Codigo del form:
Option Explicit ' \\ -- Autor : Luciano Lodola -- ' \\ -- Declaraciones Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long ' -- Clases para convertir el Bmp a Jpg Private mImage As cImage Private mJPG As cJpeg ' -- Capturar la pantalla y convertirla a JPG '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub Capturar_Guardar() On Error GoTo error_handler Dim lRet As Long Dim lWidth As Long Dim lHeight As Long Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass Static iCount As Integer iCount = iCount + 1 With Screen lWidth = .Width / .TwipsPerPixelX lHeight = .Height / .TwipsPerPixelY End With lRet = mImage.CopyHDC(GetDC(0), lWidth, lHeight) lRet = mJPG.SampleHDC(mImage.hDC, lWidth, lHeight) lRet = mJPG.SaveFile(App.Path & "\image_" & CStr(iCount) & ".jpg") Me.MousePointer = vbDefault Exit Sub error_handler: Me.MousePointer = 0 End Sub Private Sub Combo1_Click() mJPG.Quality = CLng(Combo1.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Call Capturar_Guardar End Sub ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' \\ -- inicio ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Load() ' -- Inicializar variables Set mImage = New cImage Set mJPG = New cJpeg Command1.Caption = " Capturar pantalla " Combo1.ListIndex = Combo1.ListCount - 1 End Sub ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' \\ -- Fin ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Set mImage = Nothing Set mJPG = Nothing End Sub
cImage modulo de clase:
Option Explicit Option Base 0 'Class Name: cImage.cls ' 'Description: This class creates and gives access to a DIBSection for the ' purpose of displaying and editing a digital image. ' Private Type SAFEARRAYBOUND cElements As Long lLbound As Long End Type Private Type SAFEARRAY2D cDims As Integer fFeatures As Integer cbElements As Long cLocks As Long pvData As Long Bounds(0 To 1) As SAFEARRAYBOUND End Type Private Type RGBQUAD rgbBlue As Byte rgbGreen As Byte rgbRed As Byte rgbReserved As Byte End Type Private Type BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize As Long biWidth As Long biHeight As Long biPlanes As Integer biBitCount As Integer biCompression As Long biSizeImage As Long biXPelsPerMeter As Long biYPelsPerMeter As Long biClrUsed As Long biClrImportant As Long End Type Private Type BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType As Integer bfSize As Long bfReserved1 As Integer bfReserved2 As Integer bfOffBits As Long End Type Private Type BITMAP bmType As Long bmWidth As Long bmHeight As Long bmWidthBytes As Long bmPlanes As Integer bmBitsPixel As Integer bmBits As Long End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(255) As RGBQUAD End Type Private Type POINTAPI x As Long y As Long End Type Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBSection2 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBSection" (ByVal hDC As Long, pBitmapInfo As BITMAPINFO, ByVal un As Long, lplpVoid As Long, ByVal handle As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long 'lplpVoid changed to ByRef Private Declare Function CreateDCAsNull Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (ByVal lpDriverName As String, lpDeviceName As Any, lpOutput As Any, lpInitData As Any) As Long Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long Private Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" Alias "LoadImageA" (ByVal hInst As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long, ByVal un2 As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDIBColorTable Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal un2 As Long, pRGBQuad As RGBQUAD) As Long Private Declare Function SetDIBColorTable Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal un1 As Long, ByVal un2 As Long, pcRGBQuad As RGBQUAD) As Long Private Declare Function GetDIBits256 Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetDIBits" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetObjectAPI Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long Private Declare Function SetStretchBltMode Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nStretchMode As Long) As Long Private Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long Private Declare Function PlgBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdcDest As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI, ByVal hdcSrc As Long, ByVal nXSrc As Long, ByVal nYSrc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hbmMask As Long, ByVal xMask As Long, ByVal yMask As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Const BLACKONWHITE As Long = 1 'nStretchMode constants for Private Const COLORONCOLOR As Long = 3 ' SetStretchBltMode() API function Private Const HALFTONE As Long = 4 'HALFTONE not supported in Win 95, 98, ME Private Const BI_RGB As Long = 0& Private Const BI_RLE4 As Long = 2& Private Const BI_RLE8 As Long = 1& Private Const DIB_RGB_COLORS As Long = 0 Private m_hDIb As Long ' Handle to the current DIBSection Private m_hBmpOld As Long ' Handle to the old bitmap in the DC, for clear up Private m_hDC As Long ' Handle to the Device context holding the DIBSection Private m_Ptr As Long ' Address of memory pointing to the DIBSection's bits Private m_BI As BITMAPINFO ' Type containing the Bitmap information Private m_RGB(255) As RGBQUAD Private Sub Clear() If (m_hDC <> 0) Then If (m_hDIb <> 0) Then SelectObject m_hDC, m_hBmpOld DeleteObject m_hDIb End If DeleteObject m_hDC End If m_hDC = 0 m_hDIb = 0 m_hBmpOld = 0 m_Ptr = 0 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Clear End Sub '==================================================================================== ' PUBLIC PROPERTIES '==================================================================================== Public Property Get Width() As Long Width = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth End Property Public Property Get Height() As Long Height = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight End Property Public Property Get BitCount() As Integer BitCount = m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount End Property Public Property Get hDC() As Long hDC = m_hDC End Property Public Property Get DIBitsPtr() As Long DIBitsPtr = m_Ptr End Property Public Property Get BytesPerScanLine() As Long Select Case m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount ' Scans must align on 4-byte boundaries Case 1: BytesPerScanLine = ((m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth - 1) \ 8 + 4) And &HFFFFFFFC Case 4: BytesPerScanLine = ((m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth - 1) \ 2 + 4) And &HFFFFFFFC Case 8: BytesPerScanLine = (m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC Case Else: BytesPerScanLine = (m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth * 3 + 3) And &HFFFFFFFC End Select End Property '==================================================================================== ' DIMENSION / COLOR DEPTH '==================================================================================== Public Function Create(lWidth As Long, lHeight As Long, iBitCount As Integer) As Boolean Clear 'Set Dimensions and BitCount in this cImage Select Case iBitCount Case 24 m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0) Case 1, 4, 8 Dim lHDCDesk As Long lHDCDesk = CreateDCAsNull("DISPLAY", ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&) m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lHDCDesk) DeleteDC lHDCDesk End Select If m_hDC = 0 Then Exit Function With m_BI.bmiHeader .biSize = Len(m_BI.bmiHeader) .biWidth = lWidth .biHeight = lHeight .biPlanes = 1 .biBitCount = iBitCount .biCompression = BI_RGB .biSizeImage = BytesPerScanLine * .biHeight End With If iBitCount <> 24 Then ' Create a default grayscale palette Dim i As Long Dim c As Long c = 2 ^ iBitCount - 1 For i = 0 To c With m_BI.bmiColors(i) .rgbBlue = i * 255# / c .rgbGreen = .rgbBlue .rgbRed = .rgbBlue End With Next i End If m_hDIb = CreateDIBSection2(m_hDC, m_BI, DIB_RGB_COLORS, m_Ptr, 0, 0) If m_hDIb = 0 Then DeleteObject m_hDC Else m_hBmpOld = SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hDIb) Create = True End If End Function '==================================================================================== ' LOAD/COPY IMAGE '==================================================================================== Public Function CopyStdPicture(ByRef TheStdPicture As StdPicture, Optional iBitCount As Integer) As Boolean Dim lHDC As Long Dim lhDCDesktop As Long Dim lhBmpOld As Long Dim tBMP As BITMAP Dim CopyPalette As Boolean GetObjectAPI TheStdPicture.handle, Len(tBMP), tBMP CopyPalette = (iBitCount = 0) If CopyPalette Then iBitCount = tBMP.bmBitsPixel If iBitCount = 16 Then iBitCount = 24 End If If Not Create(tBMP.bmWidth, tBMP.bmHeight, iBitCount) Then Exit Function If m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24 Then lhDCDesktop = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow()) Else lhDCDesktop = CreateDCAsNull("DISPLAY", ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&) End If If lhDCDesktop = 0 Then Exit Function lHDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lhDCDesktop) DeleteDC lhDCDesktop If lHDC = 0 Then Exit Function lhBmpOld = SelectObject(lHDC, TheStdPicture.handle) If m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24 Then BitBlt m_hDC, 0, 0, m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, lHDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy Else If CopyPalette Then Dim lC As Long Dim C2 As Long C2 = 2 ^ m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount lC = GetDIBColorTable(lHDC, 0, C2, m_RGB(0)) If (lC > 0) Then SetDIBColorTable m_hDC, 0, lC, m_RGB(0) End If GetDIBits256 lHDC, TheStdPicture.handle, 0, tBMP.bmHeight, ByVal m_Ptr, m_BI, DIB_RGB_COLORS End If SelectObject lHDC, lhBmpOld DeleteObject lHDC CopyStdPicture = True End Function Public Function CopyHDC(ByVal lHDC As Long, lWidth As Long, lHeight As Long, Optional ByVal iBitCount As Integer, Optional lSrcLeft As Long, Optional lSrcTop As Long) As Boolean Dim C1 As Long If iBitCount = 0 Then C1 = GetDIBColorTable(lHDC, 0, 256, m_RGB(0)) Select Case C1 Case 1 To 2: iBitCount = 1 Case 3 To 16: iBitCount = 4 Case 17 To 256: iBitCount = 8 Case Else: iBitCount = 24 End Select End If If Not Create(lWidth, lHeight, iBitCount) Then Exit Function If C1 > 0 Then SetDIBColorTable m_hDC, 0, C1, m_RGB(0) BitBlt m_hDC, 0, 0, lWidth, lHeight, lHDC, lSrcLeft, lSrcTop, vbSrcCopy CopyHDC = True End Function Public Function CopyPalletHDC(ByVal lHDC As Long) As Boolean Dim g As Long g = GetDIBColorTable(lHDC, 0, 2 ^ m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount, m_RGB(0)) If g > 0 Then CopyPalletHDC = (g = SetDIBColorTable(m_hDC, 0, g, m_RGB(0))) End Function '==================================================================================== ' PAINT/PASTE SECTIONS '==================================================================================== Public Sub PaintHDC(lHDC As Long, Optional lDestLeft As Long, Optional lDestTop As Long, Optional eRop As RasterOpConstants = vbSrcCopy) BitBlt lHDC, lDestLeft, lDestTop, m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, m_hDC, 0, 0, eRop End Sub '==================================================================================== ' DISPLAY FUNCTIONS '==================================================================================== 'The following functions return modified versions of this class for display purposes. 'They are not meant to be used as reliable image processing routines, because the 'PlgBlt() and StretchBlt() API calls are not precise. Public Function Greyscale() As cImage Set Greyscale = New cImage 'Return 8 bit Greyscale version of this cImage Greyscale.Create m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, 8 BitBlt Greyscale.hDC, 0, 0, m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, m_hDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy End Function Public Function Resample(lWidth As Long, lHeight As Long) As cImage Set Resample = New cImage 'Return a resized version of this cImage Resample.Create lWidth, lHeight, m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount If m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount <> 24 Then Resample.CopyPalletHDC m_hDC If (lWidth = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth) And (lHeight = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight) Then 'Just return a copy BitBlt Resample.hDC, 0, 0, lWidth, lHeight, m_hDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy Else 'HALFTONE gives better quality at slower speed, but it's unsupported in Win 95, 98, ME. 'If we can't use HALFTONE, use COLORONCOLOR. The default BLACKONWHITE is unacceptable. If SetStretchBltMode(Resample.hDC, HALFTONE) = 0 Then SetStretchBltMode Resample.hDC, COLORONCOLOR StretchBlt Resample.hDC, 0, 0, lWidth, lHeight, m_hDC, 0, 0, m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, vbSrcCopy End If End Function Public Function Mirror(Vertical As Boolean) As cImage Dim MyPoint(2) As POINTAPI 'Return a mirror image of this cImage If Vertical Then MyPoint(0).x = 0 MyPoint(0).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(1).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(1).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(2).x = 0 MyPoint(2).y = 0 Else MyPoint(0).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(0).y = 0 MyPoint(1).x = 0 MyPoint(1).y = 0 MyPoint(2).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(2).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight End If Set Mirror = New cImage Mirror.Create m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount If m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount <> 24 Then Mirror.CopyPalletHDC m_hDC PlgBlt Mirror.hDC, MyPoint(0), m_hDC, 0, 0, m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, 0, 0, 0 End Function Public Function Rotate(ByVal Degrees As Long) As cImage Dim NewWidth As Long 'Return version of this cImage rotated Degrees Dim NewHeight As Long Dim MyPoint(2) As POINTAPI Degrees = Degrees Mod 360 If Degrees < 0 Then Degrees = Degrees + 360 Select Case Degrees Case 90 MyPoint(0).x = 0 MyPoint(0).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(1).x = 0 MyPoint(1).y = 0 MyPoint(2).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(2).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth NewWidth = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight NewHeight = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth Case 180 MyPoint(0).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(0).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(1).x = 0 MyPoint(1).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(2).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(2).y = 0 NewWidth = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth NewHeight = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight Case 270 MyPoint(0).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(0).y = 0 MyPoint(1).x = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight MyPoint(1).y = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth MyPoint(2).x = 0 MyPoint(2).y = 0 NewWidth = m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight NewHeight = m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth Case Else Exit Function End Select Set Rotate = New cImage Rotate.Create NewWidth, NewHeight, m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount If m_BI.bmiHeader.biBitCount <> 24 Then Rotate.CopyPalletHDC m_hDC PlgBlt Rotate.hDC, MyPoint(0), m_hDC, 0, 0, m_BI.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_BI.bmiHeader.biHeight, 0, 0, 0 End Function
cJpeg modulo de clase: lo dejo en comentario porque no me deja el limite.