quiere hacer de 0 para asegurarse que todo esta bien aqui teneis el ad.exe
https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mangos/trunk/contrib/map_extractor/ad.exey aqui como se usa (si no enetendeis ingles id al google translator)
Extract map files
* Place ad.exe into the client's root directory. ("C:\World of Warcraft")
* Create a subdirectory called 'maps'. ("C:\World of Warcraft\maps")
* Launch ad.exe. This will begin the extraction of map files. (This can take a long time depending on your system.)
* When ad.exe has finished, copy the folder "C:\World of Warcraft\maps" and place it in your ManGOS/antrix server directory ("C:\MaNGOS/antrix"). So you should now have a "C:\MaNGOS/antrix\maps" directory containing numerous (2400+) .map files.
* You may now safely delete the directory "C:\World of Warcraft\maps".
Y aqui el del dbc
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=156008&package_id=215550Como hacerlo: (lo mismo abrid el diccionario xD)
* Create a directory for your .dbc files in the MaNGOS server directory. ("C:\MaNGOS\dbc")
* Extract all the files of the mpqe archive into your clients data\language directory. (ex "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enUS" or "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enGB")
* Open up your dos command window. (Start->Run, type "cmd" then enter.)
* Change your directory to "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enUS". (type cd "C:\World of Warcraft\data\enUS")
* Type in the following:
mpqe /p locale-enUS.MPQ DBFilesClient\*.dbc
* mpqe will now extract the dbc files to a new directory in your client's data\lang directory called ...\enUS\MPQOUT\DBFilesClient. ("C:\World of Warcraft\data\enUS\MPQOUT\DBFilesClient")
o You should see it reference three files: "patch-enUS-2.MPQ", "patch-enUS.MPQ", and "locale-enUS.MPQ".
* When mpqe has completed, copy the content all of the .dbc files from the output directory listed in the previous step to your server's dbc directory. ("C:\MaNGOS/antrix\dbc") You should have 175 .dbc files.
* You may now delete the client output directory ("C:\World of Warcraft\data\MPQOUT") if you wish.
Esto esta sacado del foro oficial de mangos