Tema: Librería de Snippets para VB.NET !! (Compartan aquí sus snippets) (Leído 543,454 veces)
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Tienes que intentar mejorar tus conceptos es algo bastante básicoPues el que hizo la función original es un pedazo de Coder de CodeProject que ha hecho unos 10 controles extendido... así que quizás si usa ByVal es por algo... no sé, no me culpeis a mí xD. PD: Cuanto más me adentro en .NET más me doy cuenta que es imposible saberlo todo al milímetro! Saludos!
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Ninja y
 
Mensajes: 10.683
Yo que tu lo pienso dos veces
Pues el que hizo la función original es un pedazo de Coder de CodeProject que ha hecho unos 10 controles extendido... así que quizás si usa ByVal es por algo... no sé, no me culpeis a mí xD.
PD: Cuanto más me adentro en .NET más me doy cuenta que es imposible saberlo todo al milímetro! Ahí es donde se diferencia C# de VB.NET. C# te obliga a hacer cosas que en VB.NET son opcionales, como declarar el tipo de dato de retorno de una función, o sabes que todo objeto va siempre por referencia y los otros por valor (boolean, double, etc), salvo que se especifique que va por referencia  Saludos
« Última modificación: 16 Enero 2013, 21:15 pm por Novlucker »
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Contribuye con la limpieza del foro, reporta los "casos perdidos" a un MOD XD "Hay dos cosas infinitas: el Universo y la estupidez humana. Y de la primera no estoy muy seguro." Albert Einstein
Mensajes: 431
en ocasiones uso goto ¬¬
El concepto de byval y byref se entiende mejor en c++ que en visualbasic, yo que soy de los que aprendió con vb me costó entender a qué se refiere, en cierta forma es como pasar punteros en c++.
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Mensajes: 9.891
Cargar un recurso embedido (.exe) al disco duro #Region " Load Resource To Disk Function " ' [ Load Exe Resource To Disk Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker (Gracias a Kubox) ' ' Examples: ' ' Load__Exe_Resource_To_Disk(My.Resources.Exe_Name, "C:\File.exe") ' ' Process.Start("C:\File.exe") Private Function Load__Exe_Resource_To_Disk(ByVal Resource As Byte(), ByVal Target_File As String) As Boolean Try Dim File_Buffer As Byte() = Resource Dim Buffer_FileStream As New IO.FileStream(Target_File, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write) Buffer_FileStream.Write(File_Buffer, 0, File_Buffer.Length) : Buffer_FileStream.Close() Return True Catch ex As Exception Return False End Try End Function #End Region
MessageBox Question - Cancel operation Dim Answer = MessageBox.Show("Want to cancel the current operation?", "Cancel", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) If Answer = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then Application.Exit() Else e.Cancel = True
Mover un archivo, con varias opciones adicionales. #Region " Move File Function " ' [ Move File Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Move_File("C:\File.txt", "C:\Test\")) ' Standard move ' MsgBox(Move_File("C:\File.txt", "C:\Test\", True)) ' Create the directory if doesn't exists ' MsgBox(Move_File("C:\File.txt", "C:\Test\", , True)) ' Replace any existing file ' MsgBox(Move_File("C:\File.txt", "C:\Test\", , , IO.FileAttributes.Hidden + IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly)) ' Apply new attributes Private Function Move_File (ByVal File As String, ByVal Target_Path As String, _ Optional ByVal Force_Target_Path As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal Force_File_Replace As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal Attributes As System.IO.FileAttributes = IO.FileAttributes.Normal) Dim File_Information = My. Computer. FileSystem. GetFileInfo(File) ' Get Input File Information ' Directory If Not Force_Target_Path And Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(Target_Path) Then Return False ' Target Directory don't exists ElseIf Force_Target_Path Then Try My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(Target_Path) ' Create directory Catch ex As Exception 'Return False Return ex.Message ' Directory can't be created maybe beacuse user permissions End Try End If ' File Try My. Computer. FileSystem. MoveFile(File, Target_Path & "\" & File_Information. Name, Force_File_Replace ) ' Moves the file If Not Attributes = IO.FileAttributes.Normal Then My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(Target_Path & "\" & File_Information.Name).Attributes = Attributes ' Apply File Attributes Return True ' File is copied OK Catch ex As Exception 'Return False Return ex.Message ' File can't be created maybe beacuse user permissions End Try End Function #End Region
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Mensajes: 9.891
Obtener la arquitectura del OS #Region " Get OS Architecture Function " ' [ Get OS Architecture Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples : ' Dim Architecture = Get_OS_Architecture() Private Function Get_OS_Architecture() As Integer Dim Bits = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(IntPtr)) * 8 Select Case Bits Case 32 : Return 32 ' x86 Case 64 : Return 64 ' x64 Case Else : Return Nothing ' xD End Select End Function #End Region
Ejemplo de un overload ' Examples: ' ' Test(0) ' Test"0") Sub Test(ByVal Argument As Integer) MsgBox("Integer: " & Argument) End Sub Sub Test(ByVal Argument As String) MsgBox("String: " & Argument) End Sub
El snippet de Get All Files, mejorado: #Region " Get All Files Function " ' [ Get All Files Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' Examples: ' ' Dim Files As Array = Get_All_Files("C:\Test", True) ' For Each File In Get_All_Files("C:\Test", False) : MsgBox(File) : Next Private Function Get_All_Files(ByVal Directory As String, Optional ByVal Recursive As Boolean = False) As Array If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Directory) Then If Not Recursive Then : Return System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Directory, "*", IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) Else : Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(Directory, "*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) End If Else Return Nothing End If End Function #End Region
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Mensajes: 9.891
No es mucho, pero puede servir... Obtener la ruta del directorio o del archivo "user.config" #Region " Get User Config Function " ' [ Get User Config Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker (Gracias a Seba123Neo) ' ' Examples : ' ' * First add a reference to "System.Configuration" in the proyect ' ' MsgBox(Get_User_Config(User_Config.File)) ' MsgBox(Get_User_Config(User_Config.Path)) Enum User_Config Path End Enum Private Function Get_User_Config(ByVal Setting As User_Config) As String Dim UserConfig As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoaming).FilePath Select Case Setting Case User_Config. File : Return UserConfig Case User_Config.Path : Return UserConfig.Substring(0, UserConfig.LastIndexOf("\")) Case Else : Return False End Select End Function #End Region
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Mensajes: 1.842
Se supone que todos los apuntes que has hecho desde que aprendiste estan aca no? digo porque te los iba a pedir pero veo que estan todos aca xD
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Mensajes: 9.891
Sí xDDDDDD, apuntes convertidos en funciones/snippets, creo que para lo poco que sé de .NET me lo curro  .
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Mensajes: 9.891
Calcular el hash MD5 de un archivo: #Region " Get MD5 Of File Function " ' [ Get MD5 Of File Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Get_MD5_Of_File("C:\Test.txt")) Private Function Get_MD5_Of_File (ByVal File As String) As String Using MD5_Reader As New System. IO. FileStream(File, IO. FileMode. Open, IO. FileAccess. Read) Using MD5 As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider Dim MD5_Byte() As Byte = MD5.ComputeHash(MD5_Reader) Dim MD5_Hex As New System.Text.StringBuilder(MD5.ComputeHash(MD5_Reader).Length * 2) For Number As Integer = 0 To MD5_Byte.Length - 1 : MD5_Hex.Append(MD5_Byte(Number).ToString("X2")) : Next Return MD5_Hex.ToString().ToLower End Using End Using End Function #End Region
Calcular el hash MD5 de un string: #Region " Get MD5 Of String Function " ' [ Get MD5 Of String Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Get_MD5_Of_String("C:\Test.txt")) Private Function Get_MD5_Of_String(ByVal str As String) As String Dim MD5_Hex As String = Nothing Dim MD5 As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider() Dim MD5_Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str) Dim MD5_Hash = MD5.ComputeHash(MD5_Byte) MD5.Clear() For Number As Integer = 0 To MD5_Hash.Length - 1 : MD5_Hex &= MD5_Hash(Number).ToString("x").PadLeft(2, "0") : Next Return MD5_Hex End Function #End Region
Obtener la ID de la placa base: #Region " Get Motherboard ID Function " ' [ Get Motherboard ID Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim Motherboard_ID As String = Get_Motherboard_ID() ' MsgBox(Get_Motherboard_ID()) Private Function Get_Motherboard_ID() As String For Each Motherboard As Object In GetObject("WinMgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard") : Return Motherboard.SerialNumber : Next Motherboard Return Nothing End Function #End Region
Obtener la ID del procesador: #Region " Get CPU ID Function " ' [ Get CPU ID Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' Dim Processor_ID As String = Get_Motherboard_ID() ' MsgBox(Get_CPU_ID()) Private Function Get_CPU_ID() As String For Each CPU_ID As Object In GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor") : Return CPU_ID.ProcessorId : Next CPU_ID Return Nothing End Function #End Region
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Mensajes: 9.891
Para cambiar los cursores de Windows (En el sistema, fuera del form) #Region " Set System Cursor Function " ' [ Set System Cursor Function ] ' ' Examples : ' ' Set_System_Cursor("C:\Cursors\Arrow.ani", System_Cursor.ARROW)) ' MsgBox(Set_System_Cursor("C:\Cursors\Cross.cur", System_Cursor.CROSS)) ' Set System Cursor [ API declarations ] Private Declare Function SetSystemCursor Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hCursor As IntPtr, ByVal id As Integer) As Boolean Private Declare Function LoadCursorFromFile Lib "user32.dll" Alias "LoadCursorFromFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As IntPtr ' Set System Cursor [ API Constants ] Private Enum System_Cursor As UInt32 APP_STARTING = 32650 ARROW = 32512 CROSS = 32515 HAND = 32649 HELP = 32651 I_BEAM = 32513 NO = 32648 SIZE_ALL = 32646 SIZE_NESW = 32643 SIZE_NS = 32645 SIZE_NWSE = 32642 SIZE_WE = 32644 UP = 32516 WAIT = 32514 End Enum ' Set System Cursor [ Function ] Private Function Set_System_Cursor(ByVal Cursor_File As String, ByVal Cursor_Type As System_Cursor) As Boolean If SetSystemCursor(LoadCursorFromFile(Cursor_File), Cursor_Type) = 0 Then Return False ' Error loading cursor from file Return True End Function #End Region
Hotmail sender (Envía correos desde hotmail) * Es necesario descargar la librería EASENDMAIL (Es gratis aunque se puede comprar licencia): PD: Sé que esto se puede hacer con la class, pero con esto no dependemos de puertos, y el SSL de los servidores que usemos en la librería se detecta automáticamente... #Region " Hotmail Sender Function " ' [ Hotmail Sender Function ] ' ' // By Elektro H@cker ' ' * First add a reference to "EASendMail" into the project. ' ' Examples : ' ' MsgBox(Hotmail_Sender("", "MyPass", "", "Test subject", "Test body", {"C:\File1.txt", "C:\File2.txt"})) Private Function Hotmail_Sender(ByVal Account_User As String, ByVal Account_Password As String, ByVal Mail_To As String, ByVal Mail_Subject As String, ByVal Mail_Body As String, Optional ByVal Mail_Attachments() As String = Nothing) As Boolean Dim Hot_Mail As New EASendMail.SmtpMail("TryIt") Dim Hot_Server As New EASendMail.SmtpServer("") Dim Hot_Smtp As New EASendMail.SmtpClient() Hot_Server.User = Account_User Hot_Server.Password = Account_Password Hot_Server.ConnectType = EASendMail.SmtpConnectType.ConnectSSLAuto Hot_Mail.From = Account_User Hot_Mail.To = Mail_To Hot_Mail.Subject = Mail_Subject Hot_Mail.TextBody = Mail_Body If Mail_Attachments IsNot Nothing Then For Each Attachment In Mail_Attachments : Hot_Mail.AddAttachment(Attachment) : Next Try : Hot_Smtp.SendMail(Hot_Server, Hot_Mail) : Return True Catch ex As Exception : Return False : End Try End Function #End Region
« Última modificación: 5 Febrero 2013, 03:08 am por EleKtro H@cker »
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