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Visual Basic And Undedected

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Take screenshot of byte help?
« en: 20 Diciembre 2012, 07:47 am »

visual basic 6 take screenshot of byte?
sample project  give me?

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Msn: harmmylogger@hotmail.com
Visual basic and undedected

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Re: Take screenshot of byte help?
« Respuesta #1 en: 20 Diciembre 2012, 14:46 pm »

screenshot of byte?  :rolleyes:

can you explain better? :S

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Mensajes: 24

Visual Basic And Undedected

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Re: Take screenshot of byte help?
« Respuesta #2 en: 20 Diciembre 2012, 15:01 pm »

I want to send and receive a picture of the screen without winsock Picturebox
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Msn: harmmylogger@hotmail.com
Visual basic and undedected
Elemental Code

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Re: Take screenshot of byte help?
« Respuesta #3 en: 20 Diciembre 2012, 20:43 pm »

I want to send and receive a picture of the screen without winsock Picturebox

Assuming you could make this without a picturebox, Without sockets, how are you going to send the picture?
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Hago tareas, trabajos para la facultad, lo que sea en VB6.0

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MCKSys Argentina
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Re: Take screenshot of byte help?
« Respuesta #4 en: 21 Diciembre 2012, 01:55 am »

Assuming you could make this without a picturebox, Without sockets, how are you going to send the picture?

Smoke signals?  :laugh: :laugh:

PS: A little xmas joke  :P
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MCKSys Argentina

"Si piensas que algo está bien sólo porque todo el mundo lo cree, no estás pensando."


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Mensajes: 24

Visual Basic And Undedected

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Re: Take screenshot of byte help?
« Respuesta #5 en: 22 Diciembre 2012, 00:08 am »

Capturescreen to byte. help
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Msn: harmmylogger@hotmail.com
Visual basic and undedected
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