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Haciendo un programa para un juego
« en: 21 Junio 2006, 17:38 pm »

bueno, haber, yo quiero hacer un pequeño programa que por ejemplo, al pulsar F9 te haga un truco, pero no se como empezar, e visto en paginas de ese juego cosas que no se utilizar, aver si me podeis ayudar

SFX Files Archive
/////////////////////////////////////// GTA Vice City archive //
sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns
sfx00008 - sfx00014 = helicopter sounds
sfx00015 - sfx00020 = car doors
sfx00021 - sfx00022 = *unknown
sfx00023 = start car engine
sfx00024 = *unknown
sfx00025 = car tire spin 1
sfx00026 = *tank?
sfx00027 - sfx00028 = police sirens
sfx00029 = ambulance siren
sfx00030 = truck 'backing up' indicator
sfx00031 = mr whoopie
sfx00032 = open coach door (airbrakes)
sfx00033 - sfx00037 = tire bouncing, popping, flat, airleak
sfx00038 - sfx00039 = bullet trail
sfx00040 - sfx00041 = roller skates
sfx00042 - sfx00046 = footsteps
sfx00047 = car explosion
sfx00048 = bomb explosion
sfx00049 = molotov sound 1
sfx00050 - sfx00051 = Pistol
sfx00052 - sfx00053 = M4
sfx00054 - sfx00056 = Uzi
sfx00057 - sfx00058 = Sniper
sfx00059 - sfx00060 = Rocket Launcher
sfx00061 - sfx00063 = Rocket Fire
sfx00064 - sfx00065 = Flamethrower
sfx00066 - sfx00067 = Shotgun
sfx00068 - sfx00070 = M60
sfx00071 - sfx00073 = Tec 9
sfx00074 - sfx00076 = M4
sfx00077 = Reload Pistol
sfx00078 = Reload Uzi
sfx00079 = blank
sfx00080 = Reload Sniper Rifle
sfx00081 = bat swing
sfx00082 - sfx00084 = Minigun
sfx00085 - sfx00087 = SPAS 12
sfx00088 - sfx00089 = Colt Python
sfx00090 - sfx00091 = MP5
sfx00092 - sfx00094 = Tommy hitting regular wall
sfx00095 - sfx00096 = wood collision
sfx00097 - sfx00099 = *unknown
sfx00100 = dumpster collision
sfx00101 - sfx00106 = car collisions 1
sfx00107 - sfx00110 = metal collisions (Metal Posts)
sfx00111 - sfx00114 = fence collisions
sfx00115 - sfx00116 = *unknown
sfx00117 = *unknown (same as 097-099)
sfx00118 - sfx00121 = box collisions
sfx00122 - sfx00125 = bench collision (Wooden Lathes)
sfx00126 = *unknown (similar to 097-099 at faster rate)
sfx00127 - sfx00131 = grass collision
sfx00132 = door collision
sfx00133 - sfx00135 = box collisions 3
sfx00136 - sfx00140 = newstands/traffic light blown (Metal Sheet explosion)
sfx00141 - sfx00142 = boxes blown
sfx00143 = gate collision 1
sfx00144 = car scraping (walls, etc.)
sfx00145 = gate collision 2
sfx00146 - sfx00151 = glass breaking
sfx00152 - sfx00153 = fire
sfx00154 = rain
sfx00155 = after rain
sfx00156 - sfx00157 = bullet shells dropping
sfx00158 = bullet penetrating ped
sfx00159 - sfx00161 = bullet hitting car
sfx00162 - sfx00164 = bullet hitting ground
sfx00165 - sfx00170 = fist fighting
sfx00171 - sfx00173 = katana blade
sfx00174 - sfx00175 = brass knuckles
sfx00176 = open garage
sfx00177 = GTA3 MP3 player ped
sfx00178 = detonate
sfx00179 = SFX audio adjuster
sfx00180 - sfx00265 = police radio
sfx00266 = *bike idle or hunter blades?
sfx00267 = phone ring
sfx00268 - sfx00278 = car engine at steady rpms
sfx00279 = engine echo
sfx00280 - sfx00283 = blank
sfx00284 - sfx00287 = motorcycle egine at steady rpms
sfx00288 - sfx00298 = car idling
sfx00299 - sfx00303 = blank
sfx00304 - sfx00307 = motorcycle idling
sfx00308 - sfx00312 = airplane
sfx00313 = car tire spin 2
sfx00314 - sfx00315 = boat
sfx00316 = boat travelling through water
sfx00317 - sfx00318 = boat splashes
sfx00319 - boat engine at idle
sfx00320 - sfx00323 = rain on car
sfx00324 = fall in water
sfx00325 - sfx00326 = crushing body (squish)
sfx00327 - sfx00328 = blow up boxes
sfx00329 = rocket ammo depleted
sfx00330 = rifle ammo depleted
sfx00331 = *collision?
sfx00332 - sfx00333 = jumping
sfx00334 = car bomb's beeping timer
sfx00335 = gta3 timer
sfx00336 - sfx00337 = hydraulics
sfx00338 = sex in car
sfx00339 = keep uppy
sfx00340 = degenatron
sfx00341 - sfx00342 = dodo
sfx00343 - sfx00355 = radio tuning
sfx00356 - sfx00369 = icon noise
sfx00370 = timer
sfx00371 = blank
sfx00372 - sfx00379 = menu sound
sfx00380 - sfx00382 = radio static
sfx00383 - sfx00085 = engine sounds 1 (perennial)
sfx00386 - sfx00388 = engine sounds 2 (stinger)
sfx00389 - sfx00391 = engine sounds 3 (yankee)
sfx00392 - sfx00394 = engine sounds 4 (admiral)
sfx00395 - sfx00397 = engine sounds 5 (flatbed)
sfx00398 - sfx00400 = engine sounds 6 (bf injection)
sfx00401 - sfx00403 = engine sounds 7 (hotring racer)
sfx00404 - sfx00406 = engine sounds 8 (greenwood)
sfx00407 - sfx00409 = engine sounds 9 (oceanic)
sfx00410 - sfx00412 = engine sounds 10 (taxi)
sfx00413 - sfx00415 = engine sounds 11 (sabre)
sfx00416 = blank
sfx00417 = *ambient crowd bg noise (possibly in stadium?)
sfx00418 = blank
sfx00419 - sfx00421 = chainsaw
sfx00422 - sfx00424 = rc
sfx00425 = rc helicopter
sfx00426 - sfx00430 = blank
sfx00431 - sfx00433 = freeway engine
sfx00434 = freeway wind
sfx00435 = blank
sfx00436 - sfx00437 = faggio engine
sfx00438 = faggio wind
sfx00439 - sfx00441 = sanchez wind
sfx00443 - sfx00445 = pcj900 engine
sfx00446 = pcj900 wind
sfx00447 - sfx00452 = blank
sfx00453 - sfx00456 = hunter
sfx00457 - sfx00460 = blank
sfx00461 - sfx00464 = skimmer
sfx00465 - *elevator ding?
sfx00466 - sfx00469 = blank
sfx00470 = alarm
sfx00471 = *someone snoring?
sfx00472 - sfx00484 = vice background noise
sfx00485 - sfx00491 = insects
sfx00492 - sfx00495 = Malibu bg music
sfx00496 - sfx00505 = footsteps on grass
sfx00506 - sfx00515 = footsteps 1
sfx00516 - sfx00519 = jumping into puddles
sfx00520 - sfx00523 = footsteps 2
sfx00524 - sfx00713 = BMYBB (rapping homie)
sfx00714 - sfx00736 = vice port authority
sfx00737 - sfx00756 = vice police helicopter
sfx00757 - sfx00832 = oriental girl
sfx00833 - sfx00891 = oriental guy
sfx00892 - sfx00972 = black man
sfx00973 - sfx01039 = spanish girl
sfx01040 - sfx01132 = asshole (sounds white)
sfx01133 - sfx01225 = asshole (sounds black)
sfx01226 - sfx01320 = diaz's gang
sfx01321 - sfx01417 = old spanish guy
sfx01418 - sfx01513 = cuban gang
sfx01514 - sfx01583 = vercetti's gang
sfx01584 - sfx01653 = italian guy
sfx01654 - sfx01723 = mario
sfx01724 - sfx01773 = surfer bodybuilder
sfx01774 - sfx01821 = goomba
sfx01822 - sfx01873 = goomba 2
sfx01874 - sfx01900 = vice undercover
sfx01901 - sfx01953 = white guy 1
sfx01954 - sfx01997 = white guy 2
sfx01998 - sfx02003 = guys hitting on girls
sfx02004 - sfx02032 = white guy 3
sfx02113 - sfx02370 = Cuban gang
sfx02371 - sfx02616 = Biker gang
sfx02617 - sfx02913 = Haitian gang
sfx02914 - sfx02941 = female screams 1
sfx02942 - sfx02985 = female grunt
sfx02986 - sfx03012 = female screams 2
sfx03013 - sfx03047 = male screams 1
sfx03048 - sfx03126 = male grunts
sfx03127 - sfx03161 = male screams 2
sfx03162 - sfx03194 = cuban paramedic
sfx03195 - sfx03227 = paramedic
sfx03228 - sfx03245 = FBI #1
sfx03246 - sfx03260 = FBI #2
sfx03231 - sfx03263 = blank
sfx03264 - sfx03279 = FBI #3
sfx03280 - sfx03281 = blank
sfx03282 - sfx03295 = SWAT #1
sfx03296 - sfx03309 = SWAT #2
sfx03310 - sfx03323 = SWAT #3
sfx03324 - sfx03477 = WFYG1 (girl with love fist tattoo on buttcheek)
sfx03478 - sfx03541 = taxi drivers
sfx03542 - sfx03602 = Rich White Lady
sfx03603 - sfx03661 = White Rollerskating Chick
sfx03662 - sfx03705 = White Body Builder
sfx03706 - sfx03805 = Crude Farting White Guy Wants Tommy To Rub Him?
sfx03806 - sfx03892 = White Yuppie Lawyer that Threatens to Sue You
sfx03893 - sfx03977 = Black Street Gang Member?
sfx03978 - sfx04051 = Smooth Talking Black Pimp
sfx04052 - sfx04125 = White Prositute
sfx04126 - sfx04214 = College Guy Say's "Watch the loafer's Square"
sfx04215 - sfx04312 = Confused Black Wine O Likes Singing Alot
sfx04313 - sfx04402 = Cuban Lady
sfx04403 - sfx04479 = Cuban Guy
sfx04480 - sfx04534 = Cuban Guy Speaking Spanish Gibberish
sfx04535 - sfx04622 = Cuban Guy speaks mixed English/Spanish
sfx04623 - sfx04671 = Cuban Homeless Lady
sfx04672 - sfx04714 = Cuban Guy
sfx04715 - sfx04790 = Mexican Girl
sfx04791 - sfx04834 = White Cigar Girl
sfx04835 - sfx04920 = Mexican Guy
sfx04921 - sfx05002 = Old Jewish Golfer
sfx05003 - sfx05075 = White Asshole, Threatens to Kill you for Money?
sfx05076 - sfx05110 = Either a Tired Body Builder or a Fatass?
sfx05111 - sfx05191 = Florida Hick Quote "Pretty Boy!","Shes My Sister"
sfx05192 - sfx05252 = Black Lady sings and burps and hiccups drunkenly
sfx05253 - sfx05323 = White Valleygirl Quote "Loser!" "I'm so sueing you"
sfx05324 - sfx05393 = Black Prositute Quote "You Insane Crazy Man"
sfx05394 - sfx05453 = Black Guy Quote "Damn Honey You Look A Hot Dish!"
sfx05454 - sfx05518 = White Guy Quote "Look what you did to my beautiful car!"
sfx05519 - sfx05579 = White Gay Guy Quote "Frankie Says Just Skate"
sfx05580 - sfx05677 = White Construction Worker "Crush Kill Demolish!"
sfx05678 - sfx05759 = Mexican Lady "Easy On the Giggle Cream!"
sfx05760 - sfx05838 = Mexican Guy "Watch where you step el stupido!"
sfx05839 - sfx05911 = Mexican Guy "Your life means nothing to me!"
sfx05912 - sfx05987 = Mexican Prostitute "Where you going Mr Lonely"
sfx05988 - sfx06039 = Mexican Restruant Waitress? "I Scratch your eye out!"
sfx06040 - sfx06116 = Fatass White Lady "Hey do you want me to eat you"
sfx06117 - sfx06194 = Black Preppie Lady "OMG Urban Problems"
sfx06195 - sfx06292 = Uppity Wigger Valleygirl "What's your major malfunction BITCH!"
sfx06293 - sfx06351 = Old Black Korean/Vietnam Viet "Are you Charlie?"
sfx06352 - sfx06438 = Black Dancer "You Ain't Got No Moves!","You Got Nerve Mister!"
sfx06439 - sfx06520 = Black Pimp "Let's go time is pimping money","The Hell Are You Doing!"
sfx06521 - sfx06616 = Black Guy "Yo you better watch yourself!","Man no you didn't!"
sfx06617 - sfx06708 = White Golfer "You'll hear from my lawyer and my lawyer's lawyer!","I own Clevland!"
sfx06709 - sfx06775 = White Guy "You Think I'm Crazy?","How do you figure standing there is a good idea?"
sfx06776 - sfx06853 = Black Dock Worker "Yo you in my way dog","careful dock's is a dangerous place","Yo Yo Yo Son!"
sfx06854 - sfx06822 = Mexican Lady "Didn't yer Mom Breast Feed you?","My Dad Paid Alot of Money for This Car"
sfx06823 - sfx06991 = Mexican Lady "Hey Look Yer Blocking The Road","Stay Away from me Playa"
sfx06992 - sfx07069 = Black Lady "You Bumbling Fool","May A Thousand Flamingo's sh*t on your Porch"
sfx07070 - sfx07131 = Southern Black Lady? "Did you even think about that one sugar?","Stop in the name of the law!"
sfx07132 - sfx07205 = Black Lady "I'm not talking to you buzzy","why you miserable son of a"
sfx07206 - sfx07270 = Mexican Lady "You Better Be Sorry","You Almost Hit Me"
sfx07271 - sfx07341 = Friendless White Lady "I wish I had those clothes","Just Kill me","I'm only a little girl!"
sfx07342 - sfx07425 = Fat/Smelly White Lady "Give me some money","The Smell Says Go Away"
sfx07426 - sfx07493 = Fat White Lady "that could have ruined my whole afternoon of shopping","I had to buy that outfit"
sfx07494 - sfx07558 = Old White Man "Where'd you learn to be so stupid","Someone should hit you with a brick"
sfx07559 - sfx07632 = Black Man "Well I never!","Damn Fool Crashed my Car!"
sfx07633 - sfx07703 = ped with white golf glove on right hand, pink tshirt & blue jeans
sfx07704 - sfx07770 = White Girl "You Jerk I'm Like So Stuck","My Boyfriend Ted is totally gonna mess you up"
sfx07771 - sfx07846 = White Lady "Hello? Hello?","I'm Late to my husbands funeral","Do you except donations?"
sfx07847 - sfx07921 = White Old Lady Golfer "This is the senors lane little one","Harry will be so upset"
sfx07922 - sfx07974 = Mexican Gang Member #1? "You Have Any Money","This Girl's a real tiger man!"
sfx07975 - sfx08062 = White Hick "Damn Fool!","The Lights on But No one's Home","Just Walk Away"
sfx08063 - sfx08165 = Surfer White Guy
sfx08166 - sfx08231 = Older Black Jamacian Lady
sfx08232 - sfx08273 = White Southern Lady
sfx08274 - sfx08385 = Old White Lady
sfx08386 - sfx08468 = White Lady
sfx08469 - sfx08513 = White Cop 1
sfx08514 - sfx08558 = White Cop 2
sfx08559 - sfx08693 = White Cop 3
sfx08694 - sfx09814 = Tommy's voices
sfx09815 - sfx09940 = Tommy's grunts

////////////////////////////////////////////// GTA3 archive ///
sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns
sfx00008 - sfx00013 = doors
sfx00014 - sfx00016 = *unknown
sfx00017 = Start car engine
sfx00018 = *unknown
sfx00019 = car tire spin
sfx00020 = *unknown
sfx00021 - sfx00022 = Police siren
sfx00023 = Ambulance siren
sfx00024 = Truck backing up
sfx00025 = Mr Whoopee
sfx00026 = Car alarm
sfx00027 = Open Coach door
sfx00028 = blank
sfx00029 = Car's wheels
sfx00030 - sfx00031 = Train
sfx00032 - sfx00056 = Footsteps
sfx00057 - sfx00060 = Jumping into puddles
sfx00061 - sfx00064 = Footstep on grass
sfx00065 = Bomb explosion
sfx00066 = Molotov
sfx00067 - sfx00068 = Pistol
sfx00069 - sfx00070 = M16
sfx00071 - sfx00072 = AK47
sfx00073 - sfx00074 = Uzi
sfx00077 - sfx00078 = Sniper
sfx00079 - sfx00083 = Rocket
sfx00084 - sfx00085 = Flamethrower
sfx00086 - sfx00087 = Shotgun
sfx00088 = Reload Pistol
sfx00089 = Reload Uzi
sfx00090 = Reload M16
sfx00091 = blank
sfx00092 = Reload Sniper
sfx00093 - sfx00097 = box collisions 1
sfx00098 - sfx00100 = *unknown
sfx00101 = dumpster collision
sfx00102 - sfx00107 = car collisions 1
sfx00108 - sfx00111 = metal collisions
sfx00112 - sfx00115 = fence collisions
sfx00116 - sfx00121
sfx00122 - sfx00125 = box collisions 1
sfx00126 - sfx00129 = box collisions2
sfx00130 = *unknown
sfx00131 - sfx00135 = grass collisions
sfx00136 = *unknown
sfx00137 - sfx00139 = box collisions 3
sfx00140 - sfx00144 = car collisions 2
sfx00145 - sfx00146 = blow up boxes
sfx00147 = Gate collision 1
sfx00148 = car scraping (walls, etc.)
sfx00149 = Gate collision 2
sfx00150 - sfx00155 = Glass breaking
sfx00156 - sfx00157 = Fire
sfx00158 = Rain
sfx00159 - sfx00166 - icon noise
sfx00167 - sfx00168 - bullet chells dropping
sfx00169 = bullet penetrating ped
sfx00170 - sfx00175 = bullet hitting car
sfx00176 - sfx00178 = bullet hitting ground
sfx00179 - sfx00184 = fist fighting
sfx00185 = open garage
sfx00186 = Remote bomb detonation
sfx00187 = Bomb detonate
sfx00188 = static
sfx00189 - sfx00279 = police radio
sfx00280 - sfx00282 = helicopter
sfx00283 = phone ring
sfx00284 - sfx00291 = car engine (steady rpm's)
sfx00292 - sfx00293 = blank
sfx00294 - sfx00301 = car idling
sfx00302 - sfx00303 = blank
sfx00304 - sfx00308 = airplane
sfx00309 = car tire spin
sfx00310 - sfx00312 = boat
sfx00313 = boat traveling through water
sfx00314 - sfx00315 = boat splashes
sfx00316 = boat engine at idle
sfx00317 - sfx00318 = Dodo
sfx00319 - sfx00322 = rain on car
sfx00323 = fall in water
sfx00324 - sfx00325 = crushing body
sfx00326 = CD player
sfx00327 - sfx00328 = blow up boxes
sfx00329 = rocket ammo depleted
sfx00330 = rifle ammo depleted
sfx00331 - sfx00332 = Staunton Lift Bridge noise
sfx00333 - sfx00334 = jumping
sfx00335 = Remote bomb detonation
sfx00336 = timer
sfx00337 = checkpoint collected
sfx00338 - sfx00339 = menu clickings?
sfx00340 - sfx00341 = hydraulics
sfx00342 = sex in car
sfx00343 = radio tuning
sfx00344 = message box
sfx00345 - sfx00347 = engine sound 1 (Perennial)
sfx00348 - sfx00350 = engine sound 2 (Taxi)
sfx00351 - sfx00353 = engine sound 3 (Cheetah)
sfx00354 - sfx00356 = engine sound 4 (Yankee)
sfx00357 - sfx00359 = engine sound 5 (Kuruma)
sfx00360 - sfx00362 = engine sound 6 (Flatbed)
sfx00363 - sfx00365 = engine sound 7 (BF Injection)
sfx00366 - sfx00368 = engine sound 8 (Banshee)
sfx00369 - sfx00371 = blank
sfx00372 - sfx00382 = menu sound
sfx00383 - sfx00385 = SFX audio adjuster
sfx00386 - sfx00388 = *unknown
sfx00389 = blank
sfx00390 - sfx00413 = GTA3 background noises
sfx00414 - sfx00415 = blank
sfx00416 - sfx00419 = *unknown
sfx00420 - sfx00422 = blank
sfx00423 - sfx00425 = Thunder
sfx00425 =
sfx00426 = Blank
sfx00427 = "How About A Nice Smoking Bowl Love" ?
sfx00428 = "You Better Shut Up"
sfx00429 = "For Goodness Sake"
sfx00430 = "You Ain't All That"
sfx00431 = "Forgot What They Do"
sfx00432 = Somber Melody
sfx00433 = Sound I can't Spell
sfx00434 = "Oh!"
sfx00435 = Somber Melody
sfx00436 = Sound I Can't Spell
sfx00437 = "Oh!"
sfx00438 = Floaty Melody
sfx00439 = Sound I Can't Spell
sfx00440 = "Oh!"
sfx00441 = Some Kind of Beat
sfx00442 = Alarm
sfx00443 - sfx00446 = Techno Beats
sfx00447 - sfx0455 = blank
sfx00456 = Car Exploding
sfx00457 = Staunton Lift Bridge Alarm
sfx00458 = Pager SFX
sfx00459 - sfx00553 = Cop/Swat
sfx00554 - sfx00559 = FBI
sfx00560 - sfx00565 = Country Cop (Have no idea what ped this is)
sfx00566 - sfx00595 = Cops on Helicopter Bullhorn
sfx00596 - sfx00622 = White Dock Worker
sfx00623 - sfx00637 = Army
sfx00638 - sfx00652 = Army
sfx00653 - sfx00679 = All Types of Gasping
sfx00680 - sfx00686 = Old White Lady
sfx00687 - sfx00722 = p_wom1
sfx00723 - sfx00727 = Chinese Gibberish?
sfx00728 - sfx00777 = pimp
sfx00778 - sfx00860 = male01_nu
sfx00861 - sfx00867 = Spanked Up Mad Men
sfx00868 - sfx00884 = Black Guy #2
sfx00885 - sfx00899 = Italian Guy #1
sfx00900 - sfx00919 = Italian Lady #1
sfx00920 - sfx00993 = Medics
sfx00994 - sfx00997 = Pain Noises
sfx00998 - sfx01025 = Black Guy #3
sfx01026 - sfx01061 = f_wom1
sfx01062 - sfx01081 = f_man1
sfx01082 - sfx01101 = f_man2
sfx01102 - sfx01132 = White Lady #3
sfx01133 - sfx01162 = White Guy #8
sfx01163 - sfx01192 = Chinese Guy #1
sfx01193 - sfx01236 = scum_man
sfx01237 - sfx01272 = scum_gal
sfx01273 - sfx01302 = Black Lady #1
sfx01303 - sfx01334 = British Guy #1
sfx01335 - sfx01366 = White Guy #9 (Laslow)
sfx01367 - sfx01397 = fatfemale01_nu
sfx01398 - sfx01418 = White Guy #9
sfx01419 - sfx01440 = Gay White Guy
sfx01441 - sfx01459 = White Lady #4
sfx01460 - sfx01491 = female01
sfx01492 - sfx01527 = b_wom1
sfx01528 - sfx01561 = oldguy
sfx01562 - sfx01585 = stu_man
sfx01586 - sfx01609 = stu_wom
sfx01610 - sfx01644 = hood3 / hood4
sfx01645 - sfx01679 = hood3 / hood4
sfx01680 - sfx01710 = yardie2
sfx01711 - sfx01741 = yardie2
sfx01742 - sfx01783 = Black Lady #1
sfx01784 - sfx01807 = Country White Guy #2
sfx01808 - sfx01826 = White Guy #10
sfx01827 - sfx01844 = White Lady #5
sfx01845 - sfx01862 = White Lady #6
sfx01863 - sfx01894 = Chinese Guy #2
sfx01895 - sfx01928 = White Lady #7
sfx01929 - sfx01962 = Peutro Rican Lady #1
sfx01963 - sfx01993 = fatmale2_nu
sfx01994 - sfx02026 = p_man1 / male03a
sfx02027 - sfx02061 = hood3 / hood4
sfx02062 - sfx02082 = Black Guy
sfx02083 - sfx02110 = White Lady #7 (has shopping bags)
sfx02111 - sfx02138 = Pissed Italian Lady
sfx02139 - sfx02166 = Chinese Lady #1
sfx02167 - sfx02193 = columbian / columbian2
sfx02194 - sfx02220 = columbian / columbian2
sfx02221 - sfx02248 = Chinese Lady #1 (Again)
sfx02249 - sfx02270 = Chinese Lady #2
sfx02271 - sfx02308 = Women Gasping/Screaming
sfx02309 - sfx02331 = crimminal01
sfx02332 - sfx02350 = crimminal02
sfx02351 - sfx02381 = White Guy #11 (Harvard Preppie)
sfx02382 - sfx02441 = li_man / li_man_nu
sfx02442 - sfx02475 = triad2 / traid3
sfx02476 - sfx02505 = mafia
sfx02506 - sfx02535 = mafia
sfx02536 - sfx02565 = mafia
sfx02566 - sfx02589 = yakuza1 / yakuza2
sfx02590 - sfx02613 = yakuza1 / yakuza2
sfx02614 - sfx02641 = Gay White Sailor
sfx02642 - sfx02654 = cabbie
sfx02655 - sfx02667 = cabbie
sfx02668 - sfx02679 = Old White Man
sfx02680 - sfx02735 = pros_xblack
sfx02736 - sfx02785 = pros_x
sfx02786 - sfx02812 = Italian Lady #4
sfx02813 - sfx02840 = Old Italian Lady
sfx02841 - sfx02877 = Men Gasping/Screaming
sfx02878 - sfx02912 = fatmale01
sfx02913 - sfx02944 = fatfemale02
sfx02945 - sfx02968 = cas_Wom
sfx02969 - sfx02998 = chico / chico2 (diablos)
sfx02999 - sfx03028 = chico / chico2 (diablos)
sfx03029 - sfx03031 = Ammunation Clerk

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Re: Haciendo un programa para un juego
« Respuesta #1 en: 21 Junio 2006, 17:39 pm »

y otro de memory adresses

memory offsets:

teleporter - same for as ped and as any other vehicle:
8276416 > pointer = 72083480, + 52 bytes = 72083532 where is x, y, z of the object as 4 byte float values
72083532 > float x next is y and then z

texts - they are UNICODE format:

outputing text on the left - up display
9670696 > text
8207936 > text
- 2 copies, so the game sees one has changed and if so then updates it to that one..
the text fades out by itself.

center of screen (mission failed etc...)
7917312 > text
- this text also fades out by itself

busted / wasted texts in lower right corner, this text STAYS there until you make the first char ZEROED
7917824 > text

rampage middle screen texts, i can't get these to work "by manual":
7918336 > text
7918592 > text
9670440 > text

for texts you can use gxt color codings

infinite run:

any car spawning:
4901238 = car code for romero's hearse cheat, change this number and type the romero cheat (thelastride)
to spawn a specific car.. ids are same as in default.ide file

player model changing:
to change your ped model into another change one of cheat model and txd name references near 6877748 (there are duplicates at 6842396 but are just memory mirrors)
then type in that cheat code, beware, you are limited by the existing character length there..
MTA must know a better way of doing this.. but they don't want to help..

model name references:
offset len reference
6877748 > 7 - buddy
6877708 > 7 - ?
6877716 > 5 - ken rosenberg
6877724 > 7 - hilary
6877732 > 6 - jezz - lovefist?
6877740 > 6 > phil
6877748 > 7 > sonny
6877760 > 6 > mercedes
6877768 > 6 > dick ???
6877776 > 6 > diaz
6877844 > 6 > player ????????

and you have only these useful for 5 - 6 - 7 length named models..
for other lengths it would need to hack the assembler code..
6877716 > 6842396 > 5 - igken
6877740 > 6842412 > 6 > igphil
6877748 > 6842444 > 7 > igsonny

a note: if you use a model that is used in the IDE file the game will crash.

gxt color codes:
a = gray
b = blue
c = light blue cyan ?
g = pink
i = white
o = orange
p = purple
q = purple & some pink
r = purple & even more pink
s = silver
t = green
u = green
x = fading blue
y = yellow

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