tengo un archivo php llamado funcionarios.php que contiene lo siguiente
esperando haber entregado la información necesaria para poder obtener ayuda de antemano les agradezco, estaré atento a sus comentarios.
<html> <head> <link href="../themes/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../scripts/jtable/themes/metro/blue/jtable.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="../scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../scripts/jtable/jquery.jtable.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- Import CSS file for validation engine (in Head section of HTML) --> <link href="../css/validationEngine.jquery.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- Import javascript files for validation engine (in Head section of HTML) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.validationEngine.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.validationEngine-es.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="PeopleTableContainer" style="width:auto;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { //Prepare jTable $('#PeopleTableContainer').jtable({ title: 'Tabla de Funcionarios', paging: true, pageSize: 14, sorting: true, defaultSorting: 'nombres ASC', actions: { listAction: 'accionFuncionarios.php?action=list', createAction: 'accionFuncionarios.php?action=create', updateAction: 'accionFuncionarios.php?action=update', deleteAction: 'accionFuncionarios.php?action=delete' }, fields: { rut: { title: 'Rut', key: true, edit: true, list: true, width: '15%', inputClass: 'validate[required]' }, nombres: { title: 'Nombres', width: '15%', inputClass: 'validate[required]' }, apellidos: { title: 'Apellidos', width: '15%', inputClass: 'validate[required]' }, correo: { title: 'Correo', width: '17%', inputClass: 'validate[custom[email]]' }, telefono : { title: 'Teléfono', width: '15%', inputClass: 'validate[required,custom[phone]]' }, estado: { title: 'Estado', width: '10%', type: 'checkbox', setOnTextClick: false, values: { 'false': 'Inactivo', 'true': 'Vigente' }, defaultValue: 'true' } }, //Initialize validation logic when a form is created formCreated: function (event, data) { data.form.validationEngine(); }, //Validate form when it is being submitted formSubmitting: function (event, data) { return data.form.validationEngine('validate'); } }); //Load person list from server $('#PeopleTableContainer').jtable('load'); //jQuery("#jtable-create-form").validationEngine(); }); </script> </body> </html> y el codigo php que lo recibe y que inteactua con la base de datos lo llame accionFuncionarios.php y contiene lo siguiente. <?php try { //Open database connection //Getting records (listAction) if($_GET["action"] == "list") { //Get record count $recordCount = $row['RecordCount']; //Get records from database $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM funcionario ORDER BY " . $_GET["jtSorting"] . " LIMIT " . $_GET["jtStartIndex"] . "," . $_GET["jtPageSize"] . ";"); //Add all records to an array { $rows[] = $row; } //Return result to jTable $jTableResult['Result'] = "OK"; $jTableResult['TotalRecordCount'] = $recordCount; $jTableResult['Records'] = $rows; } //Creating a new record (createAction) else if($_GET["action"] == "create") { //Insert record into database $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO funcionario(rut, nombres, apellidos, correo, telefono, estado) VALUES('" . $_POST["rut"] . "', '".$_POST["nombres"]. "', '".$_POST["apellidos"]. "', '".$_POST["correo"]. "', '".$_POST["telefono"]. "' , '".$_POST["estado"]."');"); //Get last inserted record (to return to jTable) //Return result to jTable $jTableResult['Result'] = "OK"; $jTableResult['Record'] = $row; } //Updating a record (updateAction) else if($_GET["action"] == "update") { //Update record in database $result = mysql_query("UPDATE funcionario SET rut = '" . $_POST["rut"] . "', nombres = '" . $_POST["nombres"] . "', apellidos = '" . $_POST["apellidos"] . "', correo = '" . $_POST["correo"] . "', telefono = '" . $_POST["telefono"] . "', estado = '" . $_POST["estado"] . "' WHERE rut = '" . $_POST["rut"] . "';"); //Return result to jTable $jTableResult['Result'] = "OK"; } //Deleting a record (deleteAction) else if($_GET["action"] == "delete") { //Delete from database //Return result to jTable $jTableResult['Result'] = "OK"; } //Close database connection } catch(Exception $ex) { //Return error message $jTableResult['Result'] = "ERROR"; $jTableResult['Message'] = $ex->getMessage(); } ?>
Mod: Obligatorio el uso de etiquetas GeSHi.