import cz.dhl.io.*;
import cz.dhl.ftp.*;
import java.io.IOException;
Pero al compilarlo me da error, es como si no lo encontrara..
pepe@pepe:~/src$ javac FtpListTest.java
1. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 1)
import cz.dhl.io.*;
The import cz cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 2)
import cz.dhl.ftp.*;
The import cz cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 9)
FtpConnect cn = FtpConnect.newConnect("ftp://viciana.me/");
FtpConnect cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 9)
FtpConnect cn = FtpConnect.newConnect("ftp://viciana.me/");
FtpConnect cannot be resolved
5. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 13)
Ftp cl = new Ftp();
Ftp cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 13)
Ftp cl = new Ftp();
Ftp cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 19)
CoFile dir = new FtpFile(cl.pwd(), cl);
CoFile cannot be resolved to a type
8. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 19)
CoFile dir = new FtpFile(cl.pwd(), cl);
FtpFile cannot be resolved to a type
9. ERROR in FtpListTest.java (at line 22)
CoFile fls[] = dir.listCoFiles();
CoFile cannot be resolved to a type
9 problems (9 errors)s
Y he añadido los .jar y demas, asi que no se que puede ser, si alguien lo sabe, se lo agradeceria.
Gracias de antemano