Buenas...... seguí todos los pasos, he actualizado hasta la versión 3.1.3, hago doble clic en mangos y me da este error.
Some required *.dbc files (7 from 78) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/BattlemasterList.dbc (exist, but have 35 fields instead 34) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Holidays.dbc (exist, but have 55 fields instead 54) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SoundEntries.dbc (exist, but have 30 fields instead 29) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Spell.dbc (exist, but have 232 fields instead 231) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SpellItemEnchantment.dbc (exist, but have 38 fields instead 37) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Vehicle.dbc (exist, but have 40 fields instead 43) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/VehicleSeat.dbc (exist, but have 58 fields instead 46) Wrong client version DBC file?
Lo extraje todo, los mapas el DBC...... todo cuando actualice a la versión 3.1.3.
Si me podeis echar una mano...... gracias..