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| |-+  Juegos y Consolas (Moderador: Randomize)
| | |-+  Gadget para la Wii
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Autor Tema: Gadget para la Wii  (Leído 1,947 veces)

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Gadget para la Wii
« en: 21 Junio 2011, 16:09 pm »

Me acaba de llegar.......y va de maravilla

New Wireless Remote Nunchuck Controller Motion Plus For Wii (White)


    * Right&left remote controller for Wii.
    * Non-slip surface is a great help for providing better grip to enhance gaming performance.
    * Smooth and washable design ensures comfort and cleanliness.
    * Compatible with all Nintendo games and most peripherals.
    * Built-in Wii access for easy connection to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection gaming service.
    * Connect the MotionPlus sensor to your Wii Remote controller to increase accuracy and enhance play control on compatible games.


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