si tenes la API-Guide busca esta:
tapiRequestMakeCalleste es el codigo que te abre un programa que trae Windows, no se si te anda si no tenes el programa pero te vas a dar cuenta porque te lo abre. este es el codigo por si no tenes API-Guide, tambien podes usar el OCX
MSCOMM32.OCX (Microsoft Comm Control 6.0).
'Example by Joacim Andersson (
'Author comments: I often get asked the question "How can
'I dial a phone number from VB?". Well, you can add
'the MSCOMM32.OCX control to a form but that isn't necessary
'if you just want to dial a phone number.
Private Declare Function tapiRequestMakeCall Lib "TAPI32.DLL" (ByVal Dest As String, ByVal AppName As String, ByVal CalledParty As String, ByVal Comment As String) As Long
Private Sub PhoneCall(sNumber As String, sName As String)
Dim lRetVal As Long
lRetVal = tapiRequestMakeCall(Trim$(sNumber), App.Title, Trim$(sName), "")
If lRetVal <> 0 Then
'Couldn't make the call.
'Take appropriate action
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
PhoneCall "123456", "TheName"
End Sub