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Error al conectarse a IRC en VB6
« en: 23 Febrero 2015, 21:10 pm »

Buenas, sucede que estoy tratando de conectarme a IRC desde un proyecto hecho en vb6, pero no logro conectarme porque me salta el error de:

Looking up you hostname...
Couldn't resolve your hostname.

¿Alguien tiene idea de porqué no puedo conectarme?

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Re: Error al conectarse a IRC en VB6
« Respuesta #1 en: 23 Febrero 2015, 21:13 pm »

esta mal puesto el host, si lo obtuviste de un proyecto muy viejo deberias actualizarlo tal vez haya sido modificado.

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Re: Error al conectarse a IRC en VB6
« Respuesta #2 en: 23 Febrero 2015, 21:16 pm »

esta mal puesto el host, si lo obtuviste de un proyecto muy viejo deberias actualizarlo tal vez haya sido modificado.

Hola el código en sí es este:

  1. 'QIRCbot V1.01beta.
  2. 'This program has been written by James Marvin - WolfSpirit
  3. 'You are free to use this code as you wish, make any alterations
  4. 'and additions as you see fit just as long as you give me
  5. 'credit for the many hours of hard work I have put into this.
  6. 'Do NOT plagerise my work and call it your own, as you will
  7. 'likely put yourself in a very actionable position and I will
  8. 'use all legal and civil options available to me to seek
  9. 'recompense.
  11. 'This program code is provided 'as is' and I take no responsibility for
  12. 'any damage, loss of data or any loss of income that the use of this program
  13. 'causes.
  14. 'I also take NO responsibility if this program is used for illegal purposes
  15. 'including but not limited to, spamming, flooding, or any unacceptable and
  16. 'illegal practices on any or all IRC networks and servers. To do so may
  17. 'cause you to be liable to prosecution, and to have your service cancelled
  18. 'by your ISP.
  19. 'If you wish to contact me, i can be contacted by email at:
  20. 'wolven_spirit@gawab.com
  21. 'james.marvin@dcemail.com
  23. Public Function addLog(Message As String)
  24. 'outstr = Split(Message, Chr$(13), -1, 1)
  25. '  For lp = 0 To UBound(outstr) - 1
  26. '   Prntline (outstr(lp))
  27. '  Next lp
  29. End Function
  31. Private Sub Command1_Click()
  32. wskIRC.RemoteHost = "irc.domain.com"
  33. wskIRC.RemotePort = 6667
  34. addLog "Connecting to " & wskIRC.RemoteHost & " port " & wskIRC.RemotePort & "…"
  35. wskIRC.Connect
  36. End Sub
  38. Private Sub Command2_Click()
  39. wskIRC.Close
  41. End Sub
  43. Private Sub Command3_Click()
  44. wskIRC.SendData "PRIVMSG #lionman :Quasi-BOT Version 0.09 beta. Copyright James Marvin 2010. Status:Connected. 4 users in channel." & vbCrLf
  45. End Sub
  47. Private Sub Command4_Click()
  48. wskIRC.SendData "WHO #lionman" & vbCrLf
  50. End Sub
  52. Private Sub txtLOG_Change()
  54. End Sub
  57. Private Sub Command7_Click()
  58. Dim lp As Integer
  59. For lp = 0 To 4
  60.  Form2.Text1.Text = Form2.Text1 + Str$(lp) + test_var(0, lp) + vbCrLf
  61.  Form2.Text1.Text = Form2.Text1 + Str$(lp) + test_var(1, lp) + vbCrLf
  62.  Form2.Text1.Text = Form2.Text1 + Str$(lp) + test_var(2, lp) + vbCrLf
  63.  Form2.Text1.Text = Form2.Text1 + Str$(lp) + test_var(3, lp) + vbCrLf
  64. Next lp
  66. End Sub
  68. Private Sub Command8_Click()
  69. 'Prntline "Testing One Two" + Str$(t)
  71. t = t + 1
  73. End Sub
  75. Private Sub Command5_Click()
  76. Form1.wskIRC.SendData "PRIVMSG " + Channel + " :" + Form1.OutTXT + vbCrLf
  77. Prntline "<" + BotName + "> " + Form1.OutTXT, vbGreen
  78. Form1.OutTXT.Text = ""
  80. End Sub
  82. Private Sub Form_Load()
  83. Dim lp As Integer
  84. Dim tmpstring As String
  85. lp = 0
  86. On Error GoTo ero:
  87. Open "seenusers.ini" For Input As #1
  88.   Do While Not EOF(1)
  89.     Input #1, tmpstring
  90.     ndta = Split(tmpstring)
  91.     seen_users(lp, 0) = ndta(0)
  92.     seen_users(lp, 1) = ndta(1)
  93.     seen_users(lp, 2) = ndta(2)
  94.     lp = lp + 1
  95.   Loop
  96.   Close #1
  97.   seen_users(lp, 0) = "EOL"
  98.   Form1.List1.Clear
  99.   lp = 0
  102. Form2.Visible = True
  103. sntflag = True
  104. Exit Sub
  107. ero:
  108.  seen_users(0, 0) = "EOL"
  109.  Form2.Visible = True
  110. sntflag = True
  113. End Sub
  115. Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
  116. Dim lp As Integer
  117. Open "seenusers.ini" For Output As #1
  118. While seen_users(lp, 0) <> "EOL"
  119. DoEvents
  120. Print #1, seen_users(lp, 0) & " " & seen_users(lp, 1) & " " & seen_users(lp, 2)
  121.  lp = lp + 1
  122. Wend
  123. Close #1
  125. End Sub
  127. Private Sub OutTXT_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
  128. Dim tmstrng As Integer
  129. If KeyAscii = 13 Then
  130. If Form1.OutTXT <> "" Then
  132. tmstring = "PRIVMSG " + Channel + " :" + Form1.OutTXT
  133. snd_data (tmstring)
  134. Prntline "<" + BotName + "> " + Form1.OutTXT, vbCyan
  135. Form1.OutTXT.Text = ""
  136. End If
  137. End If
  138. End Sub
  140. Private Sub wskIRC_Connect()
  141. Dim rmthst As String
  142. addLog "Connected!"
  143. Dim Random As Integer
  144. Randomize
  145. Random = Rnd * 1000
  146. BotName = "Spock-Bot"
  147. addLog "Username: " & Name
  148. wskIRC.SendData "NICK " & BotName & vbCrLf
  149. wskIRC.SendData "USER bot bot bot bot" & vbCrLf
  150. Channel = "#lionman"
  151. wskIRC.SendData "JOIN " & Channel & vbCrLf
  152. End Sub
  154. Private Sub wskIRC_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
  155. Dim Data As String
  156.  wskIRC.GetData Data
  157.  InDta (Data)
  158.  'Lets now process the data
  159.  prc_data (0)
  161. End Sub
  163. Private Sub wskIRC_SendComplete()
  164.  sntflag = True
  165. End Sub

¿Qué es lo que tendría que agregar para poder conectarme?
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