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rtcEnvironBstr Declare Help
« en: 8 Marzo 2012, 02:48 am »

Hi all ... i need some Help

Maybe Someone know the rtcEnvironBstr Export of MSVBVM60.dll

i need the Declare of rtcEnvironBstr export function

Thanks to anyone who help me :D

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Re: rtcEnvironBstr Declare Help
« Respuesta #1 en: 8 Marzo 2012, 05:27 am »

Impossible, that function used the registry EBP plus a offset in the stack for the arguments, if u can make a shellcode then
see this:

push edx
mov [ebp-60],ebx
mov [ebp-68],edi
mov [ebp-50],ebx
mov [ebp-58],edi
mov [ebp-40],ebx
mov [ebp-48],edi
mov [ebp-70],ecx
mov [ebp-78],4008
call  dword ptr ds:[<&MSVBVM60.#667>]

EDX = address to 0
EBX = value 80020004h
EDI = length for string
ECX = address for string

the values as 80020004,0,4008 i know not why is write :P

« Última modificación: 8 Marzo 2012, 05:35 am por RHL » En línea


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Re: rtcEnvironBstr Declare Help
« Respuesta #2 en: 8 Marzo 2012, 17:09 pm »

Thanks a lot ......

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Re: rtcEnvironBstr Declare Help
« Respuesta #3 en: 9 Marzo 2012, 14:41 pm »

Here is it:
  1. Option Explicit
  3. Private Type environstruct
  4.    k       As Long '8
  5.    null    As Long '0
  6.    envstr  As Long 'StrPtr(str)
  7. End Type
  9. 'MSVBVM60
  10. Private Declare Function rtcEnvironBstr Lib "MSVBVM60" (ByRef struct As environstruct) As String
  12. Private Sub Form_Load()
  13.    Dim es  As environstruct
  15.    With es
  16.        .k = 8
  17.        .envstr = StrPtr("TMP")
  18.    End With
  20.    MsgBox StrConv(rtcEnvironBstr(es), vbFromUnicode)
  21. End Sub

@RHL: You need to improve your debugging skills >:D
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Re: rtcEnvironBstr Declare Help
« Respuesta #4 en: 9 Marzo 2012, 23:49 pm »

Thanks A Lot ....

KarCrack Always the best :D
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