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Presentacion para Videojuego VBS+HTA
« en: 24 Junio 2015, 09:47 am »

Que les parece?

La falta de WScript.Sleep en las aplicaciones html me hace hacer estas cosas raras:
  1. Dim T
  2. T = 0
  3. Public Sub Presenta()
  4. Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "hand"
  5. Logos.src = "imagenes/logos/ramonscriptlogo.png"
  6. With Logos.Style
  7. .position = "Absolute"
  8. .display = "inline"
  9. .filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  10. .width = 230
  11. .height = 300
  12. .top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) - (Limpiar(.height) / 2)
  13. .left = (Limpiar(Screen.Width) / 2) - (Limpiar(.width) / 2)
  14. Call Opacity()
  15. end with
  16. End SUb
  18. Public Function Limpiar(s)
  19. Limpiar = Replace(s,"px","")
  20. End Function
  24. Sub Opacity()
  25. if T = 100 Then
  26. Call BorrarUno()
  27. Else
  28. T = cdbl(T) + cdbl(1)
  29. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  30. TP = Window.SetTimeOut("Opacity()",50)
  31. end if
  33. End Sub
  36. Sub BorrarUno()
  37. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"
  38. T = 0
  39. Logos.src = "imagenes/logos/foroeh.png"
  40. With Logos.Style
  41. .width = 513
  42. .height = 145
  43. .top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) - (Limpiar(.height) / 2)
  44. .left = (Limpiar(Screen.Width) / 2) - (Limpiar(.width) / 2)
  45. Call OpacityDos()
  46. end with
  47. End SUb
  50. Sub OpacityDos()
  51. if T = 100 Then
  52. Call BorrarDos()
  53. Else
  54. T = cdbl(T) + cdbl(1)
  55. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  56. TP = Window.SetTimeOut("OpacityDos()",50)
  57. end if
  58. End Sub
  61. Sub BorrarDos()
  62. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"
  63. T = 0
  64. Logos.src = "imagenes/logos/oglogo.png"
  65. With Logos.Style
  66. .width = 450
  67. .height = 100
  68. .top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) - (Limpiar(.height) / 2)
  69. .left = (Limpiar(Screen.Width) / 2) - (Limpiar(.width) / 2)
  70. Call OpacityTres()
  71. end with
  72. End SUb
  75. Sub OpacityTres()
  76. if T = 100 Then
  77. Call BorrarTres()
  78. Else
  79. T = cdbl(T) + cdbl(1)
  80. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  81. TP = Window.SetTimeOut("OpacityTres()",50)
  82. end if
  83. End SUb
  85. Sub BorrarTres()
  86. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"
  87. T = 0
  88. Logos.src = "imagenes/logos/jclogo.png"
  89. With Logos.Style
  90. .width = 400
  91. .height = 36
  92. .top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) - (Limpiar(.height) / 2)
  93. .left = (Limpiar(Screen.Width) / 2) - (Limpiar(.width) / 2)
  94. Call OpacityCuatro()
  95. end with
  96. End SUb
  98. Sub OpacityCuatro()
  99. if T = 100 Then
  100. Call BorrarCuatro()
  101. Else
  102. T = cdbl(T) + cdbl(1)
  103. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  104. Logos.Style.Left = Limpiar(Logos.Style.Left) - (T / 50)
  105. TP = Window.SetTimeOut("OpacityCuatro()",20)
  106. end if
  107. End SUb
  111. Sub BorrarCuatro()
  112. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"
  113. T = 0
  114. Logos.src = "imagenes/logos/plogo.png"
  115. With Logos.Style
  116. .width = 200
  117. .height = 30
  118. .top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) + 50
  119. .left = (Limpiar(Screen.Width) / 2) - (Limpiar(.width) / 2)
  120. Call OpacityCinco()
  121. end with
  122. End SUb
  124. Sub OpacityCinco()
  125. if T = 100 Then
  126. Call BorrarCinco()
  127. Else
  128. T = cdbl(T) + cdbl(1)
  129. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  130. Logos.Style.Left = Limpiar(Logos.Style.Left) + (T / 20)
  131. TP = Window.SetTimeOut("OpacityCinco()",50)
  132. end if
  133. End SUb
  136. Sub BorrarCinco()
  137. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"
  138. T = 0
  139. Logos.src = "imagenes/logos/logo.png"
  140. With Logos.Style
  141. .width = 692 / 2
  142. .height = 305 / 2
  143. .top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) - (Limpiar(.height) / 2)
  144. .left = (Limpiar(Screen.Width) / 2) - (Limpiar(.width) / 2)
  145. Call OpacitySeis()
  146. end with
  147. End SUb
  149. Sub OpacitySeis()
  150. if T = 100 Then
  151. Exit Sub
  152. Else
  153. T = cdbl(T) + (0.5)
  154. Logos.Style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" & T & ")"
  155. Logos.Style.Top = (Limpiar(Screen.Height) / 2) - (T)
  156. TP = Window.SetTimeOut("OpacitySeis()",10)
  157. end if
  158. End SUb

Espero que les guste.

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