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Help reversing delphi binary / ayuda crackar binary delphi
« en: 13 Diciembre 2021, 17:47 pm »

Hey everyone,

I need help cracking a binary written in Borland Delphi.

After you install the app copy the file 'tasruntimeClean.exe' into the folder and run
the original tasruntime.exe is packed using upx.

you'll see the screen in the 'firstScreen.png'

I've used Dede Decompiler and it was unable to find the procedure for the button 'Entrar'.

I've opened the binary in IDR exported the IDC file and loaded the symbols into IDA PRO and Ollydbg 2,
and so far had no luck has setting message breakpoints doent's seem to work (201,202 for lnbuttonup for example).

Through my analysis i discovered that the binary reads two files 'C:\SAC5\ficheiro\TFG_EMP.B' and
'C:\SAC5\ficheiro\TFG_LICS.B' to validate the license and the company name the license was issued for.

The link to all the files can be found at:https://1drv.ms/t/s!AvZlnPeDfYuV3F_-1FV1GJQ-PJRI

Change the ext to .rar

The EndGoal is to have the binary load the main app regardless of the content of the two aforementioned
'C:\SAC5\ficheiro\TFG_EMP.B' & 'C:\SAC5\ficheiro\TFG_LICS.B'
thus allowing the app to run with any company name (as you can see the company name is loaded from
the first file in secondScreen.png).

Ps: I've added a small tutorial i found in CRACKSLATINOS a RE forum and it kind of works but i'm having a little
trouble to follow along the file name is 'OLLYDBG Y DELPHI 3 por COCO.doc'.

Thanks in advance for your time.
« Última modificación: 14 Diciembre 2021, 08:16 am por akainu432 » En línea

apuromafo CLS

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Re: Help reversing delphi binary / ayuda crackar binary delphi
« Respuesta #1 en: 31 Diciembre 2021, 20:48 pm »

before start to analize any exe, and are packed, must unpack

About tool IDR, is good but i suggest there complement with IDA.

About reversing in apps of 3rs, this forum is not for crack request or similar.

If really are interested, try harder and you can!

i suggest there complement with x32dbg/x64dbg.

Best Regards, Apuromafo
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