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ListView item and Elapse time
« en: 17 Febrero 2010, 23:42 pm »

Good  morning   
I have a listview in a form
Want to put in  listview  item  a counter and  count the  elapse time  .For example
when few data  arrive  in listview  then  start the  counter and  show me the  elapse time (12 sec)
thanks for the time   
have a good  time

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Re: ListView item and Elapse time
« Respuesta #1 en: 19 Febrero 2010, 02:49 am »

Hi, ntaryl, you can use the api timeGetTime, for example:

Api TimeGetTime

or you can use the GetTickCount api that it also serves to count elapsed time of a process.


PD:si entendio esto me hago mago... :xD

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Re: ListView item and Elapse time
« Respuesta #2 en: 19 Febrero 2010, 21:29 pm »

Thanks  man  for  the  answer   
I make a small  example  and  put  a listview .add a timer and  use the 
Format(TimeSerial(0, 0, CInt(Timer - mStart)), "hh:nn:ss")
Take the  elapse time   
the  problem  is when add a iten  in the listview  everything  go  fine 
the  second  and  the  other  not  run  show  me the  elapse  time  like  the  first item   
attach the  code   

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