Hola, como estas, che una pregunta si no te molesta, podrias compartir el codigo que utilizas en
me gustaria saber como haces para listar las apis de una aplicación
me gustaria saber como haces para listar las apis de una aplicación
Se puede aun extraer mas informacion; como son los procesos, y sus parametros (con sus tipos de datos), Complementos (OCX), Formularios, Modulos, mm bueno TODO... Este codigo solo se limita a la extraccion de las APIS de un Ejecutable en VB6
' ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' // Autor: BlackZeroX ( Ortega Avila Miguel Angel ) // ' // // ' // Web: http://InfrAngeluX.Sytes.Net/ // ' // // ' // |-> Pueden Distribuir Este codigo siempre y cuando // ' // no se eliminen los creditos originales de este codigo // ' // No importando que sea modificado/editado o engrandecido // ' // o achicado, si es en base a este codigo // ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Option Explicit Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260 Public Type IMAGE_DOS_HEADER Magic As Integer NumBytesLastPage As Integer NumPages As Integer NumRelocates As Integer NumHeaderBlks As Integer NumMinBlks As Integer NumMaxBlks As Integer SSPointer As Integer SPPointer As Integer Checksum As Integer IPPointer As Integer CurrentSeg As Integer RelocTablePointer As Integer Overlay As Integer ReservedW1(3) As Integer OEMType As Integer OEMData As Integer ReservedW2(9) As Integer ExeHeaderPointer As Long End Type Public Type IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataRVA As Long DataSize As Long End Type Public Type IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER Magic As Integer MajorLinkVer As Byte MinorLinkVer As Byte CodeSize As Long InitDataSize As Long unInitDataSize As Long EntryPoint As Long CodeBase As Long DataBase As Long ImageBase As Long SectionAlignment As Long FileAlignment As Long MajorOSVer As Integer MinorOSVer As Integer MajorImageVer As Integer MinorImageVer As Integer MajorSSVer As Integer MinorSSVer As Integer Win32Ver As Long ImageSize As Long HeaderSize As Long Checksum As Long Subsystem As Integer DLLChars As Integer StackRes As Long StackCommit As Long HeapReserve As Long HeapCommit As Long LoaderFlags As Long RVAsAndSizes As Long DataEntries(15) As IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY End Type Public Type VBStart_Header PushStartOpcode As Byte PushStartAddress As Double CallStartOpcode As Byte CallStartAddress As Double End Type Private Type VBHeader lSignature As Long iRuntimeBuild As Integer sLanguageDLLName(13) As Byte sSecLangDLLName(13) As Byte iRuntimeDLLVersion As Integer lLanguageID As Long lSecLanguageID As Long aSubMain As Long aProjectInfo As Long fMDLIntObjs As Long fMDLIntObjs2 As Long lThreadFlags As Long lThreadCount As Long iGUIObjectCount As Integer iComponentCount As Integer lThunkCount As Long aGUIObjectArray As Long aComponentArray As Long aCOMRegData As Long oProjectExename As Long oProjectTitle As Long oHelpFile As Long oProjectName As Long End Type Private Type tProjectInfo Signature As Long aObjectTable As Long Null1 As Long aStartOfCode As Long aEndOfCode As Long Flag1 As Long ThreadSpace As Long aVBAExceptionhandler As Long aNativeCode As Long oProjectLocation As Integer Flag2 As Integer Flag3 As Integer OriginalPathName(MAX_PATH * 2) As Byte NullSpacer As Byte aExternalTable As Long ExternalCount As Long End Type Public Type tAPIList strLibraryName As String strFunctionName As String End Type Type ExternalTable flag As Long aExternalLibrary As Long End Type Type ExternalLibrary aLibraryName As Long aLibraryFunction As Long End Type Private St_DosHeader As IMAGE_DOS_HEADER Private St_OptHeader As IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER Private St_VBStHeader As VBStart_Header Private St_VBHeader As VBHeader Private St_PInfo As tProjectInfo Private St_ETable As ExternalTable Private St_ELibrary As ExternalLibrary Private int_NTFile As Integer Public Function ExtractApisEXEVB6(StrPath As String) As tAPIList() On Error GoTo End_: Dim Tmp_APIList() As tAPIList Dim Strs As String * 1024 Dim lng_PosNull As Long Dim Lng_index As Long Dim Lng_CantApis As Long Dim NBytes(1 To 10) As Byte If Dir(StrPath, vbArchive) = "" Then Exit Function int_NTFile = FreeFile Open StrPath For Binary As int_NTFile If LOF(int_NTFile) > 0 Then Get int_NTFile, , St_DosHeader Get int_NTFile, _ St_DosHeader.ExeHeaderPointer + &H19, _ St_OptHeader ' // 20 <-> LenB(Header) + 5 => &H19 Get int_NTFile, St_OptHeader.EntryPoint + 1, NBytes With St_VBStHeader .PushStartOpcode = NBytes(1) .PushStartAddress = GetDWord(NBytes(2), NBytes(3), NBytes(4), NBytes(5)) .CallStartOpcode = NBytes(6) .CallStartAddress = GetDWord(NBytes(7), NBytes(8), NBytes(9), NBytes(10)) End With Get int_NTFile, _ (St_VBStHeader.PushStartAddress - St_OptHeader.ImageBase + 1), _ St_VBHeader Get int_NTFile, _ St_VBHeader.aProjectInfo + 1 - St_OptHeader.ImageBase, _ St_PInfo Lng_CantApis = 0 With St_PInfo For Lng_index = 0 To .ExternalCount - 1 Get int_NTFile, _ .aExternalTable + 1 + (Lng_index * 8) - St_OptHeader.ImageBase, _ St_ETable If .ExternalCount > 0 And St_ETable.flag <> 6 Then With St_ETable Get int_NTFile, _ .aExternalLibrary + 1 - St_OptHeader.ImageBase, _ St_ELibrary With St_ELibrary If .aLibraryFunction <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve Tmp_APIList(Lng_CantApis) Seek int_NTFile, .aLibraryFunction + 1 - St_OptHeader.ImageBase With Tmp_APIList(Lng_CantApis) Do Get int_NTFile, , Strs lng_PosNull = InStr(1, Strs, Chr(0), vbBinaryCompare) - 1 .strFunctionName = .strFunctionName & Mid$(Strs, 1, lng_PosNull) Loop Until lng_PosNull > 0 End With Seek int_NTFile, .aLibraryName + 1 - St_OptHeader.ImageBase With Tmp_APIList(Lng_CantApis) Do Get int_NTFile, , Strs lng_PosNull = InStr(1, Strs, Chr(0), vbBinaryCompare) - 1 .strLibraryName = .strLibraryName & Mid$(Strs, 1, lng_PosNull) Loop Until lng_PosNull > 0 End With Lng_CantApis = Lng_CantApis + 1 End If End With End With End If Next Lng_index End With End If Close 1 ExtractApisEXEVB6 = Tmp_APIList Exit Function End_: On Error GoTo 0 Call Err.Clear End Function Private Function GetDWord(ByVal B1 As Byte, ByVal B2 As Byte, ByVal B3 As Byte, ByVal B4 As Byte) As Double GetDWord# = GetWord(B1, B2) + 65536# * GetWord(B3, B4) End Function Private Function GetWord(ByVal B1 As Byte, ByVal B2 As Byte) As Double GetWord# = B1 + 256# * B2 End Function
Sub Main() Dim St_APIList() As tAPIList Dim Lng_index As Variant St_APIList = ExtractApisEXEVB6("c:\a.exe") If (Not St_APIList) = -1 Then Exit Sub Debug.Print "Funciones", "Librerias" For Lng_index = LBound(St_APIList) To UBound(St_APIList) With St_APIList(Lng_index) Debug.Print .strFunctionName, .strLibraryName End With Next End Sub
Dulce Infierno Lunar!¡.