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Api hooking with dll injection
« en: 9 Julio 2008, 15:43 pm »

Good  afternoon 
Big  sorry  i  dont know  spanish but  greek and english 
Iam a coder in  vbasic 6.0 and  this time  play around with api hooking 
I able to hook api localy  but  i cant do it 100% with dll  injection 
RM_code have a  good example (code injection and remote api hooking)
want to use dll injection to  do this .
please  if  someone  know  something to  help  me   
thanks  a  lot   

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Re: Api hooking with dll injection
« Respuesta #1 en: 9 Julio 2008, 17:43 pm »

I think you first need to be really familiar with DLL injection in VB,  it is not and easy task due VB limitations but is totally possible, I sugest you to check PSC for LaVolpes's Desktop Icon Tweaks, and some samples from Alex Ionescu, both of them using injection. Also if you want you can search in here, I did some samples a while ago.

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Más Argentino que el morcipan
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Re: Api hooking with dll injection
« Respuesta #2 en: 9 Julio 2008, 22:25 pm »

Thanks  for the reply  my  friend 
I  know to inject a dll  and use vbadvance to success it 
U can help  me  about  this sample
i  cant  find  it   
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Re: Api hooking with dll injection
« Respuesta #3 en: 9 Julio 2008, 22:38 pm »

There you go, the first link is LaVolpe's one, its pretty interesting and a good guide, I think he wrote some basic explanations about how to create the libraries and in this particular example he is using SetWindowsHookEx to acomplish the injection task, if you follow that structure you will not have any probs. 


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Más Argentino que el morcipan
Aguante el Uvita tinto, Tigre, Ford y seba123neo
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Re: Api hooking with dll injection
« Respuesta #4 en: 10 Julio 2008, 19:38 pm »

thanks  bro 

P.s why  not this  forum come in english   ?
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Re: Api hooking with dll injection
« Respuesta #5 en: 10 Julio 2008, 22:01 pm »

Well basically because the forum is from Spain and dedicated to spanish talking ppl, besides Spanish is as popular as English. But there's no rule about language as far as I know, so you can keep posting in English and maybe ask someone to help you translate it to spanish (just to be fair to everyone).
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Más Argentino que el morcipan
Aguante el Uvita tinto, Tigre, Ford y seba123neo
Karcrack es un capo.
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