/* If you are running your Java application on Windows then you may use Screen Capturing SDK from Java using the Jacob library ( you may get it from http://danadler.com/jacob/ ) The final code (using Jacob) code should look like this */ import com.ms.com.*; import com.ms.activeX.*; public class DispatchTest { { ActiveXComponent captureLib = new ActiveXComponent("BytescoutScreenCapturing.Capturer"); try { // output file name Dispatch.put(capturer, "OutputFileName", "EntireScreenCaptured.wmv"); // output width Dispatch.put(capturer, "OutputWidth", 640); // output height Dispatch.put(capturer, "OutputHeight", 480); // setting the capturing type to 3 (entire screen) Dispatch.put(capturer, "CapturingType", 3); // run the recording Variant f = new Variant(false); Dispatch.call(workbook, "Run", f); // record for 5 seconds e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ; } } }
Trato de compilar pero no se puede.
El problema esta que no reconoce al objeto workbook o es que la libreria esta desfasada, gracias por su tiempo .