CreatePen()El 1 indica que tan grusa debera ser, el primer parametro es el style y el 3er parametro el color.
hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, vbRed)
· fnPenStyle
Specifies the pen style. It can be any one of the following values:
Pen is solid.
Pen is dashed. This style is valid only when the pen width is one or less in device units.
Pen is dotted. This style is valid only when the pen width is one or less in device units.
Pen has alternating dashes and dots. This style is valid only when the pen width is one or less in device units.
Pen has alternating dashes and double dots. This style is valid only when the pen width is one or less in device units.
Pen is invisible.
Pen is solid. When this pen is used in any graphics device interface (GDI) drawing function that takes a bounding rectangle, the dimensions of the figure are shrunk so that it fits entirely in the bounding rectangle, taking into account the width of the pen. This applies only to geometric pens.
· nWidth
Specifies the width of the pen, in logical units. If nWidth is zero, the pen is a single pixel wide, regardless of the current transformation.
· crColor
Specifies a color reference for the pen color.
Segundo, el codigo me funciono genial en el picture, el unico problema es que el picture actualiza muy rapido y la linea que dibuje en la posicion que puse yo, (hasta con el timer en intervalo 1) como que titila pero no es nada grave...
No estoy muy seguro, pero creo si
subclasificas dicha ventana e intervienes solo antes/despues de pintar y cancelas algunos mensajes que le llegan (
WS_Paint, me parece ) evitaras el tilde que mensionas.
Dulces Lunas!¡.
Sangriento Infierno Lunar!¡.