podes usar el mismo winsock para eso...
msgbox WS.LocalHost
msgbox WS.LocalIP
y listo... ahi te dice la ip y el nombre del host
pero por las dudas te dejo el api para saber el nombre de la pc
'example by Donavon Kuhn (Donavon.Kuhn@Nextel.com)
Private Const MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH As Long = 31
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim dwLen As Long
Dim strString As String
'Create a buffer
strString = String(dwLen, "X")
'Get the computer name
GetComputerName strString, dwLen
'get only the actual data
strString = Left(strString, dwLen)
'Show the computer name
MsgBox strString
End Sub
directo del APIGuide
y para la ip... tambien del apiguide...
esto en el form:
'This project requires the following components:
' - a form (Form1) with a textbox (Text1, Multiline=True)
' and a command button (Command1)
' - a module (Module1)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Esto en un modulo:
'Created By Verburgh Peter.
' 07-23-2001
' verburgh.peter@skynet.be
'With this small application , you can detect the IP's installed on your computer,
'including subnet mask , BroadcastAddr..
'I've wrote this because i've a programm that uses the winsock control, but,
'if you have multiple ip's installed on your pc , you could get by using the Listen
' method the wrong ip ...
'Because Winsock.Localip => detects the default ip installed on your PC ,
' and in most of the cases it could be the LAN (nic) not the WAN (nic)
'So then you have to use the Bind function ,to bind to your right ip..
'but how do you know & find that ip ?
'you can find it now by this appl.. it check's in the api.. IP Table..
Const MAX_IP = 5 'To make a buffer... i dont think you have more than 5 ip on your pc..
dwAddr As Long ' IP address
dwIndex As Long ' interface index
dwMask As Long ' subnet mask
dwBCastAddr As Long ' broadcast address
dwReasmSize As Long ' assembly size
unused1 As Integer ' not currently used
unused2 As Integer '; not currently used
End Type
dEntrys As Long 'number of entries in the table
mIPInfo(MAX_IP) As IPINFO 'array of IP address entries
End Type
Type IP_Array
BufferLen As Long
End Type
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function GetIpAddrTable Lib "IPHlpApi" (pIPAdrTable As Byte, pdwSize As Long, ByVal Sort As Long) As Long
Sub main()
End Sub
'converts a Long to a string
Public Function ConvertAddressToString(longAddr As Long) As String
Dim myByte(3) As Byte
Dim Cnt As Long
CopyMemory myByte(0), longAddr, 4
For Cnt = 0 To 3
ConvertAddressToString = ConvertAddressToString + CStr(myByte(Cnt)) + "."
Next Cnt
ConvertAddressToString = Left$(ConvertAddressToString, Len(ConvertAddressToString) - 1)
End Function
Public Sub Start()
Dim Ret As Long, Tel As Long
Dim bBytes() As Byte
Form1.Text1 = ""
On Error GoTo END1
GetIpAddrTable ByVal 0&, Ret, True
If Ret <= 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim bBytes(0 To Ret - 1) As Byte
'retrieve the data
GetIpAddrTable bBytes(0), Ret, False
'Get the first 4 bytes to get the entry's.. ip installed
CopyMemory Listing.dEntrys, bBytes(0), 4
'MsgBox "IP's found : " & Listing.dEntrys => Founded ip installed on your PC..
Form1.Text1 = Listing.dEntrys & " IP addresses found on your PC !!" & vbCrLf
Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 & "----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
For Tel = 0 To Listing.dEntrys - 1
'Copy whole structure to Listing..
' MsgBox bBytes(tel) & "."
CopyMemory Listing.mIPInfo(Tel), bBytes(4 + (Tel * Len(Listing.mIPInfo(0)))), Len(Listing.mIPInfo(Tel))
Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 & "IP address : " & ConvertAddressToString(Listing.mIPInfo(Tel).dwAddr) & vbCrLf
Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 & "IP Subnetmask : " & ConvertAddressToString(Listing.mIPInfo(Tel).dwMask) & vbCrLf
Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 & "BroadCast IP address : " & ConvertAddressToString(Listing.mIPInfo(Tel).dwBCastAddr) & vbCrLf
Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 & "**************************************" & vbCrLf
'MsgBox ConvertAddressToString(Listing.mIPInfo(1).dwAddr)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "ERROR"
End Sub