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| | |-+ [Batch Game] PacMan v 1 - by :: SmartGenius ::
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Autor Tema: [Batch Game] PacMan v 1 - by :: SmartGenius ::  (Leído 4,225 veces)

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[Batch Game] PacMan v 1 - by :: SmartGenius ::
« en: 22 Enero 2009, 22:51 pm »

Bueno, de nuevo llevando a la practica el Tema de los Graficos en Batch, y una que otra cosita que he aprendido, pues les traigo otro Clasico de los Gamers...en Batch !!!

Pacman v 1

Es el Clasico Juego de PacMan en el que tienes que atravesar un Puzzle mientras recoges "Galletas" y vas acumulando puntos, pero teniendo cuidado con los Fantasmas..... ;D ;D

EL Juego hace uso de CHOICE

Descargar:PacManv1bySmart.zip (CHOICE Incluido)

 @echo off
 @title PacMan v 1
 @mode con cols=24 lines=24
 @::Juego Batch PacMan
 @::Another Batch Game
 @::by ::SmartGenius ::

if not exist "choice.com" (Goto :NoKey)

call :Logo
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set LimX=16
set LimY=16
set NLevels=1

for /l %%a in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
for /l %%b in (0,1,%LimY%) do (
set X%%aY%%b=.))
set Player=
set Bound=
set Box=
set Ghost=

set /a L+=1
Call :Level%L%
Call :Graphic
set P%L%=%Movs%
if "%NXL%"=="True" Goto :End
if "%L%"=="%NLevels%" Goto :Win
ping -n 1 >nul
Goto :Init

Call :Clear
for /l %%d in (0,1,%LimY%) do (
for /l %%e in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
set Lin_%%d=!Lin_%%d!!X%%eY%%d!))
echo.  Pacman v 1 by Smart
echo.  Vidas:%Lives%   Puntos:%Points%
echo.   ͻ
for /l %%f in (0,1,%LimY%) do (echo.   !Lin_%%f!)
echo.   ͼ
CHOICE /C:WASDX /N /T:%Dir%,1 >nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="1" (call :MovY- "%CurPos%" CurPos&set Dir=W)
if "%errorlevel%"=="2" (call :MovX- "%CurPos%" CurPos&set Dir=A)
if "%errorlevel%"=="3" (call :MovY+ "%CurPos%" CurPos&set Dir=S)
if "%errorlevel%"=="4" (call :MovX+ "%CurPos%" CurPos&set Dir=D)
if "%errorlevel%"=="5" (set NXL=True&Goto :Eof)
Call :MovGhost
for %%w in (%Boxes%) do (
if not "!%%w!"=="%Box%" (
if "!%%w!"=="." (set %%w=%Box%)))
set /a NCK=%Points% %% 7
if "%NCK%"=="0" set Cki=False
if "%EOG%"=="True" (msg * Perdiste&Goto :Eof)
Goto :Graphic

::Logica de Movimiento en el Plano
::Coded by :: SmartGenius ::

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~1") do (
set /a MovX=%%p+1
call set NMovX=%%X!MovX!Y%%q%%

if "!NMovX!"=="%Bound%" (Goto :Eof)

if "!NMovX!"=="%Ghost%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
if "%Cki%"=="True" (
set %~1=
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q
set /a Points+=10
call :UnGhost "X!MovX!Y%%q"
if "%Cki%"=="False" (
set %~1=
set /a Lives-=1
set %Init%=%Player%
set %2=%Init%
if "!Lives!"=="0" (set EOG=True)

if "!NMovX!"=="." (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=2
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Ghost%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q))

if "!NMovX!"==" " (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Ghost%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q))

if "!NMovX!"=="%Box%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=5
set Cki=True
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Ghost%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)))

if !%~1!==%Player% set /a Movs+=1
Goto :Eof

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~1") do (
set /a MovX=%%p-1
call set NMovX=%%X!MovX!Y%%q%%

if "!NMovX!"=="%Bound%" (Goto :Eof)

if "!NMovX!"=="%Ghost%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
if "%Cki%"=="True" (
set %~1=
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q
set /a Points+=10
call :UnGhost "X!MovX!Y%%q"
if "%Cki%"=="False" (
set %~1=
set /a Lives-=1
set %Init%=%Player%
set %2=%Init%
if "!Lives!"=="0" (set EOG=True)

if "!NMovX!"=="." (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=2
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Ghost%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q))

if "!NMovX!"==" " (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Ghost%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q))

if "!NMovX!"=="%Box%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=5
set Cki=True
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Player%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X!MovX!Y%%q=%Ghost%
set %2=X!MovX!Y%%q)))

if !%~1!==%Player% set /a Movs+=1
Goto :Eof

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~1") do (
set /a MovY=%%q+1
call set NMovY=%%X%%pY!MovY!%%

if "!NMovY!"=="%Bound%" (Goto :Eof)

if "!NMovY!"=="%Ghost%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
if "%Cki%"=="True" (
set %~1=
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!
set /a Points+=10
call :UnGhost "X%%pY!MovY!"
if "%Cki%"=="False" (
set %~1=
set /a Lives-=1
set %Init%=%Player%
set %2=%Init%
if "!Lives!"=="0" (set EOG=True)

if "!NMovY!"=="." (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=2
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Ghost%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!))

if "!NMovY!"==" " (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Ghost%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!))

if "!NMovY!"=="%Box%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=5
set Cki=True
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Ghost%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)))

if !%~1!==%Player% set /a Movs+=1
Goto :Eof

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~1") do (
set /a MovY=%%q-1
call set NMovY=%%X%%pY!MovY!%%

if "!NMovY!"=="%Bound%" (Goto :Eof)

if "!NMovY!"=="%Ghost%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
if "%Cki%"=="True" (
set %~1=
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!
set /a Points+=10
call :UnGhost "X%%pY!MovY!"
if "%Cki%"=="False" (
set %~1=
set /a Lives-=1
set %Init%=%Player%
set %2=%Init%
if "!Lives!"=="0" (set EOG=True)

if "!NMovY!"=="." (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=2
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Ghost%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!))

if "!NMovY!"==" " (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Ghost%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!))

if "!NMovY!"=="%Box%" (
if !%~1!==%Player% (
set %~1=
set /a Points+=5
set Cki=True
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Player%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)
if !%~1!==%Ghost% (
set %~1=.
set X%%pY!MovY!=%Ghost%
set %2=X%%pY!MovY!)))

if !%~1!==%Player% set /a Movs+=1
Goto :Eof

set NGG=0
for %%z in (%Ghosts%) do (
set /a NG+=1
set Ghost!NG!=%%z)
set /a NGG+=1
set /a GoMov=%random:~-1% %% 4
if "!GoMov!"=="0" Call :MovX+ %%Ghost!NGG!%% Ghost!NGG!
if "!GoMov!"=="1" Call :MovX- %%Ghost!NGG!%% Ghost!NGG!
if "!GoMov!"=="2" Call :MovY+ %%Ghost!NGG!%% Ghost!NGG!
if "!GoMov!"=="3" Call :MovY- %%Ghost!NGG!%% Ghost!NGG!
if "%NGG%"=="4" (
set Ghosts=%Ghost1%,%Ghost2%,%Ghost3%,%Ghost4%
set NG=0
Goto :Eof)
Goto :MovGhost2

set Ghosts=!Ghosts:%~1=X8Y7!
for %%g in (%Ghosts%) do (set %%g=%Ghost%)
Goto :Eof

for /l %%m in (0,1,%LimY%) do (set Lin_%%m=)
Goto :Eof


msg * Gracias por Jugar PacMan v1 by :: SmartGenius::

::Niveles del Juego PacMan
::Coordenadas Cartesianas
::Coded by :: SmartGenius ::

::Inicio Nivel 1
set Movs=0
set Points=0
set X2Y15=%Player%
set CurPos=X2Y15
set Init=X2Y15
set Lives=3
set Cki=False
set Dir=D
set Ghosts=X2Y11,X6Y9,X6Y7,X10Y6
set Boxes=X2Y1,X2Y9,X14Y1,X14Y9,X14Y15
for %%g in (%Ghosts%) do (set %%g=%Ghost%)
for %%h in (%Boxes%) do (set %%h=%Box%)
for /l %%i in (0,1,16) do (
set X0Y%%i=%Bound%
set X1Y%%i=%Bound%
set X15Y%%i=%Bound%
set X16Y%%i=%Bound%
set X%%iY0=%Bound%
set X%%iY16=%Bound%)
for %%j in (3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13) do (
set X%%jY2=%Bound%
set X%%jY3=%Bound%
set X%%jY10=%Bound%
set X%%jY14=%Bound%)
for %%k in (X8Y1,X8Y2,X8Y3,X3Y5,X3Y6,X3Y7,X3Y8,X5Y5,X5Y6,X5Y7,X5Y8,X6Y5,X7Y5) do (set %%k=%Bound%)
for %%l in (X6Y8,X7Y8,X8Y8,X9Y8,X10Y8,X9Y5,X10Y5,X11Y5,X11Y6,X11Y7,X11Y8,X13Y5) do (set %%l=%Bound%)
for %%m in (X13Y6,X13Y7,X13Y8,X7Y10,X9Y10,X3Y12,X3Y13,X5Y12,X6Y12,X7Y12,X8Y12) do (set %%m=%Bound%)
for %%n in (X9Y12,X10Y12,X11Y12,X8Y13,X8Y14,X13Y12,X13Y13) do (set %%n=%Bound%)
for %%o in (X6Y6,X7Y6,X8Y5,X8Y6,X9Y6,X7Y7,X8Y7,X9Y7,X10Y7) do (set %%o= )
Goto :Eof

::Fin Nivel 1

::Fin de Coordenadas

color 0a
echo. ۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰۰
echo. ۰۰۰۰۰۰
echo. : SmartGenius :
echo.   Corp.  2009 
ping -n 3 >nul
color 0e
Goto :Eof

 @mode con cols=30 lines=20
echo  Uno de los archivos necesarios para el
echo  funcionamiento de este Script no se
echo  encuentra.
echo  Por favor descargue una copia del Comando
echo  CHOICE de Internet...

Con esto queda demostrado que se pueden hacer bastantes cosas en Batch, solo hace falta imaginacion y algo de tiempo.... ;)

Cualquier duda, comentario o sugerencia acerca del codigo hacerla por favor... :)


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Re: [Batch Game] PacMan v 1 - by :: SmartGenius ::
« Respuesta #1 en: 23 Enero 2009, 01:37 am »

Noooooooo, esto ya paso de imaginacion!!!
Muy bueno te doy un /rec (?)

Voy a tener que leer tu guia rara esa que no entiendo nada XD.

PD: Aun seguimos con lo de navidad? y los militares?

En línea


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Re: [Batch Game] PacMan v 1 - by :: SmartGenius ::
« Respuesta #2 en: 23 Enero 2009, 02:58 am »

Esta excelente, felicitaciones  :o :o :o
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All the world's a stage
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Re: [Batch Game] PacMan v 1 - by :: SmartGenius ::
« Respuesta #3 en: 23 Enero 2009, 03:13 am »

Excelente, le voy a pegar una leida aguda a ese code porque pinta interesante.

Un abrazo
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