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Autor Tema: Chinese Win  (Leído 2,686 veces)

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Chinese Win
« en: 20 Mayo 2010, 17:28 pm »

Hi folks,

Win XP 32 bit (English version)

Can I change the captioned OS displaying Chinese on tool bars, icons etc.

Having played around on "Regional and Language Options" without result. I found I can't "tick" "Apply all settings to the current user account and to the default user profile" permanently. After -> Apply -> OK -> reboot, it unticked this item.

IIRC it is possible. I did it about 9 years ago when WinXP was first released. Any advice? TIA


« Última modificación: 20 Mayo 2010, 17:33 pm por Novlucker » En línea

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Re: Chinese Win
« Respuesta #1 en: 20 Mayo 2010, 22:22 pm »

It is imposible, is the same than in the installation of any windows OS in Japanese or Chinese (simplified or not), you have to do it in English language.

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