el error en que nesecito ayuda:
al final cuando ejecuto el programa no me sale ordenado y en empate me da un error, y tengo que agregarle al menos un arreglo y una estructura. La combinación de ambas también es aceptada.
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <sstream> using namespace std; string eq1; string eq2; string eq3; string eq4; void resultados(int bolean1,int bolean2,int bolean3, int bolean4, int emGanPer1[7],int emGanPer2[7],int emGanPer3[7],int emGanPer4[7]){ if(bolean1 == 0){ bolean1 = 4; }else if(bolean2 == 0){ bolean2 = 4; }else if(bolean3 == 0){ bolean3 = 4; }else{ bolean4 = 4; } if(bolean1 == 1){ cout<<eq1<<": "<<emGanPer1[0]<<" "<<emGanPer1[2]<<" "<<emGanPer1[3]<<" "<<emGanPer1[4]<<" "<<emGanPer1[5]<<" "<<emGanPer1[6]<<" "<<emGanPer1[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean2 == 1){ cout<<eq2<<": "<<emGanPer2[0]<<" "<<emGanPer2[2]<<" "<<emGanPer2[3]<<" "<<emGanPer2[4]<<" "<<emGanPer2[5]<<" "<<emGanPer2[6]<<" "<<emGanPer2[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean3 == 1){ cout<<eq3<<": "<<emGanPer3[0]<<" "<<emGanPer3[2]<<" "<<emGanPer3[3]<<" "<<emGanPer3[4]<<" "<<emGanPer3[5]<<" "<<emGanPer3[6]<<" "<<emGanPer3[7]<<endl; }else{ cout<<eq4<<": "<<emGanPer4[0]<<" "<<emGanPer4[2]<<" "<<emGanPer4[3]<<" "<<emGanPer4[4]<<" "<<emGanPer4[5]<<" "<<emGanPer4[6]<<" "<<emGanPer4[7]<<endl; } if(bolean1 == 2){ cout<<eq1<<": "<<emGanPer1[0]<<" "<<emGanPer1[2]<<" "<<emGanPer1[3]<<" "<<emGanPer1[4]<<" "<<emGanPer1[5]<<" "<<emGanPer1[6]<<" "<<emGanPer1[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean2 == 2){ cout<<eq2<<": "<<emGanPer2[0]<<" "<<emGanPer2[2]<<" "<<emGanPer2[3]<<" "<<emGanPer2[4]<<" "<<emGanPer2[5]<<" "<<emGanPer2[6]<<" "<<emGanPer2[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean3 == 2){ cout<<eq3<<": "<<emGanPer3[0]<<" "<<emGanPer3[2]<<" "<<emGanPer3[3]<<" "<<emGanPer3[4]<<" "<<emGanPer3[5]<<" "<<emGanPer3[6]<<" "<<emGanPer3[7]<<endl; }else{ cout<<eq4<<": "<<emGanPer4[0]<<" "<<emGanPer4[2]<<" "<<emGanPer4[3]<<" "<<emGanPer4[4]<<" "<<emGanPer4[5]<<" "<<emGanPer4[6]<<" "<<emGanPer4[7]<<endl; } if(bolean1 == 3){ cout<<eq1<<": "<<emGanPer1[0]<<" "<<emGanPer1[2]<<" "<<emGanPer1[3]<<" "<<emGanPer1[4]<<" "<<emGanPer1[5]<<" "<<emGanPer1[6]<<" "<<emGanPer1[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean2 == 3){ cout<<eq2<<": "<<emGanPer2[0]<<" "<<emGanPer2[2]<<" "<<emGanPer2[3]<<" "<<emGanPer2[4]<<" "<<emGanPer2[5]<<" "<<emGanPer2[6]<<" "<<emGanPer2[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean3 == 3){ cout<<eq3<<": "<<emGanPer3[0]<<" "<<emGanPer3[2]<<" "<<emGanPer3[3]<<" "<<emGanPer3[4]<<" "<<emGanPer3[5]<<" "<<emGanPer3[6]<<" "<<emGanPer3[7]<<endl; }else{ cout<<eq4<<": "<<emGanPer4[0]<<" "<<emGanPer4[2]<<" "<<emGanPer4[3]<<" "<<emGanPer4[4]<<" "<<emGanPer4[5]<<" "<<emGanPer4[6]<<" "<<emGanPer4[7]<<endl; } if(bolean1 == 4){ cout<<eq1<<": "<<emGanPer1[0]<<" "<<emGanPer1[2]<<" "<<emGanPer1[3]<<" "<<emGanPer1[4]<<" "<<emGanPer1[5]<<" "<<emGanPer1[6]<<" "<<emGanPer1[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean2 == 4){ cout<<eq2<<": "<<emGanPer2[0]<<" "<<emGanPer2[2]<<" "<<emGanPer2[3]<<" "<<emGanPer2[4]<<" "<<emGanPer2[5]<<" "<<emGanPer2[6]<<" "<<emGanPer2[7]<<endl; }else if(bolean3 == 4){ cout<<eq3<<": "<<emGanPer3[0]<<" "<<emGanPer3[2]<<" "<<emGanPer3[3]<<" "<<emGanPer3[4]<<" "<<emGanPer3[5]<<" "<<emGanPer3[6]<<" "<<emGanPer3[7]<<endl; }else{ cout<<eq4<<": "<<emGanPer4[0]<<" "<<emGanPer4[2]<<" "<<emGanPer4[3]<<" "<<emGanPer4[4]<<" "<<emGanPer4[5]<<" "<<emGanPer4[6]<<" "<<emGanPer4[7]<<endl; } } int main(){ cout<<"Dime los nombres de los 4 equipos que participaron en esta face y te dare la puntuacion"; cout<<"\n Dame el nombre de el primer equipo :"<<endl; cin>>eq1; equipo2: cout<<"\n Dame el nombre de el segundo equipo :"<<endl; cin>>eq2; if (eq1==eq2){ cout<<"este equipo ya existe"<<endl; goto equipo2; } equipo3: cout<<"\n Dame el nombre de el tercer equipo :"<<endl; cin>>eq3; if (eq1==eq3){ cout<<"este equipo ya existe"<<endl; goto equipo3; } else if (eq2==eq3){ cout<<"este equipo ya existe"<<endl; goto equipo3; } equipo4: cout<<"\n Dame el nombre de el cuarto equipo :"<<endl; cin>>eq4; if (eq1==eq4){ cout<<"este equipo ya existe"<<endl; goto equipo4; } else if (eq2==eq4){ cout<<"este equipo ya existe"<<endl; goto equipo4; }else if (eq3==eq4){ cout<<"este equipo ya existe"<<endl; goto equipo4; } system("CLS"); cout<<"los equipos que participan en esta face son: "<<eq1<<" ,"<<eq2<<" ,"<<eq3<<" ,"<<eq4<<endl; string eq1p; string eq3p; string eq2p; string eq4p; std::vector<std::string> vctGol1; std::vector<std::string> vctGolC1; std::vector<std::string> vctGol3; std::vector<std::string> vctGolC3; std::vector<std::string> vctPts1; std::vector<std::string> vctPts3; std::vector<std::string> vctGol4; std::vector<std::string> vctGolC4; std::vector<std::string> vctGol2; std::vector<std::string> vctGolC2; std::vector<std::string> vctPts4; std::vector<std::string> vctPts2; std::vector<std::string> vctGan1; std::vector<std::string> vctGan2; std::vector<std::string> vctGan3; std::vector<std::string> vctGan4; cout<<"primera ronda "<<eq1<<" vs "<<eq3<<endl; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq1<<": "; cin>>eq1p; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq3<<": "; cin>>eq3p; vctGol1.push_back(eq1p); vctGolC1.push_back(eq3p); vctGol3.push_back(eq3p); vctGolC3.push_back(eq1p); if(eq1p>eq3p){ vctPts1.push_back("3"); vctPts3.push_back("0"); vctGan1.push_back(""+eq1); vctGan3.push_back(""+eq1); } else if(eq1p<eq3p){ vctPts1.push_back("0"); vctPts3.push_back("3"); vctGan1.push_back(""+eq3); vctGan3.push_back(""+eq3); }else{ vctPts1.push_back("1"); vctPts3.push_back("1"); vctGan1.push_back(""); vctGan3.push_back(""); } cout<<"Segunda ronda "<<eq1<<" vs "<<eq2<<endl; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq1<<": "; cin>>eq1p; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq2<<": "; cin>>eq2p; vctGol1.push_back(eq1p); vctGolC1.push_back(eq2p); vctGol2.push_back(eq2p); vctGolC2.push_back(eq1p); if(eq1p>eq2p){ vctPts1.push_back("3"); vctPts2.push_back("0"); vctGan1.push_back(""+eq1); vctGan2.push_back(""+eq1); } else if(eq1p<eq2p){ vctPts1.push_back("0"); vctPts2.push_back("3"); vctGan1.push_back(""+eq2); vctGan2.push_back(""+eq2); }else{ vctPts1.push_back("1"); vctPts2.push_back("1"); vctGan1.push_back(""); vctGan2.push_back(""); } cout<<"tercera ronda "<<eq1<<" vs "<<eq4<<endl; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq1<<": "; cin>>eq1p; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq4<<": "; cin>>eq4p; vctGol1.push_back(eq1p); vctGolC1.push_back(eq4p); vctGol4.push_back(eq4p); vctGolC4.push_back(eq1p); if(eq1p>eq4p){ vctPts1.push_back("3"); vctPts4.push_back("0"); vctGan1.push_back(""+eq1); vctGan4.push_back(""+eq1); } else if(eq1p<eq4p){ vctPts1.push_back("0"); vctPts4.push_back("3"); vctGan1.push_back(""+eq4); vctGan4.push_back(""+eq4); }else{ vctPts1.push_back("1"); vctPts4.push_back("1"); vctGan1.push_back(""); vctGan4.push_back(""); } cout<<"cuarta ronda "<<eq2<<" vs "<<eq3<<endl; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq2<<": "; cin>>eq2p; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq3<<": "; cin>>eq3p; vctGol2.push_back(eq2p); vctGolC2.push_back(eq3p); vctGol3.push_back(eq3p); vctGolC3.push_back(eq2p); if(eq2p>eq3p){ vctPts2.push_back("3"); vctPts3.push_back("0"); vctGan2.push_back(""+eq2); vctGan3.push_back(""+eq2); } else if(eq2p<eq3p){ vctPts2.push_back("0"); vctPts3.push_back("3"); vctGan2.push_back(""+eq3); vctGan3.push_back(""+eq3); }else{ vctPts2.push_back("1"); vctPts3.push_back("1"); vctGan2.push_back(""); vctGan3.push_back(""); } cout<<"quinta ronda "<<eq2<<" vs "<<eq4<<endl; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq2<<": "; cin>>eq2p; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq4<<": "; cin>>eq4p; vctGol2.push_back(eq2p); vctGolC2.push_back(eq4p); vctGol4.push_back(eq4p); vctGolC4.push_back(eq2p); if(eq2p>eq4p){ vctPts2.push_back("3"); vctPts4.push_back("0"); vctGan2.push_back(""+eq2); vctGan4.push_back(""+eq2); } else if(eq2p<eq4p){ vctPts2.push_back("0"); vctPts4.push_back("3"); vctGan2.push_back(""+eq4); vctGan4.push_back(""+eq4); }else{ vctPts2.push_back("1"); vctPts4.push_back("1"); vctGan2.push_back(""); vctGan4.push_back(""); } cout<<"sexta ronda "<<eq3<<" vs "<<eq4<<endl; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq3<<": "; cin>>eq3p; cout<<"goles del equipo "<<eq4<<": "; cin>>eq4p; vctGol3.push_back(eq3p); vctGolC3.push_back(eq4p); vctGol4.push_back(eq4p); vctGolC4.push_back(eq3p); if(eq3p>eq4p){ vctPts3.push_back("3"); vctPts4.push_back("0"); vctGan3.push_back(""+eq3); vctGan4.push_back(""+eq3); } else if(eq3p<eq4p){ vctPts3.push_back("0"); vctPts4.push_back("3"); vctGan3.push_back(""+eq4); vctGan4.push_back(""+eq4); }else{ vctPts3.push_back("1"); vctPts4.push_back("1"); vctGan3.push_back(""); vctGan4.push_back(""); } system("CLS"); //equipo1 vctPts1 int gano=0; int empato=0; int perdio=0; int gf=0; int gc=0; int pts=0; //estadisticas primer equipo for (int i = 0; i < vctPts1.size(); i++){ if (vctPts1[i]=="3"){ gano++; pts= pts + 3; }else if (vctPts1[i]=="1"){ empato++; pts= pts + 1; }else{ perdio++; } int x = 0; stringstream geek(vctGol1[i]); geek >> x; gf = gf + x; int y = 0; stringstream geek1(vctGolC1[i]); geek1 >> y; gc = gc + y; } int emGanPer1[7] = {gano,empato,perdio,gf,gc,gf-gc,pts}; //estadisticas segundo equipo gano=0; empato=0; perdio=0; gf=0; gc=0; pts=0; for (int i = 0; i < vctPts2.size(); i++){ if (vctPts2[i]=="3"){ gano++; pts= pts + 3; }else if (vctPts2[i]=="1"){ empato++; pts= pts + 1; }else{ perdio++; } int x = 0; stringstream geek(vctGol2[i]); geek >> x; gf = gf + x; int y = 0; stringstream geek1(vctGolC2[i]); geek1 >> y; gc = gc + y; } int emGanPer2[7] = {gano,empato,perdio,gf,gc,gf-gc,pts}; //estadisticas tercer equipo gano=0; empato=0; perdio=0; gf=0; gc=0; pts=0; for (int i = 0; i < vctPts3.size(); i++){ if (vctPts3[i]=="3"){ gano++; pts= pts + 3; }else if (vctPts3[i]=="1"){ empato++; pts= pts + 1; }else{ perdio++; } int x = 0; stringstream geek(vctGol3[i]); geek >> x; gf = gf + x; int y = 0; stringstream geek1(vctGolC3[i]); geek1 >> y; gc = gc + y; } int emGanPer3[7] = {gano,empato,perdio,gf,gc,gf-gc,pts}; //estadisticas cuarto equipo gano=0; empato=0; perdio=0; gf=0; gc=0; pts=0; for (int i = 0; i < vctPts4.size(); i++){ if (vctPts4[i]=="3"){ gano++; pts= pts + 3; }else if (vctPts4[i]=="1"){ empato++; pts= pts + 1; }else{ perdio++; } int x = 0; stringstream geek(vctGol4[i]); geek >> x; gf = gf + x; int y = 0; stringstream geek1(vctGolC4[i]); geek1 >> y; gc = gc + y; } int emGanPer4[7] = {gano,empato,perdio,gf,gc,gf-gc,pts}; int tot1 = emGanPer1[6]; int tot2 = emGanPer2[6]; int tot3 = emGanPer3[6]; int tot4 = emGanPer4[6]; int dif1 = emGanPer1[5]; int dif2 = emGanPer2[5]; int dif3 = emGanPer3[5]; int dif4 = emGanPer4[5]; int golTf1 = emGanPer1[3]; int golTf2 = emGanPer2[3]; int golTf3 = emGanPer3[3]; int golTf4 = emGanPer4[3]; int bolean1= 0; int bolean2= 0; int bolean3= 0; int bolean4= 0; //Primer lugar if(tot1>tot2 and tot1>tot3 and tot1>tot4){ bolean1 = 1; }else if(tot2>tot1 and tot2>tot3 and tot2>tot4 ){ bolean2 = 1; }else if(tot3>tot1 and tot3>tot2 and tot3>tot4 ){ bolean3 = 1; }else if(tot4>tot1 and tot4>tot2 and tot4>tot3 ){ bolean4 = 1; }else if(tot1==tot2 and tot1>tot3 and tot1>tot4 and tot2>tot3 and tot2>tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq2){ bolean3 = 1; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 1; break; } } }else if(tot1==tot3 and tot1>tot2 and tot3>tot2 and tot1>tot4 and tot3>tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 1; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 1; break; } } }else if(tot1==tot4 and tot1>tot2 and tot1>tot3 and tot4>tot2 and tot4>tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 1; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 1; break; } } }else if(tot2==tot3 and tot2>tot1 and tot2>tot4 and tot3>tot1 and tot3>tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 1; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 1; break; } } }else if(tot2==tot4 and tot2>tot1 and tot2>tot3 and tot4>tot1 and tot4>tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 1; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 1; break; } } }else if(tot3==tot4 and tot3>tot1 and tot3>tot2 and tot4>tot1 and tot4>tot2){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan3.size(); i++){ bolean3 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 1; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq3){ bolean3 = 1; break; } } } if(tot1==tot2 and tot2==tot3 and tot4<tot3 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif1<dif2 and dif1<dif3){ bolean1 = 1; }else if(dif2<dif1 and dif2<dif3){ bolean2 = 1; }else if(dif3<dif1 and dif3<dif2 ){ bolean3 = 1; } }else if(tot2==tot3 and tot3==tot4 and tot1<tot3 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif2<dif3 and dif2<dif4){ bolean2 = 1; }else if(dif3<dif2 and dif3<dif4){ bolean3 = 1; }else if(dif4<dif2 and dif4<dif3 ){ bolean4 = 1; } }else if(tot1==tot3 and tot3==tot4 and tot2<tot3 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif1<dif3 and dif1<dif4){ bolean1 = 1; }else if(dif3<dif1 and dif3<dif4 ){ bolean3 = 1; }else if(dif4<dif1 and dif4<dif3 ){ bolean4 = 1; } }else if(tot1==tot2 and tot2==tot4 and tot3<tot4 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif1<dif2 and dif1<dif4){ bolean1 = 1; }else if(dif2<dif1 and dif2<dif4){ bolean2 = 1; }else if(dif4<dif1 and dif4<dif2){ bolean4 = 1; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(golTf1>golTf2 and golTf1>golTf3 and golTf1>golTf4){ bolean1 = 1; }else if(golTf2>golTf1 and golTf2>golTf3 and golTf2>golTf4){ bolean2 = 1; }else if(golTf3>golTf1 and golTf3>golTf2 and golTf3>golTf4){ bolean3 = 1; }else if(golTf4>golTf1 and golTf4>golTf2 and golTf4>golTf3){ bolean4 = 1; }else{ bolean1 = 1; } } //Segundo si el primer lugar gano equipo1 if(bolean1 == 1){ if(tot2>tot3 and tot2>tot4 ){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(tot3>tot2 and tot3>tot4 ){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(tot4>tot2 and tot4>tot3 ){ bolean4 = 2; }else if(tot2==tot3 and tot2>tot4 and tot3>tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot2==tot4 and tot2>tot3 and tot4>tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot3==tot4 and tot3>tot2 and tot4>tot2){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan3.size(); i++){ bolean3 = 0; if(vctGan3[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan3[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq3){ bolean3 = 2; break; } } } if(tot2==tot3 and tot3==tot4 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif2>dif3 and dif2>dif4){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(dif3>dif2 and dif3>dif4){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(dif4>dif2 and dif4>dif3){ bolean4 = 2; } } if(bolean2==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if( golTf2>golTf3 and golTf2>golTf4){ bolean2 = 2; }else if( golTf3>golTf2 and golTf3>golTf4){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(golTf4>golTf2 and golTf4>golTf3){ bolean4 = 2; }else{ bolean2 = 2; } } } //Segundo si el primer lugar gano equipo2 if (bolean2 == 1){ if(tot1>tot3 and tot1>tot4){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(tot3>tot1 and tot3>tot4 ){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(tot4>tot1 and tot4>tot3 ){ bolean4 = 2; }else if(tot1==tot3 and tot1>tot4 and tot3>tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot1==tot4 and tot1>tot3 and tot4>tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot3==tot4 and tot3>tot1 and tot4>tot1){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan3.size(); i++){ bolean3 = 0; if(vctGan3[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan3[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq3){ bolean3 = 2; break; } } } if(tot1==tot3 and tot3==tot4 and bolean1==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif1>dif3 and dif1>dif4){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(dif3>dif1 and dif3>dif4 ){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(dif4>dif1 and dif4>dif3 ){ bolean4 = 2; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean3==0 and bolean4==0){ if(golTf1>golTf3 and golTf1>golTf4){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(golTf3>golTf1 and golTf3>golTf4){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(golTf4>golTf1 and golTf4>golTf3){ bolean4 = 2; }else{ bolean1 = 2; } } } //Segundo si el primer lugar gano equipo3 if(bolean3 == 1){ if(tot1>tot2 and tot1>tot4){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(tot2>tot1 and tot2>tot4 ){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(tot4>tot1 and tot4>tot2 ){ bolean4 = 2; }else if(tot1==tot2 and tot1>tot4 and tot2>tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq2){ bolean2 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan2[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot1==tot4 and tot1>tot2 and tot4>tot2 ){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot2==tot4 and tot2>tot1 and tot4>tot1 ){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 2; break; } } } if(tot1==tot2 and tot2==tot4 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif1>dif2 and dif1>dif4){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(dif2>dif1 and dif2>dif4){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(dif4>dif1 and dif4>dif2){ bolean4 = 2; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean4==0){ if(golTf1>golTf2 and golTf1>golTf4){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(golTf2>golTf1 and golTf2>golTf4){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(golTf4>golTf1 and golTf4>golTf2){ bolean4 = 2; }else{ bolean1 = 2; } } } //Segundo si el primer lugar gano equipo4 if(bolean4 == 1){ if(tot1>tot2 and tot1>tot3){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(tot2>tot1 and tot2>tot3 ){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(tot3>tot1 and tot3>tot2 ){ bolean3 = 2; }else if(tot1==tot2 and tot1>tot3 and tot2>tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq2){ bolean2 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan2[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot1==tot3 and tot1>tot2 and tot3>tot2 ){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 2; break; } } }else if(tot2==tot3 and tot2>tot1 and tot3>tot1 ){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 2; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 2; break; } } } if(tot1==tot2 and tot2==tot3 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0){ if(dif1>dif2 and dif1>dif3){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(dif2>dif1 and dif2>dif3){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(dif3>dif2 and dif3>dif1){ bolean3 = 2; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0){ if(golTf1>golTf2 and golTf1>golTf3){ bolean1 = 2; }else if(golTf2>golTf1 and golTf2>golTf3){ bolean2 = 2; }else if(golTf3>golTf1 and golTf3>golTf2){ bolean3 = 2; }else{ bolean1 = 2; } } } //Tercer lugar si el eq1 y eq2 ya tienen posicion if(bolean1 != 0 and bolean2 !=0){ if(tot3>tot4 ){ bolean3 = 3; }else if(tot3<tot4 ) { bolean4 = 3; }else if(tot3==tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan3.size(); i++){ bolean3 = 0; if(vctGan3[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 3; break; }else if(vctGan3[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq3){ bolean3 = 3; break; } } } if(tot3==tot4 and bolean4==0 and bolean3==0){ if(dif3>dif4){ bolean3 = 3; }else if(dif3<dif4){ bolean4 = 3; } } if( bolean4==0 and bolean3==0){ if(golTf3>golTf4){ bolean3 = 3; }else if(golTf4>golTf3){ bolean4 = 3; }else{ bolean3 = 3; } } } //Tercer lugar si el eq1 y eq3 ya tienen posicion if(bolean1 != 0 and bolean3 !=0 and bolean2 ==0 and bolean4==0){ if(tot2>tot4 ){ bolean2 = 3; }else if(tot2<tot4 ) { bolean4 = 3; }else if(tot2==tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 3; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 3; break; } } } if(tot2==tot4 and bolean4==0 and bolean2==0){ if(dif2>dif4 ){ bolean2 = 3; }else if (dif2<dif4 ){ bolean4 = 3; } } if(bolean4==0 and bolean2==0){ if(golTf2>golTf4){ bolean2 = 3; }else if(golTf4>golTf3){ bolean4 = 3; }else{ bolean2 = 3; } } } //Tercer lugar si el eq1 y eq4 ya tienen posicion if(bolean1 != 0 and bolean4 !=0 and bolean2 ==0 and bolean3==0){ if(tot2>tot3 ){ bolean2 = 3; }else if(tot2<tot4 ) { bolean3 = 3; }else if(tot2==tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan2.size(); i++){ bolean2 = 0; if(vctGan2[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 3; break; }else if(vctGan2[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq2){ bolean2 = 3; break; } } } if(tot2==tot3 and bolean2==0 and bolean3==0){ if(dif2>dif3 ){ bolean2 = 3; }else if(dif2<dif3 ){ bolean3 = 3; } } if( bolean2==0 and bolean3==0){ if(golTf2>golTf3){ bolean2 = 3; }else if(golTf3>golTf2){ bolean3 = 3; }else{ bolean2 = 3; } } } //Tercer lugar si el eq2 y eq3 ya tienen posicion if(bolean2 != 0 and bolean3 !=0 and bolean1 ==0 and bolean4==0){ if(tot1>tot4 ){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(tot1<tot4 ){ bolean4 = 3; }else if(tot1==tot4){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq4){ bolean4 = 3; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan4[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 3; break; } } } if(tot1==tot4 and bolean1==0 and bolean4==0){ if(dif1>dif4 ){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(dif1<dif4 ){ bolean4 = 3; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean4==0){ if(golTf1>golTf4){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(golTf4>golTf1){ bolean4 = 3; }else{ bolean1 = 3; } } } //Tercer lugar si el eq2 y eq4 ya tienen posicion if(bolean2 != 0 and bolean4 !=0 and bolean1 ==0 and bolean3==0){ if(tot1>tot3 ){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(tot1<tot3) { bolean3 = 3; }else if(tot1==tot3){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq3){ bolean3 = 3; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan3[i] ==eq1){ bolean1 = 3; break; } } } if(tot1==tot3 and bolean1==0 and bolean3==0){ if(dif1>dif3 ){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(dif1<dif3 ){ bolean3 = 3; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean3==0){ if(golTf1>golTf3){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(golTf3>golTf1){ bolean3 = 3; }else{ bolean1 = 3; } } } //Tercer lugar si el eq3 y eq4 ya tienen posicion if(bolean3 != 0 and bolean4 !=0 and bolean1 ==0 and bolean2==0){ if(tot1>tot2 ){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(tot1<tot2 ){ bolean2 = 3; }else if(tot1==tot2){ for (int i = 0; i < vctGan1.size(); i++){ bolean1 = 0; if(vctGan1[i] == eq2){ bolean2 = 3; break; }else if(vctGan1[i] != "" && vctGan2[i] ==eq1 ){ bolean1 = 3; break; } } } if(tot1==tot2 and bolean1==0 and bolean2==0){ if(dif1>dif2 ){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(dif1<dif2 ){ bolean2 = 3; } } if(bolean1==0 and bolean2==0){ if(golTf1>golTf2){ bolean1 = 3; }else if(golTf2>golTf1){ bolean2 = 3; }else{ bolean1 = 3; } } } if(bolean1 == 0){ bolean1 = 4; }else if(bolean2 == 0){ bolean1 = 4; }else if(bolean3 == 0){ bolean1 = 4; }else{ bolean1 = 4; } cout<<"Pais Ganados Perdidos GF GC DIF Pts Empatados"<<endl; resultados(bolean1,bolean2,bolean3,bolean4,emGanPer1,emGanPer2,emGanPer3,emGanPer4); }
Mod: Etiqueta GeSHi