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Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 17:33 pm »

Pues bueno he encontrado un video en internet sobre Gadafi que me ha hecho ver otra cara de este conflicto. Con toda la prensa que hay y nadie he visto hablar sobre esto que habland en el video.

Simplemente mirenlo y no me digan que almenos da que pensar, tanto nos manipulan? Tambien decir que obviamente por mucho que lo del video sea verdad Gadafi era un figlio di puttana dictador que hacia lo que le daba la gana.

Ay... cuantos hilos y que pocas manos...
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Si todos fuéramos igual de inteligentes no existiría la mediocridad porque no podríamos apreciarla. Aprecias la mediocridad?
Eternal Idol
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Israel nunca torturó niños, ni lo volverá a hacer.

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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #1 en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 18:08 pm »

Ahora gobernara la dictadura de Al-Qaeda gracias a la intervencion imperialista de los mismos peleles que antes le doraban la pildora:

Ahi podemos ver a los caraduras de Bush, Obama, Blair, Gordon, Berlusconi, Sarkozy, etc., etc., todos saludando a Gadaffi.

Solo unos pocos paises repudiaron la intervencion extranjera en Libia, bravo por ellos.
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La economía nunca ha sido libre: o la controla el Estado en beneficio del Pueblo o lo hacen los grandes consorcios en perjuicio de éste.
Juan Domingo Perón

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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #2 en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 18:51 pm »

De veras me gustaría que ese vídeo fuese cierto.
Le leído el green book (link), he visto el vídeo entero y leído artículos sobre Libia bajo el régimen de Gadafi..

Pero, lo que por una parte le ha dado a la gente por otra parte se lo ha quitado.
Por ejemplo:

Apoyo directamente a grupos terroristas palestinos.
Mato a cientos de personas "anti-Gaddafi".
Apoyo a grupos de izquierdas radicales, que colocaban bombas o mataban..
Apoyo a grupos islámicos que matan personas (a dia de hoy) con el fin de establecer estados islámicos..

Y un montón de cosas mas que simplemente contradicen sus buenas acciones..

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/\ Así acabo cuando quiero programar...

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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #3 en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 19:36 pm »

Apoyo directamente a grupos terroristas palestinos.
Apoyo a grupos de izquierdas radicales, que colocaban bombas o mataban..
Apoyo a grupos islámicos que matan personas (a dia de hoy) con el fin de establecer estados islámicos..

Emmmm...  :¬¬

Ahh mira: "terroristas palestinos", "Radicales de IZQUIERDA", "Grupos Islámicos"...
Siempre son los mismos grupos "sembrando el terror", alguien manipula los hechos, manipula la información envenenando al mundo entero con verdades a medias o mentiras completas.

En Libia sucedio lo que en Irak, o en cualquier otro lugar donde ya no se respete el valor del dolar gringo para cambiar por petroleo, entiendase eso como la gota que derrama el vaso.

¿Y los presidentes que son "elegidos de democraticamente", si pueden asesinar y hacer lo que se les plasca?, ¿Por qué la ONU no actua de la misma manera?



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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #4 en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 19:50 pm »

No es solo eso,

Gaddafi and international terrorism
See also: Active measures

In 1971 Gaddafi warned that if France opposes Libyan military occupation of Chad, he will use all weapons in the war against France including the "revolutionary weapon".[44] On 11 June 1972, Gaddafi announced that any Arab wishing to volunteer for Palestinian terrorist groups "can register his name at any Libyan embassy will be given adequate training for combat". He also promised financial support for attacks.[45] On 7 October 1972, Gaddafi praised the Lod Airport massacre, executed by the communist Japanese Red Army, and demanded Palestinian terrorist groups to carry out similar attacks.[45]

Reportedly, Gaddafi was a major financier of the "Black September Movement" which perpetrated the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics. In 1973 the Irish Naval Service intercepted the vessel Claudia in Irish territorial waters, which carried Soviet arms from Libya to the Provisional IRA.[46][47] In 1976 after a series of terror activities by the Provisional IRA, Gaddafi announced that "the bombs which are convulsing Britain and breaking its spirit are the bombs of Libyan people. We have sent them to the Irish revolutionaries so that the British will pay the price for their past deeds".[45]

In the Philippines, Libya has backed the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which continues to terrorize and murder people in the name of establishing a separatist Islamic state in the southern Philippines.[48] Libya has also supported the New People's Army[49] and Libyan agents were seen meeting with the Communist Party of the Philippines.[50] Islamist terrorist group Abu Sayyaf has also been suspected of receiving Libyan funding.[51]

In 2002, he paid a ransom reportedly worth tens of millions of dollars to Abu Sayyaf to release a number of kidnapped tourists. He presented it as an act of goodwill to Western countries; nevertheless the money helped the terrorist group to expand its operation.[23]

Gaddafi also became a strong supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which support ultimately harmed Libya's relations with Egypt, when in 1979 Egypt pursued a peace agreement with Israel. As Libya's relations with Egypt worsened, Gaddafi sought closer relations with the Soviet Union. Libya became the first country outside the Soviet bloc to receive the supersonic MiG-25 combat fighters, but Soviet-Libyan relations remained relatively distant. Gaddafi also sought to increase Libyan influence, especially in states with an Islamic population, by calling for the creation of a Saharan Islamic state and supporting anti-government forces in sub-Saharan Africa.

In the 1970s and the 1980s, this support was sometimes so freely given that even the most unsympathetic groups could obtain Libyan support; often the groups represented ideologies far removed from Gaddafi's own. Gaddafi's approach often tended to confuse international opinion.

In 1981 Gaddafi was found talking about assassinating new American president Ronald Reagan. In October 1981 Egypt's President Anwar Sadat was assassinated. Gaddafi applauded the murder and remarked that it was a punishment.[52]

American President Ronald Reagan dubbed Gaddafi the "mad dog of the Middle East". In December 1981, the US State Department invalidated US passports for travel to Libya, and in March 1982, the U.S. declared a ban on the import of Libyan oil.[53]

Gaddafi reportedly spent hundreds of millions of the government's money on training and arming Sandinistas in Nicaragua.[54] Daniel Ortega, the President of Nicaragua, was his ally.

In April 1984, Libyan refugees in London protested against execution of two dissidents. Communications intercepted by MI5 show that Tripoli ordered its diplomats to direct violence against the demonstrators. Libyan diplomats shot at 11 people and killed British policewoman Yvonne Fletcher. The incident led to the breaking off of diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Libya for over a decade.[55]

After December 1985 Rome and Vienna airport attacks, which killed 19 and wounded around 140, Gaddafi indicated that he would continue to support the Red Army Faction, the Red Brigades, and the Irish Republican Army as long as European countries support anti-Gaddafi Libyans.[56] The Foreign Minister of Libya also called the massacres "heroic acts".[57]

In 1986, Libyan state television announced that Libya was training suicide squads to attack American and European interests.[58]

Gaddafi claimed the Gulf of Sidra as his territorial waters and his navy was involved in a conflict from January to March 1986.

On 5 April 1986, Libyan agents bombed "La Belle" nightclub in West Berlin, killing three people and injuring 229 people who were spending evening there. Gaddafi's plan was intercepted by Western intelligence. More-detailed information was retrieved years later when Stasi archives were investigated by the reunited Germany. Libyan agents who had carried out the operation from the Libyan embassy in East Germany were prosecuted by reunited Germany in the 1990s.[59]

Germany and the U.S. learned that the bombing in West Berlin had been ordered from Tripoli. On 14 April 1986, the U.S. carried out Operation El Dorado Canyon against Gaddafi and members of his government. Air defenses, three army bases, and two airfields in Tripoli and Benghazi were bombed. The surgical strikes failed to kill Gaddafi but he lost a few dozen military officers. Gaddafi then spread propaganda how it had killed his "adopted daughter" and how victims had been all "civilians". Despite the absurdity and variations of the stories, the campaign was so successful that a large proportion of the Western press reported the government's stories as facts.[60]

Gaddafi announced that he had won a spectacular military victory over the U.S. and the country was officially renamed the "Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah".[44] However, his speech appeared devoid of passion and even the "victory" celebrations appeared unusual. Criticism of Gaddafi by ordinary Libyan citizens became more bold, such as defacing of Gaddafi posters.[44] The raids against Libyan military had brought the government to its the weakest point in 17 years.[44]

Many Western European countries took action against Libyan terrorism and other activities following years.

In May 1987, Australia broke off relations with Libya because of its role in fueling violence in Oceania.[49][61][62]

In late 1987 French authorities stopped a merchant vessel, the MV Eksund, which was delivering a 150 ton Libyan arms shipment to European terrorist groups.

In Britain, Gaddafi's best-known political political subsidiary is the Workers Revolutionary Party.[62][63]

Gaddafi has also paid for meetings with the British National Party.[64]

In Austria, Jörg Haider reportedly received tens of millions dollars from Gaddafi as well as Saddam Hussein.[65]

Gaddafi fueled a number of Islamist and communist terrorist groups in the Philippines, including the New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The country still struggles with their murders and kidnappings.[48][23][49][56][66]

In Indonesia, the Organisasi Papua Merdeka was a Libyan-backed militant group.[49] Vanuatu's ruling party enjoyed Libyan support.[49]

In New Zealand, Libya attempted to radicalize Māoris.[49]

In Australia, there were several cases of attempted radicalisation of Australian Aborigines, with individuals receiving paramilitary training in Libya. Libya put several left-wing unions on the Libyan payroll, such as the Food Preservers Union (FPU) and the Federated Confectioners Association of Australia (FCA). Labour Party politician Bill Hartley, the secretary of Libya-Australia friendship society, was long-term supporter of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.[49][61][62]

In the 1980s, the Libyan government purchased advertisements in Arabic-language newspapers in Australia asking for Australian Arabs to join the military units of his worldwide struggle against imperialism. In part,because of this, Australia banned recruitment of foreign mercenaries in Australia.[62]

Gaddafi developed ongoing relationship with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a terrorist group which may produce more than half of world's cocaine, becoming acquainted with its leaders in meetings of revolutionary groups regularly hosted in Libya.[41][42]

Some publications were financed by Gaddafi. The Socialist Labour League's Workers News was one such publication: "in among the routine denunciations of uranium mining and calls for greater trade union militancy would be a couple of pages extolling Gaddafi's fatuous and incoherent green book and the Libyan revolution."[62]
La mayoría, son fuentes confirmadas...

Mira, no defiendo a nadie. Simplemente intento saber mas y mas sobre estas cosas.. pero la información que por una parte dice una cosa.. por la otra dice otra..

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Eternal Idol
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Israel nunca torturó niños, ni lo volverá a hacer.

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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #5 en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 21:00 pm »

De veras me gustaría que ese vídeo fuese cierto.
Le leído el green book (link), he visto el vídeo entero y leído artículos sobre Libia bajo el régimen de Gadafi..

Pero, lo que por una parte le ha dado a la gente por otra parte se lo ha quitado.
Por ejemplo:

Apoyo directamente a grupos terroristas palestinos.
Mato a cientos de personas "anti-Gaddafi".
Apoyo a grupos de izquierdas radicales, que colocaban bombas o mataban..
Apoyo a grupos islámicos que matan personas (a dia de hoy) con el fin de establecer estados islámicos..

Y un montón de cosas mas que simplemente contradicen sus buenas acciones..


No veo ninguna razon por la cual lo que dice el video y lo que enumeras encima no puedan ser ciertos, las contradicciones son inherentes al ser humano ademas.

¿Y que decir entonces de todos los paises que apoyan a un ESTADO TERRORISTA como es Israel? ¿Eso es lo malo de Gadaffi? Bush es un genocida criminal de guerra igual que Ariel Sharon.

¿A quienes mato y cuando? Ojito que casi cualquier revolucion implica sangre y la muerte de los contrarrevolucionarios como por ejemplo los partidarios del anterior REGIMEN del REY Idris. Es lo que toca cuando se intenta imponer otro sistema, el capitalista genera millones de muertes todos los dias. ¿Quien es el terrorista? ¿No es el que siembra el hambre y la miseria robando las riquezas de otros paises?

Igual que yo sepa hubo una Libia antes y despues del bombardeo en que mataron a una hija de Gadaffi en 1986, despues se fue acercando a los imperalistas.

Lo principal para mi es que hubo una intervencion imperalista en los asuntos internos de un pais donde de no mediar esta (con bombardeos a poblacion civil incluidos) seguiria gobernando Gadaffi. Ya veremos si en unos años no lo extrañan los libios cuando este hundidos en la ***** y gobernados por los mas reaccionarios entre los reaccionarios del Islam.
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La economía nunca ha sido libre: o la controla el Estado en beneficio del Pueblo o lo hacen los grandes consorcios en perjuicio de éste.
Juan Domingo Perón

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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #6 en: 27 Noviembre 2011, 21:53 pm »

El dinero, el poder, la envidia y la avaricia han destruido mucho nuestro planeta y la sociedad en general. No creo que la culpa sea de personas concretas pero esas personas concretas, Bush por ejemplo, estan respaldados por la gente que le votó y que después no salio a la calle para obligar-le (por ejemplo) a no ir a la guerra.

Creo que mucha parte de culpa la tienen los pueblos por no saber manejar las situciones o dejarse engañar por los medios.

Por eso mientras más acceso a la cultura, libre información, investigacion cientifica,... se consiga, más podran decidir esos pueblos y plantar cara a estos figurines que tenemos como gobernantes, dictadores o coaccionadores.

« Última modificación: 28 Noviembre 2011, 08:10 am por m0rf » En línea

Si todos fuéramos igual de inteligentes no existiría la mediocridad porque no podríamos apreciarla. Aprecias la mediocridad?

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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #7 en: 28 Noviembre 2011, 00:52 am »

El dinero, el poder, la envidia y la abaricia han destruido mucho nuestro planeta...

Me sangran los ojos.
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Re: Gadafi, un video que me ha hecho reflexionar.
« Respuesta #8 en: 28 Noviembre 2011, 08:15 am »

Me sangran los ojos.
Lo siento eran horas intempestivas, ya esta arreglado, Gracias!
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Si todos fuéramos igual de inteligentes no existiría la mediocridad porque no podríamos apreciarla. Aprecias la mediocridad?
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