Solo necesita un Timer1.. Interval = 40
Dim Ymouse, Xmouse, dy(30), dx(30), Da(30), Mo(30)
Dim Split1, Day1, Year1, Todaysdate, h, m, D, s, Face, Speed, n, scrll
Dim Dsplit, HandHeight, Handwidth, HandX, HandY, Step, currStep
Dim Test, ClockHeight, ClockWidth, ClockFromMouseY, ClockFromMouseX
Dim Fcol, Mcol, Scol, Hcol, Dcol
Private Type FL
T(30) As Long
Le(30) As Long
End Type
Dim FL As FL
Private Type HL
T(30) As Long
Le(30) As Long
End Type
Dim HL As HL
Private Type SL
T(30) As Long
Le(30) As Long
End Type
Dim SL As SL
Private Type ML
T(30) As Long
Le(30) As Long
End Type
Dim ML As ML
Private Type DL
T(30) As Long
Le(30) As Long
End Type
Dim DL As DL
Const PI = 3.1415
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dcol = 150 '//color de la fecha.
Fcol = vbBlue '//color de la cara.
Scol = 0 '//color de los segundos.
Mcol = 0 '//color de los minutos.
Hcol = 0 '//horas de color.
ClockHeight = 600
ClockWidth = 600
ClockFromMouseY = 1200
ClockFromMouseX = 600
'//¡No altere nada abajo! ¡Las alineaciones serán perdidas!
Da(1) = "DOMINGO": Da(2) = "LUNES": Da(3) = "MARTES": Da(4) = "MIÉRCOLES"
Da(5) = "JUEVES": Da(6) = "VIERNES": Da(7) = "SÁBADO"
Mo(1) = "ENERO": Mo(2) = "FEBRERO": Mo(3) = "MARSO"
Mo(4) = "ABRIL": Mo(5) = "MAYO": Mo(6) = "JUNIO": Mo(7) = "JULIO"
Mo(8) = "AGOSTO": Mo(9) = "SEPTIEMBRE": Mo(10) = "OCTUBRE"
Mo(11) = "NOVIEMBRE": Mo(12) = "DICIEMBRE"
Day1 = Day(Now)
Year1 = Year(Now)
If (Year1 < 2000) Then Year1 = Year1 + 1900
Todaysdate = " " + Da(Weekday(Now)) + " " + Str(Day1) + " " + Mo(Month(Now)) + " " + Str(Year1)
D = Todaysdate
h = "..."
m = "...."
s = "....."
Face = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 "
Form1.Font = "Arial"
Form1.FontSize = 8
Speed = 0.6
n = Len(Face) - 2
Ymouse = 0
Xmouse = 0
scrll = 0
Split1 = 360 / n
Dsplit = 360 / Len(D)
HandHeight = ClockHeight / 4.5
Handwidth = ClockWidth / 4.5
HandY = -7
HandX = -2.5
scrll = 0 '2 * Altura Del Reloj
Step = 0.06
currStep = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Ymouse = Y + ClockFromMouseY ':acontecimiento Y + reloj del ratón Y;
Xmouse = X + ClockFromMouseX ':acontecimiento X + reloj del ratón X;
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
dy(0) = dy(0) + (Ymouse - dy(0)) * Speed
dy(0) = Fix(dy(0))
dx(0) = dx(0) + (Xmouse - dx(0)) * Speed
dx(0) = Fix(dx(0))
For i = 1 To Len(D) - 1
dy(i) = dy(i) + (dy(i - 1) - dy(i)) * Speed
dy(i) = Fix(dy(i))
dx(i) = dx(i) + (dx(i - 1) - dx(i)) * Speed
dx(i) = Fix(dx(i))
Next i
secs = Second(Now)
sec = -1.57 + PI * secs / 30
Mins = Minute(Now)
Min = -1.57 + PI * Mins / 30
hr = Hour(Now)
hrs = -1.575 + PI * hr / 6 + PI * Int(Minute(Now)) / 360
For i = 0 To n - 2
FL.T(i) = dy(i) + ClockHeight * Sin(-1.0471 + i * Split1 * PI / 180) + scrll
FL.Le(i) = dx(i) + ClockWidth * Cos(-1.0471 + i * Split1 * PI / 180)
Next i
For i = 0 To Len(h) - 1
HL.T(i) = dy(i) + HandY + (i * HandHeight) * Sin(hrs) + scrll
HL.Le(i) = dx(i) + HandX + (i * Handwidth) * Cos(hrs)
Next i
For i = 0 To Len(m) - 1
ML.T(i) = dy(i) + HandY + (i * HandHeight) * Sin(Min) + scrll
ML.Le(i) = dx(i) + HandX + (i * Handwidth) * Cos(Min)
Next i
For i = 0 To Len(s) - 1
SL.T(i) = dy(i) + HandY + (i * HandHeight) * Sin(sec) + scrll
SL.Le(i) = dx(i) + HandX + (i * Handwidth) * Cos(sec)
Next i
For i = 0 To Len(D) - 1
DL.T(i) = dy(i) + ClockHeight * 1.5 * Sin(currStep + i * Dsplit * PI / 180) + scrll
DL.Le(i) = dx(i) + ClockWidth * 1.5 * Cos(currStep + i * Dsplit * PI / 180)
Next i
currStep = currStep - Step
End Sub
Private Function SP(ByVal ST As String, ByVal Nu As Integer, Optional K As Byte = 1) As String
SP = Mid(ST, Nu + 1, K)
End Function
Private Sub P()
With Form1
.FontBold = False
.ForeColor = Dcol
For i = 0 To Len(D) - 1
.CurrentY = DL.T(i)
.CurrentX = DL.Le(i)
Print SP(D, i)
Next i
.ForeColor = Fcol
For i = 0 To n - 1
.CurrentY = FL.T(i)
.CurrentX = FL.Le(i)
If (i = 18 Or i = 20 Or i = 22) Then
Print SP(Face, i, 2)
i = i + 1
Print SP(Face, i, 1)
End If
Next i
.FontBold = True
.ForeColor = Scol
For i = 0 To Len(s) - 1
.CurrentY = SL.T(i)
.CurrentX = SL.Le(i)
Print SP(s, i)
Next i
.ForeColor = Mcol
For i = 0 To Len(m) - 1
.CurrentY = ML.T(i)
.CurrentX = ML.Le(i)
Print SP(m, i)
Next i
.ForeColor = Hcol
For i = 0 To Len(h) - 1
.CurrentY = HL.T(i)
.CurrentX = HL.Le(i)
Print SP(h, i)
Next i
End With
End Sub