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Unos snippets para monitorizar unidades... Recopilar información de las unidades conectadas en ese momento: #Region " Get Drives Info Function " ' [ Get Drives Info Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim CDROMS = Get_Drives_Info(DriveType.CDRom, True) ' For Each Drive_Info In Get_Drives_Info(DriveType.ALL, True, True, True, True, True, True) : MsgBox(Drive_Info) : Next Private Enum DriveType ALL CDRom = IO.DriveType.CDRom Fixed = IO.DriveType.Fixed Network = IO.DriveType.Network Ram = IO.DriveType.Ram Removable = IO.DriveType.Removable Unknown = IO.DriveType.Unknown End Enum Private Function Get_Drives_Info( _ ByVal DriveType As DriveType, _ ByVal Name As Boolean, _ Optional ByVal Label As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal Type As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal Format As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal Size As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal FreeSpace As Boolean = False) As List(Of String) Dim Drive_Info_List As New List(Of String) Dim Drive_Info As String = Nothing For Each Drive In Microsoft. VisualBasic. FileIO. FileSystem. Drives If (DriveType = DriveType. ALL Or Drive. DriveType = DriveType ) And (Drive. IsReady) Then If Drive. IsReady = True Then If Name Then Drive_Info += Drive. Name & ";" If Label Then Drive_Info += Drive. VolumeLabel & ";" If Type Then Drive_Info += Drive. DriveType. ToString & ";" If Format Then Drive_Info += Drive. DriveFormat & ";" If Size Then Drive_Info += Drive. TotalSize. ToString & ";" If FreeSpace Then Drive_Info += Drive. TotalFreeSpace & ";" End If End If If Drive_Info IsNot Nothing Then Drive_Info_List.Add(Drive_Info) : Drive_Info = Nothing Next Return Drive_Info_List End Function #End Region
Monitorizar la inserción/extracción de dispositivos (y obtener información adicional) by Keyen Night#Region " Monitorize Drives " ' Diccionario para guardar información (letra, información) Public CurrentDrives As New Dictionary(Of Char, DriveInfoGhost ) Public Event DriveConnected(ByVal e As IO.DriveInfo) Public Event DriveDisconnected(ByVal e As DriveInfoGhost) ' Estructura que replica el contenido de DriveInfo Public Structure DriveInfoGhost Public Name As String Public AvailableFreeSpace As Long Public DriveFormat As String Public DriveType As IO.DriveType Public RootDirectory As String Public TotalFreeSpace As Long Public TotalSize As Long Public VolumeLabel As String Public Sub New(ByVal e As IO.DriveInfo) Name = e.Name AvailableFreeSpace = e.AvailableFreeSpace DriveFormat = e.DriveFormat DriveType = e.DriveType RootDirectory = e.RootDirectory.FullName TotalFreeSpace = e.TotalFreeSpace TotalSize = e.TotalSize VolumeLabel = e.VolumeLabel End Sub End Structure ' Estructura nativa de Windows para almacenar información de dispositivos Public Structure WindowsDrive Public Size As Integer Public Type As Integer Public Reserved As Integer Public Mask As Integer End Structure ' Constantes que necesitamos Public Enum ConstWindowsDrivers As Integer Change = &H219 Arrival = &H8000 QueryRemove = &H8001 QueryRemoveFailed = &H8002 RemovePending = &H8003 RemoveComplete = &H8004 TypeVolume = &H2 End Enum Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef [Message] As Message) Select Case [Message].Msg ' Filtramos los mensajes Case ConstWindowsDrivers.Change ' Si el Hardware cambió ' Transformamos el puntero del primer parametro en una estructura de datos Dim CurrentWDrive As WindowsDrive = CType(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure([Message].LParam, GetType(WindowsDrive)), WindowsDrive) ' Transformamos la estructura en información de la unidad Dim CurrentDrive As IO.DriveInfo = New IO.DriveInfo(GetDriveLetter(CurrentWDrive.Mask)) ' El segundo parametros nos indica si se esta desconectando o conectando Select Case [Message].WParam.ToInt32 ' Se esta conectando... Case ConstWindowsDrivers.Arrival ' Si es un dispositivo de almacenamiento If System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReadInt32([Message].LParam, 4) = ConstWindowsDrivers.TypeVolume Then ' Llamamos un evento que controla la conexión RaiseEvent DriveConnected(CurrentDrive) ' Guardamos la información del dispositivo en un diccionario fantasma (letra, información), ' ya que cuando se desconecte habremos perdido toda la información, ' sólamente nos quedara la letra de la unidad, con ella podremos volver a obtener la información a traves del diccionario' CurrentDrives.Add(GetDriveLetter(CurrentWDrive.Mask), New DriveInfoGhost(CurrentDrive)) End If ' Si es desconectado... Case ConstWindowsDrivers.RemoveComplete ' Llamamos al evento de desconexión con la información en el diccionario fantasma, ' ya que no tenemos acceso a la información, porque el hardware ha sido desconectado RaiseEvent DriveDisconnected(CurrentDrives(GetDriveLetter(CurrentWDrive.Mask))) ' Removemos el hardware del diccionario CurrentDrives.Remove(GetDriveLetter(CurrentWDrive.Mask)) End Select End Select MyBase.WndProc([Message]) End Sub ' Nos traduce el código de los parametros a letras Private Function GetDriveLetter(ByVal Mask As Integer) As Char Dim Names() As Char = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"} Dim Devices As New BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Mask)) For x As Integer = 0 To Devices.Length If Devices(x) Then Return Names(x) End If Next End Function ' Eventos Private Sub Main_DriveConnected(ByVal e As System.IO.DriveInfo) Handles Me.DriveConnected MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Se ha conectado la unidad {0}", e.Name)) End Sub Private Sub Main_DriveDisconnected(ByVal e As DriveInfoGhost) Handles Me.DriveDisconnected MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Se ha desconectado la unidad {0}", e.Name)) End Sub #End Region
Monitorizar la inserción/extracción de dispositivos (y obtener información adicional) by Kub0xPD: Añadir un listbox al Form para ver/entender como actua el code. Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Public Class Inicio Private Delegate Sub ListenToUSB() Private Delegate Sub UpdateListBoxText(ByVal Text As String) Private Delegate Sub MonitorizeUSB (ByVal Drive As DriveInfo ) Private Sub ListenToRemovableDrives() 'Mejor crear 1 sola variable que ochocientas mil e ir actualizándola periodicamente Dim connectedDrives As DriveInfo() = Nothing While True connectedDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives() For Each drive As DriveInfo In connectedDrives Next 'Aquí indica el tiempo que quieres que espere el proceso de escucha para después volver a comenzar Thread.Sleep(2500) End While End Sub Private Sub IsRemovableDrive (ByVal Drive As DriveInfo ) If Drive. IsReady And Drive. DriveType = DriveType. Removable Then IsDriveMonitorized (Drive) End If End Sub Private Function GetDrivePosInArray (ByVal Drive As DriveInfo ) As Int32 Dim isInList As Boolean = False Dim i As Int32 = 0 Do If Not IsNothing (CType(Drives(i ), Object)) Then isInList = True End If End If i += 1 Loop Until isInList Or i > = Drives. Length - 1 Return i - 1 End Function Private Function IsDriveInList (ByVal Drive As DriveInfo ) As Boolean Dim isInList As Boolean = False Dim i As Int32 = 0 Do If Not IsNothing (CType(Drives(i ), Object)) Then isInList = True End If End If i += 1 Loop Until isInList Or i > = Drives. Length - 1 Return isInList End Function Private Sub IsDriveMonitorized (ByVal Drive As DriveInfo ) If Not IsDriveInList (Drive) Then 'Como la unidad USB no está siendo monitorizada por otro subproceso 'Añadimos sus características al ListBox ListBox1.BeginInvoke(New UpdateListBoxText(AddressOf UpdateLstBoxText), _ New Object() {"Se ha conectado una nueva Memoria USB en " & Drive. Name}) 'Monitorizamos la unidad USB Dim delegado As New MonitorizeUSB(AddressOf MonitorizeDrive) delegado. BeginInvoke(Drive, Nothing, Nothing) End If End Sub Private Sub MonitorizeDrive (ByVal Drive As DriveInfo ) Dim Removed As Boolean = False While Not Removed If Not Drive. IsReady Then Removed = True Dim pos As Int32 = GetDrivePosInArray (Drive) ReOrganizeArray(pos) ListBox1.BeginInvoke(New UpdateListBoxText(AddressOf UpdateLstBoxText), _ New Object() {"La unidad USB " & Drive. Name & " fue extraída."}) End If End While End Sub Private Sub ReOrganizeArray(ByVal pos As Int32) 'Eliminamos el elemento rotando el Array hacia la izquierda End Sub Private Sub UpdateLstBoxText(ByVal Text As String) ListBox1.Items.Add(Text) End Sub Private Sub Inicio_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim delegado As New ListenToUSB(AddressOf ListenToRemovableDrives) delegado.BeginInvoke(Nothing, Nothing) End Sub End Class
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Calcula el CRC32 checksum de un archivo #Region " Get CRC32 Function " ' [ Get CRC32 Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Get_CRC32("C:\File.txt")) Public Function Get_CRC32(ByVal sFileName As String) As String Try Dim FS As IO.FileStream = New IO.FileStream(sFileName, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read, 8192) Dim CRC32Result As Integer = &HFFFFFFFF Dim Buffer(4096) As Byte Dim ReadSize As Integer = 4096 Dim Count As Integer = FS.Read(Buffer, 0, ReadSize) Dim CRC32Table(256) As Integer Dim DWPolynomial As Integer = &HEDB88320 Dim DWCRC As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer ' Create CRC32 Table For i = 0 To 255 DWCRC = i For j = 8 To 1 Step -1 If (DWCRC And 1) Then DWCRC = ((DWCRC And &HFFFFFFFE) \ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF DWCRC = DWCRC Xor DWPolynomial Else DWCRC = ((DWCRC And &HFFFFFFFE) \ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF End If Next j CRC32Table(i) = DWCRC Next i ' Calculate CRC32 Hash Do While (Count > 0) For i = 0 To Count - 1 n = (CRC32Result And &HFF) Xor Buffer(i) CRC32Result = ((CRC32Result And &HFFFFFF00) \ &H100) And &HFFFFFF CRC32Result = CRC32Result Xor CRC32Table(n) Next i Count = FS.Read(Buffer, 0, ReadSize) Loop Return Hex(Not (CRC32Result)) Catch ex As Exception Return Nothing End Try End Function #End Region
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Hexadecimal a Array de Bytes: #Region " Hex to Byte-Array Function " ' [ Hex to Byte-Array Function ] ' ' Examples : ' Dim Byte_Array = Hex_to_Byte_Array("000a42494c4c2047415445535ad50adc4f5ca6f9efc1252aadf9847f") ' My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KEYNAME", "VALUENAME", Byte_Array, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.Binary) Private Function Hex_to_Byte_Array(ByVal HEX_String As String) As Byte() Dim Bytes_Array((HEX_String.Length \ 2) - 1) As Byte For i As Integer = 0 To HEX_String.Length - 1 Step 2 Dim HEX_Byte As String = HEX_String.Substring(i, 2) Dim Byte_Value As Byte = Byte.Parse(HEX_Byte, Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) Bytes_Array(i \ 2) = Byte_Value Next Return Bytes_Array End Function #End Region
Windows API Code Pack: #Region " Set TaskBar Status Function " ' [ Set TaskBar Status Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_TaskBar_Status(TaskBar_Status.Paused) Public Enum TaskBar_Status Normal = 2 ' Blue Stopped = 4 ' Red Paused = 8 ' Yellow Disabled = 0 ' No colour Undefinied = 1 ' Marquee End Enum Private Function Set_TaskBar_Status(ByVal TaskBar_Status As TaskBar_Status) As Boolean Try : Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Taskbar.TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressState(TaskBar_Status) Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function #End Region
Windows API Code Pack: #Region " Set TaskBar Value Function " ' [ Set TaskBar Value Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_TaskBar_Value(50, 100) Private Function Set_TaskBar_Value(ByVal Current_Value As Integer, ByVal MAX_Value As Integer) As Boolean Try : Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Taskbar.TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressValue(Current_Value, MAX_Value) Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function #End Region
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Modificar permisos de carpetas: #Region " Folder Access Function " ' [ Folder Access Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_Folder_Access("C:\Folder", Folder_Access.Create + Folder_Access.Write, Action.Allow) ' Set_Folder_Access("C:\Folder", Folder_Access.Delete, Action.Deny) Public Enum Folder_Access Create = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories + System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.CreateFiles Delete = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.Delete + System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles Write = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.AppendData + System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.Write + Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes + System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.WriteData + System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes End Enum Public Enum Action Allow = 0 Deny = 1 End Enum Private Function Set_Folder_Access(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Folder_Access As Folder_Access, ByVal Action As Action) As Boolean Try Dim Folder_Info As IO.DirectoryInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(Path) Dim Folder_ACL As New System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity Folder_ACL.AddAccessRule(New System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(My.User.Name, Folder_Access, System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit Or System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit, System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags.None, Action)) Folder_Info.SetAccessControl(Folder_ACL) Return True Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) ' Return False End Try #End Region
« Última modificación: 4 Marzo 2013, 16:16 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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Funciones para controlar el volumen maestro del PC... Se necesita la API "Vista Core Audio API" :· Obtener el volumen maestro: #Region " Get Master Volume Function " ' [ Get Master Volume Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Dim Volume As Integer = Get_Master_Volume(Volume_Measure.As_Integer) ' Dim Volume As String = Get_Master_Volume(Volume_Measure.As_Percent) Public Enum Volume_Measure As_Integer As_Decimal As_Single As_Percent End Enum Private Function Get_Master_Volume(ByVal Volume_Measure As Volume_Measure) Select Case Volume_Measure Case Form1.Volume_Measure.As_Integer : Return CInt(Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar * 100) Case Form1.Volume_Measure.As_Decimal : Return (String.Format("{0:n2}", Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar)) Case Form1.Volume_Measure.As_Single : Return CSng(Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar) Case Form1.Volume_Measure.As_Percent : Return CInt(Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar * 100) & "%" Case Else : Return Nothing End Select End Function #End Region
· Setear el volumen maestro: #Region " Set Master Volume Function " ' [ Set Master Volume Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_Master_Volume(50) Private Function Set_Master_Volume(ByVal Value As Integer) As Boolean Try : Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar = (Value / 100) Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function #End Region
· Mutear el volumen maestro: #Region " Mute Master Volume Function " ' [ Mute Master Volume Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Mute_Master_Volume(False) ' Mute_Master_Volume(True) Private Function Set_Master_Volume(ByVal Mute As Boolean) As Boolean Try : Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = Mute Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function #End Region
· Deslizar el volumen maestro (Desvanecer o aumentar): (Corregido) Instrucciones: Fade_Master_Volume(Desde el volumen, Hasta el volumen, En "X" Milisegundos, Forzar/NoForzar el devanecimiento) #Region " Fade Master Volume Function " ' [ Fade Master Volume Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Fade_Master_Volume(0, 100, 5000, Fading_Mode.FadeIN, True) ' Fade_Master_Volume(80, 20, 5000, Fading_Mode.FadeOUT, False) ' Fade_Master_Volume(10, 50, 5000, Fading_Mode.None, True) Dim Fade_Value_MIN As Integer Dim Fade_Value_MAX As Integer Dim Fade_TimeOut As Long Dim Fade_Mode As Fading_Mode Dim Force_Fading As Boolean Dim Fader_Timer As New Timer Public Enum Fading_Mode FadeIN = 0 FadeOUT = 1 None = 2 End Enum ' Fade Master Volume Function Private Function Fade_Master_Volume(ByVal MIN As Integer, ByVal MAX As Integer, ByVal Milliseconds As Long, ByVal Mode As Fading_Mode, ByVal Force As Boolean) As Boolean If MIN <= 100 And MIN >= 0 And MAX <= 100 And MAX >= 0 Then Try Fade_Value_MIN = MIN Fade_Value_MAX = MAX Fade_TimeOut = Milliseconds Fade_Mode = Mode Force_Fading = Force Fader_Timer = New Timer AddHandler Fader_Timer.Tick, AddressOf Fade_Master_Volume_Timer_Tick Select Case Mode Case Fading_Mode.FadeIN : Fader_Timer.Interval = Milliseconds / (MAX - MIN) Case Fading_Mode.FadeOUT : Fader_Timer.Interval = Milliseconds / (MIN - MAX) Case Fading_Mode.None : Fader_Timer.Interval = Milliseconds End Select Fader_Timer.Enabled = True Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try Else Throw New Exception("Number is not in range from 0 to 100") End If End Function ' Fade Master Volume Timer Tick Event Private Sub Fade_Master_Volume_Timer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim Current_Vol As Integer = CInt(Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar * 100) Select Case Fade_Mode Case Fading_Mode.FadeOUT If Not Force_Fading Then If Not Current_Vol <= Fade_Value_MAX Then : Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar -= 0.01 ElseIf Current_Vol >= Fade_Value_MAX Then : Fader_Timer.Stop() : Fader_Timer.Enabled = False End If ElseIf Force_Fading Then If Not Fade_Value_MIN < Fade_Value_MAX Then Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar = (Fade_Value_MIN / 100) Fade_Value_MIN -= 1 Else : Fader_Timer.Stop() : Fader_Timer.Enabled = False End If End If Case Fading_Mode.FadeIN If Not Force_Fading Then If Not Current_Vol >= Fade_Value_MAX Then : Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar += 0.01 ElseIf Current_Vol <= Fade_Value_MAX Then : Fader_Timer.Stop() : Fader_Timer.Enabled = False End If ElseIf Force_Fading Then If Not Fade_Value_MIN > Fade_Value_MAX Then Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar = (Fade_Value_MIN / 100) Fade_Value_MIN += 1 Else : Fader_Timer.Stop() : Fader_Timer.Enabled = False End If End If Case Fading_Mode.None Audio_Device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar = Fade_Value_MAX Fader_Timer.Stop() : Fader_Timer.Enabled = False End Select End Sub #End Region
« Última modificación: 17 Marzo 2013, 11:41 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Checkar si un número está entre un rango de números. PD: Si conocen un método mejor porfavor postéenlo #Region " Number Is In Range Function " ' [ Number Is In Range Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' MsgBox(NumberIsInRange(50, 0, 100)) ' If NumberIsInRange(5, 1, 10) then... Private Function NumberIsInRange(ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal MIN As Integer, ByVal MAX As Integer) As Boolean Select Case Number Case MIN To MAX : Return True Case Else : Return False End Select End Function #End Region
Modificar permisos de archivos: #Region " Set File Access Function " ' [ Set File Access Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_File_Access("C:\File.txt", File_Access.Read + File_Access.Write, Action.Allow) ' Set_File_Access("C:\File.txt", File_Access.Full, Action.Deny) Public Enum File_Access Delete = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.Delete + Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles Read = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile + System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.Read Write = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.Write + Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes + Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes Full = Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.FullControl End Enum Public Enum Action Allow = 0 Deny = 1 End Enum Private Function Set_File_Access (ByVal File As String, ByVal File_Access As File_Access, ByVal Action As Action ) As Boolean Try Dim File_Info As IO. FileInfo = New IO. FileInfo(File) Dim File_ACL As New System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity File_ACL.AddAccessRule(New System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(My.User.Name, File_Access, Action)) File_Info.SetAccessControl(File_ACL) Return True Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) ' Return False End Try End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 17 Marzo 2013, 11:24 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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Obtener la edición de Windows (Sólo para windows VISTA o superior) #Region " Get OS Edition Function " ' [ Get OS Edition Function ] ' ' Examples : ' Dim Edition As String = Get_OS_Edition() ' MsgBox("You are running Windows " & Get_OS_Edition() & " Edition") Private Const STARTER As Integer = &HB Private Const HOME_BASIC As Integer = &H2 Private Const HOME_BASIC_N As Integer = &H5 Private Const HOME_PREMIUM As Integer = &H3 Private Const HOME_PREMIUM_N As Integer = &H1A Private Const BUSINESS As Integer = &H6 Private Const BUSINESS_N As Integer = &H10 Private Const ENTERPRISE As Integer = &H4 Private Const ENTERPRISE_N As Integer = &H1B Private Const ULTIMATE As Integer = &H1 Private Const ULTIMATE_N As Integer = &H1C Private Declare Function GetProductInfo Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwOSMajorVersion As Integer, ByVal dwOSMinorVersion As Integer, ByVal dwSpMajorVersion As Integer, ByVal dwSpMinorVersion As Integer, ByRef pdwReturnedProductType As Integer) As Integer Public Function Get_OS_Edition() As String Dim Edition_Type As Integer If GetProductInfo(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major, Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor, 0, 0, Edition_Type) Then Select Case Edition_Type Case STARTER : Return "Starter" Case HOME_BASIC : Return "Home Basic" Case HOME_BASIC_N : Return "Home Basic N" Case HOME_PREMIUM : Return "Home Premium" Case HOME_PREMIUM_N : Return "Home Premium N" Case BUSINESS : Return "Business" Case BUSINESS_N : Return "Business N" Case ENTERPRISE : Return "Enterprise" Case ENTERPRISE_N : Return "Enterprise N" Case ULTIMATE : Return "Ultimate" Case ULTIMATE_N : Return "Ultimate N" Case Else : Return "Unknown" End Select End If Return Nothing ' Windows is not VISTA or Higher End Function #End Region
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· Función para modificar el color del borde de un control.  Nota: Afecta a todos los controles handleados, es decir, si cambiamos el color de "button1", y luego el color de "button2", el color de "button1" pasará a ser el color que usa "button2", no he conseguido mejorarlo más, pero bueno, lo suyo es colorear todos los bordes dle mismo color, ¿no?, así que creo que no tiene mucha importancia...#Region " Set Control Border Color Function "
' [ Set Control Border Color Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_Control_Border_Color(Button1, Pens.Crimson, Pens.Red, Pens.DarkRed) ' Set_Control_Border_Color(Checkbox1, Pens.Transparent, Pens.Transparent, Pens.Transparent)
Dim Border_Color_Light As Pen Dim Border_Color_Middle As Pen Dim Border_Color_Dark As Pen
Private Function Set_Control_Border_Color(ByVal Control As Control, Color_Light As Pen, ByVal Color_Middle As Pen, ByVal Color_Dark As Pen) As Boolean Try Border_Color_Light = Color_Light Border_Color_Middle = Color_Middle Border_Color_Dark = Color_Dark Handled_Controls.Add(Control) AddHandler Control.Paint, AddressOf Control_Paint Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function
Private Sub Control_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Dim offset As Integer = 0 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Border_Color_Light, New Rectangle(New Point(offset, offset), New Size(e.ClipRectangle.Width - ((offset * 2) + 1), e.ClipRectangle.Height - ((offset * 2) + 1)))) offset += 1 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Border_Color_Middle, New Rectangle(New Point(offset, offset), New Size(e.ClipRectangle.Width - ((offset * 2) + 1), e.ClipRectangle.Height - ((offset * 2) + 1)))) offset += 1 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Border_Color_Dark, New Rectangle(New Point(offset, offset), New Size(e.ClipRectangle.Width - ((offset * 2) + 1), e.ClipRectangle.Height - ((offset * 2) + 1)))) End Sub
#End RegionMejorado: #Region " Set Control Border Color Function " ' [ Set Control Border Color Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Set_Control_Border_Color(Button1, Pens.Crimson, Pens.Red, Pens.DarkRed) ' Set_Control_Border_Color(Checkbox1, Pens.Transparent, Pens.Transparent, Pens.Transparent) Dim Border_Color_Light As Pen Dim Border_Color_Middle As Pen Dim Border_Color_Dark As Pen Dim Last_Handled_control As Control Private Function Set_Control_Border_Color(ByVal Control As Control, Color_Light As Pen, ByVal Color_Middle As Pen, ByVal Color_Dark As Pen) As Boolean Try Border_Color_Light = Color_Light Border_Color_Middle = Color_Middle Border_Color_Dark = Color_Dark AddHandler Control.Paint, AddressOf Control_Paint Last_Handled_control = Control Return True Catch ex As Exception : Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Function Private Sub Control_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) If = Last_Handled_control.Name Then Dim offset As Integer = 0 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Border_Color_Light, New Rectangle(New Point(offset, offset), New Size(e.ClipRectangle.Width - ((offset * 2) + 1), e.ClipRectangle.Height - ((offset * 2) + 1)))) offset += 1 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Border_Color_Middle, New Rectangle(New Point(offset, offset), New Size(e.ClipRectangle.Width - ((offset * 2) + 1), e.ClipRectangle.Height - ((offset * 2) + 1)))) offset += 1 e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Border_Color_Dark, New Rectangle(New Point(offset, offset), New Size(e.ClipRectangle.Width - ((offset * 2) + 1), e.ClipRectangle.Height - ((offset * 2) + 1)))) End If End Sub #End Region
« Última modificación: 17 Marzo 2013, 15:39 pm por EleKtro H@cker »
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· Periodo Trial Instrucciones: 1. Crear una Setting de "User" con el nombre "UsageDates" y de tipo "System.collection.specialized.stringcollection" 2. Añadir estas dos funcines al form: Private Function CheckDate(ByVal dateToCheck As Date) As Boolean 'In reality, CheckDate would get the date (current date) itself and not have it passed in Dim retValue As Boolean = False 'Fail safe, default to false Dim usageDatesLeft As Int16 = 3 ' set it to 4 just for testing 'Dim usageDatesLeft As Int16 = 30 ' set this to the number of days of application access 'Hash the date Dim hashedDate As String = HashDate(dateToCheck) 'Check to see if the hash value exists in the UsageDates 'Initialize the container if necessary If My.Settings.UsageDates Is Nothing Then My.Settings.UsageDates = New System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection End If If My.Settings.UsageDates.Contains(hashedDate) Then 'then we are ok... it's already been checked retValue = True usageDatesLeft = CShort(usageDatesLeft - My.Settings.UsageDates.Count) 'sanity check... if the system date is backed up to a previous date in the list, but not the last date If usageDatesLeft <= 0 AndAlso My.Settings.UsageDates.IndexOf(hashedDate) <> My.Settings.UsageDates.Count - 1 Then retValue = False End If Else If My.Settings.UsageDates.Count < usageDatesLeft Then My.Settings.UsageDates.Add(hashedDate) End If usageDatesLeft = CShort(usageDatesLeft - My.Settings.UsageDates.Count) 'If not, and the remining count has "slots" open, add it If usageDatesLeft > 0 Then retValue = True Else 'If not and tree are no more slots, tell user, exit app retValue = False End If End If 'Display to the user how many days are remianing: MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You have {0} day(s) remaining.", usageDatesLeft)) Return retValue End Function Private Function HashDate(ByVal dateToHash As Date) As String 'Get a hash object Dim hasher As System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create() 'Take date, make it a Long date and hash it Dim data As Byte() = hasher.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(dateToHash.ToLongDateString())) ' Create a new Stringbuilder to collect the bytes ' and create a string. Dim sBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() ' Loop through each byte of the hashed data ' and format each one as a hexadecimal string. Dim idx As Integer For idx = 0 To data.Length - 1 sBuilder.Append(data(idx).ToString("x2")) Next idx Return sBuilder.ToString End Function
3. Usar la función por ejemplo en el Form_Load: Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim aCount As Integer = 0 Dim loopIt As Boolean = True 'My.Settings.Reset() 'This is here for design time support... otherwise you won't get your app to run agin Do While loopIt MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Checking Date: {0}.", Date.Now.AddDays(aCount))) loopIt = CheckDate(Date.Now.AddDays(aCount)) If Not loopIt Then MessageBox.Show("Trial Period Ended! Application closing!") Me.Close() Else MessageBox.Show("You can keep using the app") End If aCount += 1 Loop End Sub
· Trial period (Modificado un poco por mí) #Region " Trial Period Function " ' [ Trial Period Function ] ' ' Examples : ' Trial_Get(Trial_value.As_Boolean) ' MsgBox(String.Format("You have {0} day(s) remaining.", Trial_Get(Trial_value.As_LeftDays))) Public Enum Trial_value As_Boolean As_LeftDays As_CountDays End Enum ' Trial Period [Get] Public Function Trial_Get(ByVal Trial_value As Trial_value) 'My.Settings.Reset() 'If you want to reset the trial period Dim TrialCount As Integer = 0 TrialCount += 1 Return Trial_CheckDate(Date.Now.AddDays(TrialCount), Trial_value) End Function ' Trial Period [CheckDate] Public Function Trial_CheckDate(ByVal Trial_DateToCheck As Date, ByVal Trial_value As Trial_value) Dim Trial_retValue As Boolean = False ' Fail safe, default to false Dim Trial_usageDatesLeft As Int16 = 7 ' Set here the number of days of Trial period Dim Trial_hashedDate As String = Trial_HashDate(Trial_DateToCheck) If My.Settings.Trial_Period Is Nothing Then My.Settings.Trial_Period = New System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection If My.Settings.Trial_Period.Contains(Trial_hashedDate) Then Trial_retValue = True Trial_usageDatesLeft = CShort(Trial_usageDatesLeft - My.Settings.Trial_Period.Count) If Trial_usageDatesLeft <= 0 AndAlso My.Settings.Trial_Period.IndexOf(Trial_hashedDate) <> My.Settings.Trial_Period.Count - 1 Then Trial_retValue = False Else If My.Settings.Trial_Period.Count < Trial_usageDatesLeft Then My.Settings.Trial_Period.Add(Trial_hashedDate) Trial_usageDatesLeft = CShort(Trial_usageDatesLeft - My.Settings.Trial_Period.Count) If Trial_usageDatesLeft > 0 Then Trial_retValue = True Else Trial_retValue = False End If Select Case Trial_value Case Trial_value.As_Boolean : Return Trial_retValue ' If False then Trial Period is expired Case Trial_value.As_LeftDays : Return Trial_usageDatesLeft ' Days left Case Trial_value.As_CountDays : Return My.Settings.Trial_Period.Count ' Count days Case Else : Return Nothing End Select End Function ' Trial Period [HashDate] Public Function Trial_HashDate(ByVal Trial_DateToHash As Date) As String Dim Trial_Hasher As System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create() Dim Trial_Data As Byte() = Trial_Hasher.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Trial_DateToHash.ToLongDateString())) Dim Trial_StringBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() Dim Trial_IDX As Integer For Trial_IDX = 0 To Trial_Data.Length - 1 : Trial_StringBuilder.Append(Trial_Data(Trial_IDX).ToString("x2")) : Next Trial_IDX Return Trial_StringBuilder.ToString End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 18 Marzo 2013, 10:53 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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· String a hexadecimal: #Region " String To Hex Function " ' [ String To Hex Function ] ' ' Examples : ' Dim Hex_str As String = String_To_Hex("Elektro H@cker") Private Function String_To_Hex(ByVal Source_String As String) As String Dim Hex_StringBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For Each c As Char In Source_String : Hex_StringBuilder.Append(Asc(c).ToString("x2")) : Next c Return Hex_StringBuilder.ToString() End Function #End Region
· Hexadecimal a string: #Region " Hex To String Function " ' [ Hex To String Function ] ' ' Examples : ' Dim str As String = Hex_To_String("456c656b74726f204840636b6572")) Private Function Hex_To_String(ByVal Source_String As String) As String Dim Hex_StringBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For x As Integer = 0 To Source_String.Length - 1 Step 2 : Hex_StringBuilder.Append(Chr(Val("&H" & Source_String.Substring(x, 2)))) : Next x Return Hex_StringBuilder.ToString() End Function #End Region
· Effecto Matrix (Aplicación de consola) Module Module1 Sub Main() Console.Title = "Matrix Effect" Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen Console.WindowLeft = InlineAssignHelper(0, 0) Console.WindowHeight = InlineAssignHelper(Console.BufferHeight, Console.LargestWindowHeight) Console.WindowWidth = InlineAssignHelper(Console.BufferWidth, Console.LargestWindowWidth) Console.CursorVisible = False Dim width As Integer, height As Integer Dim y As Integer() Dim l As Integer() Initialize(width, height, y, l) Dim ms As Integer While True Dim t1 As DateTime = DateTime.Now MatrixStep(width, height, y, l) ms = 10 - CInt(Math.Truncate(CType(DateTime.Now - t1, TimeSpan).TotalMilliseconds)) If ms > 0 Then System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ms) End If If Console.KeyAvailable Then If Console.ReadKey().Key = ConsoleKey.F5 Then Initialize(width, height, y, l) End If End If End While End Sub Dim thistime As Boolean = False Private Sub MatrixStep(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal y As Integer(), ByVal l As Integer()) Dim x As Integer thistime = Not thistime For x = 0 To width - 1 If x Mod 11 = 10 Then If Not thistime Then Continue For End If Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White Else Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y(x) - 2 - ((l(x) \ 40) * 2), height)) Console.Write(R) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green End If Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y(x)) Console.Write(R) y(x) = inBoxY(y(x) + 1, height) Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inBoxY(y(x) - l(x), height)) Console.Write(" "c) Next End Sub Private Sub Initialize(ByRef width As Integer, ByRef height As Integer, ByRef y As Integer(), ByRef l As Integer()) Dim h1 As Integer Dim h2 As Integer = (InlineAssignHelper(h1, (InlineAssignHelper(height, Console.WindowHeight)) \ 2)) \ 2 width = Console.WindowWidth - 1 y = New Integer(width - 1) {} l = New Integer(width - 1) {} Dim x As Integer Console.Clear() For x = 0 To width - 1 y(x) = m_r.[Next](height) l(x) = m_r.[Next](h2 * (If((x Mod 11 <> 10), 2, 1)), h1 * (If((x Mod 11 <> 10), 2, 1))) Next End Sub Dim m_r As New Random() Private ReadOnly Property R() As Char Get Dim t As Integer = m_r.[Next](10) If t <= 2 Then Return ChrW(CInt(AscW("0"c)) + m_r.[Next](10)) ElseIf t <= 4 Then Return ChrW(CInt(AscW("a"c)) + m_r.[Next](27)) ElseIf t <= 6 Then Return ChrW(CInt(AscW("A"c) + m_r.[Next](27))) Else Return ChrW(m_r.[Next](32, 255)) End If End Get End Property Public Function inBoxY(ByVal n As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) As Integer n = n Mod height If n < 0 Then Return n + height Else Return n End If End Function Private Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T target = value Return value End Function End Module
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