weno fiera poneme unas velitas!!!!! jejejeje no mentira:
Private Sub Form1_Load()
Open "c:\texto.txt" For Input As #1
contenido = Input(LOF(1), 1)
Text1.Text = contenido
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
sw1 = 0: sw2 = 0: X = 1 'Iniciamos las variables
sw3 = 0
Dim Numeros(1 To 10000) 'Creamos un vector
'rellenamos el vector (no es nesesario pero sirve
For I = 1 To UBound(Numeros)
Numeros(I) = ""
For I = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)
car = Mid(Text1.Text, I, 1)
If sw1 = 1 Then
numero = numero & car
sw2 = 1
End If
If sw2 = 1 And car = " " Then
Numeros(X) = Trim(numero)
X = X + 1
numero = ""
sw1 = 0: sw2 = 0: sw3 = 0
End If
If car = " " And sw3 = 1 Then sw1 = 1
If car = "=" And sw3 = 0 Then sw3 = 1
Dim tmptxt
tmptxt = ""
For I = 1 To UBound(Numeros)
If Numeros(I) <> "" Then
tmptxt = Numeros(I) & vbNewLine & tmptxt
Exit For
End If
Text2 = tmptxt
End Sub