Los Backups hechos con
Akeeba funcionan perfectamente, pesa 40 MB porque está comprimido.
Si no te convence Akeeba, puedes hacerte un script propio y ejecutarlo con crontab cada "x" tiempo, y que te haga un backup.
Solo se haría el backup de la base de datos, ya que, los ficheros del sitio con hacerles un backup basta.
$backupdate = date("Ymd"); //Backup date variable. Replace "Ymd" with
//"Ymd_H-i" to include the time.
$backupdir = "/the/absolute/path/to/the/folder/";
//Where are the files located?
$files = "*";
//What file to backup? Use a * to backup all the files
//inside the folder entered above.
$backupto = "/the/absolute/path/to/the/folder/";
//Where to store the tarball?
$fileprefix = "bak";
//This is the prefix that will be added before the date:
//The underscore _ is added automatically
$tararg = "-cf";
//Here goes the tar arguments. I recommend -cf.
//c is for compressing. f is for outputting
//a file.
$bz2arg = "-z9";
//Here goes the bunzip2 arguments. I recommend -z9.
//z is for creating a archive
//and 9 is for max compression. z is always needed
//Call the function
function backupsus() {
global $backupdate,$backupdir,$backupto,
$backupsuscmd = "cd $backupdir;
tar $tararg {$fileprefix}_{$backupdate}.tar $files;
bunzip2 $bz2arg {$fileprefix}_{$backupdate}.tar;
mv {$fileprefix}_{$backupdate}.tar.bz2 $backupto";
Hay mas scripts como este, solo hay que buscar.