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Tema destacado: Los 10 CVE más críticos (peligrosos) de 2020

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Autor Tema: LazyOwn Framework Pentesting  (Leído 723 veces)

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LazyOwn Framework Pentesting
« en: 11 Junio 2024, 22:25 pm »

Les comparto una t00l que escribí para el pentesting


LazyOwn Framework [;,;] is a powerful tool written in Python designed to simplify and automate pentesting and vulnerability analysis tasks. This framework offers a wide range of features, from real-time packet capture and analysis to the execution of various pentesting techniques such as fuzzing, deployment of webshells, creation of botnets, implementation of trojans (Rat), keylogging, port scanning with Nmap, and more. The interactive terminal interface provided by LazyOwn makes it easy to configure and execute these functions, providing users with an intuitive and powerful environment for conducting security tests. Additionally, LazyOwn offers the ability to save captured packets to a file for later analysis, facilitating research and incident tracking. Installation of LazyOwn is straightforward, simply by cloning the repository from GitHub and then installing the required dependencies via pip. Once installed, users can start the framework by running the python app.py command from the command line. For any questions or comments, users can contact the developer, Gris Iscomeback, through the channels provided on the official LazyOwn Framework website. In summary, LazyOwn Framework is a comprehensive tool that offers a centralized and automated solution for pentesting and vulnerability analysis needs, enabling cybersecurity professionals to conduct security tests efficiently and effectively.

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