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Libros de programacion C/C++ en chm (ingles) exelente
« en: 30 Mayo 2008, 19:14 pm »

Libros completos de programacion C/C++, en ingles, en formato .chm, de varios niveles, basico, medio, alto, y avanzado, etc.

Esta es una lista de todos los libros que contiene el archivo.

Accelerated C++ practical Programming by Example.chm
Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++.chm
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++.chm
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4.chm
Beginning C++ Game Programming.chm
Beyond the C++ Standard Library An Introduction to Boost.chm
C++  A Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software.chm
C++ Code Reading The Open Source Perspective.chm
C++ Coding Standards 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices.chm
C++ Common Knowledge Essential Intermediate Programming.chm
C++ Cookbook.chm
C++ Demystified A Self-Teaching Guide.chm
C++ FAQs, Second Edition.chm
C++ for Artists- The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming.chm
C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition.chm
C++ in a Nutshell.chm
C++ In Action.chm
C++ Network Programming for Microsoft Windows.chm
C++ Network Programming, Volume 1 Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns.chm
C++ Network Programming, Volume 2 Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks.chm
C++ Plus Data Structures, Third Edition.chm
C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition.chm
C++ Primer, Fourth Edition.chm
C++ Programming Fundamentals.chm
C++ Programming Windows is the best edition.chm
C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference, The.chm
c++ standard library, the a tutorial and reference.chm
C++ Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide.chm
C++ Template Metaprogramming Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond.chm
C++ Template Metaprogramming Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and.chm
C++ Templates The Complete Guide.chm
C++ XML.chm
C++.COM Inside COM+ Base Services.chm
C++.COM.Designing Solutions with COM+ Technologies.chm
CC++ Programmer's Reference, Third Edition.chm
COM+ Programming A Practical Guide Using Visual C++ and ATL.chm
Complete Guide to Programming in C++.chm
Creating Games in C++ A Step-by-Step Guide.chm
Cryptography in C and C++.chm
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++.chm
Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.CHM
Developing Series 60 Applications A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers.chm
Dinkum C++ Library.chm
Effective C++ Third Edition 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs.chm
Effective C++.chm
Efficient C++ Performance Programming Techniques.chm
Embedded Control Systems in CC++ An Introduction for Software Developers Using MATLAB.chm
Exceptional C++ 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions.chm
Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++.chm
Foundations of Algorithms Using C++ Pseudocode, Third Edition.chm
IDG - C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic.CHM
Imperfect C++ Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming.chm
Inside the C++ Object Model.chm
Intel C++ Compiler - User's Guide.chm
Introduction to Game Programming with C++.chm
Learning to Program in C++.chm
Microsoft Visual C++ MFC FAQ v5.6.chm
Microsoft Visual C++6.chm
Modern C++ Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.chm
More Exceptional C++.chm
Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design.chm
Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++.chm
Practical C++ Programming.chm
Prentice Hall - The C Programming Language, ANSI C (2nd Edition).chm
Professional Rootkits.chm
Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++.chm
Programming Windows - Win32 API 5 Edition.chm
Rootkits Subverting the Windows Kernel.chm
Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++.chm
The Art of C++.chm
The C++ Standard Library Extensions A Tutorial and Reference.chm
Thinking In C++ Volume 2 Practical Programming.chm
Thinking in C++, 2nd ed. Volume 1.chm
Thinking in C++, 2nd ed., Volume 2, Revision 2.chm
Tutorial Win32 - Windows API Tutorials C++.chm
User Journal - Advanced Solutions for C,C++ Programmers CD-ROM Release 3 (1990-1999).chm
Virtual Machine Design and Implementation in CC++.chm
Visual C++ Optimization With Assembly.chm
Welcome to the Wrox Press C++ tutorial.chm
Winsock Programmer's FAQ.chm
Wireless Game Development in C and C++ With Brew.chm
Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++.chm

bueno, espero que les sean muy util y que aprendan mucho de lo que ofrece todo estos libros, no es para dejarlos a perder, el archivo contiene contraseña.


6 Partes


Total: 425 MB



Nota: empiecen a bajar ya, en unos dias podrian eliminarlos del hosting si no se los descargan, luego no digan que los link estan rotos, pues ahora estan a tiempo. :P


« Última modificación: 30 Mayo 2008, 19:25 pm por Dominicano » En línea

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Re: Libros de programacion C/C++ en chm (ingles) exelente
« Respuesta #1 en: 22 Noviembre 2019, 16:05 pm »

Para aquellos que necesiten libros sobre c/c++ existe un enlace que contiene varios archivos descargables con extensión chm o pdf y que abarca desde nivel principiante hasta muy avanzado.
El enlace conduce a un sitio de España muy consultado y la página es un índice del contenido temático. Permite descarga individual y/o masiva. Tamaño del contenido total: 1GB.

LINK:    http://index-of.es/C++/

Espero que disfruten con la lectura. Cordiales saludos.

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