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Tema destacado: Guía actualizada para evitar que un ransomware ataque tu empresa

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|-+  Comunicaciones
| |-+  Dispositivos Móviles (PDA's, Smartphones, Tablets) (Moderadores: Shell Root, rub'n)
| | |-+  Call Flooding Attack
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Autor Tema: Call Flooding Attack  (Leído 1,874 veces)

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Call Flooding Attack
« en: 22 Agosto 2018, 22:41 pm »

We provide you.

- Free demonstration of the service (5-10 minutes);
- Stable effect during all time of order.
- Constant monitoring of the executed order.
- Operational responses of the support service.

- Price

- 1h flood attack {5$}
- 12h flood attack (30$)
- 24h flood attack {65$}

I agree to use garanty service .


- Modern people (times when they poured a can of paint on the roof of the car passed :) who prefer to use effective, beautiful and technological methods of influence.
-Those people who for ethical reasons do not want to "get dirty", but have the desire to create inconveniences for the offender or hassle.
-Those people who are forced to go the hard way in dealing with partners / competitors.
-To those people who want to have fun and make fun of friends.

- Orders for blocking are accepted via telegram https://t.me/YaAkuLA In the message you need to indicate the number of the phone being locked in the international format + 1(XXX)XXXXXXX. and the period for which you would like to block the number.
-In return you will receive a letter with information about the cost of your order and about the methods of payment.

-Agree to a free check (5-10 MIN)
-Agree to work through a guaranti service

Contact telegram pls: https://t.me/YaAkuLA

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