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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #10 en: 1 Septiembre 2012, 14:00 pm »

Comandos Avanzados de Nmap

Nmap (Network Mapper), es una herramienta open source, diseñada para explorar y para realizar auditorias de seguridad en una red de computadoras.

Esta herramienta es muy usada por los Pentesters cuando realizan  Pruebas de Penetración.

Nmap, es sin duda, y no por que sea el único, el primer scanner usado por excelencia por la mayoría de los especialistas para el reconocimiento de una pc o una red y esta disponible tanto para Windows como para GNU-Linux.

Ahora bien, en esta entrada les dejare una pequeña lista sobre los comandos mas avanzados y usados para poder llevar a cabo una buena Prueba de Penetración.



    * Escanear un solo objetivo - nmap [target]
    * Escanear múltiples objetivos - nmap [target1,target2,etc]
    * Escanear una lista de objetivos - nmap -iL [list.txt]
    * Escanear un rango de hosts - nmap [range of IP addresses]
    * Escanear una subred completa - nmap [IP address/cdir]
    * Explorar hosts aleatorios - nmap -iR [number]
    * Excluyendo los objetivos de un scan - nmap [targets] –exclude [targets]
    * Excluyendo los objetivos mediante una lista - nmap [targets] –excludefile [list.txt]
    * Realizar una exploración agresiva - nmap -A [target]
    * Escanear un objetivo IPv6 - nmap -6 [target]


    * Realizar solamente una exploración de ping - nmap-sP [target]
    * No hacer ping - nmap -PN [target]
    * TCP SYN Ping - nmap -PS [target]
    * Ping TCP ACK - nmap -PA [target]
    * UDP ping - nmap -PU [target]
    * Ping SCTP ​​Init - nmap -PY [target]
    * Eco ICMP ping - nmap -PE [target]
    * Ping ICMP Timestamp - nmap -PP [target]
    * Ping ICMP de máscara de dirección - nmap -PM [target]
    * Ping protocolo IP - nmap -PO [target]
    * ARP ping - nmap -PR [target]
    * Traceroute - nmap -traceroute [target]
    * Fuerza resolución DNS inversa - nmap -R [target]
    * Deshabilitar resolución DNS inversa - nmap -n [target]
    * Alternative DNS lookup - nmap -system-dns [target]
    * Especifique manualmente los servidores DNS - nmap -dns-servers [servers] [target]
    * Crear una lista de host - nmap -SL [target]


    * TCP SYN Scan - nmap -sS [target]
    * TCP connect scan - nmap -sT [target]
    * UDP scan - nmap -sU [target]
    * TCP Null scan - nmap -sN [target]
    * TCP Fin scan - nmap -sF [target]
    * Xmas Scan - nmap -sX [target]
    * Escaneo TCP ACK - nmap -sA [target]
    * Custom TCP scan - nmap -scanflags [flags] [target]
    * Exploración protocolo IP - nmap -sO [target]
    * Enviar paquetes Ethernet - nmap -send-eth [target]
    * Enviar paquetes IP - nmap -send-ip [target]


    * Realizar un análisis rápido - nmap -F [target]
    * Escanear puertos específicos - nmap -p [Puertos] [target]
    * Escanear puertos por nombre - nmap -p [nombre del puerto] [target]
    * Escanea los puertos de protocolo - nmap -sU-sT-p U: [puertos], T: [puertos] [target]
    * Analizar todos los puertos - nmap -p "*" [target]
    * Escanea los puertos principales - nmap -top-ports [número] [target]
    * Realice un escaneo de puertos secuencial - nmap -r [target]


    * Detección del sistema operativo - nmap -O [target]
    * Enviar Fingerprints TCP/IP - www.nmap.org/submit/
    * Tratar de adivinar un desconocido - nmap –osscan-guess [target]
    * Servicio de detección de versión - nmap -sV [target]
    * Solución de problemas de las exploraciones versión - nmap -sV-version-trace [target]
    * Realizar un análisis RPC - nmap -sR [target]


    * Plantillas de temporización - nmap -T [0-5] [target]
    * Ajuste el paquete TTL - nmap –ttl [time] [target]
    * Mínima de las conexiones paralelas - nmap –min-parallelism [number] [target]
    * Número máximo de conexión en paralelo - nmap –max-parallelism [number] [target]
    * Tamaño mínimo grupo de hosts - nmap –min-hostgroup [number] [targets]
    * Tamaño máximo del grupo de acogida - nmap –max-hostgroup [number] [targets]
    * Máximo tiempo de espera RTT - nmap –initial-rtt-timeout [time] [target]
    * Tiempo de espera de RTT inicial - nmap –max-rtt-timeout [TTL] [target]
    * Intentos máximos - nmap –max-retries [number] [target]
    * Tiempo de espera de host - nmap –host-timeout [time] [target]
    * Retraso de exploración mínimo - nmap –scan-delay [time] [target]
    * Máximo retraso de la exploración - nmap –max-scan-delay [time] [target]
    * Tasa de paquetes mínimo - nmap –min-rate [number] [target]
    * Máxima velocidad de paquetes - nmap –max-rate [number] [target]
    * Derrota a restablecer los límites de frecuencia - nmap –defeat-rst-ratelimit [target]


    * Fragmentar paquetes - nmap -f [target]
    * Especifique un MTU específico - nmap –mtu [MTU] [target]
    * Utilice un señuelo - nmap -D RND: [number] [target]
    * Exploración zombie inactivo - nmap -sI [zombie] [target]
    * Especifique manualmente un puerto de origen - nmap –source-port [port] [target]
    * Anexar datos aleatorios - nmap –data-length [size] [target]
    * Selección aleatoria de orden objetivo del análisis - nmap –randomize-hosts [target]
    * Spoof MAC Address - nmap –spoof-mac [MAC|0|vendor] [target]
    * Enviar sumas de comprobación incorrectas - nmap –badsum [target]


    * Guardar el resultado en un archivo de texto - nmap -oN [scan.txt] [target]
    * Guardar el resultado en un archivo xml - nmap -oX [scan.xml] [target]
    * Salida de grep - nmap -oG [scan.txt] [target]
    * Salida de todos los tipos de archivo - nmap -oA [path/filename] [target]
    * Periódicamente mostrar las estadísticas - nmap –stats-every [time] [target]
    * Salida 133t - nmap -oS [scan.txt] [target]


    * Ayuda - nmap -h
    * Muestra la versión de Nmap - nmap -V
    * Resultados detallados - nmap -v [target]
    * Depuración - nmap -d [target]
    * Mostrar el Estado del puerto - nmap –reason [target]
    * Sólo mostrar los puertos abiertos - nmap –open [target]
    * Paquetes de rastreo - nmap –packet-trace [target]
    * Visualización de redes de acogida - nmap –iflist
    * Especifique una interfaz de red - nmap -e [interface] [target]


    * Ejecutar secuencias de comandos individuales - nmap –script [script.nse] [target]
    * Ejecutar múltiples scripts - nmap –script [expression] [target]
    * Categorías Script - all, auth, default, discovery, external, intrusive, malware, safe, vuln
    * Ejecutar scripts por categorías - nmap –script [category] [target]
    * Ejecutar secuencias de comandos de múltiples categorías - nmap –script [category1,category2, etc]
    * Solucionar problemas de scripts - nmap –script [script] –script-trace [target]
    * Actualización de la base de datos de secuencia de comandos - nmap –script-updatedb


    * Comparación con Ndiff - ndiff [scan1.xml] [scan2.xml]
    * Ndiff modo verbose - ndiff-v [scan1.xml] [scan2.xml]
    * Modo de salida XML - ndiff-xml [scan1.xm] [scan2.xml]

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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #11 en: 3 Septiembre 2012, 13:19 pm »



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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #12 en: 5 Septiembre 2012, 21:30 pm »

Tambien he encontrado esto:

Curso de Hacking Ético Avanzado [Videos]

Esto ocurre porque algunas herramientas utilizadas en el curso no son deseadas por los antivirus y estos bloquean el archivo durante la descarga.
Este curso te prepara para el CE-Certificado del Consejo de Ético hacker

File Name: Sesio_ 0_Introduccion_de_Hacking_Avanzado.zip
File Size: 6.6 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ozpf1h

File Name: Sesion_1_Protocolos_y_Servicios_Capas_de_Red.zip
File Size: 88.1 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bhbql5

File Name: Sesion_2_Analisis_de_trafico_metodo_sniffing.zip
File Size: 60.3 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m55yfw

File Name: Sesion_3-4_Reconocimeinto_del_Objetivo.zip
File Size: 174.2 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xr1dh5

File Name: Sesion_5_Enumeracion_del_objetivo.zip
File Size: 67.1 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lpydhu

File Name: Sesion_6_System_Hacking.zip
File Size: 58.9 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/e5n4i0

File Name: sesion_7_troyanos_y_backdoor.zip
File Size: 87 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zza0ld

File Name: sesion_8_virus_y_gusanos.zip
File Size: 90.6 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/l8wgn5

File Name: sesion_9_denegacion_de_servicio.zip
File Size: 51.04MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ykiuc4

File Name: sesion_10_hacking_wireless.zip
File Size: 247.86MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/59rksv

File Name: Sesion_11_SQL_Injection.zip
File Size: 46.4 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zfykrv

File Name: Sesion_12_HoneyPots.zip
File Size: 123.5 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/tnvl7j

File Name: Sesion_13_Seguridad_en_VPN.zip
File Size: 21.6 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/u342eg

File Name: Sesion_14_Linux_Hacking.zip
File Size: 275 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cxh3p9

File Name: Sesion_15_Buffers_Overflow_sdpoesds.zip
File Size: 24.5 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fg8njb

File Name: Sesion_16_Vulnerabilidades_WEB_spoahsbs.zip
File Size: 36.3 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xrjks

File Name: Sesion_17_criptografia_VPN_adapwmshgd.zip
File Size: 621.3 MB
http://depositfiles.com/files/m9aqjmg5b (Parte1)
http://depositfiles.com/files/h9wdu9pe4 (Parte2)
http://depositfiles.com/files/vwnfr8ksg (Parte3)

File Name: Sesion_18_Codigo_Virico_asoihsdu.zip
File Size: 57.1 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6tpiuy

File Name: Sesion_19_Escritura_de_Exploits_pqdhurpmsg.zip
File Size: 30.1 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/luxbsk

File Name: Sesion_20_IDS_y_HIDS.zip
File Size: 69.7 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/65vfiw

Muy buenas,

¿Podéis subir de nuevo la Sesion 19?
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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #13 en: 21 Septiembre 2012, 21:21 pm »

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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #14 en: 1 Octubre 2012, 21:14 pm »

Tutoriales Creación de Exploits (PDF Español)

Hace poco Ivinson de cracklatinos Tradujo los tutoriales de "Exploit writing" de corelanc0d3r; donde se enseña a como crear nuestros porpios exploits, el proceso de detectar un posible problema hasta crear nuestro exploit y como usar la información de una vulnerabilidad para hacer nuestro propio exploit.  ;)

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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #15 en: 5 Octubre 2012, 21:27 pm »

Aqui descargais todos los pdfs de un golpe de como crear exploits :P :


             por cierto jpmo4  :) vas a seguir con el curso ? 

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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #16 en: 6 Octubre 2012, 01:00 am »

buen aporte!, se agradece
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En lo que sea, pero el mejor.

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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #17 en: 14 Octubre 2012, 00:38 am »


Chapter 1: Metasploit Quick Tips for Security Professionals

- Introduction
- Configuring Metasploit on Windows
- Configuring Metasploit on Ubuntu
- Metasploit with BackTrack 5 – the ultimate combination
- Setting up the penetration testing lab on a single machine
- Setting up Metasploit on a virtual machine with SSH connectivity
- Beginning with the interfaces – the "Hello World" of Metasploit
- Setting up the database in Metasploit
- Using the database to store penetration testing results
- Analyzing the stored results of the database

Chapter 2: Information Gathering and Scanning
- Introduction
- Passive information gathering 1.0 – the traditional way
- Passive information gathering 2.0 – the next level
- Port scanning – the Nmap way
- Exploring auxiliary modules for scanning
- Target service scanning with auxiliary modules
- Vulnerability scanning with Nessus
- Scanning with NeXpose
- Sharing information with the Dradis framework

Chapter 3: Operating System-based Vulnerability Assessment and Exploitation

- Introduction
- Exploit usage quick tips
- Penetration testing on a Windows XP SP2 machine
- Binding a shell to the target for remote access
- Penetration testing on the Windows 2003 Server
- Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 SMB client infinite loop
- Exploiting a Linux (Ubuntu) machine
- Understanding the Windows DLL injection flaws

Chapter 4: Client-side Exploitation and Antivirus Bypass

- Introduction
- Internet Explorer unsafe scripting misconfiguration vulnerability
- Internet Explorer CSS recursive call memory corruption
- Microsoft Word RTF stack buffer overflow
- Adobe Reader util.printf() buffer overflow
- Generating binary and shellcode from msfpayload
- Bypassing client-side antivirus protection using msfencode
- Using the killav.rb script to disable antivirus programs
- A deeper look into the killav.rb script
- Killing antivirus services from the command line

Chapter 5: Using Meterpreter to Explore the Compromised Target
- Introduction
- Analyzing meterpreter system commands
- Privilege escalation and process migration
- Setting up multiple communication channels with the target
- Meterpreter filesystem commands
- Changing file attributes using timestomp
- Using meterpreter networking commands
- The getdesktop and keystroke sniffing
- Using a scraper meterpreter script

Chapter 6: Advanced Meterpreter Scripting

- Introduction
- Passing the hash
- Setting up a persistent connection with backdoors
- Pivoting with meterpreter
- Port forwarding with meterpreter
- Meterpreter API and mixins
- Railgun – converting Ruby into a weapon
- Adding DLL and function definition to Railgun
- Building a "Windows Firewall De-activator" meterpreter script
- Analyzing an existing meterpreter script

Chapter 7: Working with Modules for Penetration Testing

- Introduction
- Working with scanner auxiliary modules
- Working with auxiliary admin modules
- SQL injection and DOS attack modules
- Post-exploitation modules
- Understanding the basics of module building
- Analyzing an existing module
- Building your own post-exploitation module

Chapter 8: Working with Exploits

- Introduction
- Exploiting the module structure
- Common exploit mixins
- Working with msfvenom
- Converting exploit to a Metasploit module
- Porting and testing the new exploit module
- Fuzzing with Metasploit
- Writing a simple FileZilla FTP fuzzer

Chapter 9: Working with Armitage

- Introduction
- Getting started with Armitage
- Scanning and information gathering
- Finding vulnerabilities and attacking targets
- Handling multiple targets using the tab switch
- Post-exploitation with Armitage
- Client-side exploitation with Armitage

Chapter 10: Social Engineer Toolkit

Getting started with Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)
Working with the SET config file
Spear-phishing attack vector
Website attack vectors
Multi-attack web method
Infectious media generator


Formato: PDF
Peso: 3.64 MB
Idioma: Ingles

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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #18 en: 14 Octubre 2012, 05:33 am »

Table of Contents
Detecting Malice: Preface ... 13
User Disposition ... 14
Deducing Without Knowing ... 15
Book Overview ... 16
Who Should Read This Book? ... 16
Why Now? ... 16
A Note on Style ... 17
Working Without a Silver Bullet... 17
Special Thanks ... 18
Chapter 1 - DNS and TCP: The Foundations of Application Security .......................................................... 19
In the Beginning Was DNS ... 20
Same-Origin Policy and DNS Rebinding .............................................................................................. 22
DNS Zone Transfers and Updates ... 29
DNS Enumeration ... 30
TCP/IP ... 31
Spoofing and the Three-Way Handshake ........................................................................................... 31
Passive OS Fingerprinting with pOf ... 33
TCP Timing Analysis... 33
Network DoS and DDoS Attacks... 34
Attacks Against DNS ... 34
TCP DoS ... 35
Low Bandwidth DoS ... 36
Using DoS As Self-Defense ... 37
Motives for DoS Attacks ... 37
DoS Conspiracies ... 38
Port Scanning ... 39
With That Out of the Way... ... 42
Chapter 2 - IP Address Forensics... 43
What Can an IP Address Tell You? ... 44
Reverse DNS Resolution ... 44
WHOIS Database ... 45
Geolocation ... 46
Real-Time Block Lists and IP Address Reputation ............................................................................... 48
Related IP Addresses ... 49
When IP Address Is A Server ... 50
Web Servers as Clients ... 50
Dealing with Virtual Hosts... 51
Proxies and Their Impact on IP Address Forensics ................................................................................. 53
Network-Level Proxies ... 53
HTTP Proxies ... 54
AOL Proxies ... 55
Anonymization Services ... 56
Tor Onion Routing ... 57
Obscure Ways to Hide IP Address ... 59
IP Address Forensics ... 60
To Block or Not? ... 61
Chapter 3 - Time... 64
Traffic Patterns... 65
Event Correlation ... 68
Daylight Savings ... 69
Forensics and Time Synchronization... 71
Humans and Physical Limitations ... 72
Gold Farming ... 73
CAPTCHA Breaking ... 74
Holidays and Prime Time ... 77
Risk Mitigation Using Time Locks ... 78
The Future is a Fog ... 78
Chapter 4 - Request Methods and HTTP Protocols .................................................................................... 80
Request Methods ... 81
GET ... 81
POST ... 81
PUT and DELETE ... 83
OPTIONS ... 84
HEAD ... 86
TRACE ... 87
Invalid Request Methods ... 88
Random Binary Request Methods ... 88
Lowercase Method Names ... 88
Extraneous White Space on the Request Line .................................................................................... 89
HTTP Protocols ... 90
Missing Protocol Information ... 90
HTTP 1.0 vs. HTTP 1.1... 90
Invalid Protocols and Version Numbers.............................................................................................. 91
Newlines and Carriage Returns ... 91
Summary ... 95
Chapter 5 - Referring URL ... 96
Referer Header... 97
Information Leakage through Referer ... 98
Disclosing Too Much ... 98
Spot the Phony Referring URL... 99
Third-Party Content Referring URL Disclosure.................................................................................... 99
What Lurks in Your Logs ... 101
Referer and Search Engines ... 102
Language, Location, and the Politics That Comes With It................................................................. 102
Google Dorks ... 103
Natural Search Strings... 105
Vanity Search ... 105
Black Hat Search Engine Marketing and Optimization ......................................................................... 106
Referring URL Availability ... 107
Direct Page Access ... 107
Meta Refresh... 108
Links from SSL/TLS Sites ... 108
Links from Local Pages ... 108
Users’ Privacy Concerns ... 109
Determining Why Referer Isn’t There ............................................................................................... 110
Referer Reliability... 110
Redirection ... 110
Impact of Cross-Site Request Forgery ............................................................................................... 111
Is the Referring URL a Fake? ... 113
Referral Spam... 115
Last thoughts... 116
Chapter 6 - Request URL ... 117
What Does A Typical HTTP Request Look Like? .................................................................................... 118
Watching For Things That Don’t Belong ............................................................................................... 119
Domain Name in the Request Field .................................................................................................. 119
Proxy Access Attempts ... 119
Anchor Identifiers ... 120
Common Request URL Attacks ... 120
Remote File Inclusion ... 120
SQL Injection ... 121
HTTP Response Splitting ... 123
NUL Byte Injection ... 125
Pipes and System Command Execution ............................................................................................ 126
Cross-Site Scripting ... 126
Web Server Fingerprinting ... 127
Invalid URL Encoding ... 127
Well-Known Server Files ... 128
Easter Eggs ... 128
Admin Directories ... 128
Automated Application Discovery ... 129
Well-Known Files... 130
Crossdomain.xml... 130
Robots.txt ... 130
Google Sitemaps ... 131
Summary ... 131
Chapter 7 - User-Agent Identification ... 132
What is in a User-Agent Header?... 133
Malware and Plugin Indicators ... 134
Software Versions and Patch Levels ................................................................................................. 136
User-Agent Spoofing ... 136
Cross Checking User-Agent against Other Headers .......................................................................... 137
User-Agent Spam ... 138
Indirect Access Services ... 140
Google Translate ... 140
Traces of Application Security Tools ................................................................................................. 140
Common User-Agent Attacks... 141
Search Engine Impersonation ... 144
Summary ... 148
Chapter 8 - Request Header Anomalies ... 149
Hostname ... 150
Requests Missing Host Header ... 150
Mixed-Case Hostnames in Host and Referring URL Headers ............................................................ 151
Cookies ... 152
Cookie Abuse... 153
Cookie Fingerprinting ... 153
Cross Site Cooking ... 154
Assorted Request Header Anomalies ................................................................................................... 155
Expect Header XSS ... 155
Headers Sent by Application Vulnerability Scanners ........................................................................ 156
Cache Control Headers ... 157
Accept CSRF Deterrent ... 158
Language and Character Set Headers ............................................................................................... 160
Dash Dash Dash... 162
From Robot Identification ... 163
Content-Type Mistakes ... 164
Common Mobile Phone Request Headers ........................................................................................ 165
X-Moz Prefetching... 166
Summary ... 167
Chapter 9 - Embedded Content ... 169
Embedded Styles... 170
Detecting Robots... 170
Detecting CSRF Attacks ... 171
Embedded javascript ... 173
Embedded Objects ... 175
Request Order ... 176
Cookie Stuffing ... 177
Impact of Content Delivery Networks on Security ............................................................................... 178
Asset File Name Versioning... 179
Summary ... 180
Chapter 10 - Attacks Against Site Functionality ........................................................................................ 181
Attacks Against Sign-In... 182
Brute-Force Attacks Against Sign-In.................................................................................................. 182
Phishing Attacks ... 184
Registration ... 184
Username Choice ... 185
Brute Force Attacks Against Registration ......................................................................................... 186
Account Pharming ... 187
What to Learn from the Registration Data ....................................................................................... 187
Fun With Passwords... 189
Forgot Password ... 189
Password DoS Attacks ... 190
Don’t Show Anyone Their Passwords ............................................................................................... 192
User to User Communication... 192
Summary ... 192
Chapter 11 - History ... 193
Our Past... 194
History Repeats Itself ... 194
Cookies ... 194
javascript Database ... 195
Internet Explorer Persistence ... 196
Flash Cookies... 197
CSS History ... 199
Refresh ... 201
Same Page, Same IP, Different Headers ............................................................................................... 202
Cache and Translation Services... 203
Uniqueness... 204
DNS Pinning Part Two ... 206
Biometrics ... 206
Breakout Fraud ... 209
Summary ... 210
Chapter 12 - Denial of Service... 211
What Are Denial Of Service Attacks? ... 212
Distributed DoS Attacks ... 212
My First Denial of Service Lesson... 213
Request Flooding ... 216
Identifying Reaction Strategies ... 216
Database DoS ... 217
Targeting Search Facilities... 217
Unusual DoS Vectors ... 218
Banner Advertising DoS ... 218
Chargeback DoS ... 220
The Great Firewall of China... 221
Email Blacklisting... 222
Dealing With Denial Of Service Attacks ................................................................................................ 223
Detection... 224
Mitigation... 224
Summary ... 225
Chapter 13 - Rate of Movement ... 226
Rates ... 227
Timing Differences ... 227
CAPTCHAs... 228
Click Fraud ... 234
Warhol or Flash Worm ... 237
Samy Worm... 237
Inverse Waterfall... 239
Pornography Duration ... 243
Repetition... 243
Scrapers... 243
Spiderweb ... 246
Summary ... 248
Chapter 14 - Ports, Services, APIs, Protocols and 3rd Parties .................................................................... 250
Ports, Services, APIs, Protocols, 3rd Parties, oh my... ............................................................................ 251
SSL and Man in the middle Attacks... 251
Performance ... 253
SSL/TLS Abuse ... 253
FTP... 254
Webmail Compromise ... 255
Third Party APIs and Web Services ... 256
2nd Factor Authentication and Federation ............................................................................................ 256
Other Ports and Services... 257
Summary ... 258
Chapter 15 - Browser Sniffing ... 259
Browser Detection ... 260
Black Dragon, Master Reconnaissance Tool and BeEF ......................................................................... 261
Java Internal IP Address ... 263
MIME Encoding and MIME Sniffing ... 264
Windows Media Player “Super Cookie”................................................................................................ 264
Virtual Machines, Machine Fingerprinting and Applications................................................................ 265
Monkey See Browser Fingerprinting Software – Monkey Do Malware ............................................... 266
Malware and Machine Fingerprinting Value ........................................................................................ 267
Unmasking Anonymous Users ... 268
Java Sockets ... 268
De-cloaking Techniques ... 269
Persistence, Cookies and Flash Cookies Redux ..................................................................................... 270
Additional Browser Fingerprinting Techniques .................................................................................... 271
Summary ... 272
Chapter 16 - Uploaded Content ... 273
Content ... 274
Images ... 274
Hashing... 274
Image Watermarking ... 275
Image Stenography ... 277
EXIF Data In Images... 278
GDI+ Exploit... 282
Warez ... 283
Child Pornography ... 283
Copyrights and Nefarious Imagery ... 284
Sharm el Sheikh Case Study ... 285
Imagecrash ... 285
Text ... 286
Text Stenography ... 286
Blog and Comment Spam... 288
Power of the Herd... 291
Profane Language ... 291
Localization and Internationalization ................................................................................................... 292
HTML ... 292
Summary ... 294
Chapter 17 - Loss Prevention ... 295
Lessons From The Offline World ... 296
Subliminal Imagery... 296
Security Badges ... 297
Prevention Through Fuzzy Matching ... 298
Manual Fraud Analysis ... 299
Honeytokens ... 300
Summary ... 301
Chapter 18 - Wrapup ... 302
Mood Ring ... 303
Insanity ... 304
Blocking and the 4th Wall Problem ... 304
Booby Trapping Your Application ... 306
Heuristics Age ... 307
Know Thy Enemy... 309
Race, Sex, Religion ... 311
Profiling ... 312
Ethnographic Landscape ... 313
Calculated Risks... 314
Correlation and Causality ... 315
Conclusion ... 315
About Robert Hansen... 316


lo tendre un tiempo en mi disco ;) se descarga rapido
« Última modificación: 14 Octubre 2012, 05:37 am por nano50 » En línea


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Re: Aportaciones para el curso
« Respuesta #19 en: 14 Octubre 2012, 14:14 pm »

nano50,muchas gracias ,con bitorrent se baja rapido,muy interesante el pdf ;-)
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