necesito que un codigo en java, me traiga informacion esa informacion sacar los terminacion 126 y 113 y meterlos a un archivo txt y los separa por pipes que aqui los ven en el codigo, que estos los guarda en documentos en formato txt,
les comparto mi codigo, en los if crea la sentencia de quienes entran y quienes no, el problema es que nadamas me crea el archivo txt 113 y no el archivo 126 que necesito que cree los dos juntos dividiendolos los que pertenecen a cada uno, los querys me funcionan excelentes, pero no el codigo para extraer archivos, saludos de antemano
File current; Class.forName(bundle.getString("driver")); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(bundle.getString("url"), bundle.getString("username"), bundle.getString("password")); conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.createStatement(); int flag_tot ; ResultSet ot; PreparedStatement psu; filter = " and type_id=20"; int visit = 0; ResultSet rs_aux; String qryot = "select cust_shipping_code as ot,TO_CHAR(current_timestamp,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') as fechaHora from consignments c inner join arrivals a on (a.arrival_id=c.arrival_id) " + "where a.arrival_date between to_date('" + returnStringDate(this.fromDateChooser.getDate()) + "','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('" + returnStringDate(this.toDateChooser.getDate()) + "','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') " + "and c.customer_id=" + this.customerTextField.getText() + " and c.product_id in(select product_id from customer_products where category_id=2" + filter + ") and c.cust_shipping_code is not null group by cust_shipping_code"; + "cp.addressee_cust_account as pipe2," + "case cp.customer_id when 100061 then '10' when 491 then '10' when 187 then '10' else substr(c.cust_shipping_code,1,2) end as pipe3," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then '40' when 'R' then '40' when 'D' then '10' end as pipe4," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then '50' when 'R' then rrel.cust_relationship_id when 'D' then rret.cust_reason_id end as pipe5," + "to_char(ac.delivery_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as pipe6," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then substr(ac.floor||' PISOS '||ac.color||' '||door.description||' '||CASE WHEN ac.grid_wall is null THEN '' ELSE case when ac.grid_wall='N' then 'SIN REJA' else 'CON REJA' end END||' '||CASE WHEN ac.garage is null THEN '' ELSE case when ac.garage='N' then 'SIN COCHERA' else 'CON COCHERA' end END||' '||meter.description||' '||ac.serial_meter,1,60) " + "when 'R' then when 'D' then '' end as pipe7," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then 'BP' when 'R' then ac.last_name when 'D' then '' end as pipe8," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then '' when 'R' then ac.sec_last_name when 'D' then '' end as pipe9," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then '5' when 'R' then rid.cust_identification_id when 'D' then '' end as pipe10," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then '' when 'R' then (case rid.cust_identification_id when '5' then 'NINGUNO' else rid.description end) when 'D' then '' end as pipe11," + "case ac.delivery_type when 'C' then '' when 'R' then ac.num_identify when 'D' then '' end as pipe12," + "ac.observations as pipe13,ac.delivery_type as pipe14," + "ac.consignment_id as pipe15,ac.cust_account as pipe16, cp.cnsgnmnt_piece_id as pipe17 " + "from consignments c " + "inner join cnsgnmnt_pieces cp on (cp.consignment_id=c.consignment_id) " + "left join acknowledgment_capture ac on (ac.cust_account=cp.cust_account and ac.consignment_id=cp.consignment_id) " + "left join r_return_reason_qp_cust rret on(rret.qp_reason_id=ac.qp_reasons_id and rret.customer_id=c.customer_id and rret.category_id=2) " + "left join r_relationship_qp_cust rrel on(rrel.qp_relationship_id=ac.qp_relationship_id and rrel.customer_id=cp.customer_id) " + "left join r_identification_qp_cust rid on(rid.qp_identification_id=ac.qp_identify_id and rid.customer_id=cp.customer_id) " + "left join catmeter meter on (meter.meter_id=ac.meter_id) " + "left join catdoor door on (door.door_id=ac.door_id) " + "where c.cust_shipping_code=? and ac.delivery_type is not null and ac.delivery_type!='I' and ac.progress_ind=0"; // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "el query:"); // System.exit(0); String qryu = "update acknowledgment_capture ac set ac.progress_ind=2 where ac.consignment_id=? and ac.cust_account=? "; ps = conn.prepareStatement(qry); psu = conn.prepareStatement(qryu); int row = 0, deliv = 0, files = 0; StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); ot = st.executeQuery(qryot); path = ""; int prueba_alert = 0; while ( { csc = ot.getString("ot"); fechaHora = ot.getString("fechaHora"); if (terminacion.equals("113")) { flag_tot = 1; fileName = "113_" + fechaHora + ".txt"; gname_113 = fileName; } else if (terminacion.equals("126")) { flag_tot = 2; fileName = "126_" + fechaHora + ".txt"; gname_126 = fileName; } else { flag_tot = 3; fileName = "otro_" + fechaHora + ".txt"; gname_otro = fileName; } HoraFecha = fechaHora; ps.setString(1, ot.getString("ot")); if(this.customerTextField.getText().equals("100061")) path=csc.substring(csc.length()-5,csc.length())+""; path = ""; if (current.exists()) { current.delete(); } files++; rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { linea_doc = ""; if ("R".equals(rs.getString("pipe14")) || "C".equals(rs.getString("pipe14"))) { line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe1"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe2"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe3"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe4"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe5"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe6"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe7"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe8"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe9"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe10"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe11"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe12"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe13"))); line.append("ENTREGA|0"); line.append("|"); line.append("0"); line.append("|"); line.append("0"); line.append("|0"); } else if ("D".equals(rs.getString("pipe14"))) { line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe1"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe2"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe3"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe4"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe5"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe6"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe7"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe8"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe9"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe10"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe11"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe12"))); line.append("|"); line.append(manageEmpty(rs.getString("pipe13"))); line.append("DEVOLUCION|0"); line.append("|"); line.append("0"); line.append("|"); line.append("0"); line.append("|0"); } if (this.customerTextField.getText().equals("491")) { psu.setString(1, rs.getString("pipe15")); psu.setString(2, rs.getString("pipe16")); psu.executeUpdate(); // } deliv++; line.append(endLine); row++; } // System.out.println("alcanzo a salir"); qry_visits = " select to_char(ja.dispatch_date,'ddmmyy') as fecha, c.cust_shipping_code," + " cp.addressee_cust_account,ja.* from journeys_arunico ja left join cnsgnmnt_pieces cp " + " on ja.cnsgnmnt_piece_id = cp.cnsgnmnt_piece_id " + " left join consignments c on cp.consignment_id = c.consignment_id" + " where c.cust_shipping_code = '" + csc + "' " // and cp.cnsgnmnt_piece_id = 1667693823 + " and ja.customer_id=491 and cp.cnsgnmnt_piece_id not in " + "(select acknowledgment_capture.cnsgnmnt_piece_id from acknowledgment_capture" + " left join cnsgnmnt_pieces on cnsgnmnt_pieces.cnsgnmnt_piece_id=acknowledgment_capture.cnsgnmnt_piece_id" + " where cnsgnmnt_pieces.cnsgnmnt_piece_id=cp.cnsgnmnt_piece_id ) order by ja.cnsgnmnt_piece_id,ja.dispatch_date"; visit = 0; int primero = 1; rs_aux = st_aux.executeQuery(qry_visits); while ( { linea_doc = ""; if (primero == 1) { add_acc = rs_aux.getString("addressee_cust_account"); fecha = rs_aux.getString("fecha"); primero = 0; } if (rs_aux.getString("addressee_cust_account").equals(add_acc)) { add_acc = rs_aux.getString("addressee_cust_account"); fecha = rs_aux.getString("fecha"); visit++; continue; // } else { // // line.append(manageEmpty(rs_aux.getString("cust_shipping_code"))); // line.append("|"); // line.append(manageEmpty(add_acc)); // line.append("|"); // line.append(manageEmpty("10")); // line.append("|"); // //// if (visit == 0) { //// line.append("00"); //// line.append("|"); //// line.append("00"); //// line.append("|"); //// } else if (visit == 1) { //// line.append("60"); //// line.append("|"); //// line.append("61"); //// line.append("|"); //// } else if (visit == 2) { //// line.append("60"); //// line.append("|"); //// line.append("62"); //// line.append("|"); //// } else { //// line.append("60"); //// line.append("|"); //// line.append("63"); //// line.append("|"); //// } // //// line.append(manageEmpty(fecha)); 11:30 //// line.append(manageEmpty("|")); //// line.append("|||||||||||"); // // add_acc = rs_aux.getString("addressee_cust_account"); // fecha = rs_aux.getString("fecha"); // // visit = 1; // // deliv++; // line.append(endLine); // row++; // // // } } if (flag_tot == 1) { line113.append(line); line.setLength(0); } else if (flag_tot == 2) { line126.append(line); line.setLength(0); } else { lineotro.append(line); line.setLength(0); } if (flag_tot == 1) { total113 = (total113 + deliv); deliv = 0; } else if (flag_tot == 2) { total126 = (total126 + deliv); deliv = 0; } else { totalotro = (totalotro + deliv); deliv = 0; } } if (this.customerTextField.getText().equals("491")) { // current = new File(savePath + path + fileName); // current = new File(savePath + path + gname_113); // // line113.insert(0, "999999|" + total113 + "|||||||||||||||" + endLine); // // current = new File(savePath + path + gname_126); // line126.insert(0, "999999|" + total126 + "|||||||||||||||" + endLine); // // // current = new File(savePath + path + gname_otro); // lineotro.insert(0, "999999|" + totalotro + "|||||||||||||||" + endLine); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } writeFile(line113.toString(), savePath + path + gname_113); writeFile(line126.toString(), savePath + path + gname_126); writeFile(lineotro.toString(), savePath + path + gname_otro); } } deliv = 0; line.setLength(0); total113 = 0; total126 = 0; totalotro = 0; line113.setLength(0); line126.setLength(0); lineotro.setLength(0); conn.commit(); close(conn); close(st); close(ps); close(psu); close(rs); close(ot); if (files > 0) { showMessage("Los archivos se generaron con exito en la ruta " + savePath, "Aviso", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { showMessage("No se encontraron registros para los filros especificados", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }