Para yseku o alguien q sepa mas q yo ,mi modem 4200e esta clonado perfectamente y funciona ,lo q pasa es q quiero cambiar el firmware q le puse (fiberware) por el otro q tengo q es (hackware) ,porque este ultimo es mas configurable.
Lo q pasa es q no puedo ni con el netboot ni con cmfirm 3 .Lo del cmfirm 3 puede ser q no sepa como poner bien los valores.
Veamos... seguramente, tengas el mismo problema que yo y tantos otros.... tu firm no permite la actualizacion por Netboot... y para el cmfirm creo que hace falta el cable, (aunque no estoy muy seguro nunca lo he usado)

Bien, voy a postear un fragmento del foro de fibercoax, (espero que me den su permiso,

) esta en ingles pero se entiende perfectamente, espero que os ayude...
How to change netboot disabled firmwareNewer moto firmwares use a modified bootline which disables network booting..if your modem currently has one of these firmwares installed, sbrider(netboot) will not work and you must change the firmware using a serial cable..this guide assumes you already have made and attached your serial cable to the modem and pc.
change your ip to
start your tftp server and make sure it is hosting an appropriate bootfile(i suggest using hackware) can also host the bootfile via sbrider(just check "enable ftp", "always run" and make sure the root path points at the file)..
open up hyperterm or teraterm(i like using teraterm) and configure the serial port settings like this
baud rate=38400
data=8 bit
stop=1 bit
flow control=none
next step is to boot your modem and be ready to stop the auto-boot(auto-boot is stopped by pressing any key) you are at the boot menu and have 2 choices
1.Boot from flash
2.Boot over network
normally you want to select 2 but because your current firmware uses a modified bootline, that will not work..instead, you need to type 2 followed by the entire default bootline, like this
2 enetBcm(0,0)admin:/opt/vwMIPS_1_0_1_fcs/target/config/sb4200/ h= e= u=jmcqueen pw=rickey7 f=0x8 tn=SB4200 o=bs1
your modem should now grab the file from your tftp/ftp and save it to memory..however, before you reboot the modem, you must write new firmware to if you took my advice and used a hackware bootfile, all you need to do is open your web browser and go to and use hackwares' firmware changer to flash the firmware.hex.bin(hackware,fiberware,or whatever) the above example, used a sb4200 bootline, here are default bootlines for sb3100,sb4100,and sb4101 modems(don't forget to add the "2" in front of the bootline when using the above guide)
cs(0,0)admin:/opt/vwMIPS_1_0_1_fcs/target/config/sb3100t/ e= h= u=jmcqueen pw=rickey7 f=0x8 tn=SB3100 o=bs1
enetBcm(0,0)admin:/opt/vwMIPS_1_0_1_fcs/target/config/sb4100/ h= e= u=jmcqueen pw=rickey7 f=0x8 tn=SB4100 o=bs1
enetBcm(0,0)admin:/opt/vwMIPS_1_0_1_fcs/target/config/sb4100/ h= e= u=jmcqueen pw=rickey7 f=0x8 tn=SB4101 o=bs1
Aqui os dejo la linea del 4200
enetBcm(0,0)admin:/opt/vwMIPS_1_0_1_fcs/target/config/sb4200/ h= e= u=jmcqueen pw=rickey7 f=0x8 tn=SB4200 o=bs1
El comando entero quedaria asi en un sb4200
"2 enetBcm(0,0)admin:/opt/vwMIPS_1_0_1_fcs/target/config/sb4200/ h= e= u=jmcqueen pw=rickey7 f=0x8 tn=SB4200 o=bs1" sin comillas claro
Espero que os sirva... pero claro hace falta el cable...