Si tiene errores favor de reportarmelos...
Se puede optener el resultado por o la:
* Normal
* por el Complemento de la Base... ( Sin Signo )
Falta optimizar algunas cosas... el CODIGO ESTA FUNCIONAL...
(Esto solo fue una chapusada...) Permiti las funciones tales como en la sintasys de las operaciones Aritmeticas...:
- sin() --> Seno
- kos() --> Coseno
- tan() --> Tangente
- log() --> Logaritmo
- sqr() --> Raiz
- sgn() --> Devuelve un entero que indica el signo de un número
' ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' // Autor: BlackZeroX ( Ortega Avila Miguel Angel ) // ' // Autor: Agradesimientos a Raul y Spyke (ExpReg) // ' // // ' // Web: http://InfrAngeluX.Sytes.Net/ // ' // // ' // |-> Pueden Distribuir Este Codigo siempre y cuando // ' // no se eliminen los creditos originales de este codigo // ' // No importando que sea modificado/editado o engrandesido // ' // o achicado, si es en base a este codigo es requerido // ' // el agradacimiento al autor. // ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Option Explicit Option Base 0 Option Compare Text Public Enum Bases base16 = &H10 base10 = &HA base8 = &H8 base2 = &H2 End Enum Public Enum ReturnType SinSigno = &H0 ConSigno End Enum Private Const cError As String = "<-Error->" Private Const Str_Artimetica As String = "\/*-+^()" Private Const Str_IndexBases As String = "0123456789abcdef" Private Const Str_Funciones As String = "sinkostanlogsqrsgn" Private Obj_RunExpr As Object Private Obj_ExpRegular As Object Public Property Get StrError() As String: StrError = cError: End Property Private Function ParseExpresion(ByRef InExpresion As String, ByRef InBaseNow As Bases) As Boolean Dim lng_Pos(1) As Long Dim lng_index As Long Dim Str_ToValidate As String Str_ToValidate$ = Replace$(InExpresion, " ", "", 1, , vbTextCompare) For lng_index& = 1 To Len(Str_Funciones) Step 3 Str_ToValidate$ = Replace$(Str_ToValidate$, Mid$(Str_Funciones, lng_index&, 3), "", 1, , vbTextCompare) Next For lng_index& = 1 To Len(Str_Artimetica) Str_ToValidate$ = Replace$(Str_ToValidate$, Mid$(Str_Artimetica, lng_index&, 1), "", 1, , vbTextCompare) Next If Not VerificFormat(Str_ToValidate$, InBaseNow) Then InExpresion = cError Exit Function End If InExpresion = " " & Replace$(InExpresion, " ", "", 1, , vbTextCompare) & " " For lng_index = 1 To Len(Str_Artimetica$) InExpresion = Replace$(InExpresion, Mid$(Str_Artimetica$, lng_index, 1), " " & Mid$(Str_Artimetica$, lng_index, 1) & " ", 1, , vbTextCompare) Next InExpresion = Replace$(InExpresion, " ", "", 1, , vbTextCompare) If Not InBaseNow = base10 Then For lng_index = 1 To Len(Str_IndexBases) lng_Pos&(0) = InStr(lng_Pos&(1) + 1, InExpresion, " " & Mid$(Str_IndexBases$, lng_index, 1), vbTextCompare) If lng_Pos&(0) > 0 Then lng_Pos&(1) = InStr(lng_Pos&(0) + 1, InExpresion, " ", vbTextCompare) If lng_Pos&(1) - lng_Pos&(0) + 1 > 0 Then InExpresion = Mid$(InExpresion, 1, lng_Pos&(0) - 1) & "(ConvSystem(" & Chr(34) & Mid$(InExpresion, lng_Pos&(0) + 1, lng_Pos&(1) - lng_Pos&(0) - 1) & Chr(34) & "," & InBaseNow & ",10)+0)" & Mid$(InExpresion, lng_Pos&(1)) lng_index = lng_index - 1 End If lng_Pos&(1) = 0 End If Next End If ParseExpresion = True End Function Public Function ConvSystem(ByVal vDataIn$, ByVal inFrom As Bases, ByVal inDest As Bases, Optional ByRef Opciones As ReturnType = ConSigno) As Variant Dim isNegative As Boolean If Not (inFrom = inDest And inFrom = base10) Then ' // Puedo usar unas cuantas Obviaciones Directas.. aun que mejor usare la conversion larga... If inFrom = base10 Then ConvSystem = Dec2Base(Val(vDataIn$), inDest, Opciones) Else isNegative = Val(vDataIn$) < 0 If Not isNegative Then ConvSystem = Dec2Base(Base2Dec(vDataIn$, inFrom), inDest, Opciones) Else If inFrom = base16 Then ConvSystem = Dec2Base(Base2Dec(vDataIn$, inFrom) * -1, inDest, Opciones) Else ConvSystem = Dec2Base(Base2Dec(Val(vDataIn$), inFrom) * -1, inDest, Opciones) End If End If End If Else ConvSystem = vDataIn$ End If End Function Public Function GetAritmeticExpresion(ByVal Expresion As String, ByRef InBase As Bases, Optional ByVal Opciones As ReturnType = ConSigno) As String If Obj_RunExpr Is Nothing Then Exit Function If ParseExpresion(Expresion, InBase) Then Expresion = Replace$(Expresion, "kos", "cos", 1, , vbTextCompare) With Obj_RunExpr If Not (InBase = base10 And Opciones = SinSigno) Then If InBase = base10 Then GetAritmeticExpresion = Dec2Base(.Eval(Expresion$), InBase, Opciones) Else GetAritmeticExpresion = Dec2Base(CLng(.Eval(Expresion$)), InBase, Opciones) End If Else If InBase = base10 Then GetAritmeticExpresion = .Eval(Expresion) Else GetAritmeticExpresion = CLng(.Eval(Expresion)) End If End If End With Else GetAritmeticExpresion = cError End If End Function Public Function GetMaxBase(ByRef ThisBase As Bases) As String Select Case ThisBase Case base16: GetMaxBase = "F" Case Else: GetMaxBase = CStr(ThisBase - 1) End Select End Function Public Function Dec2Base(ByVal inval As Double, ByRef InBase As Bases, Optional ByRef Opciones As ReturnType = ConSigno) As String Dim isNegative As Boolean Dim Lng_LeninVal As Long isNegative = inval < 0 Dec2Base = inval If isNegative Then Dec2Base = (inval * -1) If Not InBase = base10 Then Dec2Base = pDec2Base(Val(Dec2Base), InBase) If Opciones = SinSigno Then Lng_LeninVal = Len(Dec2Base) Dec2Base = pDec2Base(Base2Dec(String(Lng_LeninVal, GetMaxBase(InBase)), InBase) - (inval * -1) + 1, InBase) Dec2Base = String$(10, GetMaxBase(InBase)) & String$(Lng_LeninVal - Len(Dec2Base), "0") & Dec2Base If InBase = base8 Then Dec2Base = "1" & Dec2Base End If Else If Not InBase = base10 Then Dec2Base = pDec2Base(inval, InBase) End If End Function Private Function pDec2Base(ByRef inval As Double, ByRef InBase As Bases) As String Dim lng_Aux#(1) lng_Aux#(0) = (inval# \ InBase) lng_Aux#(1) = (inval# Mod InBase) If inval < InBase Then If InBase = base16 Then pDec2Base = Hex(lng_Aux#(1)) Else pDec2Base = lng_Aux#(1) End If Else If InBase = base16 Then pDec2Base = pDec2Base(lng_Aux#(0), InBase) & Hex(lng_Aux#(1)) Else pDec2Base = pDec2Base(lng_Aux#(0), InBase) & lng_Aux#(1) End If End If End Function ' // Hex no afecta a bases inferiores por ello lo dejo. Private Function Base2Dec(ByRef inval As String, ByRef InBase As Bases) As Double Dim lng_lenStr& Dim lng_Pointer& Dim lng_Potencia& lng_lenStr& = Len(inval) lng_Potencia& = 0 For lng_Pointer& = lng_lenStr& To InStr(1, inval, "-") + 1 Step -1 Base2Dec = Base2Dec + CLng("&H" & Mid$(inval, lng_Pointer, 1)) * InBase ^ lng_Potencia& lng_Potencia& = lng_Potencia& + 1 Next lng_Pointer& End Function Public Function VerificFormat(ByVal InStrData As String, InBase As Bases) As Boolean If Obj_ExpRegular Is Nothing Then Exit Function With Obj_ExpRegular Select Case InBase Case base16: .Pattern = "^[0-9a-fA-F]+$" Case base10: .Pattern = "^[0-9]+$" Case base8: .Pattern = "^[0-7]+$" Case base2: .Pattern = "^[0-1]+$" End Select VerificFormat = .test(InStrData) End With End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set Obj_RunExpr = CreateObject("ScriptControl") Set Obj_ExpRegular = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With Obj_RunExpr .Language = "vbscript" Call .AddObject("InfraClass", Me, True) End With End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set Obj_RunExpr = Nothing Set Obj_ExpRegular = Nothing End Sub
Ejemplo en Uso:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim c As New Cls_InfraExp Const Operacion As String = "11-1111*(111/111*111)" With c MsgBox "Operacion Hexadecimal" & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Sin Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base16, ConSigno) & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Con Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base16, SinSigno) MsgBox "Operacion Decimal" & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Sin Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base10, ConSigno) & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Con Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base10, SinSigno) MsgBox "Operacion Octal" & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Sin Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base8, ConSigno) & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Con Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base8, SinSigno) MsgBox "Operacion Binaria" & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Sin Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base2, ConSigno) & vbCrLf & _ "Operacion Con Signo --> " & .GetAritmeticExpresion(Operacion, base2, SinSigno) End With End Sub
Dulce Infierno Lunar!¡.