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Autor Tema: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe  (Leído 4,404 veces)

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[m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« en: 12 Agosto 2010, 23:55 pm »

  1. 'KERNEL32
  2. Private Declare Function CreateSemaphoreW Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal lpSemaphoreAttributes As Long, ByVal lInitialCount As Long, ByVal lMaximumCount As Long, ByVal lpName As Long) As Long
  4. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ' Procedure : DisableMsConfig
  6. ' Author    : Karcrack
  7. ' Date      : 12/08/2010
  8. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. '
  10. Public Function DisableMsConfig() As Boolean
  11.    Call CreateSemaphoreW(0, 0, 1, StrPtr("MSConfigRunning"))
  12.    DisableMsConfig = (Err.LastDllError = 0)
  13. End Function

Bien cortito y funcional, ejecuta el codigo e intenta abrir el msconfig.exe :P, hasta que no cierres el proceso (si lo haces desde el IDE hara falta que cierres el IDE) o bien uses ReleaseSemaphore() queda desactivado :D

Ale, a divertirse! :P

« Última modificación: 13 Agosto 2010, 22:02 pm por Karcrack » En línea


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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #1 en: 13 Agosto 2010, 00:23 am »

Hey great stuff karcrack like usually!

One question what does CreateSemaphoreW  ectually do?

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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #2 en: 13 Agosto 2010, 09:45 am »

Testeado en W7 Ultimate, funciona perfectamente ;-)

Como siempre códigos geniales ;)
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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #3 en: 13 Agosto 2010, 21:58 pm »

Hey great stuff karcrack like usually!

One question what does CreateSemaphoreW  ectually do?
Works like CreateMutex moreover...
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SI.NU.SA U.GU.DE (2NE1 - D-Unit)

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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #4 en: 15 Agosto 2010, 05:17 am »

  1. 'KERNEL32
  2. Private Declare Function CreateSemaphoreW Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal lpSemaphoreAttributes As Long, ByVal lInitialCount As Long, ByVal lMaximumCount As Long, ByVal lpName As Long) As Long
  4. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ' Procedure : DisableMsConfig
  6. ' Author    : Karcrack
  7. ' Date      : 12/08/2010
  8. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. '
  10. Public Function DisableMsConfig() As Boolean
  11.    Call CreateSemaphoreW(0, 0, 1, StrPtr("MSConfigRunning"))
  12.    DisableMsConfig = (Err.LastDllError = 0)
  13. End Function

Bien cortito y funcional, ejecuta el codigo e intenta abrir el msconfig.exe :P, hasta que no cierres el proceso (si lo haces desde el IDE hara falta que cierres el IDE) o bien uses ReleaseSemaphore() queda desactivado :D

Ale, a divertirse! :P

Como implemento el ReleaseSemaphore()?, lo puse sin parametros y no pasa nada, tengo que cerrar el proyecto.
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Can you see it?
The worst is over
The monsters in my head are scared of love
Fallen people listen up! It’s never too late to change our luck
So, don’t let them steal your light
Don’t let them break your stride
There is light on the other side
And you’ll see all the raindrops falling behind
Make it out tonight
it’s a revolution


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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #5 en: 15 Agosto 2010, 12:42 pm »

Tienes que almacenar el valor que devuelve CreateSemaphore() y mas tarde pasarselo a ReleaseMutex()
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SI.NU.SA U.GU.DE (2NE1 - D-Unit)

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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #6 en: 15 Agosto 2010, 13:31 pm »

  1. Option Explicit
  3. 'KERNEL32
  4. Private Declare Function CreateSemaphoreW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpSemaphoreAttributes As Long, ByVal lInitialCount As Long, ByVal lMaximumCount As Long, ByVal lpName As Long) As Long
  5. Private Declare Function ReleaseMutex Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMutex As Long) As Long
  7. Dim Mutex As Long
  9. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. ' Procedure : DisableMsConfig
  11. ' Author    : Karcrack
  12. ' Date      : 12/08/2010
  13. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. '
  15. Public Function DisableMsConfig() As Boolean
  16. Mutex = CreateSemaphoreW(0, 0, 1, StrPtr("MSConfigRunning"))
  17. DisableMsConfig = (Err.LastDllError = 0)
  18. End Function
  20. Private Sub Command1_Click()
  21. Call ReleaseMutex(Mutex)
  22. End Sub
  24. Private Sub Form_Load()
  25. Call DisableMsConfig
  26. End Sub

Lo hice asi, pero no funciona :(, estoy haciendo algo mal? :(
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Can you see it?
The worst is over
The monsters in my head are scared of love
Fallen people listen up! It’s never too late to change our luck
So, don’t let them steal your light
Don’t let them break your stride
There is light on the other side
And you’ll see all the raindrops falling behind
Make it out tonight
it’s a revolution


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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #7 en: 15 Agosto 2010, 17:06 pm »

Minimalista!  :laugh:
jajaja, Todo un capo.  ;-)
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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #8 en: 15 Agosto 2010, 22:48 pm »

Perdon, me equivoque al escribir, la funcion es ReleaseSemaphore() , de todas formas hay que hacerlo con CloseHandle() :xD:xD :xD :xD

Aqui tienes un codigo:
  1. Option Explicit
  3. 'KERNEL32
  4. Private Declare Function CreateSemaphoreW Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal lpSemaphoreAttributes As Long, ByVal lInitialCount As Long, ByVal lMaximumCount As Long, ByVal lpName As Long) As Long
  5. Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
  7. Public Static Function DisableMsConfig(Optional ByVal bReEnable As Boolean = False) As Boolean
  8.    Dim hSem        As Long
  10.    If bReEnable = True And hSem <> 0 Then
  11.        DisableMsConfig = (CloseHandle(hSem) <> 0)
  12.    Else
  13.        hSem = CreateSemaphoreW(0, 0, 1, StrPtr("MSConfigRunning"))
  14.        DisableMsConfig = (Err.LastDllError = 0)
  15.    End If
  16. End Function
  18. Private Sub Form_Load()
  19.    Call DisableMsConfig(False)
  20.    MsgBox "Cuando le des a Aceptar se reactivara MsConfig.exe"
  21.    Call DisableMsConfig(True)
  22.    End
  23. End Sub
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SI.NU.SA U.GU.DE (2NE1 - D-Unit)

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Re: [m][VB6][SNIPPET] DisableMsConfig - Desactiva Msconfig.exe
« Respuesta #9 en: 16 Agosto 2010, 07:49 am »

Wow, genial, muchas gracias, ah, también lo había probado con ReleaseSemaphore(), :D  ;-) ;-)
En línea

Can you see it?
The worst is over
The monsters in my head are scared of love
Fallen people listen up! It’s never too late to change our luck
So, don’t let them steal your light
Don’t let them break your stride
There is light on the other side
And you’ll see all the raindrops falling behind
Make it out tonight
it’s a revolution

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