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Autor Tema: [BATCH] (Aporte) "Hide In Picture", Oculta archivos en imagenes.  (Leído 5,427 veces)
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[BATCH] (Aporte) "Hide In Picture", Oculta archivos en imagenes.
« en: 20 Enero 2012, 23:49 pm »

Esto es una aplicación anticuada, pero útil, para insertar archivos ocultos en imagenes de tipo BMP o GIF.

PD: No funciona en x64.

-> sourceforge.net/projects/hide-in-picture

                         Hide In Picture (HIP)
                      version 2.1 - October, 2002
            Copyright (C)  2002 Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo

                        Using HIP for DOS/Linux

HIP for Dos/Linux is a command-line utility.

To hide a file inside a picture, use:
    hip h source_image input_file [destination_image] [options]
If the destination image name is not specified, the destination image is
written on top of the source image.

To retrieve a file from a picture, use:
    hip r source_image [output_file] [options]
If the output file name is not specified, the name saved in the picture
is used.

To erase a file previously hidden in a picture, use:
    hip e source_image [destination_image] [options]
If the destination image name is not specified, the destination image is
written on top of the source image.


-fxxxxxx - file name to write in image
  By default, the name of the input file is written in the image. Use
  this option to specify a different name to write. If you use it
  without specifying a file name, no name is written.

-pxxxxxx - password to use
  When used with the hide or retrieve operations, this option specifies
  the password to use for hiding/retrieving the file. If you do not use
  this option, you will be asked to enter a password (recommended). When
  used with the erase operation, HIP assumes there is a file hidden with
  the specified password and overwrites only the first bits of the
  hidden data; if the image contains a file hidden with a different
  password, it will not be erased correctly.

-thh or -thhhhhh - transparent color index or RGB value
  Use this option to set the transparent color for the image. To specify
  the palette index for the transparent color of an 8-bit image, use two
  hexadecimal digits (00-FF). To specify the RGB value for the
  transparent color, use six hexadecimal digits (the first two represent
  the red component, the next two represent the green one and the last
  two, the blue one). If you specify the RGB value for the transparent
  color of an 8-bit image and there is more than one palette entry with
  that color, the one with the lowest index will be used.

-ex - encryption algorithm
  Use this option to choose the encryption algorithm: a for Blowfish
  (default) or b for Rijndael.

-ix - image format
  Use this option to choose the image format for the output file. If the
  format is not specified, HIP will choose the format based on the file
  extension; if the extension is not recognized, the file will be saved
  as a Windows Bitmap (BMP) picture.

-c - write the CRC-32 of the data
  Use this option to append a checksum to the data to identify data
  corruption. This is enabled by default.

-C - do not write the CRC-32 of the data
  Use this option if you do not wish to append a checksum to the data;
  see above.

-h - hide the password characters
  If the p option is not used, the program asks the user for the
  password. Use this option to show *'s (asterisks) instead of the
  password characters. This is enabled by default.

-H - do not hide the password characters
  Use this option to show the password characters while you are typing

-v - view file information only
  Use this option if you only want to see whether the file fits inside
  the picture when hiding, or the name and size of the hidden file when
  retrieving. The destination image or output file is not written.

-q -quiet mode
  Use this option if you do not want to see unnecessary messages (such
  as the file information and status bars). The only things that will be
  shown are password prompts, confirmation messages and error messages.

-y -answer 'yes' to all confirmation questions
  By default, the program asks for confirmation before overwriting a
  file that already exists. If this option is specified, you will not be
  asked for confirmation.

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Re: [BATCH] (Aporte) "Hide In Picture", Oculta archivos en imagenes.
« Respuesta #1 en: 21 Enero 2012, 02:58 am »

Si si que es viejo utiliza crc32 xD

Una pregunta donde esta el batch? No te ofendas solo pregunto, me lo he descargado y no lo encuentro solo hay ejecutables.

Estaria bien actualizarlo y ponerle un cifrado más fuerte.


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Si todos fuéramos igual de inteligentes no existiría la mediocridad porque no podríamos apreciarla. Aprecias la mediocridad?
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Re: [BATCH] (Aporte) "Hide In Picture", Oculta archivos en imagenes.
« Respuesta #2 en: 21 Enero 2012, 03:36 am »

Una pregunta donde esta el batch? No te ofendas solo pregunto, me lo he descargado y no lo encuentro solo hay ejecutables.

No me ofende, No es ningún batch, Como ves es una CLI APP, Para usarlo mediante comandos desde la consola de windows, Osea, En un Batch Script :xD.

Yo me quedo con la GUI, Pero bueno, Quizás a alguien le servirá usarlo por la consola xD.

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