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Autor Tema: Contraseña Bitlocker  (Leído 2,808 veces)

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Contraseña Bitlocker
« en: 23 Febrero 2017, 08:17 am »

Hola soy administrador de una máquina Windows, entonces tengo acceso a la contraseña de bitlocker con el siguiente comando en PowerShell

manage-bde -protectors c: -get

Lo que me gustaría es que esta contraseña estuviese cifrada o no pudiese verla con los privilegios de administrador. Además la contraseña tiene que estar almacenada en local y tampoco hay forma de encontrar el ficherito que la contiene para poder borrarlo. Alguien sabe algo?

Un saludo

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Re: Contraseña Bitlocker
« Respuesta #1 en: 23 Febrero 2017, 11:45 am »

A ver...

Te diría que me voy a coger la capa, el turbante y la bola de cristal para adivinar tu windows, pero...

Hoy es hoy.

Changing lost Admin Passphrase on Windows 7 Bitlocker encrypted drives

I don’t know what happened, but a customer of mine forgot the Admin account passphrase. Maybe forgot was not the right way to put it, as the one it should have been did not work anymore. My best guess was my customer changed it himself and couldn’t remember. But saying that out loud would be treason so I just kept my mouth shut and was looking for a way to reset the passphrase. Something that turned out to be a nightmare as my customer did not make a recovery cd.

First try – WinPE

My first try was looking at Serverfault . I will spare you the details. It did not work. manage-bde.wsf seems to have been replaced by manage-bde.exe and it’s documentation on Microsoft’s side is just wrong. After figuring out how to use this tool correctly it did not work. Output: invalid key. So there I have the one bitlocker key for the computer on one usb stick. Booting the computer with it works so it has to be the right key. “Try using the recovery key” you’d say? Wrong! Invalid key!
Solution – Windows registry

So here is the solution. You need:

    Another Windows 7 computer (I am using Win7 Professional) with the HD of the windows machine we need to reset the passphrase of (called affected hd in the future)

Change Registry

    Download PSTools
    Open cmd as Administrator and start regedit with System Account Security Context: Psexec.exe –s –i regedit.exe
    Browse to HKLM
    Click on File -> Open Hive
    Select SAM: <affected hd>\%windir%\system32\config\SAM
    Select: Name of Hive -> SAM -> Domains -> Account -> User -> Names -> Administrator
    Look at the value of the single entry and navigate to the appropriate registry Key with the same value in the parent directory
    Edit the F Key
    On position 0038 change “11” to “10”
    Double check for errors before clicking OK
    Shutdown, remove HD and insert it into the computer it belongs to

Change your account’s passwords

    Boot computer
    You see a new user called “Administrator”. Click it
    Logging in takes place
    Open Userpreferences and change your user’s passphrase
    Login with your normal admin user to test if everything worked fine
    If it did, disable Administrator again

Disable Administrator account

    Open “lusrmgr.msc”
    Double click on Users -> Administrator
    Check “Disable Account”
    Check if Administrator Account is still visible
    It isn’t? Great, you are done
    It is? You did a mistake. Check all steps for possible errors.


These steps take only 30 minutes to accomplish. It’s easy to do. What’s difficult is finding the right path. Documentation tends to be very bad on closed source products. Especially Microsoft’s documentation available online is really really bad. If there is something Microsoft should learn from companies like Red Hat it’s how to write helpful documentation and bring it online. I really don’t care about two hundred ways to get pricey licenses for being an official Microsoft representative. I need good online documentation to avoid using bad documented tools not suitable for the job.

Fuente: https://blog.baukunst.io/2014/11/changing-admin-passphrase-on-windows-7-bitlocker-encrypted-drives/

¿Qué no te sirve?

Lo siento  :-\

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Re: Contraseña Bitlocker
« Respuesta #2 en: 24 Febrero 2017, 11:22 am »

Gracias por la respuesta, es windows 10 jaja imagine que lo adivinarias, na es broma, no me di cuenta.

La password me la sé, lo que quiero es que no pueda verla como administrador de la maquina.
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Re: Contraseña Bitlocker
« Respuesta #3 en: 24 Febrero 2017, 12:57 pm »

Facilote...  ;D

"Cierra los ojos cuando la escribas y pulsa Intro".

¿Algo más?  ;D ;D ;D
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