no viene el windows 7 home basic y ese es el que quiero..
Parece que no existe una descarga genérica oficial de
Windows 7 Home Basic, Supongo que por esta razón:
Windows 7 Home Basic is only available in emerging markets such as Brazil, People's Republic of China, Colombia, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Mexico, and Thailand. It is not available in countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Some Aero options are excluded along with several new features. Home Basic, along with other editions sold in emerging markets, include geographical activation restriction, which requires users to activate Windows within a certain region or country.
Aunque he encontrado esto por parte de Microsoft, Solamente está la ISO en Inglés, Y debes ser subscriptor de MSDN para descargarla:
Windows 7 Home Basic with Service Pack 1 (x86) - DVD (English)
Windows 7 Home Basic - DVD (English) más sencillo es que te bajes la versión
Windows 7 Professional o
Home Premium, Y sigas estos pasos: