'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Module : mNativeTokens ' Author : Karcrack ' Now$ : 18/08/2009 17:18 ' Used for? : Get Privileges using Native API (RtlAdjustPrivilege) ' Reference : ' http://forum.sysinternals.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=15745 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit 'NTDLL Private Declare Function RtlAdjustPrivilege Lib "NTDLL" (ByVal Privilege As Long, ByVal bEnablePrivilege As Long, ByVal bCurrentThread As Long, ByRef OldState As Long) As Long Public Enum PRIVILEGES_ENUM SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege = 3 ' Replace a process-level token SeAuditPrivilege = 21 ' Generate security audits. SeBackupPrivilege = 17 ' Grant all file read access (ACL Bypass) SeChangeNotifyPrivilege = 23 ' Receive file/folder change notifications SeCreateGlobalPrivilege = 30 ' Create global objects SeCreatePagefilePrivilege = 15 ' Create pagefile SeCreatePermanentPrivilege = 16 ' Create permanent shared object SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege = 33 ' (W.VISTA) Create symbolic links SeCreateTokenPrivilege = 2 ' Create a token SeDebugPrivilege = 20 ' Open any process (ACL Bypass) SeEnableDelegationPrivilege = 27 ' (W.2000) Trust users for delegation SeImpersonatePrivilege = 29 ' Enable thread impersonation SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege = 14 ' Increase process priority SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege = 5 ' Increase process memory quota SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege = 30 ' (W.VISTA) Increase process WS SeLoadDriverPrivilege = 10 ' Load/Unload driver SeLockMemoryPrivilege = 4 ' Lock pages in memory SeMachineAccountPrivilege = 6 ' Create user account SeManageVolumePrivilege = 28 ' Manage files on a volume SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege = 13 ' Gather process profiling info SeRelabelPrivilege = 32 ' Modify object label SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege = 24 ' Shutdown a remote computer SeRestorePrivilege = 18 ' Grant all file write access (ACL Bypass) SeSecurityPrivilege = 8 ' Manage auditying and security log SeShutdownPrivilege = 19 ' Initiate Shutdown SeSyncAgentPrivilege = 26 ' (W.2000) Use directory sync services SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege = 22 ' Modify firmware environment values SeSystemProfilePrivilege = 11 ' Gather system profiling info SeSystemtimePrivilege = 12 ' Change Time SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = 9 ' Change object owner (ACL Bypass) SeTcbPrivilege = 7 ' Idetify as a trusted, protected subsystem SeTimeZonePrivilege = 34 ' (W.VISTA) Change time zone SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege = 31 ' (W.VISTA) Access the Credential Manager (trusted caller) SeUndockPrivilege = 25 ' Remove from docking station SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege = 35 ' (ABSOL33T) Read unsolicited input (from terminal device) End Enum Public Function AsignPrivilege(ByVal lPriv As PRIVILEGES_ENUM, Optional ByVal bEnable As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal bThread As Long = 0, Optional ByRef lOldState As Long) As Boolean AsignPrivilege = (RtlAdjustPrivilege(lPriv, bEnable, bThread, lOldState) = 0) End Function
El Enum es mas largo que el codigo
Bueno, creo que esta claro lo que hace este codigo... asigna privilegios a nuestra aplicacion utilizando un API nativa, y evitando hacer las llamadas a varias APIs para hacer esto mismo