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| | | | |-+  [Hlp]Button Glow effect
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[Hlp]Button Glow effect
« en: 11 Julio 2010, 19:59 pm »

Hello all as i downloaded Firefox today i liked the Glow effect when I hovered over so i thought why not asking if anyone has an example of this for me as i know Leandro is a member of this forum he might have an example of doing it using API as i knew he's good at control designing.
Thanks in advanced for any reply.

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Re: [Hlp]Button Glow effect
« Respuesta #1 en: 11 Julio 2010, 20:14 pm »

Hello friend, I'll do is use two images, when I move the cursor over the image by the image of the glow ...
I think there are more ways to do it ...

See you ;)

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Re: [Hlp]Button Glow effect
« Respuesta #2 en: 11 Julio 2010, 20:23 pm »

Thanks *PsYkE1* but im doing it already with Images but I'm more interested for Using API instead and if you have like 12 buttons on your in different sizes it takes time to do all those images i thought more about Any Graphical API's as I never did code any grapics in vb6 i ask for help.
But thanks for your reply
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